
Android Based Application For Assisting Dementia Patient1Linda Wilson, 1Anakha Babu, 1Athira Anil, 1Lekshmi Pramod, 2Keerthi Raj.1 BTech Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,St. Thomas College Of Engineering & Technology, Chengannur. 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,St. Thomas College Of Engineering & Technology, Chengannur. Abstract— Dementia/Alzheimer occurs due to stressful life. Alzheimer is most common among dementia. Generally it happens at an age of 65 or greater. Taking care of patients who have been suffering from this disease is very difficult. Majority of them have been admitted to the mental hospital by their family member or they have to be imprison at home. We have developed an application to help patient and caregivers. The implementation is done on “Android” which is an open source operating system. This application has several basic functionality like “GPS Navigator”, “Fall Detection System”, “Mind Games”, “Doctor-Finder”, ”Emergency call” and ”Emergency message” . With the support of medical professionals like scientist and researchers future improvement can be possible. Future enhancement like medical bulletins, video based fall detection, can be made.Index Terms—Component, formatting, style, styling, insert. (key words)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Introduction Dementia/Alzheimer is characterized by a progressive decline in cognitive function. Patients with primary stage of Dementia will be able to take benefits of the application. The pathophysiology of Alzheimer disease is related to the injury and death of neurons that ultimately leads to the decline in memory, thinking, language and learning capacity. The early symptom of dementia are memory loss, confusion in evening hours, depression, and hallucination and so on. Nowadays all the gadgets are well equipped with diverse software and hardware like Accelerometer, Gyroscope, GPS and so on [1]. With the help of such gadgets we have designed this application, through which patients may not be a burden to the caretakers anymore. This application helps caretakers to take care of the patients in emergency situation. This android application has some features like “Navigation - it helps to guide a patient to unknown places by the means of Google Maps”, “Mind Games – to retain their remaining memory regular memory exercises are mandatory, Mind Games provides variety of games for the patients”, “Fall Detection – weakness is the major problem of the disease with the help of Android Sensor Programming application can send alert message to the caretaker on the case of fall ”, “Doctor Finder - Doctor finder is helpful to find Neurologist at unknown places”, “Emergency Call / Message – needed when the patient is in critical condition, make a call or send a message to the caretaker’s phone”.RELATED WORKS “Idea is not everything, proper guidance require too.” For the successful implementation of our software for target audience, we had small interaction with Dr.Amit Udani, A Famous Neurologist in Jamnagar and with Dr.Twinkle Patel, Department of Psychiatry, Guru Gobind Singh Hospital, Jamnagar. Both had provided basic idea of Dementia/Alzheimer and suggested necessary things that has to be taken care of while designing of application. We prepared one questionnaire and filled it with the response, which received from Doctor. Questionnaire contained general question about dementia. We have studied one patent that similar to our application, title is “Alzheimer Patient’s Tracking System” by Elias M. Janetis and Ernest F. Pasanen. On which they had created computerized system to track location. This system applies an electric tag to each patient and employs a computer to maintain their location and wellbeing [1].functionality of applicationLOGIN/NEW REGISTRATIONLogin can be used to register new patients as well as helps to login to the application. The login page of the application is shown in the Figure 1. User can register their name with their email id, unique password, caretaker’s phone number as well as caretakers email id. Password of both the patient and the care taker should be same. Patient can login to the application with the help of username and password.Fig: 1NAVIGATIONNavigation helps the patients while they were travelling alone. Since they were unable to remember the places so this application will route them to the correct place. Location can be found using method Location getLocation(). Navigation page of the application is shown in the Figure 2.Fig: 2DOCTOR FINDERDoctor finder provides list of doctors in particular area. Doctors can register to the application through a doctor’s registration page. After registering the patients/caretakers can search the available doctors in a particular location in emergency situations.Doctor signup page is created using docsignup(view) method and doctor viewing option uses method loadlist(View v). Doctor’s view page is shown in the Figure 3. Fig.3EMERGENCY CALLS AND MESSAGESThis module is useful in the case of emergency situations. It contains emergency call and messages where these are sent to the caretaker’s phone number which is given at logging phase. In emergency calling the call is directed to that numbers and in case of messaging current location is given to the caretaker’s phone number.FALL DETECTIONFall detection is used for finding if a fall occurred or not. In such cases a notification is given to the caretaker’s phone number giving the current location. MIND GAMESIn mind games it is used to retain the existing memory of a patient. Proper memory exercises are needed to make it possible thus here a link is directed to the Google’s page for mind games where a wide variety of games are available. future scopeFuture Improvements can be possible in this application, we can add health bulletin and alerts in this system. Health bulletin will be much helpful to keep in touch with recent developments in medical and drugs. Several functionality can be added in emergency contact part like we can include photograph of caregivers so that it would be easy for patient to remember family member or caretaker. Dementia patient suffers from memory loss so through this patient can identify their relatives or caretakers with the help of their photographs. Application based appointment system can be another enhancement, with the help of a single click Patient can book an appointment with concern doctors at a particular place.conclusionWe have included basic functionality in this application. This will definitely satisfy user’s needs. In our country no specific awareness or care is taken for this Dementia affected patients. Most of the patients are either admitted in mental hospitals or they are imprisoned in a room. This application will helps the patients to lead a normal life. This application would be easy to use, cost effective and ethically acceptable by patients at risk and their caretakers [1].Smartphones and tablet computers have been widely adopted in practice by hospital doctors, with estimates suggesting that over 80% of healthcare professionals use a smartphone in their daily professional capacity. The combination of flexibility, processing power and ease of use provides a powerful platform for the support of sophisticated medical technology applications [1].ReferencesG. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955. (references)J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. 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