The Significance of Certain Cities. DON:96/7

Importance of Geneva, a planetary centre and the seat of the Red Cross.

The force which the centre at Geneva is expressing (at present ineffectually, though later a change will come) is that of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, with its major emphasis at this time upon the quality of inclusiveness. It is concerned with the "binding together in brotherly love" and with the expression of the nature of service. This planetary centre, which conditions the little country of Switzerland, has had a most potent effect upon that country and a study of these effects will demonstrate future possibility for the world, once the flow of its energy is less obstructed. It has produced the fusion of three powerful racial types in group formation and not through admixture as in the United States; it has enabled two relatively antagonistic divisions of the Christian faith to work together with a minimum of friction; it has made Geneva the seat of the Red Cross — that world activity which works truly [Page 97] impartially with and for the nationals of all countries and for the prisoners of all nations; it housed that sad but well-intentioned experiment which was called the League of Nations, and will again house a more true league to meet the world need; it is that which protected the small country from the aggressive sweep of the Axis powers. The motto or note of this centre is "I seek to fuse, to blend and serve." DON:96-97


Personal Instructions to Disciples; Garden Meditation by C.D.P.:528/9

This garden includes description of red fragrant rose bush and red peonies.

“In the Himalayan Mountains, I seemed to see a high and fair plateau. A winding road leads up to it from the valley beneath. Mountains look down upon the plateau from the east and west, lower mountains to the north, and a steep slope to the south, with the path to the valley.

[Page 528] This beautiful land in the high, bright air, has been made into a garden with walls—oriental walls—fourteen feet high, with, in each corner, a Chinese-looking little minaret. A stream runs the entire length of this garden, from east to west; it comes in and goes out of the garden through arches in the walls, where there are iron grilles. Above these grilled arches, supported upon short stone beams projecting from the wall, are two narrow, stone-and-wood Chinese-curved bridges, backing on the wall, and with a latticed hand-rail on the side towards the stream. The gate to this garden is in the middle of the north wall—one of the long sides—the garden being more long than square. When one approaches the gate from outside, one sees written over it the words Peace, Rest, Service. It is an arched gate set into the thickness of the wall. A bell-rope leads to a bell hung in the arch. There is also a light, which shines at dusk, on the three words.

On being admitted, one steps inside, onto a path in the green lawn which slopes a very little towards the stream. Twenty feet down this path, on either side of it, is a flowering apple tree, the branches touching. A border of red peonies extends east and west from the apple tree, for about fifteen feet, ending, each in a red rose bush, a most fragrant rose. The path continues down the slightly sloping green lawn to the stream, which is about fifteen feet wide, and has rocks and ferns, depths and shallows. Butterflies and birds fly over it, and stepping-stones cross it at this place.

The stepping-stones over the stream lead to a path which wanders towards a pagoda of Chinese design, large, and with open sides. A circular table of some Indian wood is in the centre of the pagoda—and upon it a statue of Buddha faces the entrance. Before the Buddha is a carved wooden bowl lined with silver and containing water, on which floats a single white lotus.

There are brackets in the open sides of the pagoda, containing sweet-smelling flowers, mignonette and heliotrope. There is a circular seat around the wall, and rugs of some eastern grass on the floor. On either side of the entrance there are panels with shelves, containing scrolls and occult manuscripts for reference. Just outside are four beautiful spruce trees, two [Page 529] on each side of the doorway, and firs and pines continue to the back of the pagoda, and go down the entire length of the long south walk, forming a plantation about twenty-five feet wide, including native mountain trees, and our dogwood and small oaks. There is a path through this plantation, which is full of ferns, rocks and wood flowers. Between two rocks is a spring. It is a place of repose and peace for those who love the woods. Although one cannot see the lawn, one can come out on it when one wishes, over the pine-needles and moss, leaving behind the cool shade, and the birds and shy, small creatures—who sometimes follow—and then one sees, a few feet away, midway between the woods and the stream, a long flower border set right in the lawn, and containing every flower one ever loved! They are of every colour and every fragrance, except that red is not predominant, because of the red peonies and rose bushes across the stream.

Towards the western end of the lawn, a little beyond where the flower border ends, a lone oak tree seems to have marched out on the grass for a Druidic purpose of its own, a shapely young tree, taller than those in the wood. There is a bench beneath it. DINA 1:528-9.

The Sublimation of the Five Human Stages. DINA 1:674/5.

Stages 1, 111, & V – The way of red desire loses its allure and the clear blue flame burns strong.

Stage I.

The life has climbed the stairway long through daily use of form. Through the lesser three, with progress slow, the long path has been travelled. Another door stands open now. The words sound forth: "Enter upon the way of real desire."

The life, that only knows itself as form, enshrouds itself in vivid red, the red of known desire, and through the red all longed-for forms approach, are grasped and held, used and discarded, until the red changes to rose and rose to palest pink, and pink to white. Forth flowers then the pure white rose of life.

The tiny rose of living life is seen in bud; not yet the full blown flower. DINA 1:674

Stage III.

The way of red desire fails. It loses its allure. The playground of the sons of God no longer holds appeal. The voice which has twice sounded from out the world of form sounds now within the heart. The challenge comes: "Prove thine own worth. Take to thyself the orange ball of thy one-pointed purpose." Responsive to the sounded word, the living soul, immersed in form, emerges from the many forms and hews its onward way. The way of the destroyer comes, the builder and again the tearer down of forms. The broken forms hold not the power to satisfy. The soul's own form is now the great desire, and thus there comes the entering of the playground of the mind.

But in these dreams and fantasies, at times a vision comes—a vision of a folded lotus flower, close petalled, tightly sealed, lacking aroma yet, but bathed in cold blue light.

Orange and blue in some more distant time will blended be, but far off yet the date. Their blending bathes the bud in light and causes future opening. Let the light shine. DINA 1:675

Stage V.

Out into radiant life and light! The cave is left behind; the cross is overturned; the way stands clear. The word sounds clear within the head and not within the heart. "Enter again the playground of the Lord and this time lead the games." The way upon the second tier of stairs stands barred, this by the soul's own act. No longer red desire governs all the life, but now the clear blue flame burns strong. Upon the bottom step of the barred way he turns back and passes down the stairs on to the playground, meeting dead shells built in an earlier stage, stepping upon forms discarded and destroyed, and holding forth the hands of helpfulness. Upon his shoulder sits the bird of peace; upon his feet the sandals of the messenger.

Not yet the utter glory of the radiant life! Not yet the entering into everlasting peace! But still the work, and still the lifting of the little ones. DINA 1; 675


Talks to Disciples – Group Instruction: DINA 11:73

Phrases given for Full Moon contact.

Here are the phrases among which I shall choose one for each full moon contact.

1. The golden lotus of the heart. 7. The triangle of fire.

2. The burning ground of fiery red. 8. The golden way to God.

3. The mountain top, bathed in the morning sunrise. 9. The ocean and the rocky shore.

4. The uplifted hand. 10. The silver torch.

5. The equal four-armed cross. 11. The iridescent cube.

6. The open door. 12. The burning bush.

I shall picture these to you and name them in your hearing. Note whether you can both see and hear. DINA 11:73.

Teachings on Initiation – Part V – DINA 11:295.

Developing goodwill and the Red Cross.

2. Men are rapidly developing an understanding goodwill. The world is full of movements for relief and for the amelioration of human distress, and this from the point of small and large communities and also nationally and internationally. To this the Red Cross, UNRRA and many analogous and well-intentioned affiliations of men everywhere bear witness. This indicates not only a mental polarisation but responsiveness to the love nature of God; these together indicate a fusion and a sensitivity which is new in human history and which is most encouraging, testifying as it does to the success, at last, of the evolutionary process. DINA 11:295

Personal Instructions to Disciples DINA 11:572

Non-service an obstruction to spiritual growth.

Are you freer from the fear of what they would say and what they might think, or are you still guided by the massed self-interest of that group of men and women whose lives are preoccupied with possessions, with the social amenities and who regard doing Red Cross work as demonstrating adequately their usefulness? You, along with others, have refused to identify yourself and interests with any set except the one in which your destiny or your ambition placed you, and this proves an obstruction often to true spiritual growth. It is a problem and takes years to learn the lesson of general human interest. It is not easy to be a "fool for Christ's sake," and, my brother, the social set is one of the cruellest in the world. They need defying for their own sake and their own awakening. DINA 11:572


The General World Picture – The World Crisis Today EofH:247-8.

The threefold nature of participating work in some form of national effort such as the Red Cross.

Your work will, therefore, be of a threefold nature. On the levels of mental consciousness, your vision of the need and of the future will be clear, inspiring you and enabling you to be a source of strength to all around you; your faith will see behind the obvious to the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," as the initiate, Paul, expresses it; your thought will then be anchored in right action, soul directed. On the emotional side of life, you will find no time for idle tears or for vague, sympathetic talk, because you will be completely identified with what is going on and all emotional energy will be directed to the pursuit of every available mode of practically alleviating the pain. The heart energy will be occupied with the task of giving understanding help so that there is no scope for the usual emotional solar plexus reactions. On the physical plane you will not be occupied with the problem of what to do, [Page 248] because every physical effort, time, and personality emphasis will be directed to the shouldering of your due share in arresting the forces of aggression from any further advance. This might mean fighting in the ranks of the Allied Armies, or it might mean driving an ambulance under Red Cross auspices; raising funds to succour the refugees; speaking on public platforms or to groups upon the issues at stake, or participating in some form of national effort to bring aid and strength to the Allies. Whatever it is, it will call for all that is in you and all that you are, integrated and directed to a sustained, substantial, one-pointed effort. E of H:247/8.

Forces Behind Evolutionary Progress of the Race – The Doctrine of Avatars. EofH:309/10

The Red Cross activity in every land as response to urgent physical need.

I enter upon my concluding remarks wondering if anything I can say will awaken disciples to the needed spiritual effort—a spiritual effort which must find expression in physical plane decisions and activity. A certain aspect of physical plane effort is already being undertaken by them through very force of circumstance: Red Cross activity in every land, response to urgent, surrounding, physical need, and the mobilisation of their time and resources by leaders in all countries are the keynotes of the time. But it is the inner spiritual activity and orientation (paralleling the outer activity) which is required. This is an activity which is preceded by clear factual thinking and decision. Can the world disciples and aspirants evidence this full life on all levels? Are they capable of an intensive inner life as well as of unflagging attention to outer duty and demands? This is the problem. Are they capable of laying aside their own pet theories and trifling ideals (trifling in the face of the appalling world situation) and focus every possible effort on fighting evil upon the physical plane, as well as on other levels, with every possible agency? Can they at the same time live that dynamic life of thought and inclusive comprehension which will find expression in the voiced appeal to the Avatar? It is feeling and fanatical adherence to a loved ideal which frequently stand between a disciple and effective service on the physical plane. It is old habits of [Page 310] thought and the determined effort to interpose some mystical dream between conditions as they are and conditions as they could be, if disciples took right action, which have prevented effective service. E of H:309/10.

Stages of Externalisation of the Hierarchy – The Subjective Basis of the New World Religion. EH:507.

Master DK works with philanthropic world movements such as Red Cross.

He Whom you call the Master D.K. works much with [Page 507] those who heal with pure altruism; He occupies Himself with those who are active in the laboratories of the world, with great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross, and with the rapidly developing welfare movements. His work also embraces teaching, and He does much at this time to train the various disciples of the world, taking the disciples of many of the Masters and so relieving Them temporarily, in this hour of crisis, from Their teaching responsibilities. Many of the healing angels, such as those referred to in the Bible, cooperate with Him. E of H:507.

Stages of Externalisation of the Hierarchy - Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ. EH:628-9

Courage to raise funds for Red Cross is easy, but courage to raise funds for promoting good will and the return of the Christ is harder.

A great campaign to raise money is not demanded, but the selfless work of thousands of apparently unimportant people is required. I would say, my brothers, that the most needed quality is courage; it takes courage to put aside diffidence, shyness and the dislike of presenting a point of view, particularly a point of view connected with money. It is here [Page 629] that the majority fail. It is relatively easy today to raise money for the Red Cross, for hospitals and for educational institutions. It is exceedingly difficult to raise money for the spread of goodwill, or to secure financial sources and the right use of money for forward looking ideas, such as the return of the Christ. Therefore I say that the first prerequisite is courage. E of H:628/9.


The Lodge of Masters – Certain Masters and Their Work: IHS:57-58.

Master DK’s work with those who heal, who seek truth, and with great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross.

The Master Djwhal Khul, or the Master D. K. as He is frequently called, is another adept on the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. He is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875, and is therefore occupying the same body in which He took the initiation, most of the other Masters having taken the fifth initiation whilst occupying earlier vehicles. His body is not a young one, and He is a Tibetan. He is very devoted to the Master K. H. and occupies a little house not far distant from the larger one of the Master, and from His willingness to serve and to do anything that has to be done, He has been called "the Messenger of the Masters." He is profoundly learned, and knows more about the rays and planetary Hierarchies of the solar system than anyone else in the ranks of the Masters. He works with those who heal, and co-operates unknown and unseen with the seekers after truth in the world's great laboratories, with all who definitely aim at the healing and solacing of the world, and with the great philanthropic world movements [Page 58] such as the Red Cross. He occupies Himself with various pupils of different Masters who can profit by His instruction, and within the last ten years has relieved both the Master M. and the Master K. H. of a good deal of Their teaching work, taking over from Them for certain stated times some of Their pupils and disciples. He works largely, too, with certain groups of the devas of the ethers, who are the healing devas, and who thus collaborate with Him in the work of healing some of the physical ills of humanity. He it was Who dictated a large part of that momentous book The Secret Doctrine, and Who showed to H. P. Blavatsky many of the pictures, and gave her much of the data that is to be found in that book. IHS:58.


Dangers to be Avoided in Meditation – The Dark Brotherhood:LOM:136.

Sombre-hued elementals employed by the Dark Brothers cannot control the devas of high development – colours given.

b—The Dark Brothers who occasionally employ these elemental forces to wreak their will and vengeance on all opponents. Under their control work sometimes the elementals of the earth plane, the gnomes and the elemental essence as found in evil form, some of the brownies, and the fairy folk of colours brown, grey and sombre-hued. They cannot control the devas of high development, nor the fairies of colours blue, green and yellow, though a few of the red fairies can be made to work under their direction. The water elementals (though not the sprites or sylphs) move on occasion to their assistance, and in the control of these forces of involution they at times damage the furtherance of our work. LOM:136

The Use of Colour and Sound:LOM:205/6.

Seven streams of colour by which manifestation becomes possible.

When the Logos uttered the great cosmic Word for this solar system, three major streams of colour issued forth, breaking almost simultaneously into another four, so giving us the seven streams of colour by which manifestation becomes possible. These colours are:—

1. Blue.

2. Indigo.

3. Green.

4. Yellow.

5. Orange.

6. Red.

7. Violet.

[Page 206]

Not unwittingly have I placed them in this order but the exact significance is left for you to discover.LOM:205/6.

The Use of Colour and Sound – Comments on the Colours:LOM:207

H.P.B. and DK’s use of blinds in colour enumerations.

I would here seek to put your mind at rest on the point as to whether the colours enumerated by me conflict with those enumerated by H. P. B. You will not find they [Page 207] do, but both of us use blinds, and both of us use the same blinds as those who have eyes can see. A blind is not a blind when recognised, and I offer not the key. One or two hints however I may give:—

Complementary colours may be spoken of in occult books in terms of each other. Red may be called green and orange may be called blue. The key to the accurate interpretation of the term employed lies in the point of attainment of the unit under discussion. If speaking of the Ego one term may be used; if of the Personality, another; whilst the Monad or higher auric sphere may be described synthetically or in terms of the monadic ray. LOM:207

The Use of Colour and Sound – Comments on the Colours: LOM:214.

Understanding colour through their exoteric and esoteric application.

7. Indigo-violet.....The Ray of Ceremonial Order.

Now you will note that I do not name the two colours, indigo-red and indigo-blue, nor do I apportion them to [Page 214] certain rays or planes. It is not that it is not possible to do so, but it is the withholding of this information that creates the puzzle. Certain things you must always remember in dealing with these colours:

That I have given their exoteric names and application, and that of all I have given only two correspond with their esoteric application,—indigo and green. The Synthetic Ray and the Activity Ray are at this stage the only two of which you can be absolutely assured. One is the goal of endeavour, and the other is the foundation colour of Nature.

That the other five colours with which our fivefold evolution is concerned, change, intermingle, blend, and are not esoterically understood in the same sense as you might imagine from the use of the words, red, yellow, orange, blue and violet. Esoterically they scarcely resemble their names, and the names themselves are intended to blind and mislead.

That each of these three colours and the other two are only understood as yet through four of their lesser sub-rays. This is the fourth round and only four sub-rays of these colours have as yet been glimpsed. By remembering these three points undue emphasis will not be laid upon apparent information, and the student will wisely reserve his opinion. LOM:214.

The Use of Colour and Sound – Comments on the Colours. LOM:217.

Exoteric Orange includes red whilst esoteric orange the red is scarcely seen.

We dealt in my last letter with the four colours—blue, indigo, green, and yellow,—and in this primary grouping lies much of interest. We now come to a different group of colours, and one that falls naturally together, orange, red, and violet.

Orange. This colour is for our purpose the colour of the mental plane, the colour that marks burning; it is the symbol of flame, and curiously enough the colour that epitomises separation. But I would have you note that the occult orange is not exactly the colour that you understand by the term. Exoteric orange is a blend of yellow and red; esoteric orange is a purer yellow, and the red scarcely is seen at all. This orange comes in as a vibration set up by a cosmic ray, for you have to remember that this fifth ray (just as the fifth plane and the fifth principle) is closely allied to the cosmic ray of the intelligence, or to that activity aspect that found its great expression in the first solar system. The synthetic ray of that time was the green ray, and it found one of its closest alliances in the ray of orange, or mind or intelligence demonstrating through form. You get a correspondence in this solar system in the synthetic Ray of Love and Wisdom, and its close relationship to the fourth Ray of Harmony. It finds a demonstration in the triangle formed by their interaction, as follows: LOM:217.

The Use of Colour and Sound – Comments on the Colours. LOM:220/1.

The mystery of the relationship of come colours groups holds the key to evolutionary development, for eg, green, orange and red.

c. The Activity or Adaptability Ray and that of Concrete Knowledge or Science, just as it does between the third plane of atma and the fifth plane of mind. Green and orange were allied in the first solar system, and continue their alliance here. I have opened up for all true students vast realms of thought.

In the relationship between indigo, blue and yellow lies hid a secret.

In the relationship between green, orange and red another is revealed.

In the relationship between blue, red, and violet lies still another mystery.

The student, who, by using his intuition, apprehends these three mysteries has found the key to the greater cycle and holds the key to evolutionary development. Remember, therefore, when studying the microcosm that the same relationship will be found, and will open the portal to the "Kingdom of God within."

Red is for all apparent purposes one of the most difficult colours to consider. It ranks as undesirable. Why? Because it has been considered as the colour of kama, or evil desire, and the picture of the dark and lurid reds in the emotional body of the undeveloped man rises ever to one's vision. Yet—at some distant time—red will be the basis of a solar system, and in the perfect merging of red, green and blue will come eventually the completed [Page 221] work of the Logos and the consummation of the pure white light.

The activity system was green.

The love system is blue.

The power system will be red.

The result of merging red, blue, and green is—as you know—white, and the Logos will then have esoterically "washed His robes and made them white in the blood," just as the microcosm, in a lesser sense, does in process of evolution. LOM:220/1.

The Use of Colour and Sound – The Esoteric and Exoteric Colours. LOM:224/5

Only four colours given, and when rightly understood, hold the key to the present fourth round and to its history. Esoteric Red, green & orange may not be imparted to general public yet.

Some of the information given in The Secret Doctrine anent colour and sound concerns the first solar system and some concerns a portion of the second solar system. The distinction has naturally not been apprehended, but as a key fact for studying in the newer school, the revelation will be great. In this statement as to the esoteric significance of the colours I would have you now tabulate (even though it can be found in The Secret Doctrine), in order to form the basis of such later communications as I may seek to impart.

Exoteric Esoteric

Purple Blue

Yellow Indigo

Cream Yellow

White Violet

Only four as yet can be communicated, but if rightly understood they hold the key to the present fourth round, and to its history. This being the fourth chain and the fourth round you will note therefore how in the number four lies the history of the present. Especially would I urge you who are the teachers and students of the coming generation to ponder upon the significance of white being esoterically violet. It has special application now in the coming in of the violet ray, the seventh ray being one of the three major rays in this round; it wields power in ratio to the four, on the four and under the four.

The esoteric colours of the exoteric red, green and orange may not yet be imparted to the general public, [Page 225] though students and accepted chelas, whose discrimination can be trusted, can attain the necessary knowledge with effort. LOM:224/5.

The Use of Colour and Sound - Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Correspondence. LOM:227

Rose red of the astral body expresses a reflection of the love or wisdom aspect.

You have in the three worlds of the Personality:—

a. The physical, expressing a reflection of the activity aspect.

b. The astral, expressing a reflection of the love or wisdom aspect.

c. The mental, expressing a reflection of the will or power aspect.

What have you for the colours of those three bodies, exoterically described?

a. The violet of the physical as expressed by the etheric.

b. The rose or red of the astral.

c. The orange of the mental.


The Use of Colour and Sound - Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Correspondence. LOM:227

The correspondences of colour from the lower to the higher,for eg, red has no resemblance to red or rose on lower plane.

They are in the process of transmutation. You have to effect the corresponding change of colour from the lower to the higher. Couple up this information that I have here imparted with that given in an earlier letter on the transference of polarisation.

There is a direct correspondence between:—

a. The violet of the etheric level and the blue of the higher mental.

[Page 227]

b. The rose of the astral and the yellow of the buddhic.

c. The orange of the mental and the green of the atmic.

The secret of it all is to be found in the application of the occult laws of meditation.

Again you can shift the whole range of colour higher, and in the Monad work out the correspondence.

a. The green of the third aspect.

b. The synthetic blue or indigo of the second aspect.

c. The red of the first aspect.

I would point out here that as you return to the centre of systemic evolution the nomenclature of these colours is most misleading. The red, for instance, has no resemblance to that termed red or rose on the lower plane. The red, the green and the indigo of these high levels are to all intents and purposes new colours of a beauty and translucence inconceivable. If justly interpreted, you have here a hint of the correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm. LOM:227.


Book One – The Problem of Union. Sutra 36:84.

The quality of the throat centre is red light.

6. Certain of the qualities of the sun are the qualities of the centres.

a. Quality of the solar plexus warmth.

b. Quality of centre at base of spine kundalini fire.

c. Quality of the ajna centre between the eyebrows illuminating light.

d. Quality of the head centre cold light.

e. Quality of the sacral centre moisture.

f. Quality of the throat centre red light.

g. Quality of the heart centre radiant or magnetic light.



The Psychological Rehabilitation of the Nations – The United States. POH:26.

Racial groups in the U.S. still bear marks of racial heritage from other countries. The Red Indian is an exception.

The roots of the people in the United States are necessarily in other countries because its citizens have [Page 26] originally come out of those countries. They have no indigenous people except the Red Indian who has been ruthlessly dispossessed by the on-rushing tide from other lands. The racial groups within the States still bear the marks of their origin and of their racial heritage; they are psychologically and physically of Italian, British, Finnish, German and other origins. In this fact consists part of the wonder of this rapidly integrating nation. P of H:26.


Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ. ROC:177.

Courage to raise funds for Red Cross is easy, but courage to raise funds for promoting goodwill and the return of the Christ is difficult.

A great campaign to raise money is not demanded, but the selfless work of thousands of apparently unimportant people is required. I would say that the most needed quality is courage; it takes courage to put aside diffidence, shyness and the dislike of presenting a point of view, particularly a point of view connected with money. It is here that the majority fail. It is relatively easy today to raise money for the Red Cross, for hospitals and for educational institutions. It is exceedingly difficult to raise money for the spread of goodwill, or to secure the right use of money for forward looking ideas, such as the return of the Christ. Therefore, I say that the first prerequisite is Courage. ROC:177.


The Glands and Human Behaviour. SOM:49/50.

Mechanism of courage and its opposite of fear, in relation to secretion of glandular function.

"Courage is so closely related to fear and anger that all are always associated in any discussion. Courage is commonly thought of as the emotion that is the opposite of fear. It would follow that courage meant simply inhibition of the adrenal medulla. As a matter of fact the mechanism of courage is more complex. One must distinguish animal courage and deliberate courage. Animal courage is literally the courage of the beast. As noted, animals with the largest amounts of adrenal cortex are the pugnacious, aggressive, charging kings of the fields and forests. The emotion experienced by them is probably anger with a sort of blood-lust, and no consideration of the consequences. The object attacked acted like a red rag waved at a bull—it had stimulated a flow of the secretion of the adrenal cortex, and the instinct of anger became sparked, as it were, by the new condition of the blood. In courage, deliberate courage, there is more than instinct. There is an act of volition, a display of will. Admitting that without the adrenal cortex such courage would be impossible, the chief credit for courage [Page 50] must be ascribed to the ante-pituitary. It is the proper conjunction of its secretion and that of the adrenal cortex that makes for true courage. So it is we find that acts of courage have been recorded most often of individuals of the ante-pituitary type."25 SOM:49/50


Stanza of Dyzan – Stanza V11. CF:24/5

The sevenfold Lords proceed with just vibration to carry out the work. Forms built and the colour just apportioned, for eg, to the yellow and the red to the purple.

The sevenfold Lords proceed with just vibration to carry out the work. They sound forth each a note of the deep logoic chord. Each to His greater Lord makes record due. In the solemn breathing forth the forms are built, the colour just apportioned, and the flame within reveals itself with ever growing light.

Blue to the green is added and completion quick is seen. The vibration of the third is added to the one. Blue to the orange blends, and in their wise admixture is seen the stable scheme. To the yellow and the red, to the purple and the ultimate is the vibration of the seventh adjusted as the Primary.

Each of the seven Lords, within Their seven schemes, adjusted to the second karmic circle, merge [Page 25] Their migrating spheres and blend Their myriad atoms.

The forms through which They work, the lesser million spheres, the cause of separation and the curse of the Asuras, shatter when sounds the Sacred Word within a point in time. CF:24/5.

Stanza of Dyzan – Stanza X. CF:28/9

The incoming seventh reduced to order all the forms, - the white, the dark, the red, and shaded brown.

They passed from stage to stage. The watching Lords, recognising the rupas formed, gave a sign to the circulating Fourth and it speeded faster on its way. When the lesser Fifth had midway passed and all the lesser four were peopling the land, the Lords of Dark Intent arose. They said: "Not so shall go the force. The forms and rupas of the third and fourth, within the corresponding Fifth, approach too close the archetype. The work is far too good."

They constructed other forms. They called for cosmic fire. The seven deep pits of hell belched forth the animating shades. The incoming seventh reduced to order all the forms,—the white, the dark, the red, and shaded brown.

The period of destruction extended far on either hand. The work was sadly marred. The Chohans of the highest plane gazed in silence on the work. The Asuras and the Chaitans, the Sons of Cosmic Evil, and the Rishis of the darkest constellations, [Page 29] gathered their lesser hosts, the darkest spawn of hell. They darkened all the space. CF:28/9.

Solar Angels, the Agnishvattas; On Incarnation:Impulse and Incarnation. CF:762.

The light within the permanent atoms at the base of the lotus petals, has a dull red glow demonstrating the three fires.

Concealed at the very centre or heart of the lotus is a brilliant point of electric fire of a blue-white hue (the [Page 762] jewel in the lotus) surrounded, and completely hidden, by three closely folded petals. Around this central nucleus, or inner flame, are arranged the nine petals in circles of three petals each, making three circles in all. These petals are formed out of the substance of the solar angels, as are the central three,—substance which is not only sentient as is the substance of the forms in the three worlds and the lunar bodies, but which has an added quality of "I-ness" or of self-consciousness, enabling the spiritual unity at the centre (by means of it) to acquire knowledge, awareness, and self-realisation. These nine petals are of a predominant orange hue, though the six other colours are found as secondary colours in a varying degree. The inner three petals are of a lovely lemon-yellow hue. At the base of the lotus petals are the three points of light which mark the position of the permanent atoms, and which are the medium of communication between the solar Angels and the lunar Pitris. By means of these permanent atoms the Ego, according to its state of evolution can construct his lunar bodies, acquire knowledge on the lower three planes, and thus buy his experience, and becomes aware. On a higher turn of the spiral, the Monad through the egoic petals, and thus with the aid of the solar Angels, acquires knowledge and equally on more exalted levels becomes aware.

The light within these permanent atoms has a dull red glow and we have, therefore, all the three fires demonstrating in the causal body—electric fire at the centre, solar fire enclosing it as the flame encloses the central nucleus or essence in a candle flame, and fire by friction, this latter fire resembling the glowing red wick which lies at the base of the higher flame. CF:762.

Solar Angels, the Agnishvattas; On the Building of the Causal Body: The Evolution of the Petals. CF:839

Purificatory Fire; the dull red glow slumbered within the Heart of Mother, then awakens and becomes a glowing point.


"The fire burned low. A dull red glow slumbered within the Heart of Mother. Its warmth was scarcely felt. The first and second of the inner lines throbbed with the burning, but the rest were cold.

The Sons of God looked down from the innermost centre. They looked, then turned away Their gaze and thoughts to other spheres. Their hour had not yet come. The elemental fires had not prepared the altar for the Lords. The sacrificial fire waited in its high place and the steady glow beneath increased. CF:839

The sixty seconds passed in dynamic concentration produce forms of triple kind, three sets of forms, and myriads in the three. The Heart of Mother contracts, and expands with these sixty fiery breaths. The lines become allied, and cubes are formed, shielding the inner fire. The altar is prepared, and four square stands. The altar glows, red at the centre and warm without.

The solar Lords, taking the Word as sounded by the Sons of God, arise in the fierceness of their solar life and approach the altar. The four lines glow and burn. The sun applies a ray; the solar Lords pass it through Their substance and again approach the altar. The fifth line awakens and becomes a glowing point, and then a dull red line, measuring the distance 'twixt the altar and the One Who watches. CF:839.

Thought Elementals and Devas; The Fire Elementals: The Lesser Builders: Physical Plane Elementals. CF:901/2.

The symbology of the circulatory system in man – two types of builders (red and white corpuscles) – laws of path of outgoing and return.

All this is revealed to esotericists in the symbology of the circulatory system in man. As the blood system, with its two types of channels (arteries and veins) and its two types of builders (the red and the white corpuscles), is studied from the occult standpoint, much will be ascertained of a revolutionary nature. The laws of the path of outgoing, and of the path of return, with the two groups of deva lives therein concerned, will be apprehended by man. A further hint may here be given. In the physical body of man in connection with the circulatory system, we find, in the three factors—the heart, the arteries, and the veins—the clue to the three types [Page 902] of devas, and also to the systemic triangle which they represent, and further, to the three modes of divine expression. There is a planetary as well as a systemic circulation, and it is carried on through the medium of deva substance everywhere, macrocosmically as well as microcosmically. CF:901/2

Thought Elementals and Devas; The Fire Elementals; The Lesser Builders; Physical Plane Elementals. CF:904.

The Salamanders and four groups of colour – red, orange, yellow and violet.

The Salamanders, or the fiery lives which can be seen by clairvoyants leaping in the flames of a furnace or of a volcano; this group can be subdivided into four groups according to color—red, orange, yellow, and violet—the last of which approximate very closely to the devas of the fourth ether.

The Agnichaitans; this is a term applied to the fiery lives, which are the sumtotal of the plane substance, as seen in the first part of our treatise, and also to the tiny essences which compose the fires of manifestation. As the nature of physical plane electricity is understood and studied, and its true condition realised, the reality of the existence of these agnichaitans will stand revealed. CF:904

Man and the Fire Spirits or Builders; Fifteen Rules of Magic; Five Rules for the Astral Plan. CF:1009.

The eye that sees not red, but is blue, produce that which is intended with great facility.

If students will study the effect of the human eye on the physical plane, and then extend the concept to the work of the interior Thinker, as he utilises the third eye, they will get an interesting light upon the subject of thought control. The old Commentary says:

"When the eye is blind, the forms created revolve in circles and fulfill not the law. When the eye is open, force streams forth, direction is assured, fulfillment is certain, and the plans proceed under law; the eye which is blue in color, and the eye which sees not red, when open, produce that which is intended with great facility." CF:1009.

Fire of Mind, Solar Fire; Motion on the Plane of Mind; The Turning of the Wheel. CF:1084.

Atoms from the crimson sphere – certain Egos come to earth from the planetary scheme whose note is red.

A cyclic tabulation is of equal interest but is of a totally different nature, carrying to the initiated and intuitive investigator many hints of an evolutionary and historical value. Again we might append a brief epitome of some of the expressions used and of some of the names under which human beings are grouped in the archives of this the seventh department:

1. Units of the fire-mist stage,

2. Points of lunar origin,

3. Sons of the sun,

4. Devas of the fourth degree,

5. Flames from interplanetary spheres,

6. Atoms from the crimson sphere—a reference to certain Egos who have come to the earth from the planetary scheme whose note is red,

7. The successful Vyasians,

8. The points in the third planetary petal, and groups of others related to the twelve petalled planetary lotus,

9. The lovers of low vibration,

10. The rejectors of the eighth scheme,

11. The points of triple resistance,

12. The followers of the ARHAT,

13. The cyclic sons of peace,

14. The recurring sons of war,

15. The specks within the planetary eye,

16. The recognised points within the chakras. These naturally exist in ten groups.

Each name conveys to the mind of the initiate some knowledge as to the place in evolution of the Monad concerned, the nature of its incarnations, and its place in cyclic evolution. CF:1084.

The Law of Attraction; The Subsidiary Laws; The Law of the Schools. CF:1179.

Mars – The School for Warriors – graduate teachers clothed in red robes.

MARS—The School for Warriors, or the open grades for soldiers. Four of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the foremost exponents of the four castes and this not only in India but in all parts of the world. Its teachers are spoken of as the "Graduates of the ruddy Fire," and are frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes, and carrying ebony wands. They work under the first Aspect logoic and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer. CF:1179.

The Fire of Spirit; Electric Fire; Seven Esoteric Stanzas. CF:1127.

The risen Dragon holds the balances in his mouth – one scale veiled in fire of vivid green, the other hides behind a screen of red.

The Dragon who hideth within the lowest of the Sacred Three ariseth in His might. In His mouth He holdeth the balances, and in the balances He weigheth the sons of men who upon the field of battle are impaled upon His spear.

In the great balance upon which His eyes are fixed, one scale is veiled in fire of vivid green; the other hides itself behind a screen of red.

Those sons of Men whose note responds not to the note of red enter the scale upon the right hand side. From thence they pass upon a path which dimly can be seen behind the dragon's form. CF:1127.


Certain Questions and Their Answers; The Three Rays of Aspect. EP 1:65.

His robe of blue veils his eternal purpose, but in the rising and the setting sun his orb of red is seen.

Let dynamic power, electric light, reveal the past, destroy the form that is, and open up the golden door. This door reveals the way which leads towards the centre where dwells the one whose name cannot be heard within the confines of our solar sphere.

His robe of blue veils his eternal purpose, but in the rising and the setting sun his orb of red is seen.

His word is power. His light, electric. The lightning is his symbol. His will is hidden in the counsel of his thought. Nought is revealed. EP 1:65.

Certain Questions and Their Answers; The Four Rays of Attribute: EP 1:78.

R 5 quality – purification with fire. New souls birthed into a new kingdom – let him drop within the rose-red centre, the nature that retards.

This fifth ray has so many names, owing to His close connection with man (since man was originally created), that it has not been easy to choose those which are of the most use in enabling the student to form an idea of the fifth ray characteristics and mission; but the study of the six aphorisms, and the qualities which they indicate, will show how potent and important is this ray Lord. These six aphorisms were chanted by His six Brothers at that momentous crisis wherein the human family came into existence and the solar Angels sacrificed themselves. Esoterically speaking, they "went down into hell, and found their place in prison." On that day souls [Page 78] were born. A new kingdom of expression came into being, and the three highest planes and the three lower were brought into a scintillating interchange.

5. God and His Angels now arise and sense the odor rising from the burning-ground of man. Let the fire do its work. Draw man within the furnace and let him drop within the rose-red centre the nature that retards. Let the fire burn.

Quality......purification with fire. EP 1:78.

Certain Questions and Their Answers; The Four Rays of Attribute: EP 1:81.

R 6 quality – power to kill out desire. Why is desire red? Why red as blood? Tell us, Oh Son of God, why thy way is red with blood?

Curiously enough, this sixth ray Lord has always been a [Page 81] loved enigma to His six Brethren. This comes out in the questions which They addressed to Him on one occasion when They met "under the eye of the Lord" to interchange Their plans for united, divine, harmonious action. They asked these questions in a spirit of heavenly joy and love, but with the intent to throw some light upon the somewhat obscure quality of Their loved Brother.

1. Why is desire red? Why red as blood? Tell us, Oh Son of God, why thy way is red with blood?

Quality......power to kill out desire. EP 1:81.

Certain Questions and Their Answers; Can the Fact of the Soul be proven: EP 1:102.

The soul will be revealed with the intensification of light – contact with infra-red & ultra-violet colours reveals the hidden.

An intensification of the light is going on all the time, and this increase in intensity began on the earth at about the time when man discovered the uses of electricity, which discovery was a direct result of this intensification. The electrification of the planet through the wide-spread use of electricity is one of the things which is inaugurating the new age, and which will aid in bringing about the revelation of the presence of the soul. Before long this intensification will become so great that it will materially assist in the rending of the veil which separates the astral plane from the physical plane; the dividing etheric web will shortly be dissipated, and this will permit a more rapid inflow of the third aspect of light. The light from the astral plane (a starry radiance) and the light of the planet itself will be more closely blended, and the result upon humanity and upon the three other kingdoms in nature cannot be over-emphasized. It will, for one thing, profoundly affect the human eye and make the present sporadic etheric vision a universal asset. It will bring within the radius of our range of [Page 103] contact the infra-red and ultra-violet gamut of colours, and we shall see what at present is hidden. All this will tend to destroy the platform upon which the materialists stand, and to pave the way, first, for the admission of the soul as a sound hypothesis, and secondly, for the demonstration of its existence. We only need more light, in the esoteric sense, in order to see the soul, and that light will shortly be available and we shall understand the meaning of the words, "And in Thy light shall we see light." EP 1:102.

Certain Questions and Their Answers; Of What Value is it to Know About the Seven Rays. EP 1:127.

Every human being is on some one of the seven rays which are red, blue, yellow, orange, green & violet. Indigo synthesises them all.

Every unit of the human race is on some one of the seven [Page 127] rays; therefore some one colour predominates, and some one tone sounds forth; infinite are the gradations and many the shades of colour and tone. Each ray has its subsidiary rays which it dominates, acting as the synthetic ray. These seven rays are linked with the colours of the spectrum. There are the rays of red, blue, yellow, orange, green and violet. There is the ray that synthesises them all, that of indigo. There are the three major rays—red, blue and yellow—and the four subsidiary colours which, in the evolving Monad, find their correspondence in the spiritual Triad and the lower quaternary. The Logos of our system is concentrating on the love or blue aspect. This—as the synthesis—manifests as indigo. This matter of the rays and their colours is confusing to the neophyte. I can but indicate some thoughts, and in the accumulation of suggestion light may eventually come. The clue lies in similarity of colour, which entails a resemblance in note and rhythm. When, therefore, a man is on the red and yellow rays, with red as his primary ray, and meets another human being who is on the blue and yellow rays, with a secondary resemblance to the yellow, there may be recognition. But when a man on the yellow and blue rays, with yellow as his primary colour, meets a brother on the yellow and red rays, the recognition is immediate and mutual, for the primary colour is the same. When this fundamental cause of association or dissociation is better understood, the secondary colours will be made to act as the meeting ground, to the mutual benefit of the parties concerned.

Of the colours, red, blue and yellow are primary and irreducible. They are the colours of the major rays.

a. Will or Power Red

b. Love-Wisdom Blue

c. Active Intelligence Yellow

EP 1:127.

The Seven Creative Builders, the Seven Rays; The Seven Ray Plan and the Workers; EP 1:172.

R 1, power or will, of government, development of international consciousness through organisations like Red Cross.

First, Political.

The objective of the work here planned was the development and the establishment of an international consciousness. This was an effort along the line of power or will, of government, or along the line of the first ray. Disciples and aspirants working in the field of organisation, and the mass of idealists, were organised in this work, and the seventh and sixth ray workers were brought into line. The groups therefore ranged themselves into one group in this endeavour. It was also determined to demonstrate the need for economic synthesis, as part of the work of relating the nations to each other, so that the spirit which is evidenced by such an organisation as the Red Cross, for instance, might also be evidenced internationally [Page 173] in the interplay of the nations with each other. It is needless to point out that material stress and strain and the wrecking of old political parties and trade relations had to play their part. It was determined to demonstrate the necessity of establishing a spirit of international dependence and interrelation, so that the nations would be forced to realise politically that isolation, separativeness, and the cultivation of a national egoism must go, and that a national spirit coloured by a sense of superiority, by class hatreds and racial antagonisms, constitutes a barrier to the true development of humanity. The people must be taught that the longing to increase possessions is a deterrent to real expansion. Thus plans were laid whereby the Brotherhood of Nations, based on mutual need, mutual understanding, and mutual helpfulness, should gradually come into being. EP 1:172.

The Seven Creative Builders, the Seven Rays; Quality in the World of Appearances. EP1:198.

Animal slaughter and the shedding of blood and the pouring out of that water which is the colour red eventuates in liberation to new states of consciousness.

The animal kingdom has the quality of growing instinctual purpose which—in its highest form—works out as the domesticity of the more evolved animals, and their devotion to man. Behind the appearance of the animals is to be found a steady orientation towards understanding, and a consequent gravitation towards the forms of life which evidence that which they desire. Hence the influence of the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, which pours through the human family upon the third kingdom in nature. Man is the initiating factor here, and to man is committed the task of leading the animal kingdom towards liberation—a liberation into the fourth kingdom, for that is the sphere of its next activity. The vegetable kingdom is liberated into another evolutionary process altogether, and its lives pass into the so-called deva, or angel, evolution. Hence the wind and the insect world are its agents, just as man and the agency of water are the initiators of the animal world. The secret of release for the animal nature is hidden in the "watery nature;" this is the blood aspect, and in the shedding of the blood, esoterically understood, lies the clue to the liberation of the animal kingdom. Hence certain initiatory processes are working out on a large scale in the shedding of blood through the slaughter of the animal form of the human being in the Great War, for instance. In the war the blood of thousands was poured out upon the soil, and from the standpoint of living [Page 199] purpose, certain esoteric results have been achieved. This fact is a difficult one for man to understand, for his awareness is as yet primarily that of the form and not of the quality of the life. It is difficult for men to comprehend the divine purpose working out behind the evils of animal slaughter and the shedding of blood down the ages, pre-human and human. But through the "pouring out of that water which is of the colour red" there is eventuating a liberation which will initiate the life of that kingdom into new states of consciousness and of awareness. The whole problem of slaughter, whether in the animal or the human kingdom, originated in events which occurred during the original "war in heaven," when Michael and his angels were cast down and our planetary system came into being. Until a man's consciousness is such that he can, through an inner mechanism as yet unevolved in the majority, respond to the planetary consciousness and "enter into the secrets of the Ancient of Days," the problem of pain, of bloodshed, of war and of suffering must remain an inscrutable mystery. It will be solved—and this is the keynote of most importance—only when man has himself changed the initiating process for the animals from that of bloodshed to that of domesticity and of mutual love. When the mentality of the race is more developed, then man can, by arbitration and the right use of speech, settle all differences, and thus change the mode of animal initiation, whether this refers to the animal kingdom or to his own animal body. EP 1:198.

The Seven Creative Builders, the Seven Rays; Analysis of the Rays and Their Expression. EP 1:202.

First Ray man may exhibit colour blindness – he may distinguish red and yellow but confuse blue, green and violet.

The first ray man often has strong feeling and affection, but [Page 202] he does not readily express it; he will love strong contrasts and masses of colour, but will rarely be an artist; he will delight in great orchestral effects and crashing choruses, and if modified by the fourth, sixth or seventh rays, may be a great composer, but not otherwise; and there is a type of this ray which is tone-deaf, and another which is colour-blind to the more delicate colours. Such a man will distinguish red and yellow, but will hopelessly confuse blue, green and violet. EP 1:202.

The Rays and the Kingdoms of Nature; The Vegetable Kingdom. EP 1:246.

Esoteric advancement of vegetable kingdom but influence of Mars still seen in flowers of colours red, rose, yellow and orange.

In the emergence of colour in the vegetable kingdom another vast influence is seen, and the problem of the ray influences becomes still more complicated. In the basic colour, green, we have the indication of the potency of Saturn. Esoterically speaking, the vegetable kingdom is upon an advanced stage of the path of discipleship, and hence Saturn and Mars are active. The influence of the latter planet is to be seen in the prevalence of the colours red, rose, yellow and orange in the flowers at this time. EP 1:246.

The Rays and the Kingdoms of Nature; The Animal Kingdom.; The Problem of Sex. EP 1:269.

‘Red light districts’ as an unhappy compromise with vicious tendencies and unsatisfied sexual desires.

Again, the difficulty of the problem can be found in the widely diverse attitudes of men's minds to the subject. These attitudes range all the way from an ill-regulated promiscuity to a monogamy which has worked out into a cruel imposition and restraint upon women, and an unbridled license on the part of men. Attendant upon these difficulties, and growing out of these wrong attitudes, the legalities and the illegalities, the license and the restraints, have produced points of infection (if I may so call them) in our civilisation. Because of them, we find a lax morality which is based on bewilderment, "red light" districts which are but an unhappy compromise with vicious tendencies and unsatisfied desires, divorce courts which devastate the life of the family and in time undermine the national life (of which each family unit should be a wholesome part), and the steady growth of disease as the result of the prevalent promiscuity and the many illicit relations. There is also a psychological factor to be found, of real importance. This fact is the militancy expressed by the many groups of people who are seeking to impose their own ideas and their peculiar solution of the problem upon their fellowmen. EP 1:269

Some Tabulations on the Rays – The Seven Keys to the Seven Ray Mehtods. EP 1:418.

Ray 1 esoteric colour, red. Ray V1 exoteric colour red.

Ray 1...... Will or Power

Planet Sun, substituting for the veiled planet Vulcan.

Day Sunday.

Exoteric Colour Orange. S.D.III. p. 478.

Esoteric Colour Red.

Human Principle Prana or life-vitality.

Divine Principle The One Life. Spirit. This is regarded as a principle only when our seven planes are seen as the seven sub-planes of the cosmic physical plane.

Ray VI.....Abstract Idealism, Devotion

Planet Mars.

Day Tuesday.

Exoteric Colour Red.

Esoteric Colour Silvery Rose.

Human Principle Kama-manas. Desire.

Divine Principle Desire for form.

Element Water. "I long for habitation."

Instrument of Sensation Tongue. Organs of speech.

Plane Astral or emotional Plane. Desire plane.

Sense Taste.


The Egoic Ray; The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life; The Law of Service. EP 11:121.

Discipleship and service. Service in welfare movements and in Red Cross work.

Or again, service can grow out of a fanatical desire to tread in the footsteps of the Christ, that great Son of God Who "went about doing good", leaving an example that we should follow in His footsteps. People, therefore, serve from a sense of obedience, and not from a spontaneous outgoing towards the needy. The essential quality for service is, therefore, lacking, and from the start they fail to do more than make certain gestures. Service can likewise be rendered from a deep seated desire for spiritual perfection. It is regarded as one of the necessary qualifications for discipleship and, therefore, if one is to be a disciple, one must serve. This theory is correct, but the living substance of service is lacking. The ideal is right and true and meritorious, but the motive behind it all is entirely wrong. Service can also be rendered because [Page 122] it is becoming increasingly the fashion and the custom to be occupied with some form of service. The tide is on. Everybody is actively serving in welfare movements, in philanthropic endeavors, in Red Cross work, in educational uplifts, and in the task of ameliorating distressing world conditions. It is fashionable to serve in some way. Service gives a sense of power; service brings one friends; service is a form of group activity, and frequently brings far more to the server (in a worldly sense) than to the served. EP 11:121/2’

Humanity Today; Three Great Approaches (The Coming New Religion); The Soul of Humanity. EP 11:705.

The growth of soul consciousness will bring changes to cultures of the future, which depicts the gap held today between ours and the Red Indians.

When there are a sufficient number of people who are in conscious touch with their souls, then the sheer weight of their numbers, plus the clarity of their intentions and their widespread distribution over the face of the earth, must necessarily become effective. These people will then bring about changes of such far-reaching importance that the culture of the future will be as far removed from ours today, as ours in its turn is removed from that of the red Indians who roamed for centuries over the American continent and of whose possessions the white race took charge. EP 11:705.

The Nature of Esoteric Astrology; Spiritual Effects of Zodiacal Constellations; Capricorn the Goat. EP 11:156/7.

Transformation of the Ram, the Bull and the Goat. The Bull seeks satisfaction of desires, the red of greed and anger, changing into the golden light of illumination.

In both their higher and their lower aspects these signs hold the secret of the "horns of strife and the horn of plenty subjected to and guarded by the horn of life." Again, an ancient proverb runs: "The Ram—when it has become the Scapegoat, has sought illumination as the Bull of God and has climbed the mountain top in the semblance of the Goat—changes its shape into the Unicorn. Great is the hidden key." If the symbolism is carried a little further, it might be stated that:

1. The Ram leads us into the creative life of Earth and into the darkness of matter. This is the blue of midnight. [Page 157]

2. The Bull leads into the places of desire in search of "wrathful satisfaction." This is the red of greed and anger, changing eventually into the golden light of illumination.

3. The Goat leads us into arid ways in search of food and water. This is the "need for green," but the Goat is equal also to climbing to the mountain top.

This is the experience of the Mutable Cross in connection with these three signs. Upon the Fixed Cross: EP 11:156/7.


The Nature of Esoteric Astrology; The Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations; Scorpio the Scorpion. EP 11:211/2.

The colour assigned to Mars is red, and corresponds to the colour of the blood stream, associated with passion, anger and general opposition.

The colour assigned to Mars is, as you know, red and this is a correspondence to the colour of the blood stream and hence also the association of Mars with passion, with anger and a sense of general opposition. The sense of duality is exceedingly powerful. Hence also the necessity for the entire life of man (for the blood is the life in this sense) to be swung into the conflict, leaving no side of human nature uninvolved; hence again the need for the disciple to carry his physical nature, his emotional or desire nature and his mental processes up into heaven. This takes place as a consequence of overcoming the "serpent of evil" (the form nature with its promptings and demands) by the means of the "serpent of wisdom," which is the esoteric name oft given to the soul. EA:211/2.

The reference here to Sagittarius is clear. The disciple—after the death of the personality and after the killing out [Page 215] of desire—goes on towards Pisces where again he dies "unto an eternal resurrection." In Scorpio there is the death of the personality, with its longings, desires, ambitions and pride. In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale. Christ, in Pisces, exemplified the substitution of love for attachment. Christianity exemplifies the death of the personality, with individual and not universal implications; love has been conspicuously lacking and the controlling colour of Christianity has indeed been red. It is not Christ's expression but the Scorpio-Mars presentation of St. Paul. Mars has ruled Christianity because St. Paul misinterpreted the esoteric significances of the New Testament message and he misinterpreted because the truth—like all truths as they reach humanity—had to pass through the filter of his personality mind and brain; it was then unavoidably given a personal slant and twist and this is responsible for the sorry historical story of Christianity and the dire plight of the nations today—ostensibly Christian nations yet swept by hate, ruled by fear and at the same time by idealism, governed by a fanatical adherence to their national destiny as they interpret it and "out for blood" as the piling up of armaments discloses. All these are sixth ray characteristics, emphasised by Scorpio and conditioned by Mars which ever rules the path of the individual disciple, and today the world disciple, humanity as a whole, stands at the very portal of the Path. The entire west is at this time under Martian influence but this will end during the next five years. EA:215.

The Sacred and Non-Sacred Planets; The Races, the Rays and the Signs. EA:521/2.

Geneva expressing R2 inclusiveness & brotherly love in service hence the origin of the Red Cross.

The force which the centre at Geneva is expressing (at present ineffectually, though later a change will come) is that of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, with its major emphasis at this time upon the quality of inclusiveness. It is concerned with the "binding together in brotherly love" and [Page 522] with the expression of the nature of service. This planetary centre, which conditions the little country of Switzerland, has had a most potent effect upon that country; a study of these effects will demonstrate future possibility for the world, once the flow of its energy is less obstructed. It has produced the fusion of three powerful racial types in group formation and not through admixture as in the United States; it has enabled two relatively antagonistic divisions of the Christian faith to work together with a minimum of friction; it has made Geneva the origin of the Red Cross—that world activity which works impartially with and for the nationals of all countries and for the prisoners of all nations; it housed that sad though well-intentioned experiment which was called the League of Nations; it is that which has protected that small country from the aggressive sweep of the Axis powers. The motto or note of this centre is "I seek to fuse, to blend and serve." EA:521/2.

Suggestions for Students; Tabulations. EA:651

The Sacred and non-sacred planets and the rays. Mars red.

[See Figure]

38. The exoteric non-sacred planets are called in occult parlance "the outer round" or outer circle of initiates. Of these our Earth is one but being aligned in a peculiar fashion with certain spheres (or planets) on the inner round a dual opportunity exists for humanity which facilitates, whilst it complicates, the evolutionary process. The sacred planets are called often the `seven grades of psychic knowledge' or the `seven divisions of the field of knowledge'." (C.F. 1175.)

The following from The Secret Doctrine III, page 455, Diagram II, is suggestive, though exoteric and deliberately misleading as the sacred and non-sacred planets are mixed together and many planets omitted altogether,

Planet Human Principle Colour Weekday

1. Mars Kama-rupa Red Tuesday

2. The Sun Prana. Life Orange Sunday

3. Mercury Buddhi Yellow Wednesday

4. Saturn Kama-Manas Green Saturday

5. Jupiter Auric envelope Blue Thursday

6. Venus Manas. Higher mind Indigo Friday

7. The Moon Linga Sharira Violet Monday


APPENDIX; Some Suggestions for Students; Planets, Rays and Esoteric Teaching. EA:694.

Mars the School for Warriors and teachers frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes.

Mars (6th)—The School for Warriors, or the open grades for soldiers. Four of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the `four castes' in all parts of the world. Its teachers are spoken of as `Graduates of the Ruddy Flame' and are frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes.... They work under the first logoic aspect and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer. EA:694.


The Process of Restitution; The Nature of Death; The Art of Dying: 456/7.

Only orange light permitted in sick room of a dying person. Orange aids focus in the head, just as red stimulates the solar plexus and green effects heart and life streams.

In relation to the technique of dying, it is only possible for me at this time to make one or two suggestions. I deal not here with the attitude of the attendant watchers, I deal only with those points which will make for an easier passing over of the transient soul. First, let there be silence in the chamber. This is, of course, frequently the case. It must be remembered that the dying person may usually be unconscious. This unconsciousness is apparent but not real. In nine hundred cases out of a thousand the brain awareness is there, with a full consciousness of happenings, but there is a complete paralysis of the will to express and complete inability to generate the energy which will indicate aliveness. When silence and understanding rule the sick room, the departing soul can hold possession of its instrument with clarity until the last minute, and can make due preparation.

Later, when more anent colour is known, only orange lights will be permitted in the sick room of a dying person, and these will only be installed with due ceremony when there is assuredly no possibility of recovery. Orange aids the focussing in the head, just as red stimulates the solar [Page 457] plexus and green has a definite effect upon the heart and life streams. EH:456/7


The Rays and Initiations; Section One, The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation; The Meaning of the Initiatory Process:538/9.

Ancient Rules for Disciples relating to the red light which reveals the things that are, and things which may be.

In the Masters' Archives there are some Rules for Disciples of very ancient origin. Among them is one that is so old and so abstruse that it is only now possible to bring it to the attention of humanity, owing to the increased mental and Spiritual perception of the modern aspirant. It can be inadequately translated as follows:

"The light is seen, a tiny point of piercing light. This light is warm and red. It nearer draws as it reveals the things that are, the things which may be. It pierces the third centre and removes all glamour and desire.

"A light is seen through the medium of the lower light—a light of warmth and heat. It pierces to the heart and in that light all forms are seen pervaded by a glowing light. The world of lighted forms is now perceived, linked each to each by light. This light is blue, and flaming is its nature. Between the warm and reddish light and this clear light there burns a glow of flame—a flame which must be entered, ere the light of blue is entered and is used. (539).

"Another light is then perceived, the clear cold light which is not light but darkness in its purest purity—the Light of God Himself. It renders dark all else beside Itself; all forms fade out and yet the whole of life is there. It is not light as we know light. It is that pure essential essence of that Light which reveals Itself through light."

It was the second light to which the Buddha and the Christ both referred when They said: "I am the light of the world." It is the Light of God Himself, the Lord of the Worlds, in which the Lives within the Council Chamber of Shamballa live and move and have Their Being.

It is the recognition of the varying "lights" upon the Lighted Way that signifies readiness for initiation. The initiate enters into light in a peculiar sense; it permeates his nature according to his development at any point in time and space; it enables him to contact and see the hitherto unseen, and on the basis of the newly acquired knowledge to direct his steps still further. R&I:538/9

Appendix; Stanzas for Disciples; Healing, The Hidden Portal, The Chalice. R&I;765.

Healing – knowledge of violet, yellow and red as healing helpers for the next generation.

The Hidden Portal – and the cone of fire.

The Chalice – the red of desire emergence as higher aspiration.


A centre of violet, orbed by yellow, melts into red. Yellow develops and protects. It ensheaths the nucleus. When you attain the significance of violet, the laws of health and magnetic alleviation will be no longer sealed. The seal is being loosed by the devas of the shadows; the yellow approaches the violet and the red progresses. The ranks approach and cooperation is possible. In loosening the seal the gateway opens. These three are the great Helpers and in Their hands lies knowledge for the next generation. Approach. R&I:765


An immense cone of fire is seen in the midst of an arid desert. A man stands in front of the scene in an attitude of indecision. The cone stands between the man and a fruitful country.

Rises the cone from out the arid waste. Naught but its heat is felt, naught but its glare is seen. Its flames have swept the country and left the desert bare. It radiates forth a fire that devours all before it. All green things die and the dwellers on the sphere recede before its flame, scorching and burning, cruel and superb.

White is its inner heart, red the surrounding flame, and yellow the spreading fire. Like a mantle of fierce heat it shuts out the vision and obscures the beyond. Like a pall of rosy red tinged with an orange deep it veils all the distance.

From out the country full and green, across the arid waste had travelled far the Pilgrim. Naught had he held and kept, naught save his strong desire, back on the road he might not go, but onward to the fire. R&I:75/6.


The lower chalice rises like a flower of colour dark or somber. Dull it appears to the outer vision, but within a light will sometime shine and shatter the illusion.

Chalice the second rises from out the lower sheath as does the flower from out the calix green. Of colour rose it [Page 768] is, and many shades thereof; and to the onlooker it seems as if the colour might transcend the inner shining light. But this is but illusion which time itself dispels.

Chalice the third surmounts all and opens wide in time its outspread petals. Blue does it appear and blends with the rose, forming at first a deep impenetrable shade which shuts out the light.

Within the three, deep hidden in the heart, tiny at first yet ever waxing greater, shines the light divine. This light, through radiating heat and innate divine vibration, constructs for itself a sheath of iridescence. It emerges from the threefold chalice as a floating bubble alights on a flower.

Within this iridescent sheath burns the inner Flame, and in its turn it burns out the lower gross material. E'en as the Path is neared, clearer the light shines out. Forth through the chalice gross and dark that forms the foundation shines the light supernal, till all who see the radiation cry out within themselves: "Behold, a God is here."

Forth from the chalice rosy red shines the inner glow, till soon the red of earth desire becomes the glow of heaven's fire, and all is lost save aspiration that shades not the cup with karmic colour.



Rule Ten – The New Group of World Servers. TOWM:407.

Spread of intercommunication in humanity expressed in widespread movements such as the Red Cross.

Through their activities we [Page 407] now have a humanity in close relation, though not at-one, and a humanity characterised by three things:

1. An amazing interrelation and intercommunication, of which the radio, the press, modern transportation, and the telephone and telegraph are the servants.

2. A wide-spread philanthropic enterprise, and the growth of the sense of responsibility for one's brother, which was totally unknown in the year 1500. Movements such as the Red Cross, educational foundations, hospitals, and the present economic relief measures to be found in every country are its exoteric manifestations.

3. A division of the entire human family, consciously or unconsciously, into two basic groups: first, those who stand for the old order of things, who are reactionary, and separative. They represent separative nationalism, boundaries, servitude, and servile obedience; they exemplify religious sectarianism and dependence upon authority. They are against all modern innovations and progress. Secondly, those who vision a unified world wherein love of God means love of one's neighbour, and where the motives underlying all religious, political and educational activities are characterised by a world consciousness and the welfare of the entire body and not of the part. TOWM:407

Rule Eleven; Analysis of the Three Sentences. TOWM:467/8

Stage 1;The red of desire changes to rose to palest pink to white.

Stage 111; Red desire fails. The challenge comes “Prove thine own worth. Take up the orange ball of one-pointed purpose.”

Stage V No longer red desire governs life, but the clear blue flame burns strong.

Stage I

The life has climbed the stairway long through daily use of form. Through the lesser three, with progress slow, the long path has been travelled. Another door stands open now. The words sound forth: "Enter upon the way of real desire."

The life, that only knows itself as form, enshrouds itself in vivid red, the red of known desire, and through the red all longed-for forms approach, are grasped and held, used and discarded, until the red changes to rose [Page 468] and rose to palest pink, and pink to white. Forth flowers then the pure white rose of life.

The tiny rose of living life is seen in bud; not yet the full blown flower. TOWM:467/8.

Stage III

The way of red desire fails. It loses its allure. The playground of the sons of God no longer holds appeal. The voice which has twice sounded from out the world of form sounds now within the heart. The challenge comes: "Prove thine own worth. Take to thyself the orange ball of thy one-pointed purpose." Responsive to the sounded word, the living soul, immersed in form, emerges from the many forms and hews its onward way. The way of the destroyer comes, the builder and again the tearer down of forms. The broken forms hold not the power to satisfy. The soul's own form is now the great desire, and thus there comes the entering of the playground of the mind.

But in these dreams and fantasies, at times a vision comes—a vision of a folded lotus flower, close petalled, [Page 469] tightly sealed, lacking aroma yet, but bathed in cold blue light.

Orange and blue in some more distant time will blended be, but far off yet the date. Their blending bathes the bud in light and causes future opening. Let the light shine. TOWM:468/9.

Stage V

Out into radiant life and light! The cave is left behind; the cross is overturned; the way stands clear. The word sounds clear within the head and not within the heart. "Enter again the playground of the Lord and this time lead the games." The way upon the second [Page 470] tier of stairs stands barred, this by the soul's own act. No longer red desire governs all the life, but now the clear blue flame burns strong. Upon the bottom step of the barred Way he turns back and passes down the stairs on to the playground, meeting dead shells built in an earlier stage, stepping upon forms discarded and destroyed, and holding forth the hands of helpfulness. Upon his shoulder sits the bird of peace; upon his feet the sandals of the messenger.

Not yet the utter glory of the radiant life! Not yet the entering into everlasting peace! But still the work, and still the lifting of the little ones. TOWM:470.

Rule Eleven – Salvation from Death: TOWM:505/6.

Colour aids abstraction of soul from the body, only orange light permitted in sick room to aid focus in the head, just as red stimulates the solar plexus and green effects the heart and life streams.

First, let there be silence in the chamber. This is, of course, frequently the case. It must be remembered that the dying person may usually be unconscious. This unconsciousness is apparent but not real. In nine hundred cases out of a thousand the brain awareness is there, with a full consciousness of happenings, but there is a complete paralysis of the will to express and complete inability to generate the energy which will indicate aliveness. When silence and understanding rule the sick room, the departing soul can hold possession of its instrument with clarity until the last minute and can make due preparation.

Later, when more anent color is known, only orange lights will be permitted in the sick room of a dying person, and these will only be installed with due ceremony when there is assuredly no possibility of recovery. Orange aids the focussing in the head, just as red stimulates [Page 506] the solar plexus and green has a definite effect upon the heart and life streams.

Certain types of music will be used when more in connection with sound is understood, but there is no music as yet which will facilitate the work of the soul in abstracting itself from the body, though certain notes on the organ will be found effective. At the exact moment of death, if a person's own note is sounded, it will coordinate the two streams of energy and eventually rupture the life thread, but the knowledge of this is too dangerous to transmit yet and can only later be given. I would indicate the future and the lines along which future occult study will run. TOWM:505/6.


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