Wellness Wheel Activity

Wellness Wheel—Mental Health and Balance Activities

Personal wellness means more than just not being sick. Many people appear to be physically well, but there are other factors that can contribute to emotional or physical disease. Stress, overdrinking, smoking, lack of caring and affection can all affect well being. The following chart illustrates the many dimensions of wellness. Being an effective helper means first being personally well enough to be able to support others. That personal wellness can take many forms.

Wellness is a part of all aspects of our lives. It includes many things as illustrated in the following diagram of a wellness wheel. A search on the internet will produce other variations of this wheel with other aspects included. What other aspects might be included? The most important aspect of the wellness wheel is recognizing the importance of keeping all aspects of our wellness in balance.

Activities to accompany the Wellness Wheel

The students will use this quiz as a discussion starter.

The Philosophy of Caring

Take this Quiz

1. Name the 5 wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last 3 winners of Canadian Idol

3. Name 10 people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize

4. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor or actress

5. Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners.

How did you do??

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are not “second rate” achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.

Here is another Quiz. See how you do in this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name 3 friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name 5 people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of 2 people who make you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of 5 people with whom ho you enjoy spending time.


The lesson: The people who make the most difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money or the most awards. They are the ones who care. They are the ones who participate in your personal wellness.

Assessing your Personal Wellness

Put a check mark under the column that best describes your personal wellness practices

(Adapted from Invitation to Health)

| |Always |Sometimes |Never |

|Physical Health |

|Do you: | | | |

|Eat nutritiously? | | | |

|Exercise regularly? | | | |

|Avoid harmful behaviors and substances? | | | |

|Watch for early signs of sickness? | | | |

|Protect yourself from accidents? | | | |

|Psychological Health |

|Are you generally aware of your feelings? | | | |

|Are you able to accept your feelings? | | | |

|Do you express emotions? | | | |

|Can you cope with the changes of daily stressors in your life?| | | |

|Spiritual Health |

|Do you feel you have a purpose in life? | | | |

|Do you experience love, joy, peace and fulfillment in your | | | |

|life? | | | |

|Can you help yourself and others achieve full potential? | | | |

|Do you participate in any spiritual practices such as prayer, | | | |

|meditation or practice within a religious faith? | | | |

|Social Health |

|Do you interact effectively with other people in your social | | | |

|environment? | | | |

|Can you develop satisfying interpersonal relationships? | | | |

|Do you fulfill your social roles as a member of a family, | | | |

|group of friends, part of a team or club? | | | |

|Do you contribute to your community by volunteering? | | | |

|Do you practice healthy sexual behaviours? | | | |

|Intellectual Health |

|Are you able to use your mind to gather process and act on | | | |

|information? | | | |

|Do you think through your values to make decisions? | | | |

|Do you set goals for yourself? | | | |

|Are you able to figure out how to handle a problem or | | | |

|challenge? | | | |

|Are you open to new ideas? | | | |

|Do you question and evaluate information and use critical | | | |

|thinking? | | | |

|Environmental Health |

|Do you live in a community where there is clean air, water and| | | |

|soil? | | | |

|Do you use dangerous products safely? | | | |

|Do you protect yourself from pollutants such as pesticides or | | | |

|second-hand smoke? | | | |

|Do you participate in recycling to protect and preserve the | | | |

|resources of the planet? | | | |

What do the results tell you about your personal wellness?

List 3 areas you feel you are doing very well in (look at check marks in the “always” or “sometimes” column).

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List 3 areas you feel you could improve in (look at the checkmarks in the “never” column).

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Contract for Change

Select one area of improvement from your assessment above.

What can you begin to do to improve this area of wellness starting today?

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List the names of 3 people or organizations whom you could ask for help .

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How will you reward yourself if you are successful in improving your personal wellness?

Reflective essay on Change

After two weeks, ask students to write a short reflective essay on the challenges and successes they faced in trying to change.

This can be also be discussed in small groups with the group generating lists of things that ‘helped” or “hindered” their attempts to improved their wellness.




Intellectual Health

Social Health

Spiritual Health

Psychological Health

Physical Health

What is the state of your personal wellness?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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