Annual Reporting Measures

Annual Reporting Measures 2019 Report

University of Memphis Provider Performance Report College of Education

Data from August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018

Measure 3 Satisfaction of Employers and Employment Milestones (Component 4.3)

Source of Data: ? The 2018 Teacher Preparation Report Card Data on the Effectiveness of Providers Preparing Tennessee Teachers

Trend Analysis Data from AY 2017-2018 shows that three-quarters of our graduates become and remain employed in Tennessee public schools.

These data do not report the number of graduates who choose to work in private (i.e., charter, religious, secular) schools or in other states and countries. We know anecdotally that some graduates do teach in these schools.


The 2018 Teacher Preparation Report Card Data The 2018 Teacher Preparation Report Card Data on the Effectiveness of Providers Preparing Tennessee Teachers provides employment data about our completers in TN public schools.


1. Rate of Employment within Three Years in Tennessee Public Schools: This measure reports the rate at which members of the three-year cohort were employed for at least one year in Tennessee public schools within three years of receiving their initial license. NSize: 252 University of Memphis scored 73.0. This metric is new and unscored.

2. Second Year Retention Rate: This measure reports the percentage of first-year employed cohort members who remained teaching in Tennessee public schools their second year. N-Size: 244 University of Memphis scored 97.5. The range of scores was 77.8 to 95.5. The score of 97.5 earned this EPP 9.0 of 9 possible points on this metric. This score increased 2.3 percentage points from 2017.

3. Three-year Retention Rate: This measure reports the percentage of members of the three-year cohort who were employed and remain teaching in Tennessee public schools for three years running. N-Size: 185 University of Memphis scored 74.1. This metric is new and unscored.


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