Progress Test 2


1. The science of behavior and mental processes.

2. An experimenter who decides to repeat the essence of an earlier study using different participants is

3. A researcher is interested in whether people talk when they are riding in elevators, so she and her research assistants spend many hours riding in elevators and unobtrusively noting when they hear a conversation. This researcher is using

4. In an attempt to understand how traumatic brain injuries affect behavior, Dr. Nicolai extensively and carefully observes and questions three accident victims who had suffered brain injuries. Which research method is Dr. Nicolai utilizing?

5. The American Psychological Association has outlined four basic principles to guide research on humans. What are they?

6. Both researchers and participants in a study examining the effects of marijuana on memory are unaware of which subjects actually received the active ingredient and which were given a placebo. This study involves the use of

7. Mary is interviewed in depth, and her friends, family, and coworkers are contacted for further information. She also takes a number of psychological tests, and her behavior in various situations is observed. This is an example of

8. In an attempt to predict the winner in the next election, the Need to Know Company contacts a randomly selected representative sample of the voting population and questions them about their voting plans. This is an example of

9. In order to find out students’ opinions about the recent cutbacks at her university, Gira sent a questionnaire to every twentieth person on the list of currently enrolled students. Gira used the technique of

10. Emphasizes the importance of mental interpretations of the world in explaining human behaviors

11. If researchers wanted to discover the extent to which education level can be used to predict political preferences, they would most likely use

12. Emphasizes the observable behaviors in determining the causes of actions

13. Emphasizes conscious experiences, including self-determination, free will, and choice


14. Before entering 9th grade, Sammy had to have most of his cloths replaced because he had grown almost 5 inches since the previous spring. This relatively sudden increase was probably the result of his ________ producing growth hormone.

15. Time period, lasting a thousandth of a second or less, that follows the action potential and during which the neuron is unable to fire.

16. Minimum level of stimulation required to activate a particular neuron.

17. Time when a neuron could fire, but it is not.

18. When Dr. Maxwell electrically stimulated a specific area of a patients’ right cerebral hemisphere, the patient’s left hand twitched. The part of the cortex that was stimulated was

19. Neurotransmitters are to hormones as _________ is to __________

20. Always a daredevil, Miguel dived off the cliff into the river below. Unfortunately, he landed on his head and in now paralyzed from the shoulders down. Fortunately, though, all his mental functions are intact, and he is attempting to complete his college degree. His present inability to move the lower part of his body is a result of permanent damage to his ________.

21. Fraser slipped on ice and hit the back of his head on the sidewalk, and now his vision is seriously affected. Which area of the brain is most likely affected?

22. Mrs. Danvers has multiple sclerosis. She experiences muscle weakness, loss of coordination and speech, and visual disturbances that result from the slowdown or interruption of neural transmission. The cause of these symptoms probably involves the degeneration of the

23. Joshua hit a stone wall while skateboarding, and he was not wearing a helmet. He is now in a coma, and his doctors think he may have damaged his

24. Paul’s grandmother is unable to store new memories of what happened during her day. She probably has something wrong with her

25. Jenny has just finished running a very tough marathon (26.22 miles) but seems to be very happy and elated. One cause of her runner’s high may be abnormally high levels of chemical substances in her brain called

26. Collin was so busy studying for this psychology test that he did not notice how hungry and thirsty he was until his stomach started growling. The brain structure responsible for regulating behavior related to survival, such as hunger and thirst, is called the _________ and is a part of the _________ system.

27. Miguel has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. His psychologist believes that Miguel’s hallucinations and perceptual distortions may, in part, be caused by increased amounts of the neurotransmitter _________

28. Young Minnie and Max are twins. Minnie’s sexual development will be regulated by the hormone __________ and progesterone, which are produced by her ovaries, whereas Max’s sexual development will be regulated by the hormone _____, which is produced by his testes

29. Walking down the hall at school, someone accidentally bumps into to you. The part of your brain that registers sensation of touch is the

30. As a result of a stroke, 75 year old Mrs. Yee suffered brain damage. While she is no longer able to speak, she can understand what is being said to her. Mrs. Yee suffers from

31. When doctors removed a tumor from Andrew’s occipital lobe, they also had to remove healthy brain tissue from the same area. When he recovers, Andrew is most likely to suffer some loss of

32. The __________ is responsible for regulating heartbeat and breathing.

33. Behaviors like eating, drinking, and sex can all be attributed to the ________ of the brain:

34. When Amy shows the emotions of rage and fear, she is more than likely accessing the ____ area of her brain:

35. The _______ gland controls thirst and metabolism:

36. The large band of neurons which connects the two halves of the brain is called

37. Jean is in charge of planning and coordinating a local charity drive. Which part of Jean’s brain will help her the most in planning the drive?

38. Nancy suffers from severe epilepsy that so has not responded to any treatment. As a final resort, her doctor operates on her brain and surgically cuts the

39. When someone is drunk, he is unable to walk a straight line because the __________ is affected.

40. In general, when teenagers respond emotionally they primarily use the ________ in their response, when adults respond emotionally they primarily use the ___________ in their response

41. If there was damage to the thyroid gland, you could expect:

42. Bob can talk openly and express himself verbally, but is unable to understand what is being spoken to him. More than likely, which part of his brain has been damaged:

43. The pineal gland is responsible for:

44. Allison accidentally touched a hot stove top and immediately withdrew her hand before becoming consciously aware of the sensation or movement. She was able to do this because of her

45. Skippy has irregular breathing patterns, facial twitches, and can’t sleep well at night. More than likely, damage to the _____ area of his brain could be the cause of it all:

46. Jenny is often confused because the messages from her sensory neurons aren’t being distributed throughout the brain properly. She most likely has a problem with her _____:

47. Coordinates movement, balance, and posture.

48. Your brain is involved in every perception, thought, and emotion, as are its neurons and their neurotransmitters.  Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that

49. When someone is drunk, he is unable to walk a straight line because the __________ is affected.

50. In general, when teenagers respond emotionally they primarily use the  ________ in their response, when adults respond emotionally they primarily use the ___________ in their response

51.  The master gland that is responsible for growth and makes sure the other glands are performing at appropriate levels

52. The gland that produces physiological changes such as increased heart rate, acceralated breathing, dry mouth, and perspiration that occur in response to perceived threats or danger..

53. The Sex gland for males is the _________ and the sex gland for females is the _________. 

Sensation and Perception

54. Following an accident, the fovea in André’s right eye was destroyed. Although he can still see with this eye. It is likely that he will have trouble seeing _____ and ____ when is left eye is closed.

55. After eating his salad with vinegar dressing, Mario thinks that his very expensive vintage wine tastes strange. This change in perceived taste probably occurs because some vinegar remains on his _______

56. Chan know that the red bicycle in the parking lot is closer to him than the green bicycle because the red one casts a larger retinal image. This illustrates the distance cue known as

57. Stereotypes are mental conceptions that we have about individuals belonging to specific racial or ethnic groups and can influence how we interpret their behaviors. Stereotypes are similar to the perceptional phenomenon of

58. When Dave’s dog runs down the street to greet him after school, the image of his dog on his retina gets bigger and bigger, yet Dave does not perceive Rex as the incredible growing dog. This tendency to perceive objects, particularly familiar objects, as constant and unchanging despite changes in sensory input is called

59. A red pen is displayed in Roger’s peripheral vision while he stares straight ahead. He correctly identifies the object but is unable to name the color. The reason for this is that

60. As Pancho gazed down the railway tracks it seemed to him that the two parallel rails actually met in the distance. Pancho is experiencing the monocular depth cue of

61. At a police roadblock, drivers are randomly checked for seatbelt violations and other driving offenses. The police officer sometimes shines a light into the driver’s eye. This typically results in the expansion of the ________ which controls the size of the _________ (this gets smaller).

62. After Jackson has been in the hot tub for a few minutes, he no longer notices how hot the water is. This is because of

States of consciousness

63. Amber sits in a relaxed position, closes her eyes, and begins to recite her mantra. Amber is practicing

64. Consciousness is formally defined as:

65. REM is an acronym that stands for:

66. Shortly after going to bed and as you are falling asleep, you experience the vividly realistic sensation that you are falling or tripping forward, which jolts you awake. This vivid sensation is a :

67. As you are lying in bed, your mind begins to drift and you become increasingly drowsy. During this short, transitional stage of sleep you disengage from the routine sounds in your environment. This stage of sleep is called:

68. During stage 4 NREM:

69. Sleepwalking typically occurs during:

70. John drinks five or six cups of coffee everyday; if he doesn’t he feels irritable, drowsy, and fatigued. John is __________ a(n) __________

71. Ashley has just had a very painful operation. His doctors are most likely to prescribe ________ for pain relief.

72. During a very intense football game, Trevor is attempting a difficult shot that will win him the game when he suddenly loses complete muscle control and falls fast asleep on the field. Trevor probably suffers from ________

73. It is almost midnight when you hear a scream from your child’s bedroom. You rush to the room to discover your son sitting perspiring, and thrashing against the blankets. Your son seems disoriented and confused as you try to calm him down. In just a few minutes, your little one flops back in bed, sound asleep. What phenomenon has the child most likely experienced?

74. Mrs. Candies notices that her husband stops breathing in his sleep, awakens slightly to gulp in the air, then goes back to sleep. This happens several times a night. Mr. Candies is displaying which of the following sleep disorders?

75. when most dreams occur

76. Just before his exam, Juan smokes a couple of cigarettes and finds he is less tired, more mentally alert, and fairly relaxed

77. After taking her prescription drug for a number of weeks, Janet no longer feel the intense anxiety she used to suffer

78. During a party Jordan becomes less and less inhibited as the night wears on, and by the time the party is nearly over, he is very uncoordinated and unbalanced and has trouble walking

79. Mrs. Smothers, who suffers from glaucoma, and Mr. Hartley, who has asthma, have both been given an ordinary illegal drug at he university hospital

80. Following surgery, Gregory was given a common prescription drug under medical supervision in order to alleviate his pain.

81. Henrietta was a very heavy coffee drinker until she quit cold turkey. She is now experiencing headaches, irritability, drowsiness, and fatigue.

82. Harold has used a powerful synthetic drug for a number of years to create sensory and perceptual distortions

83. When a person needs more and more of the substance to achieve the “same high”.

84. Withdrawal symptoms are the opposite of a physically addictive drug’s action

85. A condition in which a person has physically adapted to a drug so that he or she must take the drug regularly in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms

86. Unpleasant physical reactions, combined with intense drug cravings, that occur when a person abstains from a drug on which he or she is physically dependent


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