Pima Medical Institute - Quia

Pima Medical Institute

Nursing Program

OSHA Hospital E-Tools Post Test

The information for this post test was taken from the Occupation Safety and Health Administration Public Website at .

Faculty Name ______________________________ Date______________

1. What steps should an employee immediately take who experiences a needles tick/sharps injury or is exposed to blood or other body fluid during the course of work?

A. Wash needle stick and cuts with soap and water.

B. Flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water.

C. Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile irrigates.

D. Any of the above based on the location

2. _________________ is an approach to infection control which treats all human blood and other potentially infectious materials as if they were known to be infectious for HIV, HBV or other blood-borne pathogens.

A. Blood Borne pathogens

B. Universal Precautions

C. Universal Protective Devices

D. Infection Control

3. Possible electrocution or electric shock or contact with electrical hazards from:

A. Faulty electrical equipment/machinery or wiring

B. Damaged receptacles and connectors

C. Unsafe work practices

D. All of the above

4. Damaged receptacles and portable electrical equipment should be given a Tag out

and remove from service. T F

5. Lifting guidelines for health care workers should include:

A. Lift loads close to the body

B. Never lift alone, particularly fallen patients/residents, use team lifts or use mechanical assistance.

C. A & B

D. A

6. Some examples of environmental hazards are:

A. Inadequate staffing levels to deal with the workload, leading to single person lifts and greater chances of falls.

B. Slippery or wet floors.

C. Cluttered or obstructed work areas/passageways.

D. All of the above

7. The potential for fire can occur from many different sources such as: heat-

producing equipment, storage of flammable chemicals, and faulty electrical

wiring. T F

8. A minimum of 2 exits or means of egress are required for fire or other

emergencies. T F

9. The components of good hand washing include:

a. Using an adequate amount of soap

A. Rubbing the hands together to create some friction

B. Rinsing under running water

C. All of the Above

10. Washing hands as promptly and thoroughly as possible between patient contacts and after contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, and equipment or articles contaminated by them is an important component of infection control and isolation precautions. True False

11. Do not bend, recap, or remove contaminated needles and other sharps unless such an act is required by a specific procedure or has no feasible alternative. True False

12. Appropriate containers for disposing of sharps must be closable, puncture-resistant, and leak-proof on sides and bottom. Accessible, maintained upright, and not allowed to overfill. The container must be labeled in fluorescent orange or orange-red, with lettering and symbols in a contrasting color. True False

13. Aisles and passageways should be sufficiently wide for easy movement and should be kept clear at all times. Temporary electrical cords that cross aisles should be taped or anchored to the floor. True False

14. Potential reasons for workplace violence in the health care setting could be related to:

A. The availability of drugs or money in the pharmacy area, making them likely robbery targets.

B. Low staffing levels, high turnover rates, and stress.

C. Mentally unstable patients, that are possibly dangerous

D. All of the above

15. Employees often do not report violent incidents because they Of lack of administrative reporting policies, or procedures They are afraid employer will think they can't handle the job effectively. They are afraid employer will think they can't handle the job effectively. True False

MATCHING: Match the appropriate type of precaution with the corresponding definition.

16. _______ Standard Precautions a. This applies to 1) blood; 2) all body fluids, secretions, and excretions, except sweat, regardless of whether or not they contain visible blood; 3) non-intact skin; and 4) mucous membranes.

17. _________ Droplet Precautions b. Used for infections spread by skin to skin contact or contact with other surfaces such as herpes simplex virus

18. _________ Airborne Precautions c. Used for infections spread in large droplets by coughing, talking, or sneezing such as influenza.

19. _________ Contact Precautions d. This type of isolation is utilized for infections spread by small particles in the air such as chicken pox.

20. Colonization means that the organism is present in or on the body but is not causing illness. A hospital employee who has been colonized can become a carrier and spread infection to other health care workers and patients. Infection means that the organism is present and is causing illness. T F

Hospital E-Tools



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