Co-occurring Disorders - Substance-Related and Mental ...

Co-occurring Disorders - Substance-Related and Mental Disorders

Questions from paper 1

1) Which presents as a wide variety of symptoms that are characteristic of other mental disorders?

a) substance-abuse

b) substance-induced disorders

c) substance dependence

d) substance pseudo disorders

2) The standard use of terms for non-substance-related mental disorders derives from the

a) CCMD-3

b) ICD-10



3) A _____ definition reflects clinical realities and constrains and/or programmatically meaningful descriptions of at risk populations.

a) system

b) working

c) service

d) individual

4) What term defines a return to active substance use in a person with a diagnosed substance use disorder?

a) remission

b) recovery

c) regression

d) relapse

5) In a _____ relationship, different disorders are treated by different providers, yet the roles and responsibilities of the providers are clear.

a) collaborative

b) consultative

c) managed care

d) teaching

6) In this type of program, there is a higher level of integration of substance abuse and mental health treatment services.

a) addiction or mental health only

b) dual diagnosis capable

c) symbiotic services

d) dual diagnosis enhanced

Questions from paper 2

7) Which activity involves determining the client’s readiness for change?

a) screening

b) assessment

c) treatment planning

d) closure

8) According to Lehman et al. (1998), mental illness should be considered primary for a person with COD.

a) True

b) False

9) All the following are advantages of using screening tools EXCEPT

a) simplicity of use and scoring

b) limited training needed for administration

c) provides and opportunity to connect with the client

d) cut-off scores for well-researched tools

10) What is the 8th step in the integrated 12-Step Assessment Process?

a) screen for and detect COD

b) determine diagnoses

c) determine disability and functional impairment

d) identify strengths and supports

11) Which component of a Client-Centered Treatment Plan determines the recommended treatment intervention?

a) Appropriate Care Setting

b) Diagnosis

c) Problem Priorities

d) Disability

Questions from paper 3

12) Which approach to service organizations links individuals to appropriate service interventions regardless of where they enter the system of care?

a) the kiosk

b) no client left behind

c) it takes a clinic

d) no wrong door

13) The Fifth principle that guides systems of care states that it must support both the application of evidence and _____ based practices.

a) community

b) theoretical

c) consensus

d) provider

14) What type of interventions do Miller & Rollnick (2002) mention can be used to engage the client in the treatment process?

a) financial

b) social

c) structural

d) motivational

15) Kliznet et al., (1992) states that particular emphasis should be placed on all of the following EXCEPT

a) prevention

b) early identification

c) early intervention

d) aftercare

Questions from paper 4

16) According to the Office of Applied Studies (2006), more than _____ of all persons with COD do not access any SA/MH services.

a) 1/4

b) 1/3

c) 1/2

d) 2/3

17) According to Rehm et al. (2003), substance use disorders frequently complicate the management of many chronic illnesses such as

a) hypertension

b) diabetes

c) congestive heart failure

d) renal failure

18) The “A” in the CAGE screening instrument stands for

a) annoyed

b) abuse

c) alcohol

d) after-effects

19) All the following are in the continuum of responses to persons with COD who appear in health settings (NASMHPD, 1999) EXCEPT

a) Identification and Initial Management

b) Initiation

c) Collaboration

d) Integration

20) In social welfare settings, central to the process of outreach and engagement is the establishment of a

a) therapeutic contract

b) treatment plan

c) relational hierarchy

d) helping relationship

Questions from paper 5

21) Kihlstrom (2005) states: _____ is the only process by which mental health practitioners should determine what evidence guides evidence-based practices (EBP's).

a) scientific research

b) global subjective judgment

c) case studies

d) consensus

22) Which is NOT a component of EPB's as put forth by the Institute of Medicine (2001)?

a) best research evidence

b) clinician expertise

c) patient values

d) individual differences

23) All are reasons EBP's should be used EXCEPT

a) the quality of care is improved

b) increased likelihood that desired outcomes will occur

c) more efficient use of resources

d) services are more likely to be reimbursed by insurance companies

24) Which of the following does NOT have an evidence base for producing positive clinical outcomes for persons with COD at the program level?

a) Modified Therapeutic Communities

b) Motivational Sheltered Communities

c) Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment

d) Assertive Community Treatment

Questions from paper 6

25) Benefits to programs and clinicians of services integration include all EXCEPT

a) revised staff patterns and work schedules

b) opportunities for agency and professional growth

c) workforce development

d) increased job satisfaction

26) There are some services that should not be integrated.

a) True

b) False

27) NASMHPD & NASADAD (1998) state all the following will facilitate the process of integrating services in organizations EXCEPT

a) an integrated organizational chart

b) shared assessment tools

c) regulations that can be modified at the clinician level

d) integrated policy manuals

28) All the following are challenges that must be addressed to implement integrated services EXCEPT

a) the importance of accepting partial recovery for persons with severe mental problems

b) the belief that substance abuse problems will resolve when mental disorders are addressed

c) mental health professionals need to be familiar with physical sequelae of substance abuse

d) mental health professionals need to be comfortable with recovery issues such as denial

Questions from paper 7

29) Which model was developed by Minkoff & Cline (2001) to guide systems integration efforts for COD?





30) An example of systems integration would be the creation of an integrated State mental health and substance abuse department.

a) True

b) False

31) Which of the organizational processes described by Charles Curie et al., (2005) involve individuals or teams who have the authority to organize a complex change process?

a) Value-driven, evidence-based priorities

b) committed leadership

c) shared vision and integrated philosophy

d) true partnership among all levels of the system

32) What has been used to measure an organization's operating characteristics associated with the capacity to implement evidence-based practices (Center for Mental Health Services, 2005)?

a) General Organizational Index

b) Best Practices Survey

c) Systems Malleability Quotient

d) Operating Characteristics Checklist

Questions from paper 8

33) At its core, epidemiology is

a) subjective

b) just a bunch of geeks with poor social skills

c) descriptive

d) biased towards the mean

34) Which is NOT 1 of the 3 major studies from which current national COD epidemiologic data are derived?

a) National Addiction Survey

b) National Comorbidity Survey

c) National Survey on Drug Use and Health

d) National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions

35) The NCS-A focuses on

a) abuse

b) adolescents

c) adults

d) addicts

36) A key COD finding is that substance use disorders are present in more than _____ of the individuals sampled.

a) 9%

b) 19%

c) 29%

d) 39%


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