INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the F-tag that is most appropriate for each paragraph of "evidence".

1.) R13 has a diagnosis of Schizophrenic affective Disorder. R13 RAP identified "proceed with care plan" for activities. RAP summary states proceed with care planning. R13 has no activities care plan written. Physicians orders states may participate in activities including the fitness program. Recent Nursing notes and surveyor observations on 5/19 and 5/20 found R13 lying in bed declining to participate in the planned activities. Interview with R 13 revealed that she did not like the games, music and storytelling offered by activities. A review of the social service notes dated 9/2/00 reflected the resident's interests were gardening, pets and painting. There were no attempts to provide this resident with an activity program to meet her interests and needs.

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2) According to nurses notes on 10-09-00 at 9:30am, R6 was notified of the death of R6's brother. Nurses notes state, "R6 very tearful." "I'm really worried about myself now. We were very close." R6 has a diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder.

Ativan was ordered by the physician and administered without attempting alternative interventions first. R6 requested staff nurse to check her pulse frequently and exhibited anxiety by stating "I am so worried." On 10-9-00 on the evening shift R6 remained tearful. On 10-13-00 on the evening shift, R6 had an became verbally abusive. Subsequent interdisciplinary progress notes continue to describe the resident as "tearful" and "depressed". There is no evidence either through documentation, staff or resident interviews of any support or counseling was offered. Interview with R6 on 10-16-00 indicated the resident is still anxious and depressed and had not been seen by social services. On 10-13-00 social services note state R6 has "accepted his death in a calm manner. Continue to observe for changes in condition."

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3.) A review of the facility's activity calendars far March and April 2001 reflects activities to be sparse with 1 to 2 activities per month. Examples of activities offered included: Bingo, Open Leisure and Banking. On 4/24/01 at 10am only one resident was observed participating during the scheduled activity, Aerobics. Other residents were observed to be smoking. Additional observations throughout the survey week showed a maximum of 5 residents participating in activities. The majority of residents spent their time smoking or sleeping. The facility has identified 99 of 125 residents with mental illnesses or developmental disability diagnoses, ranging from young to elderly. Interviews with staff and residents confirmed the facility does not have activities aimed at meeting the mental and psychosocial needs of this population.

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4.) R2 has a diagnosis of Bipolar Personality Disorder. The MDS dated 12/20/00 has "average time involved in activities" scored as "None". The care-plan state "resident refused to participate in psychosocial groups and activities because of socially paranoid ideations". During individual interview, R2 states she did not want to attend the activity. She also said the place is very depressing and that she is not interested in the activities offered at the facility. Activities were not provided to address this individual's interests or needs. In addition, the care plan has not been altered since inception on 12/28/00 in order to plan for the provision of appropriate activities for this resident.

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5.) In 17 of 17 medical records of residents with Ml diagnoses reviewed, Preadmission Screening (PAS) reports were not present in the clinical records. When questioned, the staff stated the reports were not being completed prior to admission.

In addition, there was no documentation in the clinical records reviewed to indicate that the residents were exempt from screening.

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6.) R9 has the diagnosis of schizophrenia and depression. According to the medical record, R9 experiences cyclical behaviors. Psychological evaluation dated 2/20/01 states, "To facilitate patient's adjustment to facility, encourage contact between R9 and family members.. .verbalizes missing family...lack of family contacts is a depressing aspect of the living situation." R9s plan of care does not reflect the need for family involvement. Staff indicated that they call the family occasionally but only when R9 exhibits behaviors.

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7.) R14 had a diagnosis of mental illness, and the PASRR recommended -workshop involvement. The care plan dated 8/19/00 identified workshop 5 days a week to maintain mental health stability. At the time of the survey on 11/15/00 a referral for this resident had not been made. On each day of the survey, R14 was observed sitting alone in his room with lights out and curtains drawn.

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8.) R7's assessment indicates that this resident is a good candidate for workshop. R7 has a socia1 service goal dated six months ago to "attend day program." Although the social worker arranged for this resident to attend day program services, the resident has never attended and there is no documentation in the record as to why the services has not been provided. During the interview R7 stated the he/she would like to attend a workshop.

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9.) R1 was readmitted 3/19/01 from the psychiatric unit following a change in mental status. The facility did not refer this individual to the screening agency to evaluate whether or not R1's change in mental status was sufficient to merit specialized services for mental illness. On 4/3/01, R1 was again admitted to the locked psychiatric unit.

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10.) Based on a family interview, R1 was depressed about the recent death of her/his sister. R1 only speaks Cambodian. It was determined that she/he was in need of psychological services by the interdisciplinary team due to depression and inability to express needs due to the language barrier. Documentation showed that the R1 was being seen by a facility contracted psychologist monthly. However, the psychologist did not speak the residents' language and the facility staff was unable to explain how R1 was benefiting from the sessions.

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11.) R2 came to this facility on 10/29/00 from a rehabilitation hospital with multiple psychiatric diagnoses, medications and symptoms. Testing and evaluation in the rehabilitation hospital had suggested this individual would meet the PASRR criteria for mental illness. The preadmission evaluation and determination were required as to whether or not R2 could be admitted to a nursing facility and if they would need specialized services for mental illness. No preadmission referral was made until more than two weeks following admission. The screening agency did not do a Level II full evaluation due to the limited amount of information provided by the facility. For example, the information regarding the results of the hospital testing was not shared, therefore the screening agency only did a partial screen for mental illness.

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12.) R#26 was admitted to the facility in March 2001 with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. The comprehensive assessment of the resident by the facility identified multiple problems with mood and behavior. Nursing notes documented tearfulness, pain control problems, and behavior problems. The facility arranged for a session with a contract agency on 5/1/01; the resident refused to go. There was no further documented evidence that the facility attempted alternative measures to meet the mood/behavior and psychosocial needs of this resident.

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13.) R27 has a diagnosis of Repressed Chronic Schizophrenia. The medical record describes the following behaviors: pacing throughout the facility, frequently screaming, sexually preoccupied and vulgar, boxing with herself, violent rage, non-compliant with treatment, going in/out of other residents' rooms rummaging through their things looking for cigarettes, money, and or disruptive at bedtime, refuses to shower, eat meals on time or wear appropriate clothing, striking out and becoming verbally abusive with other residents. On 4/23/01 at 10:30am R27 was pacing up and down the corridor going in and out of resident rooms. On 4/24/01 10am, surveyor knocked on door to resident's room. Surveyor observed R27 in bed, no sheets on the bed, resident yelled, 'leave me alone' and got out of bed to chase surveyor out of room. Record review reflects care plan approach for R27 to meet with Mental Health Counselor one time a week. Staff interviews revealed meetings were not scheduled and no other additional counseling or therapeutic programs were provided to the resident. Although this resident

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