Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

The University of Toledo

Department of Counseling and Mental Health Services

Course Syllabus for CMHS 4120 (Undergraduate)

Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

Fall 2004

3 semester hours credit Wednesdays 4:30-7pm in HHS 3420

Instructor: Jeff Moe, MA E-mail: Jmoe627@

Office: HHS 3200 Phone: 530-2718

Office hours: Wednesday 2-4 or by appointment


As a result of taking this course, students will be able to:

1) Identify and articulate the major concepts and elements of dual diagnosis theory, including but not limited to psychopathology, diagnostic criteria, history, and field related controversies

2) Identify appropriate assessment and intervention strategies for working with persons within the dual diagnosis population

3) Perform basic interviewing and assessment techniques, including the development of a client problem list

4) Develop and articulate a personal theory of dual diagnosis

Required text:

Rassool, G.H. (Ed.). (2002). Dual diagnosis: Substance misuse and psychiatric disorders. London, England: Blackwell Science

Teaching methods and expectations: Students are expected and encouraged to actively participate in this learning experience. My goal is to utilize lecture, class discussion, group activities, and a combination of academic and experiential learning to facilitate students’ active learning.

Class policies:

Plagiarism: Any student who represents the written work of another person as his or her own for an assignment will receive a a grade of zero (0) for said assignment and may face disciplinary action through the University Conduct Office.

Class policies (cont.):

Attendance: As per University policy, students are expected to attend every class. Exigent and dire circumstances may preclude student attendance, and should such events occur students are expected to contact the instructor via either the e-mail address provided on this syllabus or by contacting the department secretary at (419) 530-2718. Coordinating absences with the instructor is the first step to minimizing the impact of said absences on student grades.

Grading: A letter grade consistent with performance on all assignments will be issued upon completion of all requirements after the last week of the semester. A grade of PR will not be issued. Students experiencing dire circumstances may receive a grade of I (incomplete), and will have one semester to complete any outstanding work. At the end of said semester, if all work has not been completed then the grade of I will become a grade of F.

Minus grades will not be issued. Breakdown of grade categories will be as follows:

A+ = 96%

A = 92% - 95%

B+ = 86% - 91%

B = 81% - 95%

C+ = 75% - 80%

C = 70% - 74%

D + = 65% - 69%

D = 60% - 64%

F = 59% or below

Extra credit: Students are afforded sufficient credit opportunities by fulfilling class requirements. Barring exigent and dire circumstances, extra credit will not be accepted or approved.

Diversity: Encountering new ideas, new ways of knowing, and interacting with people different from ourselves are pillars of the college experience. Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, or otherwise bigoted language will not be tolerated in the classroom. Students will be encouraged and expected to be mindful of this and other diversity related issues.

Accommodations: Students requiring personalized arrangements for test taking, classroom access, or other accessibility concerns should contact the Office of Student Accessibility and notify the instructor.

Electronic devices: Ringing and beeping devices are expected to be set on vibrate or non-audio during class time in order to reduce disruption.

Course changes: I reserve the right to modify assignment structure, re-arrange topic discussion, and to make as needed changes to the course. Students will always be notified in advance of said changes. Students will be asked to contribute feedback and input to changes instituted by instructor.

Course requirements

Attendance and participation: good attendance and quality participation are vital to the learning process. 2 points per class will be deducted beyond the two class maximum absences as described above. 30 points (15%)

Terminology quiz: Learning the lexicon of a new concept or topic is necessary to gain mastery of it. 40 points (20%)

Agency interview: Students will be expected to contact a local provider of dual diagnosis services and interview him or her. An interview format will be provided. 40 points (20%).

Assessment interview: Students will be expected to complete a bio-psycho-social assessment of another person. This person may be a family member or friend. Bio-psycho-social assessment is the standard intake procedure at most local behavioral healthcare facilities. An assessment outline will be provided. 30 points (15%).

Position paper: The final assignment will consist of a critical essay on an identified topic or thesis within the dual diagnosis arena. All topics must be approved by the instructor. Students are encouraged to utilize research to complete this paper. The paper must be a minimum of 8 typed, double-spaced pages. Papers may not be more than 15 pages, including title and references. All papers must adhere to APA style. Title pages and reference lists will not be counted within the 8 page minimum. 50 points (25%).


|Week/Date |Assignments, readings, and topics |

|Week 1: August 25th |Intros, syllabus, opening discussion |

|Week 2: September 1st |Text chapters 1 & 2, history and issues |

|Week 3: September 8th |Quiz on terms, Text chapters 3 & 4 |

| |DSM – IV criteria |

|Week 4: September 15th |Text chapter 5, Demmitt & constructivist diagnosis |

|Week 5: September 22nd |Text chapters 6 & 13, psychopathology |

|Week 6: September 29th |Text chapters 7 & 8, agency culture |

|Week 7: October 6th |Text chapters 9 & 10, multicultural implications |

|Week 8: October 13th |Agency interviews due, Text chapters 11 & 12, case |

| |conceptualization |

|Week 9: October 20th |Text chapters 14 & 15, research |

|Week 10: October 27th |Text 16 & 17, training and credentialing |

|Week 11: November 3rd |Assessment and treatment planning |

| |Assessment Interviews due, |

|Week 12: November 10th |Movie presentation and discussion |

|Week 13: November 17th |MRDD issues and dual diagnosis |

|Week 14: November 24th |No Class |

|Week 15: December 1st |Last class, course evaluations, Q & A for position papers |

|Week 16: December 8th, finals week |Position papers due |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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