
Warning and Informing notes28th April 20201.Action log1.1The action log was updated and can be viewed on the Teams site.2.Key messages and areas of focus2.1Stay at HomeIn SCG and other meetings, it had been noticed that people were speculating about early release or getting bored of lockdown. There had been a lot of stay at home messaging and the group agreed that this would continue to be the focus but with harder messaging and the use of staff videos. The following actions were agreed:To look at wording that can be used on social media and shared with senior members are leaders to use on everything that they are doing.To look into whether we can get a video from a staff member from each organisation around the stay home for me message with different, harder hitting angles. (To be completed by Wednesday next week)The fire service would be assisting with mortuary in Poole from Wednesday. This story could be used in the media to emphasise the stronger messaging regarding staying home. LK to see if there is a fire fighter who would share their story.PHE are also planning to do as stay at home video with a spokesperson from PHE, due to be filmed early next week, and could be used to complement local messaging.There had been interest from the BBC, the Echo and Solent on staff stories, and these videos could potentially be shared with them. It was noted that it was important to show a united front on the stay at home messaging so as not create a potential backlash against the police and public disorder as seen in other places.KHALLLK2.2VE DaySCG had asked for direction on VE celebrations. The group agreed that this would be no street parties, no large gatherings and to use back gardens rather than front. Jen and Georgia would create the content and share on the Teams site ready for the content to be scheduled and shared.2.3Staff videosThere had been national interest in the staff morale boosting videos and whether or not these were appropriate. Dorset Police, RBH and Poole Hospital have taken a view and will not be sharing the videos on their external channels but may share them internally. The group agreed this approach should be adopted across Dorset.2.4Thanking local heroesDorset Police have some artwork that has not yet been used around a shout out to local heroes which could be adapted to be relevant for the LRF. There were potential issues for the police as they had been asked not to identify themselves on social media and this was being looked into as to how this could work for them.The group agreed that this would be nice to do but that the focus was currently the stay at home messaging. This could be planned for a couple of weeks’ time.3.System updates3.1Public Health EnglandA trawling email from Newsnight had been sent to a number of authorities asking for stats and data on the number of community and hospital deaths., including Dorset Council. The response to this enquiry is that we don’t comment on cases and that they are collated nationally and to go to NHS England for hospital figures and ONS for community figures.There have been a couple of news articles regarding a rise in cases of the number of children presenting with multisystem inflammatory state. This had been based on little scientific information and more information may come out on this. PHE are working to produce a national line which should be available by the end of the week.3.2Dorset CCGContinuing the campaign on accessing NHS services and the artwork will be available on the Teams site soon. There is also a press release planned for today or tomorrow.In advance of the bank holiday weekend, there is also going to be a press release early next week about accessing NHS services and GP practice availability.3.3Dorset CouncilAll updates had been covered under agenda discussion.3.4BCP CouncilDesigned some additional graphics on social distancing and staying home. The graphics are unbranded and are based on the black and yellow national stay home guidance. These would be added to the Teams site.A press release is about to go live regarding the ban being lifted for dogs on beaches temporarily to assist with social distancing. There is also messaging asking people to keep their dogs on leads on heathland due to it being bird nesting season. The Leader, Cllr Slade, had been doing weekly briefings on the BCP Council Facebook page and would continue to hold these until the end of lockdown.It was agreed that we should reuse the celebrity videos that were created to complement the stay home messaging.3.5Dorset PoliceA press release on county lines was due to be released today and would be published on the Dorset Police social media channels from tomorrow. A copy would be added to the Warning and Informing Teams site.Speeding had become a national focus but was not currently an issue in Dorset. Dorset Police were linking with highways teams but this was not currently a focus for media messaging.3.6DWFRSThe fire at Puddletown had made national news and remained the singular biggest risk for Dorset Fire. Messaging around not to have bonfires and BBQs would continue.There is planned work on reducing the risk for potential arson and will be targeting businesses, i.e. checking in on their business and clearing piles of post that have accumulated at the letterbox.The road safety team have created road safety module workbooks which have been sent directly to schools and will be promoted.3.7Dorset HealthcarePlanning is underway for Mental Health Awareness Week on 18th – 24th May. Content and stories are being collected and would be shared on the Trusts’ channels.Dorset Healthcare are working with AFC Bournemouth on a social media wellbeing campaign, ‘Wellbeing: we’re on your side’ which was launched on the 27th April and would be running for a month.A Facebook group for Dorset Healthcare staff had been set up and was due to be launched today.A press release would be sent out later this week about virtual visiting for patients, so that patients could talk to their families or friends via a tablet. 3.8Dorset CCUCurrently trying to find LRF images that we have permission to use externally.3.9Public Health DorsetContinuing the work on suicide prevention that was taking place before COVID-19. All the things that we are working on, such as supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing, complements the suicide prevention work. There has not been a rise in suicide cases. A couple of groups have been identified as more vulnerable are domestic violence and people consuming more alcohol, which are being picked up through current public health messaging.With regards to the stronger messaging around people staying home, someone in the public health team will look into getting videos of frontline staff saying thank you to those staying home.KH4.Any other business4.1Dorset Police campaigns that are running this week include online safety for young people, more stay at home messaging using national artwork, contacting police, child sexual exploitation and the county lines. The group agreed that it would be useful for the online safety messaging to be shared.SR4.2The dashboard had been well received and SCG were appreciative of the work being put in. KH asked the group to send their organisations’ top tweets, top Facebook posts and information on any media interviews by 9am on Tuesday each week so that these could be included within the dashboard. ................

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