HHS4M Summative

|Student’s Name: | |

|Teacher Name: |Ms Baines |

|Course: |Families in Canada - HHS4C |

Please let me know if you need help, I am always available!

Expectation & Completion Chart:

Please review the following steps for the Independent Research Project. Ensure that all instructions and deadlines are understood. Upon completion and review of each step please initial the following:

| |Time Line: |Complete |Students |Teachers Initials |

| | | |Initials | |

|Step 1:Choose a Topic |September 12 | | | |

|Step 2: Research notes |October 1 | | | |

|Step 3: Proposal |October 17 | | | |

|Step 4: The Outline & Student-Teacher Conference |November 7 | | | |

|Step 5: The Rough Draft |November 14 | | | |

|Step 6: The Polished Essay |December 5 | | | |

Requirements of the Independent Study Research Paper

• Hand written research notes (at least 4 sources)

• Essay Proposal

• Student – Teacher conference

• Outline

• Rough Draft

• Polished, analytical argumentative essay;

• Proper Title page

• Proper Works Consulted / Bibliography APA Style (6+ sources preferred)

• Footnotes (12+) (at least 2 citations per source)

• Sufficient and appropriate evidence, quotations & statistics

• Primary and Secondary sources

• Student analysis and commentary among evidence items

• Proper Introduction & Conclusion

• Essay length: 4-5 pages in length

Step 1: Selection of Topic

The following are broad topics, which need to be narrowed or refined for further analysis:

1. Current child rearing philosophies

2. Children’s issues (poverty, rights, education, legislation)

3. Influences on Canadian families (economic, demographic, social, etc.)

4. Relationships within families (father-son, mother daughter, siblings)

5. Effects of birth order

6. Effects of marital / family discord on health (physical, mental)

7. Same sex marriages

8. Marital fidelity/infidelity

9. Cohabitation

10. Family planning

11. Teen pregnancy / adolescent parenthood

12. Teen runaways

13. Adoption

14. Single parents

15. Gays and lesbians as parents

16. Multi-parent families

17. Polygamy

18. Domestic division of labour

19. Stress and the family

20. Family violence (its effects, rural vs. urban, etc.)

21. Divorce (causes, effects)

22. Second marriages

23. Step/blended families

24. Widowhood

25. Loss of a parent

26. The changing family structure

27. Issues of the elderly; the aging “boomer”; geriatrics

28. Cultural influences on parenthood

29. Changing roles of women in society

30. Effects of daycare on children

31. Discipline - the spanking issue; effects of lack of discipline on children; discipline styles

32. Women and divorce / men and divorce

33. Effects of addiction on families

34. Suicide

35. Arranged marriages

36. Sexual double standards

37. The future of marriage

38. Effects of faith on family relationships

39. Portrayal of the family in the media

40. Dating in the 21st Century

41. Wife battering

42. The empty nest syndrome

43. Role 0f income on family

44. Pre-nuptial agreements

45. Living single

46. Mother/infant bonding

47. The role of play in childhood development

48. Sex education and children

49. Teaching morals and values to children

50. Childlessness; (DINKs - Dual Income No Kids)

51. Foster children

52. Sex roles: Are we programmed into our sex roles?

53. Masculinity / Femininity

54. Peer Groups as agents of socialization; School as agent of socialization

55. Building self-esteem in Children

56. Effects of serious illness / mental illness on families

57. Roles of Grandparents


|Families and Society |Family Diversity |

|Communications and Media |Aboriginal Families |

|Defining Family |Disability and Family |

|Families and Community |Ethno-racial Families |

|Families and Economy |Families and Society |

|Families and Environment |Farm Families |

|Family History |Immigrant and Transnational Families |

|Family Law |Military Families |

|Gender and Family |Same-Sex Families |

|Family Formation |Family Roles and Responsibilities |

|Birth and Adoption |Caregiving |

|Death and Dying |Early Childhood Education and Care |

|Demographics |Family Relationships |

|Divorce and Separation |Household Spending and Production |

|Lone-Parent Families |Leisure, Recreation, Arts, Play |

|Marriage and Cohabitation |Paid and Unpaid Work |

|Mobility |Parenting |

|Step-Families, Blended-Families |Reproduction and Fertility |

| |Time Use |

| |Volunteering and Helping Others |

|Family Well-Being | |

|Children and Youth | |

|Family Finances | |

|Health | |

|House and home | |

|Learning | |

|Life Transitions | |

|Mental Health | |

|Poverty and Low Income | |

|Seniors | |

|Social Inclusion | |

|Spirituality | |

|Violence and Abuse | |

|Work and Family | |

Part 1 of the Essay Deliverables

Step 2: Essay Proposal

You cannot be successful at this stage unless you do sufficient research DO NOT attempt to come up with a thesis until you have done A LOT of research (be open to wherever the information takes you!)

Please hand in your RESEARCH NOTES of at least 4 sources along with this page!

Name: _______________________________ Topic:_________________________________________


1. Write down the thesis statement and potential supporting evidence ( - or sub points - which can be detailed or fleshed out later).

|Thesis Statement: |Evidence 1: |

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| |Example: This essay has a clear thesis. |

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| |Evidence 2: |

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| |Example: This essay has strong arguments. |

| |Evidence 3: |

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| |Example: The writing style used is excellent. |

| |Evidence 4 and so on as needed: |

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|Example: This is a good essay because it | |

|has a clear thesis, strong arguments, and excellent writing style. | |

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2. Write down any counter-arguments or misconceptions that you will be refuting or referring to in your essay… (antithesis)

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PROPOSAL Research Notes and Thesis Rubric

Name: ____________________________________


Research Notes:

Researchers (independently) should submit research notes on a minimum of 4 articles, books or studies connected to your topic. Your initial research is connected to being able to develop a hypothesis and thesis.

Potential Thesis:

Based on the initial research you have conducted using secondary sources, state your proposed thesis. This may be tweaked a little as you continue to do secondary research.

Additional Notes linking initial research to the topic and thesis…

Address how your initial research is going to link to your thesis.

|Criteria |Below Level One |Level One +/- |Level Two +/- |Level Three +/- |Level Four +/- |

| |to be determined |1- 1 1+ |2- 2 2+ |3- 3 3+ |4- 4 4+ |

| | |52% 55% 58% |62% 65% 68% |72% 75% 78% |85% 90% 95% |

| | | | | | |

|Knowledge/ |The research notes do not|The research notes |The research notes reflect|The research notes reflect|The research notes reflect|

|Understanding |reflect knowledge or an |reflect a limited |some knowledge or |successful knowledge and |successful knowledge and |

| |understanding of the |knowledge or |understanding of the topic|understanding of the topic|understanding of the topic|

|Research notes reflect |topic being researched. |understanding of the |being researched. |being researched. |being researched. |

|knowledge and | |topic being researched. | | | |

|understanding of the |Content of notes is too | |Content of notes reflects |Fairly strong content in |Very strong content in |

|topic being researched. |limited in terms of |Content of notes is |some substance* |terms of quantity and |terms of quantity and |

| |quantity* |limited in terms of | |quality* of notes taken |quality* of notes taken |

| | |quantity* | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Thinking/ Inquiry |The research notes do not|The research notes |The research notes reflect|The research notes reflect|The research notes reflect|

| |reflect effective |reflect a limited level |a somewhat successful |a successful level of |a very effective or high |

|The literature review or|research regarding the |of research regarding |level of research |research regarding |level of research |

|use of secondary sources|initial search for |secondary sources; there |regarding secondary |secondary sources; there |regarding secondary |

|indicates successful |secondary sources; There |are a limited number of |sources; this is a good |are a good number of |sources; Great number of |

|initial or early |is a deficiency of |sources consulted |start regarding number of |sources consulted |highly useful sources |

|research (inquiry). |sources. | |sources, but you need more| | |

| | |The notes reflect a | |Effective analysis skills |Very strong analysis |

|The material is |The notes do not reflect |limited level of analysis|Somewhat effective |shown interpreting the |skills shown interpreting |

|processed in a manner |that the material has |or interpretation of |analysis skills shown |research |the research |

|that shows effective |been effectively |research. |interpreting the research| | |

|critical thinking. |processed or worked with | | |Thesis is successful but |Thesis is clear, simple |

| |critically. |Thesis needs to be | |could be a little more |and detailed |

|Thesis is well | |adjusted a fair bit, see |Thesis has some potential |detailed or a little | |

|developed. |Thesis is not workable, |suggestions below. |but needs to be adjusted |clearer | |

| |is a question or not | |see suggestions below | | |

| |feasible. | | | | |



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