December 2021 Additional Mental Health Related Articles ...

[Pages:6]December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

A Closer Look at Mental Health in Schools During the Pandemic ?

Depression and Irritability - How irritability and anger can be signs of depression in children and teenagers. - READ MORE

Teens and Anger - How parents can model healthy coping skills. - READ MORE

What Are the Kinds of Depression? - They all involve being sad or irritable, but the symptoms occur in different patterns. - READ MORE

DMDD: Extreme Tantrums and Irritability - Kids with this disorder act out because they can't manage big emotions. READ MORE

Treatment for Depression - What parents need to know about therapy, medication and finding a good clinician. - READ MORE

What to Do if You Think Your Teenager is Depressed - Start by listening without judgment, not trying to 'fix' them. - READ MORE

Ed Department Reminds States Of Early Intervention Obligations Under IDEA - Amid concerns about a decline in referrals, federal officials are pressing states to ensure that young kids with disabilities receive the early intervention services they're entitled to. Read More >

Senators Back FDA On Electric Shock Device Ban - A group of senators is urging the FDA to keep up the fight after a federal court overturned the agency's ban on devices used to administer electric shocks on people with developmental disabilities. Read More >

Temple Grandin Working on Line Of Playground Equipment For Kids With Autism - Temple Grandin, one of the most well-known and accomplished adults with autism, is partnering with a company that makes playground equipment to develop a line aimed at children with autism. Read More >

Students With Special Needs Acutely Affected By Bus Driver Shortage - A nationwide school bus driver shortage is leading to longer-than-usual rides and off-schedule pickups, cutting short schooling for students entitled to transportation as part of their IEPs. Read More >

Jeffco DA Danny Carr Announces Diversion Program for First-Time Felony Offenders - Birmingham Times--Alabama

From Crisis to Care - Inquest--National

Rosa DeLauro (Opinion): Mental Health Crises Require Mental Health Pros - The Middletown Press--Connecticut

`Burn Down the House': An Expert Calls for Abolishing the Youth Justice System - The Crime Report--National

Why Partnering with 911 and First Responders Is Crucial to the Success of 988 - #CrisisTalk--National

Opinion: Turning the Page on Mental Health - City Journal--New York

Dealing with Mental Health Crisis One Zoom Call at a Time - AP News--Illinois

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December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

California High Court Upholds Faster Mental Health Care Transfers for Unfit Defendants - Courthouse News Service-- California

Colorado Jails Embrace Drug Program to Combat Addictions, Fatal Overdoses - The Denver Gazette--Colorado

First Peer-Run Respite Opens as Alternative to Hospitalization for People in Mental Health Distress - North Carolina Health News--North Carolina

Training Increases Judges' Understanding of Opioid Use Disorder - @ the Center--National

Has Central Vermont Found the Solution to Policing Mental Health? - VTDigger--Vermont

NJ Supreme Court Releases `Equal Justice' Year-One Report Showing `Measurable Benefits' - --New Jersey

These books are designed to help you write (or draw) your way to better mental health - The pandemic and the upcoming holidays might be good reasons to get yourself a workbook. Continue reading

Feds Update Rules For Disability Employment - New federal guidance is spelling out what qualifies as competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities. Read More >

Study Finds Big Differences In Autism Rates By Community - In some U.S. communities autism prevalence is more than three times the national average, a new study suggests. Read More >

With Masks Optional At Some Schools, Students With Disabilities Feel Cast Aside - Parents argue that a ban on mask mandates effectively kept children with certain disabilities from campus this semester despite federal laws guaranteeing them access to public education. Read More >

Paraprofessionals Are Short-Handed, Exhausted - For many schools that rely on paraprofessionals to serve students with disabilities, a shortage of workers coupled with inadequate pay for existing staffers is making for a dire situation. Read More >

What COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Mean For People With IDD - Sweeping new Biden administration rules requiring millions of American workers to receive COVID-19 vaccines will apply to many of those who support people with developmental disabilities. Read More >

With Disability-Friendly Packaging, Olay Aims For Greater Accessibility - A major beauty brand is rethinking its packaging in an effort to be more accessible to people with disabilities and they're hoping that other companies will follow suit. Read More >

One Boy's Struggles Show How States Often Fail Kids With Severe Autism - Emmett Tolis went to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia as his parents sought residential treatment for his severe autism. Four months later, they've had no luck, and he's still there. Read More >

Rule Change Upends Special Education For Some - A change to a state rule intended to ensure that only 1% of students are deemed to have the most significant cognitive disabilities suddenly took away help many had received for years. Read More >

How to Set Limits on Screen Time - Tips for prioritizing kids' wellness and keeping fights to a minimum. READ MORE

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions? They can learn to change gears without whining and tantrums. READ MORE

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December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

Media Guidelines for Kids of All Ages - Making sure your children's screen time is healthy. READ MORE

When Should You Get Your Kid a Phone? It's not just a question of the right age. READ MORE

Can Screen Time Be Educational for Toddlers? How to choose media that's good for young children. READ MORE

Is Internet Addiction Real? How to know when kids are too reliant on screens. READ MORE

Mass. senators unveil wide-ranging mental health measure - The legislation would require free annual mental health exams just like annual physical exams and would carve out nearly $130 million to recruit 200 mental health professionals. Continue reading

The Justice Department is suing Uber. The company charges a wait-time fee to passengers with disabilities who need more time to board vehicles and allegedly has refused their refund requests, making them feel like "second-class" citizens, the department said.

In a survey of middle school and high school students in L.A. Unified, students said they had suffered due to the COVID19 pandemic and expressed a "non-negotiable" need for academic success: mental wellness. The survey said 1 in 3 students of color didn't have an adult at school with whom they felt comfortable enough to talk about how they were feeling, and it drove home kids' high-priority needs: access to tech and opportunities for tutoring, extra classes and extracurricular activities.

CVS Drops Supreme Court Case Over Disability Community Concerns - CVS is backing off a U.S. Supreme Court case amid concerns from disability advocates that a ruling in the company's favor could undermine fundamental tenets of the nation's disability rights laws. Read More >

Airbnb Works To Improve Offerings for Those with Disabilities - Airbnb, which has faced accusations of discrimination against travelers with disabilities in the past, is stepping up its efforts to better accommodate guests with various needs. Read More >

Justice Department Sues Uber for Disability Discrimination - The U.S. government is suing Uber alleging that the ridesharing service is illegally overcharging people with disabilities by imposing "wait time" fees if they need extra time to get in a car. Read More >

Federal Judge Blocks State Ban on Mask Mandates in Schools - A state executive order banning public schools from imposing mask mandates cannot be enforced because it violates federal law by putting students with disabilities at greater risk of COVID-19. Read More >

Mental health access should top post-pandemic priorities - 2022 is shaping up to be the Year of Health Care on Beacon Hill. Continue reading

Be Kind to Yourself- How self-compassion can help parents manage anxiety. - READ MORE

How Mindfulness Can Help Caregivers - Techniques and strategies to reduce stress. - READ MORE

Preventing Parent Burnout - Meeting the emotional challenges of children with mental health issues. - READ MORE

How Parent Support Groups Can Help - Online or off, caregiver communities offer insight and solidarity. - READ MORE

Beyond Postpartum Depression - New thinking about anxiety and depression in moms. - READ MORE

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December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

When Parent and Child Both Have ADHD - Treatment for Mom or Dad may be important for the kids, too. - READ MORE

How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids - Help yourself, and them, by learning techniques to manage stress in a healthy way. - READ MORE

Biden Names Pick for Special Education Chief - The country may soon see a new top special education official. Read More >

Google Seeks Help from People with Speech Issues - Google wants to make it easier for people with disabilities that affect their speech to communicate with those around them and they're looking for some help. Read More >

Britney Spears' Case Highlights Pitfalls of Conservatorships - With her conservatorship terminated, Britney Spears now has control over her checkbook and her uterus, but perhaps more than anything, her case shows how the legal tool can harm as well as help. Read More >

Wheelchair Users Can Face Hefty Costs Not Covered by Insurance - The right wheelchair can cost thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars, and private insurance only covers so much. Now, a federal class-action lawsuit claims the situation is discriminatory. Read More >

A string of LAPD shootings exposes L.A.'s broken mental health system - Police shootings in recent months highlight a troubling trend of LAPD officers opening fire on mentally ill suspects -- but also a broader systemic failure of the mental health system. Mentally ill people are cycled through what police, mental health officials and advocates agree is a dizzying revolving door of temporary psychiatric units and jail wards, never getting the long-term care they need.

Survey Finds Schools Failing to Offer Compensatory Services To Students In Special Ed - The vast majority of students with disabilities have been offered no compensatory services, a new survey finds, despite concerns from parents about learning loss and regression amid the pandemic. Read More >

Apple's iPad Gets Assistive Technology Boost - Through a partnership with a venerable name in the world of assistive technology, people with disabilities can now control Apple's iPad using nothing more than their eyes. Read More >

New Peppa Pig Theme Park to Be Autism-Friendly - A first-of-its-kind Peppa Pig theme park that's set to open near Legoland next year is being designed to meet the needs of kids with autism and it will feature wheelchair-accessible rides. Read More >

How Modern Medicine Neglects Mothers-To-Be with Disabilities - Though women with disabilities now get pregnant and give birth at the same rate as women without disabilities, most obstetricians know little more about them than they did nearly a century ago. Read More >

A mentally ill man, a heavily armed teen and the night Kenosha burned - By Robert Klemko and Greg Jaffe Read more ?

It's up to Mass. House now to help bring about mental health parity - Coverage for regular mental health checkups would facilitate the identification of risk and prevent escalation of distress. Continue reading

United States can be a leader on behalf of people with disabilities around the world - It is one of a handful of countries that have not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Continue reading

Some Majority-Black Cities Saw Violent Crime Declines in 2020 - Axios--National

What Is Trauma-Informed Design? - Next City--NYC

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December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

'There is An Urgency': Janey Unveils Mass. and Cass Plan as City Declares Addiction and Homelessness a Public Health Crisis - Boston Globe--Boston

Mapping Out a Reentry Plan for Departing Inmates - WDel--Delaware

Montana to Study Sentencing Patterns for Possible Racial Disparities - Great Falls Tribune--Montana

Atlanta Mayor Announces New Pre-Arrest Diversion Center To Open At City Jail - CBA--Atlanta

Understanding Stimulant Medications for ADHD - Ritalin or Adderall? Short- or long-acting? A look at the alternatives, and how they work. - READ MORE

What Are Nonstimulant Medications for ADHD? - A look at how they work and when they are recommended for kids with ADHD. - READ MORE

ADHD and Behavior Problems - Why are tantrums and defiance so common in kids with the disorder? And how can we help them manage their behavior? - READ MORE

Helping Kids Who Struggle With Executive Functions - How to build organizational skills based on each child's strengths. - READ MORE

ADHD and Exercise - Studies show that even half an hour a day can help kids function better and feel better. - READ MORE

Medications Are Not the Only Way to Treat Depression - Read More

Advice for Mental Illness Caregivers - Read More

Caring for Yourself When Your Spouse Has a Mental Illness - Read More

Lies I Told Myself When I Found Out My Daughter Was Struggling - Read More

The mental health establishment is failing trans kids - Perspective By Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson Read more ?

Father of suspect in Middlesex Fells assault says his son has battled mental health problems for years - In hindsight, Harry McCue said, "Obviously something was still there that I didn`t see." Continue reading

Falling through a tattered safety net: There are thousands of people like John Maurer, whose mental illness, compounded by drug use, keeps them in a cycle of homelessness, hospitalization and jail.

House Approves Largest Investment Ever in Community-Based Services - A roughly $2 trillion bill including a historic investment in Medicaid home and community-based services and support for employment, housing and other disability programs is closer to becoming law. Read More >

Crime Against People with Disabilities on The Rise - People with disabilities are nearly four times more likely than others to be victims of violent crime, according to new federal data. Read More >

Firm Designs Buildings to Meet Needs of Kids With Autism - They design buildings specifically to provide a sense of calm for people on the autism spectrum, but say the simplified design has the same effect on anyone in schools, clinics and offices. Read More >

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December 2021 ? Additional Mental Health Related Articles from Around the Nation

Staff Crisis Had State Planning To Move Group Home Residents Into Facility With Cots - A group home staffing crisis prompted a state plan to move dozens of residents with disabilities into a day center where cots were being set up in a gymnasium. Read More >

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