Clinical internship

Downtown Women’s Center’s (DWC) Clinical Internship Program offers training in various modalities with an emphasis on Trauma Informed Care. Interns will utilize assessment tools, such as, the WHOOQL and PCL-5 to identify areas for growth and healing.

Interns will provide clinical/health case management, psychosocial assessments, individual therapy and psycho-educational groups. Through a Trauma Informed Care approach, interns will work to help improve clients’ overall well-being and life stability. Interns will have an integral role in service provision and will be assigned clients who are enrolled in one or more of DWC’s departments: Health & Wellness’s Trauma Recovery Center, Permanent Supportive Housing or Community Based Housing program.

essential functions

• Conduct Biopsychosocial and diagnostic assessments as needed

• Provide individualized clinical/health case management

• Provide individual therapy to 4-10 clients (caseload is dependent on commitment of hours)

• Work with an interdisciplinary team to coordinate care and to enhance continuity of care

• Provide crisis counseling/case management support as needed

• Participate in weekly individual and group supervision

• Facilitate Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) groups

• Coordinate and facilitate Community Events (i.e. DV Awareness, Denim Day)

• Participate in Community Meetings


• Currently enrolled in a MSW/MFT/Clinical Psychology Graduate program

• Possess strong interpersonal skills

• Interest in holistic mental health programs and delivery systems

• Possess excellent oral and written communication skills

• Be detail-oriented, highly organized, and have strong computer skills

• Spanish-language proficiency preferred

• Have a professional attitude, friendly and positive approach

• Be a problem-solver and self-starter who enjoys working in a team-oriented environment

• Demonstrate an interest in the Center’s unique approach to service provision

• Committed to working towards an end to homelessness

• Ability to communicate with diverse audiences

• Abide by all legal and ethical standards


• Location of services is dependent on the program in which clients are enrolled in. The following locations are where services can occur: 442 S. San Pedro St., 333 S. Los Angeles St., or clients’ home in the Los Angeles area (home visits).

Transportation/required hours/compensation

• Interns will be required to have personal transportation, valid California driver’s license, current insurance and registration.

• Required hours: 16 to 20 hours each week for the duration of the internship starting September 2020

• No financial compensation is provided, however, meals are provided and parking is reimbursed ($60/mo.)

Application Instructions

• Email cover letter and resume to:

Myong Kim, LCSW, Clinical Director myongk@

DWC 2020-2021 Clinical Training Program Application

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Address: ____________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________


Phone (Home): _________________________________ Other (Work, cell, etc.): ________________________

E-mail Address: _________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________

I am currently enrolled in a:

MFT Program ___ MSW Program ___ PhD/PsyD Program ___

Other Program (please specify): _____________________________________


Graduate School:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Degree: _____________________________ Year completed or anticipated:_________

Graduate School:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Degree ______________________________ Year completed: ________

Undergraduate School

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Degree ______________________________ Year completed _________

Professional Experience

Internships/Traineeships (include dates, responsibilities, population served): __________________________________________________________________________________________





Related Volunteer/Professional Experience (include dates, responsibilities, population served):






Languages Spoken (Note: Only indicate languages other than English in which you are fluent.)



Additional Qualification/Expertise (Trainings, certifications, etc.)



What is your theoretical orientation (if known)? ___________________________________________________________________

Please order your preference in programs from 1 – 3, with 1 being most preferred:

______ Health & Wellness

______ Community-Based Housing

______ Permanent Supportive Housing

References (do not include personal therapists):

Name: ______________________ Relationship: _______________________

Phone:______________ Email: ___________________

Name: ______________________ Relationship: _______________________

Phone:______________ Email: ____________________

Name: ______________________ Relationship: _______________________

Phone:______________ Email: ____________________

Statement of Interest

Completion of the application includes a 1-2 page, double-spaced “Biographical Statement”. Please address the following prompts in short answer format 1-2 paragraphs.

1) Reason(s) for applying for an internship at Downtown Women’s Center.

2) Describe your particular interest in working with those experiencing homelessness.

3) Describe your interest in one or more of the following: 1) Trauma-Informed Care 2) Harm-Reduction 3) Brief/Solution-Focused Treatment

4) Describe why personal therapy may be beneficial for therapists.

Additional Information

Please attach a resume or CV to this application. Complete the application form even if it duplicates information contained in your resume or CV.

Schedule of Availability

Please complete the Availability Schedule and return with your packet.

Service Locations

Services will be provided at participant’s homes* and at our two sites at: 442 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 & 333 S. Los Angeles, CA 90013

*traveling to participant’s home is required

Expected Time Commitment

Interns will be expected to make a nine month to one-year (12 month) commitment of 16 - 20 hours per week.

Comments (additional pertinent info about yourself; questions or concerns):


Your signature below indicates that you have answered all of the above questions fully and to the best of your knowledge; that you have read and understand the expected time commitment; and that you grant permission to Downtown Women’s Center to verify any information provided in this application.

Signature _____________________________________ Date ____________

Please send application to:

Myong Kim, Clinical Director

Email: myongk@

RE: 2020-2021 Clinical Internship

Availability Schedule

Name: __________________________

Degree Program (MFT, MSW, PhD/PsyD): __________________

Number of Hours Desired Weekly: ________________

Number of Hours Desired Total: __________________

* Please mark all time slots in which you are available. Please remember that a minimum of 16 hours is required and some evenings and weekends may be required, depending on client availability.

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

|8:00-9:00 | | | | | | |

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|9:00-10:00 | | | | | | |

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|10:00-11:00 | | | | | | |

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|11:00-12:00 | | | | | | |

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|12:00-1:00 | | | | | | |

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|1:00-2:00 | | | | | | |

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|2:00-3:00 | | | | | | |

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|3:00-4:00 | | | | | | |

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|4:00-5:00 | | | | | | |

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