Figure 12 - Cengage

Appendix 12.13.a. Technology-enhanced Module on Frida Kahlo

|A Module on Frida Kahlo |

|Student’s name: _____________________________________________________________________ |


|Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about the life and works of Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican painter. As you prepare|

|to read texts about her that you find on the internet, complete the following tasks. |

|1. Write three things you already know about Frida Kahlo: |

|______________________; ______________________; __________________________ |

|2. Using your Web browser, find three sites about Frida Kahlo and list them here: |

|; ; |

|3. Look at a photo of Frida Kahlo on one of the sites you found, and answer the following questions: |

|a. What impression does her face/expression give you? ___________________________________________________ |

|b. What do you think her personality was like? Why? _________________________________________ |

|c. Write three adjectives that describe her clothing: __________________________________________ |

|d. Describe her hair. What does her pose suggest to you? _____________________________________ |

|4. Why might you be interested in reading about Frida Kahlo? _____________________ |

|5. Brainstorm some key words and expressions that you might encounter in the texts you read. |

|___________________________________________________________________ |

|Comprehension Phase: |

|Main Ideas: Skim the three texts that you identified in the websites listed above. For each, write one sentence in Spanish that |

|summarizes the gist or main idea of that text. |

|Text 1, Website |

|Main idea: ___________________________________________________________ |

|Text 2, Website |

|Main idea: ___________________________________________________________ |

|Text 3, Website |

|Main idea: ___________________________________________________________ |

|Important Details. Write five details in Spanish to clarify each of the main ideas listed above. |

|Text 1: Five Details: _________________________________________________________ |

|Text 2: Five Details: _________________________________________________________ |

|Text 3: Five Details: _________________________________________________________ |

|Vocabulary Work: Write the Spanish equivalent for the following words that you may find important for describing Kahlo’s life and |

|painting: |

|monkey ___________________ spider web ___________________ |

|obsessive love ___________________ matriarchal ___________________ |

|domination ___________________ self-portrait ___________________ |

|overcome ___________________ abortion ___________________ |

|married people ___________________ spinal column ___________________ |

|developed ___________________ |

|Now list 5-8 new words that you learned in reading these texts, together with their English definitions. |

|_____________________________; _____________________________; |

|_____________________________; _____________________________; |

|_____________________________; _____________________________; |

|_____________________________; _____________________________; |

| |


|Interpretation/Discussion Phase: |

|Guessing Vocabulary in Context: |

|Now, imagine that you have to explain to a student in another class the life and work of Frida Kahlo. Write five sentences about |

|these aspects of her life and work and post them to a chatroom discussion or send them by e-mail to a classmate: |

|Personal life: where she’s from, her body, her marriage, her lovers |

|Art: reflection of her personality as a Mexican woman, as a European woman |

|Symbols: animals, hair, blood |

|Events in her life: abortion, marriage, separation |

|Interpretation. Use the following questions to interpret the article in more detail and to share your reactions. Share your |

|opinions with a small group of classmates. |

| |

|¿Qué tipo de persona era Frida? Explique con ejemplos del Internet. |

|¿De qué temas se preocupaba durante toda la vida? |

|Describa las perspectivas dobles, la campesina y la moderna, que influenciaban a Frida. |

|En su opinión, ¿cómo se refleja su vida en su arte? |

|¿Qué otra información le gustaría saber sobre Frida? |

| |

| |

|Interpersonal: Chatroom discussion: Now, on a blog, or in the chatroom (which you can find at your instructor’s homepage, _______),|

|write five opinions of six lines each about what you have read and seen in the work of Frida Kahlo. Be sure that you give and |

|justify your opinions on the role of men and women in society and as artists. Respond to the comments of your peers, and be sure |

|to ask others for their opinions. Don’t forget to narrate and describe in the past. Your chatroom discussion will be assessed |

|according to the following criteria: |

|Reference to details about Kahlo’s life and works; |

|Stating of opinions about men and women in society and as artists; |

|Responding to and asking for the opinions of others; |

|Accuracy of language forms: description and narration in the past. |

| |


|Creativity Phase: |

|Written: Now create a brochure to invite visitors to the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacán, México, D.F. You must include |

|descriptions of her life and at least three of her paintings as well as a description of men and women in society and as artists in|

|Mexico in the early 20th century. Use the new vocabulary you have learned in this module, describe and narrate in the past, and |

|incorporate the passive voice where appropriate. Make sure your brochure is appealing enough to draw visitors to the museum. Your |

|work will be assessed according to: |

|Quality of description of Frida Kahlo’s life; |

|Quality of summary of selected works of Frida Kahlo; |

|Language accuracy and use of passive voice; |

|Vocabulary; |

|Impact of brochure (appeal to audience). |

|Oral: |

|Role Play |

|Student A: You are traveling in Mexico, stopping for three days in Mexico City and its environs. You have seen the movie Frida, |

|and you want to go see her house. Ask the Concierge of your hotel how to get to it, what possible means of transportation there |

|are, and ask if he knows any additional information about Frida that you might find interesting. Ask him about his favorite |

|painting by Frida. |

|Student B: You are the hotel concierge who directs the hotel guest to a taxi service to Coyoacán. Provide information about the |

|cost of entry to see her house, and to view the video presentation on her life. Since you have visited the home as well, point out |

|the intersting aspects of her garden, her bedroom, and describe your favorite painting by Frida. |

| |

|INTERPRETIVE MODE (revisited): |

|Extension phase: (Exploring intertextuality) |

|Visit the following website which combines the song “La llorona” with images of Frida’s life and paintings: |

|. Then view this presentation of Frida as filmed in real life. |

| |

|Compare what you learned earlier in this module with the new visual information on these two websites. Write a paragraph of at |

|least 10 sentences. |

Source: Shrum and Glisan, 2005 original material; revised 2008


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