Physical Fitness Exam - Mr. Nettles Health and Physical ...

HEALTH EDUCATION Name: __________________________

Date: ___/ ___ / ___ Hour: ___


FINAL EXAM Study Guide

Fitness Unit

1. After 4-6 weeks of the same strength program the body becomes accustomed to what you are doing. This is referred to as the principle of:

2. An individual with a small frame, thin muscles and a low percent of body fat is called a

3. The length of the exercise session is referred to as

4. How often (number of times per week) an individual works out is referred to as:

5. Gradual increases in strength over time, or overload over time, is referred to as the principle of:

6. Contraction of the muscle with movement of the joints is referred to as:

7. 1 positive phase and 1 negative phase equals 1:

8. Contraction of the muscle without movement of the joint is referred to as:

9. Training the same muscle two consecutive days can lead to:

10. A person that wants to gain muscle strength should complete

11. A person that wants to gain muscular endurance should complete

12. An individual with a V shape, muscular characteristics and low percent of body fat is called

13. How hard an individual works out is referred to as:

14. An individual with a soft round body, big bones and a high % of body fat is called

15. What are some barriers to physical activity and fitness:

16. What is the best way to measure the intensity of your aerobic workout?

17, To overcome the barrier lack of motivation an individual should:

18, What are the benefits of Aerobic Exercise

19. List an example of a isometric contraction exercise.

20. What does Strength Training help people improve?

21. What does H I T stands for?

22. A person should change their workout routine every ___________ weeks.

23. What are some strength training benefits for females?


24. To design any fitness program you must have the elements of


25. How long should a person wait, before they train the same muscle again?

26. It is important to warm up before exercising because it

27. MMF stands for

28. Consistent aerobic exercise lowers the ___________ heart rate

29. 39. Strength Training is % physical and % mental:

30. An example of a dynamic warm up exercise would be:

31. Static stretching would be most beneficial during your:

32. When creating a strength training program it is important to:

33. What is the best way to make a change in your lifestyle?

34. To determine your Max Heart Rate, you subtract your age from ________

35. If a person trains the muscle(s) to a point where its never been trained before, recruiting more muscle fiber, it is called:

36. Who can benefit from Strength Training?

37. One way to tell if you are overtraining is that:

38. To avoid muscle imbalances and injuries an individual should train

39. Aerobic exercise should be performed for at least _____ minutes to strengthen the heart.

40. Body composition measures the:

Nutrition Unit

41. What are the three keys to nutrition?

42. What is the definition of a calorie?

43. Metabolism is the total amount of ?

44. How many calories are in 1 pound of muscle?

45. How many calories are in 1 pound of fat?

46. Fats provide calories per 1 gram.

47. There are two types of fats, they are:

48. fat has been associates with lowering the risk of heart disease

49. A normal individual should drink at least oz of water each day.

50. The dietary guidelines states that you should follow the ABC principles which stand for:

51. Food Labels can help a person:.

52. Carbohydrates are converted to _________ which is used for energy in the body.

53. What is body image?

54. To lose weight you must your

55. To gain muscles you must __________ your ______________.

Mental Health Unit

56. Anorexia Nervosa is:


57. Which mineral is essential to maintain electrolyte imbalance to maintain a healthy heart.

58. Purging of the digestive system following overeating is a symptom of

59. Anorexics have a __________________________ body image.

60. Besides vomiting, what is another form of purging in bulimics?

61. What is the extra fuzz hair called that anorexics may develop on their skin for their lack of fat in their body?

62. This famous man suffered from an eating disorder:

63. What is the name of the singer who died in 1983 from Anorexia Nervosa?

64. Why was her death so famous?

65. What would be the best approach to confront a friend or family member who has an eating disorder?

66. What sport is considered high risk for development of eating disorders?

67. In the 1920’s thinness, was considered the new kind of ___________.

68. How is Bulimia is treated ?

69. Who would most likely suffer from an eating disorder (Risk factors)?

70. Which group is at highest risk for eating disorders (90%)?

71. What is a physical health consequence associated with Anorexia?

72. A disorder in which aftereffects of a terrifying event keep a person from living a normal life is called:

73. . An illness that can occur at any age and is the major cause of suicide in this country:

74. . An illness in which the victim’s obsessed with their body weight:

75. Name the disorder that consists of repeated “out of the blue attacks”:

76. Brain images from an MRI or CAT scans are different from a person who does not have the disorder. The cause of this illness is unknown.

77. A disorder in which a person has persistent, unwelcome thought or images and engages in certain rituals is called a:

78. A disorder in which feelings of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning is called a:

79. A general term referring to psychological, emotional, or behavioral disorders:

80. A chronic or long-lasting state of anxiety, fear, and tenseness is called:

Substance Abuse Unit (Alcohol, tobacco, & Drugs)

57. Alcohol can be produced naturally by __________________ of fruits, vegetables, or grains is called?

58. Define intoxication.

59. Alcohol is a powerful drug that acts as a ___________________ on the body, causing central nervous system to slow down.

60. What are the physical effects of alcohol use or abuse ?

61. The amount of alcohol in the blood is called?

62. What is the blood alcohol concentration percentage to declare an automobile driver legally intoxicated in the State of Michigan?

63. What is the most deadly short-term effect of alcohol?

64. Name the organ that processed alcohol oxidation:

65. What age do you have to be in the State of Michigan to buy or possess alcohol?

66. What is the blood alcohol concentration percentage to declare an automobile driver, who is under 21 years of age, legally intoxicated in the State of Michigan?

67. The measured amount of alcohol in a drink is called a

68. A disease caused by alcohol that causes chronic damage to liver cells is called

69. What is the best method of a person to sober up?

70. Cigarette-smoking is the leading cause of ______________ death in the United States, accounting for more deaths than AIDS, Car Crashes, Suicides, Homicides, Fires and Illegal Drugs combined.

71. __________________ is the main reason why teenagers start to smoke.

72. __________________ means a physiological or psychological dependence on a substance or activity.

73. What category of drug does tobacco fall under?

74. What is the name of a microscopic, hair-like structure that line the air passageways and sweeps mucus toward the throat?

75. Name the addictive drug that is contained in tobacco.

76. What parts of the body does tobacco use damage?

77. What is the legal age for use of tobacco products in the State of Michigan?

78. Name the gas that interferes with the ability of the blood to carry oxygen.

79. The sticky, thick liquid formed when tobacco burns is called

80. ______________ is the destruction of tiny air sacs within the lungs.

81. A drug that can effect judgment, behavior, and can put a person at risk for unwanted or risky sexual activity is called__________________.

82. What do stimulants do(CNS)?

83. What are some examples of Stimulants?

84. What is a depressant?

85. What do Hallucinogens do?

86. What category of drug is GHB?

87. How fast does it take for the effects of GHB to set in?

88. How long does the effects of GHB last?

89. What category of drug does Crystal-Meth fall under?

90. Who is most at risk to become addicted to marijuana?

91. What are the ways that Crystal-Meth delivered to the body ?

Violence Unit

92. . __________ are steps that can be taken to settle a disagreement in a responsible way.

93. Someone with _________ backs off when there is a disagreement.

94. When talking to someone, you should express your thoughts freely, without worrying

what others think. This is called _______.

95. One day at school you notice that a male student is making unwanted sexual

comments to several female students. You warn the male student that this type of

behavior is called:

96. People with _______ are less likely to be victims of violence.

97. How can being proud of yourself help you avoid being a victim or perpetrator of


98. Why is being raised in a dysfunctional family a risk factor for being a victim or

perpetrator of violence?

99. Why have so many (three quarters) of high school students said they have been bullied

at some time?

100. Random violence is __________.

101. If a friend begins withdrawing from regular friends, seems depressed, and acts fearful

around a new boyfriend, what might you suspect?

102. What includes ways for a perpetrator of violence to understand what abuse is, deal

with anger in healthy ways, and improve self-esteem?

103. What is an example of a lack of awareness?

104. Verbal abuse often leads to ________ abuse because it shows a lack of respect and

a tendency for aggressive behavior.

105. What are ways to reduce your risk of being harmed in public


106.. Why do victims of violence need to participate in

victim recovery?

107. Is date rape is just as serious a crime as any other rape?

108. What are some examples of a lack of awareness?

109. Why is it important to check a repair person's identification before letting him or her

into your house?

110. What should you do if your coach or activity leader knows about hazing on your team

but does nothing to stop it?

111. Why is neglect considered to be a form of child abuse?

112. What is stalking?

113. Most often, rape victims _____________ their attackers.

114. How can you reduce your and other’s risk of being injured by a weapon?

115. What should you do if you find yourself in a situation where someone has a weapon?

116. What is the risk you are taking if you respond to an angry driver who is yelling at you

from his or her car?

117. What is a healthy friendship?

118. A(n)____________ is a verbal exchange of feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions.

119. What is self-confidence?

120. A _______ ______________is circumstance or place that one puts/finds themselves in that threatens health and can cause disease, injury and premature death.

Growth and Development Unit

121. The Safe Delivery of Newborns Law states that a parent can surrender a newborn to an employee at:

122. What is the consent age threshold for sexual activity?

123. The term Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC in the State of Michigan means the same thing as:

124. ___________ is to persuade an unwilling person to do something by using force, threats, seduction, blackmail.

125. 1 in _____ people in the United States has an STD.

126. A _________ is an infective agent that is not curable.

127. A __________ is a microorganisms that is curable; treated with antibiotics

128. Define asymptomatic.

129. A _____________ is a mixture that is given to help stimulate the body's own immune system to produce antibodies to fight a certain disease.

130. ________________ is a bacteria that can grow and multiply easily, like Chlamydia, it infects parts of the reproductive system.

131. ________________ is a bacterial infection that attacks the cervix and fallopian tubes in females and the urethra in both males and females.

132. What are genital warts?

133. Genital Warts are caused by this virus: ___ ___ ___.

134. ___________________ is a viral disease that causes painful blisters in the genital area.

135. How are genital herpes transmitted?

136. _________________ is a serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the liver.

137. _________________ are parasitic insects that are yellowish-gray in color and about the size of a pinhead.

138. HIV cannot be transmitted by sweat, saliva, vomit, and __________ .

139. HIV is present in: ____________, _______________, ______________, & _____________.

140. What is the only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and STI’s.

141. If you are sexually active, how often do you need to get tested ?


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