University of Cincinnati

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Mentoring Grant: Mentee ExpectationsSetting Goals & Learning Objectives for the Faculty-Led Mentoring Grant Experience Funded by UC InternationalAnalysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Evaluation Use the worksheet below to help you work through what you as a mentee needs to know or be able to do. Keep in mind your needs as a learner (what you specifically need to know about the faculty-led study abroad process from start to finish) as well as the needs of your mentor and student participants. Program Set Up/Prior to TravelProgram Budget: Look at and talk about the program budget—what is the student cost (program price and out of pocket)? How many students? How did they cut costs? What is included? When do payments need to be made?Marketing: How was the program advertised?Selection Process: How did they select, interview and accept applicants?Follow-through: How did they engage student prior to the course/travel and limit dropout rates?Logistics: How did they select housing, transportation, and visits?Pre-Departure: How did they talk to students about extra money, life in the country, setting a contingency plan, etc.?CourseGetting Started: How do they get their course “on the books” in their department? How do they get support? How did they incorporate class time and learning objectives into the syllabus? Syllabus: Take a look at their syllabus!Travel AbroadBehavior: How do they manage expectations/behaviors for drinking? How do they manage students behaviors at visits/clinics/classrooms?Being Connected: How do they manage/set expectations about student communications to family and friends while abroad?De-Briefing: How do they manage de-briefing after critical learning experiences?Grading: How do they manage behavior abroad into the course grade?Learn from Someone Experienced:Problems: How do they handle things if they go wrong—lost, sick, homesick students, etc.?Past experiences: What was their best study abroad program like? Why? What was their worst study abroad program like? Why? Could they have prevented issues that arose?UC International: What is their relationship like with UC International? Any tips? How do they support them? How don’t they? How do they utilize the workshops that UCI offers? ................

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