Major Grade Project

Due ___November 18th____

Directions: Like the game Tic-Tac-Toe, you will choose three activities in a row from the board above.

This row you choose may be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

You must complete each of the activities in that row as described on the handout.

You will have three days in class to prepare your project.

This will be counted as a major grade.

Due Date: __________November 18th____________

Box #1: Interview Topic

To satisfy this box, you must create a mock interview that would resemble a script of questions and answers. As the reporter you would ask questions and Mier y Teran would respond with accurate answers. This information must be factual and from the book. The script must be typed!!! You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5 points each:

• Who was Mier y Teran?

• Why was Mier y Teran in Texas?

• What did he find on his visit to Texas?

• Why was he worried about Texas?

• What were his recommendations?

• How were his recommendations looked upon by the Texas settlers? Mexican Leaders?

Box #2: Evaluation Essay

To satisfy this box, you must write an essay about Captain Bradburn’s actions and describe the events leading to Trouble at Anahuac and the Turtle Bayou resolution. You will describe how the actions of Captain Bradburn let to bloodshed at Velasco. You will create and type 1 page essay.

You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5 points each:

• Who was Bradburn?

• Why was Bradburn so hated?

• Who felt the strongest disliking for Bradburn? Why?

• Was there fighting at Anahuac?

• How was the crisis avoided?

• Who was the Mexican leader that negotiated the resolution?

Box #3: Presentation Topic

To satisfy this box, you must plan a dinner party for 16 guests to discuss the Law of April 6, 1830.  You need to invite 16 people from the Mexican National Era that were discussed.  You need to plan a seating arrangement, assign a topic for each table related to the Law of April 6, 1830, and develop a conversation for each table. 

You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5 points each:

• 4 Tables with 4 People at each table

• Topic for the table identified (immigration, slavery, taxation, troops)

• The guests at each table need to have opposing points of view.

• Create a conversation…What would each person say? (use speech bubbles)

• The conversation reflects the different views of the people of Mexican National Era time period.

• Make a prediction…Would this table eat together again?  Why or Why not?

Box #4: Poster Topic

To satisfy this box, you must make (5) predictions of how life in Texas might be had it not gained independence from Mexico. Be sure to support each prediction with factual information. Create an eye-appealing poster that uses a good balance of illustrations and captions that show how life would be different if Texas had not gained its independence from Mexico. Each prediction is worth 5 points and 5 points will be awarded to a neat and organized poster.

Box #5: Cartoon Topic

To satisfy this box, you will create a comic strip (or a series of comic strips) that compares and contrasts the Convention of 1832 with the Convention of 1833. You can hand draw your cartoon or create it digitally on sites such as Toondoo or another that you may know of.

You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5 points each:

• Why were the conventions held?

• Which meeting was Stephen F. Austin sent to Mexico City?

• Were both Conventions successful? Why?

• How did Mexico react to the Convention of 1833?

• Why did Austin get arrested?

• Describe the (8) request by the Texas settlers with the Convention of 1833.

Box #6: Newspaper Topic

To satisfy this box, you will create a newspaper article reporting on the rebellious actions of the Colonists from the Mexican point of view. Pretend to be a Mexican News Reporter interviewing local Mexican residents. This should be done as a report on the newspaper template provided by your teacher. It must be typed.

You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5points each:

• Why were the settlers unwilling to obey the Mexican ways?

• Give specific examples of rebellious behavior by the settlers.

• Describe the ways that Texas settlers practice “Independence”.

• Did Texas settlers think of themselves as Mexicans?

• What ideas did settlers from the U.S. carry with them to Texas?

• Recommend how Mexico should respond to this rebellious activity.

Box #7: Report Topic w/ handout

To satisfy this box, you will create a ballad, blues, rap, rock and roll song for the class about Austin’s trip to Mexico City and his imprisonment. You will present this to the class. Each student will need a copy of the song and the song must have a familiar tune. You should thoroughly answer the following questions – they are worth 5 points each:

• Why was Austin in Mexico City?

• What events led to Austin’s arrest?

• Who arrested Austin and Where?

• Why didn’t the Texas settlers arrack Mexico when Austin was thrown in Jail?

• Describe the Consultation in your song.

• What were Austin’s feelings about Mexico when he was released from jail?

Box #8 Venn Diagram Topic

Compare the empresarios Stephen F. Austin and Haden Edwards. Thoroughly answer the following topics and present them on a Venn Diagram – worth 5 points each:

• Where in Texas did they choose to settle? Why did they choose that area?

• Who should be allowed to come to each of their settlements?

• Who came to each of their colonies?

• What leadership style did each empresario have?

• Describe their relationship with the Mexican government.

• Describe the success of their settlements.

Box #9: Propaganda Poster Topic

Support the displeasure of Santa Anna by creating propaganda posters. Convince the class to speak out against Santa Anna using (5) valid reasons. You should also create a slogan calling for Santa Anna to step down and create anti-Santa Anna buttons for all of the class to wear. This poster should be designed for a political rally. It should evoke an emotional response from the audience. Be creative and show passion!

5 points per reason and 5 points for the slogan.

Name __________________________ Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Grading Rubric

Box ___ ~ ____ pts out of 30

Box ___ ~ ____ pts out of 30

Box ___ ~ ____ pts out of 30

Neatness ~ ____ pts out of 10

Grade ~ ____ pts out of 100



Write a script about your mock interview with Mier y Teran and question him about his visit to Texas and what he found.




Evaluate the actions of Bradburn and the events leading to the Turtle Bayou Resolution by writing an essay telling who was right & wrong in each situation.



Predict how life would be in Texas if TX settlers had not gained independence. Give (5) specific examples

Essay or Poster


Create a cartoon strip comparing and contrasting the Conventions of 1832 and 1833

Cartoon strip


A ballad, blues, rap, rock and roll song for the class about Austin’s trip to Mexico City and his imprisonment



The empresarios Stephen F. Austin and Haden Edwards

Venn Diagram


Create a Santa Anna Impeachment Poster convincing the class to speak out against him. Support your argument based on (5) valid reasons

Propaganda Poster


Plan a dinner party for 16 guests to discuss the different parts of the Law of April 6, 1830.



Create a newspaper article that presents the rebellious activities of the Colonists from the Mexican Perspective.












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