Purpose and ObjectivesThe purpose of the WOTA Mentoring Program is to provide a structured approach to mentoring that brings two people together based on professional goals and interests. The "mentor" is an experienced occupational therapist who shares knowledge, experience and advice with a less experienced occupational therapist or occupational therapist assistant, or "mentee."Mentors become trusted advisers and role models – people who have proven technical experience in a particular specialty of occupational therapy. They support and encourage their mentees by offering suggestions and knowledge, both general and specific. The objectives of the program are to help mentees (either those new to the field or experienced) improve their skills and gain an understanding of current or potential new areas of occupational therapy practices. Mentors can develop leadership skills and gain a personal sense of satisfaction from knowing they’ve helped someone.? EligibilityMentors:WOTA memberLicensedTwo years experience in the mentoring practice areaMentees:WOTA memberNew graduates, occupational therapists and occupational therapist assistantsProgram LengthThe WOTA Mentoring program will be 12 months in length. The program will be introduced in August, 2020 with a January, 2021 start date. The program will be designed to be repeatable on a yearly basis.ProcessProgram IntroductionWOTA Board announces program and calls for applications in August, 2020ApplicationMentorMentee with self-assessmentMatchingCompleted by WOTA boardBased on Mentee goals and Mentor applicationNotification to mentors and menteesOrientationIntroductionsProgram Overview1st Mentor/Mentee MeetingReview mentee goals and objectivesEstablish meeting scheduleMonthly WOTA PresentationsMentor and mentee will co-present designated topicProgram EvaluationMentor and mentee complete and resturn to WOTA for analysisConducted at 6 and 12 month intervalsProgram AdministrationThe WOTA Board will administer the program. This includes:Program introduction to the membershipCall for mentor and mentee applicationsReceive and match participants based on applicationsNotification to selected mentors and mentees and those who are not selectedScheduling and invitation to participants for mentor program orientation?Facilitation of mentor program orientationProgram Administration, cont. Include agenda item for mentor mentee presentations at monthly meetingsDistribution and analysis of six and twelve month program evaluationsMake as needed changes to the program based on evaluationsAdminister CEUs to participants at the end of the program yearShare a summary of the program with the membership at the end of the program yearResources Provided By WOTAWe know that deciding to become a mentor or mentee is a commitment of time and dedication. Because the focus of the partnership should be the sharing of information and expertise, WOTA will provide standardized resources to support the mentor/mentee partnership:Mentoring ManualMentoring Agreement Form Mentoring Goals FormMentoring Self-Assessment FormMentoring Agenda FormProgram EvaluationMid-year and year-end will be sent to mentors and mentees to evaluate the success of the program. Evaluations will be reviewed by the WOTA Board and modifications made as needed. CEUsBoth the Mentor and Mentee in the program will receive CEUs at the end of successful completion of the program.Mentor: Licensed OT or OTA member to improve skills of the participant, including role as a program monitor. 2 hours = 1 CEU (maximum of 18 units per renewal cycle) Mentee: Receiving mentoring from a currently certified occupational therapy practitioner to improve the skills of the mentee. 2 hours = 1 CEU (maximum of 18 units per renewal cycle) ................

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