Ted Ed Mendel and his Peas

Ted Ed ? Mendel and his Peas

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Core: ______

LT: I can demonstrate information gained from an informative video.

1. What did Gregor Mendel use to discover the principles that rule heredity?

A. Pea plants

C. Pear trees

B. Pigeons

D. Photosynthesis

2. What happened to the green trait in Mendel's pea plants? A. It became the most common pea color B. Pea plants produced 50% less green seeds C. It was hidden by the dominant yellow gene D. Nothing happened to the green gene

3. What did Mendel call the two kinds of traits exhibited by the pea plants (one coming

from the father, one from the mother)?

A. Genesis

C. Alleles

B. Elective Traits

D. Quadrants

4. What do we call the result of the genotype (for example, the color of the peas)?

A. Visible traits

C. Genotype

B. Physiotrait

D. Phenotype

5. What do we call the table used to calculate the probability of an offspring's


A. Punnett square

C. Golden ration

B. Venn diagram

D. Fibonacci sequence

6. In a few words, describe the difference between genotype and phenotype.

7. Let's say you have the dominant phenotype for a trait. In a few words, explain why you can't know for sure what your genotype is.


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