Mental Health in the Elderly

Mental Health in the


Maria Di Tomasso M.D. F.R.C.P





Epidemiology of Depressive, Anxiety, and

Psychotic Disorders


Different clinical presentations between older and

younger adults with mental illness


Risk Factors and Protective Factors



¡°I enjoy talking with very old people. They

have gone before us on a road by which we,

too, may have to travel, and I think we do well

to learn from them what it is like.¡±





Canada met a milestone in July 2015, for the first time

ever there are more Canadians age 65 and over than

there are under age 15


The growth rate of people over 65 is four times faster

than the population at large


In 2011, centenarians were the second most rapidly

growing segment of the population, after those aged

60-64, which experienced the fastest increase


By 2030 25% of Canadians will be over 65

Canada's Aging Population


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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