Mental Illness is Everyone s Business

[Pages:4]NAMI Ozaukee Newsletter Ozaukee COunty's VOiCe On Mental illness

Mental Illness is Everyone's Business

Mission Statement

Family to Family-Fall 2018 Session

Thank you to our facilitator team Jeff Graf and Donna O'Connell. The Fall 2018- session will be held on Monday

Volume , Issue

Published Quarterly September 2018

NAMI Ozaukee is affiliated with

evenings from 6:30-9:00pm from September 10th-

Mission statement of NAMI Ozaukee

November 26th, 2018. The Fall session is filled. Email your interest in attending Spring 2019 to

NAMI Ozaukee is a Fami- namiozaukee@. Class size is limited to 20

the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) and NAMI ? Wisconsin, the State Alliance for

the Mentally Ill.

ly-Based County Organi- participants. United Way Northern Ozaukee-grant received

NAMI Ozaukee is a 501C3

zation whose purposes are for printed materials for attendees of F2F class.

Organization. Contributions are

to provide community

Tax Deductible.

awareness and under-

standing of the issues affecting persons with men-

Understanding Childhood Adolescent Trauma and Mental Health Thursday, October 4

tal illnesses and their fam- Join Erin Perez MA, LPC in learning about the prevalence and impact of childhood adolescence ilies, to improve the quali- trauma and common mental health issues. Erin who is a counselor, consultant and trainer for ty of life for those suffer- Ozaukee County Therapies will also cover strategies to understand and successfully work with chiling and to provide support dren with trauma and/or mental health issues. This program is hosted by Ozaukee County INVEST

for their loved ones. Mental Health Coalition at Weyenberg Library in Mequon. For questions, please contact 262-284-


Community Book Read-(Don't) Call Me Crazy edited by Kelly Jensen

Officers on the NAMI Ozaukee Board On October 2nd, Kelly Jensen will be present to discuss her newly released book: Call Me

? Mary Luzinski, President

Crazy, 33 Voices, Start the Conversation about Mental Health. In conjunction with Octo-

? ?

Vydas Dargis, Co-Vice President Mike Wendlandt, Co-Vice

ber and Mental Illness Awareness Week, Kelly will be at a kickoff event being held at the 1st Congregational Church in Port Washington from 6-9pm. Additional discussions will be


held-watch for news releases. The book was chosen by the Mental Health Committee of

? John Abbott, Treasurer

Character Counts of the Port Washington Saukville School District. The events are being

? Jeff Graf, Secretary

coordinated by Tom Carson, Library Director of the W. J. Niederkorn Library in


? Melitta Brandt, Past President Washington.

? Bobbie Hoffmann, Past President

NAMI Ozaukee Walkers Team Mascot Passes Away

and OzNami Board Chairperson Buddie II St. Bernard passed away in August. He was a constant

NAMI National Organization

companion to NAMI Oz Treasurer John Abbott for morning walks, snow, rain or shine. His death is believed to be age related. He is

and the State NAMI website at:

survived by Torrie Greyhound, John's other morning walk companion and Ozaukee "Walkers" mascot. Both dogs participated in the annual NAMI Greater Milwaukee NAMI-Walks for the last few years. They lifted spirits for all persons who would come up

Or NAMI Ozaukee at:

to especially Buddie to pet him. Buddie was always friendly and playful. We will miss him and Torrie will have to do double-duty

in 2019 for the NAMI Ozaukee Walkers team.

Ozaukee NAMI CIT and CIP trainings are funded by grants from: The Charles E. Kubly Foundation, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Paul P. Lipton Fund and NAMI Wisconsin-CIT/CIP We thank You for your continued support.

NAMI Ozaukee Features Page

On Center Picnic Bench Umbrella

A Thiensville Tradition by John Eagan

When I first moved to Thiensville,

Wisconsin, in 2016, I was lonely. One morn-

ing, I looked out my window, which faces

Heidel Road, and beheld a curious sight. A tall

older man was out walking an enormous St.

Bernard and a slender greyhound. The man

wore a ball cap, and he loped along with the dogs. As everyone in

Thiensville probably knows, I had just seen John Abbott with Buddy, the

St. Bernard, and Tory, the greyhound. At first, I adored from afar. I admit

it. I just want to wrap my arms around big dogs, especially big furry dogs.

Buddy fit that category! I'm not leaving Tory out, but I'd fallen for the big,

loveable lout!

Luck fell in my lap, when I attended the ON Center in Cedarburg

after being invited there for a cookout by my social worker, Rich Schloe-

gel. Wonders of wonders, who should show up but John Abbott with the

champions? As people know, John fights strongly for mental health rights

at NAMI. We agreed to put our paws together and meet at Fiddleheads

in Thiensville. John granted me an interview about Buddy and Tory for

The Corner, the ON Center's monthly newsletter.

According to John's story, the Abbotts had lost their first St. Ber-

nard to bone cancer. They wanted another. When they found Buddy,

A new umbrella was purchased by NAMI Ozaukee for the On Center to replace one destroyed in a storm. The new umbrella is

he'd been rescued from starvation on an overcrowded puppy farm in Marathon County, where he'd begun his life with eighteen other St. Bernards, seven huskies, and countless cats and chickens. But he still didn't have a permanent home. They met him, and it was love at first sight.

part of our ongoing practice of helping out at On Center by donating needed services such as Internet and cable TV and funding for Pizza and a Movie and Marilyn's Saturday meals. Peter E. sits under the new umbrella.

When Buddy came home with the Abbotts, he weighed only seventy pounds, which is pretty light for a St. Bernard. Take John Abbott's word for it! John and his wife Becky nursed Buddy back to health. That's when Tory came into his life. She was from a greyhound track. A little play bow--rear in the air--and the old guy was taken.

Both times Buddy got heat exhaustion, I was with John when he

received the calls. I could hear his pain. The second time, all I could ask

Our Condolences

was: "Why?" I called two days later and he told me that Buddy had gone to the great Steak Joint in the sky. Afterwards, I sat on the couch and bawled, and pounded my legs with my fists. Why do some humans get to

A celebration of Garrett James Dawkins' life was held on Sunday August 12, 2018 at the Cedarburg Community Methodist Church. NAMI Ozaukee wishes to express our condolences to Garrett's family and friends. Thank

stay and dogs like Buddy have to go? Then I got the answer. A few weeks later, Mary Luzinski, Presi-

dent of NAMI-Ozaukee, called and asked me to write Buddy's memorial for the NAMI newsletter. As I walked around Thiensville interviewing people who'd known them, the outpouring of love, grief, and warmth for John, Buddy, and Tory was like a flood. At Fiddleheads, they remem-

you for the memorials designated to NAMI.

In his 23 years, Garrett accomplished a lot in life, he achieved the status of Eagle Scout, he

bered Buddy as "their favorite customer. He was a very happy dog and we loved seeing him every morning." The Thiensville Police Department recalled going out to pet "the puppies each morning. We're going to miss watching him [John Abbott] walk both Buddy and Tory." A Weyenberg

became a skillful photographer, he worked

librarian said, "They were a normal, natural sight every morning at the

with the Cedarburg High School robotics team, library."

he played drums in the church praise band and he participated in his church's mission trip

And the most beautiful outpouring of all came from an employee at the BP across from Weyenberg: "Buddy was a piece of Thiensville and my daughter is going to miss that he's no longer there!"

to Peru just to name a few.

The Old Bruiser is only a bark away! Bark away, Buddy!

Ozaukee NAMI CIT and CIP trainings are funded by grants from: The Charles E. Kubly Foundation, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Paul P. Lipton Fund and NAMI Wisconsin-CIT/CIP We thank You for your continued support.

Next Meetings:

Business Meetings(6:00 - 6:55PM) : ? Thursday September 20, 2018- No Meeting-Fall Picnic

Thursday October 18, 2018 Thursday November 15, 2018 Thursday December 20, 2018-No Meeting-Holiday Party

Support Group Meetings: Family and Consumers Leader: Mary L.

Third Thursday of the Month Christ Church Mequon

Support Group Meetings: Family Members

Leaders: Terri & Kris

Fourth Tuesdays 6:30PM-8PM Christ Church Mequon

? Thursday September 20, 2018

-No Support Group-Fall Picnic ? Tuesday September 25, 2018

? Thursday October 18, 2018 ? Tuesday October 23, 2018

? Thursday November 15, 2018 ? Tuesday November 27, 2018

? Thursday December 20, 2018 ? Tuesday December 25, 2018-

- No Support Group Holiday

No Support Group


Business Meetings 2017 3rd Thursday of the Month at:

CHRIST CHURCH-MEQUON 13460 North Port Washington Road

in Mequon 53097

Info Concerning all Meetings

Business Meeting will now be: 6:00-6:55 PM. We will take a 5 minute break after the Business Meeting The Support Group will be 7:00-8:00 PM. One of our key guidelines is to start on time and end on time so please plan accordingly.

Consumer and Member Social Events

Ozaukee County Important Contact Info EMERGENCY..........262-377-5820 DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICES....262-238-8200 STARTING POINT OZAUKEE ...262-375-1110 COPE HOTLINE- OZAUKEE COUNTY-- 262-377-COPE (24 HOURS/DAY).............................262-377-2673 NAMI OZAUKEE............................262-243-3627 (National Alliance on Mental Illness: Please leave a message!)

Monday Night Bowling

At Circle B on Hwy 60 in Cedarburg from 6:30 PM until all the pins are knocked down.

NAMI Bowling on Monday nights at Circle B is being or-

ganized by NAMI Ozaukee Vice President Mike Wendlandt.

We hope to see you there!

Email: namiozaukee@ ADRC of Ozaukee County Phone: 866-537-4261 (Aging & Disability Resource Center of Ozaukee County) Email:

Movies at the `On Center' with Pizza 1st Friday of each month.

Organized by:

Impact 211 - for Southeastern Wisconsin Simply dial 211 to access Family, Health and Social Service Resources

Bonnie Wasserman & Marilyn Ehren On Center-Movie and Pizza Night--1st Friday of

the month w/Marilyn and Bonnie

Friday September 7, 2018 Friday October 5, 2018 Friday November 2, 2018 Friday December 7, 2018

Ozaukee NAMI CIT and CIP trainings are funded by grants from: The Charles E. Kubly Foundation, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Paul P. Lipton Fund and NAMI Wisconsin-CIT/CIP We thank You for your continued support.

13460 N. Port Washington Road Mequon, WI 53097 Address Correction Requested

Join NAMI Ozaukee

When you join now, you become a member of your NAMI Affiliate, your NAMI State Organization and the national NAMI organization.


NAMI Ozaukee needs your support. Your gift will help continue the support and education services for everyone affected by mental illness

Mail to:

NAMI Ozaukee 13460 N. Port Washington Road

Mequon, WI 53097 (Or--Pay online at the website: )

Yes, I want to: (please check one)

join NAMI

renew membership for one year


_____$60.00 Household

_____ $40.00 Reg. Membership

_____ $5.00 Open Door (for low income)

Member benefits include NAMI's flagship magazine, the Advocate, as well as NAMI's monthly e-newsletter, NAMI Now, if you subscribe at:subscribe. All members receive the same benefits. NAMI membership is valid for one year.

$ 25

$ 50

$ 75

$ 100

$ 125

$ 200

$ ______

NAMI Ozaukee is a tax exempt, non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Primary Member Last Name:

Primary Member First Name:








Payment Information For Office use only:


Check Cash

or Date:

Cash Enclosed

Ozaukee NAMI CIT and CIP trainings are funded by grants from: The Charles E. Kubly Foundation, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Paul P. Lipton Fund and NAMI Wisconsin-CIT/CIP We thank You for your continued support.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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