Mind Annual Review 2018-19 - Mind, the mental …

Reaching out, reaching new heights

Our annual review for 2018-19

Don't be shackled, do not be burdened, do not be conditioned by what has gone before. The stiff British upper lip, it's gone. That code of silence around what you're thinking and what you're feeling, it's gone.

Mind Ambassador Clarke Carlisle gave an impassioned speech at the 2018 Virgin Money Giving Mind Media Awards, calling for more openness about mental health after he and his wife Carrie won the Speaking Out Award. As you can read throughout this review, openness was at the very heart of our thinking throughout 2018/19 too ? as we worked with more people in more ways than ever before.


Annual review 2018/19


4 Introducing Mind in 2018/19 6 Welcome from Stevie Spring, Mind

Chairman, and Paul Farmer, our CEO 8 Welcome from Jules from the London

Ambulance Service 10 Reaching out, reaching new heights:

2018/19 in numbers 12 Together, we began transforming mental

health support in schools 14 Together, we helped more people find

clarity and confidence 16 Together, we demanded change through

the Mental Health Act review 18 Together, we partnered with the

English Football League 20 Together, we pushed the government to

change plans that put mental health at risk 22 Together, we chose our new chairman 24 How we raise our money 26 How we spend our money 28 Our people 30 Thank you

Cover: Our partnership with the EFL (see page 18) helped us reach millions of football fans - at matches including the 2018 Checkatrade Trophy Final at Wembley.

Annual review 2018/19


Our guiding vision is simple: we won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.

And we mean everyone.

Throughout this review, you'll see how we're reaching out to more people in more ways to help achieve that vision. Schoolchildren. Teachers. Parents. Police officers. Fire officers. Paramedics. Search and rescue teams. People experiencing a mental health crisis. Football fans. Politicians. People put at risk by the benefits system. People who would rather text than talk. People with nowhere else to turn.

It's a long list, and we'll make sure it keeps getting longer. Because we're here for everyone experiencing a mental health problem ? and in 2018/19 we reached out to more people than ever before.

West Midlands Police


Annual review 2018/19

We're Mind, and we're here for everyone who needs us

We're here for

the 1 in 4 people who

experience a mental

health problem in any

given year

We're here for the 52% of people who say they've experienced poor mental health in

their current job

We're here for

the 88% of people


who use mental health

here for the

services who have faced

4 in 5 people with a

discrimination because of

mental health problem

their mental health in

whose housing has

the past 12 months

made their mental

health worse

Wherever you are, we're here


local Minds

in England

3,000+ 20

volunteers in our shops

local Minds in Wales

Annual review 2018/19


volunteers in

local Minds


staff across Mind and our retail network


shops across England and


*All figures correct as of 31 March 2019



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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