“Truth Matters in Our Spiritual Health

“The Blueprint for Marriage!”Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-7Intro. – Presently, about half of all marriages are ending in divorce. These figures have gone down slightly in the past few years. Many have suggested this is good news and on the surface it would appear as such. However, the reason the divorce rate has dropped is because rather than being married more and more couples (1 man and 1 woman couples) are simply “living together.” Statistics on these “arrangements” are as follows: most of these end in permanent separation from each other. As a Helen Rowland said, “Marriage is a lot like twirling a baton, turning handsprings or eating with chopsticks; it looks so easy till you try it.” Obviously the sanctity of marriage/home is under attack. The sexual revolution of the 60’s; the feminist movement of the 70’s; the drug culture of the 80’s; the homosexual lobby of present times all have contributed to the onslaught of these attacks. To further illustrate this, a woman in NY state married ten different men from NYC. None of these men died and she never did get a divorce; yet, she broke no laws. How would this be possible? The woman was a Justice of the Peace.So where did we get off track? At what point did things start going South? When did the home begin to deteriorate? Let me answer that by saying homes/marriages started to go downhill when we as a society abandoned the Designer’s (God’s) blueprint! At this local church, we take seriously our commitment to be a people of the Bible. That means we are committed to having marriages in harmony with God’s Word. I will admit, as a preacher this puts me out of step with the times. It makes me old fashioned, and not at all progressive. I make my choices including marriage; however, based on the eternal truths of God’s wisdom and not upon the changing fads/philosophies of these modern times.Purpose: to reaffirm strong marriages are built according to God’s blueprintIMarriage in GENERAL TermsA.Marriage is a Divine Institution-this simply means that marriage is the idea/brainchild of Almighty God-for this reason alone, marriage deserves the highest of respect – to give it anything less is to bring dishonor, shame and disgrace to God.1.Divine in origina.man and woman together = God’s idea and not man’s ingenuity; thus, attacks on the institu-tion of marriage are nothing less than attacks on the very authority of God. b.for anyone to look at God’s blueprint for marriage and the home and suggest they are “out of date” or old fashioned is a direct assault on the very nature of God.2.Divine in worka.marriage is nothing less than the work of God.b.these modern times many have come to regard marriage as a “mere piece of paper.”c.Jesus said in reference to marriage (Matthew 19:6) “Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” d.thus, the reason marriage is sacred when that man and woman “sign that piece of paper” something spiritual, something divine takes place = God works a work.3.Divine in plana.the teaching of the Bible on marriage is the blueprint of the Designer Himselfb.Illus. – a sarcastic Brit was talking to a defensive American. “The increasing divorce rate is rapidly making America ‘the land of the free.’” “Yes,” admitted the American, “But remem-ber marriages are on the increase in America. That shows we are still the home of the brave.”c.God’s divine blueprint (His Word) is given to instruct in the functionality of marriage.B.Modern Abandonments of Marriage-there are a number of modern “alternatives” to God’s design for marriage:1.Living togethera.the number of “couples” living together outside of marriage has increased some nine times in the past forty years.b.to these, such is an ideal method in learning about the person, “all the perks no commitment.”c.reasoning = “I wouldn’t buy a car without first test driving it. How can I marry without first living with that person?”d.if buying a car is put on the same level of getting married, such reasoning might make sense.e.God’s instructs, however, that marriage be undefiled (Hebrews 13:4) = intimacy outside marriage (pre or extra) directly contrary to the Designer’s plan for marriage.f.those who live together and eventually get married = statistics more than ? get divorced.2.Alternative lifestylea.lgbtq lifestyles have been/are being foisted upon each of us.b.we know of legalization of such lifestyles where “marriages” adoptions etc. are being practiced… You and I are being told must accept this as just another lifestyle but not wrong…c.sounds noble/inviting, but, sin is what separates man from God and is what corrupts God’s blueprints for marriage.3.Single parent homes = “Murphy Brown Syndrome”… sitcom that introduced and touted as “a good alternative or option”a.sad and difficult circumstances sometimes arise resulting in single parenting… Want to urge and encourage and lift up such single parents… those trying to walk and trust in the Lord.b.to suggest single parenting is a “good alternative” is far from the Designer’s blueprint!That’s marriage in general – the Lord’s blueprint is clearly revealed to you and me through His WordIIMarriage in SPECIFIC Terms -Bible gives all the divine principles needed for healthy, fruitful marriage:A.Leaving and Cleaving1.Genesis 2:24 instructs husband/wife to leave their families and cleave to each other = i.e. establish their own home.2.“Home” is with your spouse, not with his or her parents… what leaving/cleaving literally mean…3.Refusal to “leave and cleave” the home of one’s childhood is a death wish for a marriage…B.Becoming One Flesh1.Genesis 2:24 = “The two shall become one flesh.” = has a lot more to do with marriage than just a physical union.2.This describes marriage as not a PARTNERSHIP, but rather, as a MERGER.3.It also summarizes what ought to be the goal of every husband and wife = to have one heart, one mind, one set of goals in their home.4.The focus shifts from mine to ours5.Such unity of being requires that husband and wife share a spiritual commitment to Jesus as Lord! – which takes us to the roles God gives to husbands and to wives:-Illus. – 2 men discussing their wives: “How you come out with that fight with your wife?” “She came crawling to me on her hands and knees.” “What did she say?” “Come out from under that bed you coward!”6.Wants us to see that God alone can take two people and make them one = marriage work of God!!C.Doing It for a Lifetime -Illus. – Sam asked his wife Kate: “Hon, your mother has been living with us now for eight years. Don’t you think it’s time she gets out on her own?” “My mother?!” questioned Kate. “I thought she was your mother.”munication is a key to a lifetime commitment such as marriage.2.Begs the question: Does God really intend for us to honor the commitment of marriage for a lifetime?3.Only the most serious breach of the marriage vows/covenant (unfaithfulness) are even considered by God as possible in setting the commitment aside.4.“Till death do us part” is of God NOT of man!Conclusion: When the late M/M Henry Ford celebrated their 50th anniversary, a reporter asked, “To what do you attribute your fifty years of successful marriage?” “The formula,” said Ford, “is the same formula I have always used in making cars – just stick to one model.”Ford wasn’t known for his Christian ethics, but he wasn’t far off God’s formula for a solid marriage. May each of us buy totally in to the Blueprint of Marriage = God’s instructions given as found in His Word! ................

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