How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

[Pages:70]How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

What is Meet Your Sweet?

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We know that you've got the smarts to take care of most areas of your life. So why should dating and relationships be any different?

That's why we here at take a life coach's perspective to romance. We don't want to give you a paint-by-numbers program or dumb down what it takes to master REAL success.

Rather, our goal is to empower you by giving you the life skills that you need to achieve a complete personal and social transformation...

...the kind that will have you feeling confident, secure, desirable, and powerful, no matter what challenge you face!

We've done the research, and we know what works. Our thoroughly researched, nonmanipulative approach harnesses capacities that everyone has within them. Whether you're male or female, young or old, single or in a relationship, we can help you become the absolute best you can be at relating with the opposite sex.

Just imagine it. Gone are the days of struggling to get a date. Gone are the days of struggling to keep someone attracted. Gone are the days of worrying about whether you're good-looking enough, popular enough, or captivating enough or to get attention from the opposite sex!

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Every Meet Your Sweet course includes collaborations with top names in the field. Our team of contributing authors includes our very own Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers, as well as Amy Waterman from and Andrew Rusbatch from .

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations


An Introduction to Your New Life As `That Guy With the Unfair Advantage'.......................5 How to Legitimately Get Her Attention..............................................................................9 Key points to remember:..................................................................................................13 Don't Hit On Her.............................................................................................................14 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................18 Walk Away From One Opportunity In Order to Create Many...........................................19 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................25 How to Open a Conversation...........................................................................................26 Your Energy Levels vs Her Energy Levels..........................................................................30 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................31 How to Use Story Telling to Create a Bond.......................................................................32 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................43 Learn To Self-Regulate......................................................................................................44 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................45 How to Define Success With Women...............................................................................46 Key Points to Remember..................................................................................................50 Outro...............................................................................................................................51 The Meet Your Sweet Course Catalog...............................................................................54

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

An Introduction to Your New Life As `That Guy With the Unfair Advantage'

(a.k.a. `That Guy Who Other Guys Secretly Hate')

What's up.

If you're anything like most guys, you'll probably have a fair-sized hangup about talking to women.

This report is going to deal with those hangups one by one.

Over the next fifty pages or so, we're going to talk about several intensely relevant aspects of meeting women, and talking to them in a way that directly creates sexual attraction.

Before we do that, though, I'd just like to clear a few things up that most guys get WRONG when it comes to `meeting and talking to women'.

First of all: Some guys hold themselves to totally unrealistic standards when it comes to meeting women and starting conversations with them.

They stress about conforming to hellishly unrealistic standards of `wittiness' and `coolness', and believe that they've got to somehow make a big impression immediately.

Yeah, it's necessary to make a good impression on a woman. (Duh.)

But you don't need to do it STRAIGHT AWAY. And thinking that you do just puts a whole lot of PRESSURE on you, ends up stressing you out, and directly counteracts your success.

During the course of this special report, I'll explain to you WHY you no longer need to

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

buy into this destructive mindset... as well as what you actually DO need to do in order to get `in' with literally almost any woman.

Secondly: some guys swing to the opposite end of the spectrum, and mistakenly believe that `just talking to a woman' is enough to get `in' with her.

I realize this might sound a little out-there at first, so let me explain what I mean.

Some guys just DON'T UNDERSTAND that if you want to create ATTRACTION with a woman, you need to ACT DIFFERENTLY and TALK DIFFERENTLY than if you were just being `friends' with her.

Talking to a woman without focusing on how to create ATTRACTION is NOT going to get you anywhere ... other than to create yet another female friend.

If you want to get `in' with a woman, you need to realize that communication with her will follow a very different `formula' than if you were just making casual friendly `chitchat'.

NEWSFLASH!! If you've been buying into either of these false beliefs, you have been DIRECTLY and SIGNIFICANTLY LIMITING your success with women!

Look. You do not need to pulverize yourself against the rock of Unrealistic Expectations, whether they're for yourself, your own conversational ability, your skill in making her laugh, or any of the traits which most guys worry that they `don't have'.

I'm aware that most of you probably won't believe me on this matter ... but bear with me for a second here.

There are no skills required in talking to women successfully that any guy cannot grasp.


It's not as hard as you think.

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

And once you get ahold of those skills for yourself, you'll be able to put yourself right in front of the women you desire, and take charge of the situation in such a way that CREATES ATTRACTION.

Yeah ... it's a lot of fun.

You'll be able to let go of your need to `control the situation 100%' and your need to hide behind `techniques', and instead, will be able to simply walk up to women and introduce yourself ... and instantly create the kind of masculine/feminine social friction that leads to serious chemistry.

No kidding.

But that doesn't mean that there aren't SPECIFIC THINGS that `work' to create attraction with women.

As a matter of fact, creating `attraction' tends to follow a PATTERN.

There is more to `talking to women' than simply `talking to women', if you get my meaning.

If you want to talk to women successfully, in a way that reaps results, then you've got to be able to CREATE ATTRACTION and ROMANCE in your conversations with them.

It's not enough to just `open your mouth' and emit words at random.

Even if you're funny and smart, these things are STILL not enough, unless you also know the magic ingredient for creating ATTRACTION.

Aimless chatter doesn't cut the mustard.

When I first started figuring all this stuff out, I sat down and thought hard about what sort of `pattern' a conversation might need to follow in order to reliably and consistently create

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How to Meet Women and Start Conversations

the outcome that I wanted. Here's my theory: The essence of creating attraction through conversation is assuming control of the situation, assuming control of the atmosphere, and assuming control of how she feels. Throughout this special report, I will tell you exactly how to do this. First up, though: let's deal with the `basics' before we move on to the `advanced' stuff.

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