Older Adults and Mental Health - Ce4less

Older Adults and Mental Health

1) The average life span in the United States lengthened from _____ years in 1900 to more than _____ years in the mid 1990s.

a) 42, 70

b) 47, 75

c) 52, 80

d) 57, 85

2) Regarding cognitive capacity with aging, lifestyle seems to modify genetic risk in influencing the outcomes of aging.

a) True

b) False

3) What is the strongest predictor of high cognitive functioning in older people?

a) education

b) strenuous activity in the home

c) peak pulmonary flow rate

d) self-efficacy

4) What term is used to describe a mixture of symptoms of both pathological grief and post traumatic stress disorder?

a) sixth sense

b) bereavement-associated depression

c) chronic bereavement

d) traumatic grief

5) In the US population, older White men have a rate of suicide up to _____ times that of the general population.

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8

6) Medicating an individual with multiple compounds, both prescription and nonprescription is known as

a) unnaturopathy

b) double dosing

c) polypharmacy

d) multiscripting

7) Up to _____ % of older adults in primary care settings suffer from depressive symptoms.

a) 37

b) 42

c) 47

d) 52

8) Late-onset depression occurs after age

a) 50

b) 55

c) 60

d) 65

9) The prevalence of clinically significant depression in later life is highest with all the following chronic illnesses EXCEPT

a) ischemic heart disease

b) diabetes

c) stroke

d) arthritis

10) The suicide rate for individuals age _____ and older is the highest.

a) 70

b) 75

c) 80

d) 85

11) Regarding the etiology of late-onset depression, what occurs in 5 to 10 percent of older adults and is a known risk factor for the subsequent onset of new cases of major depression?

a) substance abuse

b) heart disease

c) the loss of a spouse

d) persistent insomnia

12) One concern when prescribing SSRIs in older adults is the potential for

a) dry mouth

b) drug-drug interactions

c) urinary retention

d) constipation

13) For antidepressants, treatment response in older adults takes 1 month or more longer than for other adults.

a) True

b) False

14) Which type of therapy was initially designed as a time-limited treatment for midlife depression?

a) cognitive behavioral therapy

b) problem solving therapy.

c) interpersonal psychotherapy

d) brief psychodynamic therapy

15) Definite Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed by biological markers present in bloodwork.

a) True

b) False

16) For patients with Alzheimer's disease, typically a loss of _____ points per year on the Mini Mental Status Exam is detected.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

17) Approximately _____ % of individuals with a family history of Alzheimer's disease, if followed into their 80s and 90s develop the disorder.

a) 40

b) 50

c) 60

d) 70

18) Of the behavioral symptoms experienced by patients with Alzheimer's disease, depression and anxiety occur most frequently during the _____ stages.

a) early

b) middle

c) late

d) end

19) About _____ % of adults aged 55 years and older meet criteria for an anxiety disorder.

a) 8

b) 11

c) 14

d) 17

20) Delusions, hallucinations and catatonic behavior are known as _____ symptoms.

a) neutral

b) negative

c) positive

d) avoidant

21) Finlayson and Davis (1994), found the greatest risk factor for abuse of prescription medication was being

a) Caucasian

b) poor

c) depressed

d) female

22) Benzodiazepine users were more likely to be all the following EXCEPT

a) older

b) White

c) more educated

d) female

23) Which perspective strives to tailor the environment for older adults to the needs of the person through a combined focus on heath and residential requirements?

a) no senior left behind

b) landscape for aging

c) assisted aging

d) senior wraparound

24) Regarding older adults in nursing homes, _____ have some kind of mental disorder?

a) 1/4

b) 1/3

c) 1/2

d) 2/3


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