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Fifteenth session

UNESCO Headquarters

14 to 19 December 2020

Nomination file No. 01560

for inscription in 2020 on the Representative List

of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity






|Indicate the official name of the element that will appear in published material. |

|Not to exceed 200 characters |

|Craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics |

|B.2. Name of the element in the language and script of the community concerned, if applicable |

|Indicate the official name of the element in the vernacular language corresponding to the official name in English or French (point B.1). |

|Not to exceed 200 characters |

|Official translation of the name of the element in German: Uhrmacherkunst und Kunstmechanik |

|Official translation of the name of the element in Italian: Maestria artigiana in meccanica orologiera e meccanica d’arte |

|(Official translation of the name of the element in English: Craftsmanship of Mechanical Watchmaking and Art Mechanics) |

|B.3. Other name(s) of the element, if any |

|In addition to the official name(s) of the element (point B.1), mention alternate name(s), if any, by which the element is known. |

| |

|C. Name of the communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly one or several communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the nominated element. |

|Not to exceed 150 words |

|The element concerns many individuals, groups, institutions, foundations, associations and companies, whose activities are based on know-how, |

|craftsmanship, expertise and the transmission of knowledge in the field of micromechanics and mechanics applied to the design, manufacture and |

|repair of mechanical watches, art automata and music boxes. |

|The skills in mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics can be found in the professions of watchmaker, automaton maker, music box maker, |

|mechanical music restorer and restorer of watches, clocks and pendulum clocks. These craftspeople are the first circle of know-how bearers, |

|around which gravitates a vast network of subcontractors and specialists in the shaping and finishing of components, which constitutes the |

|second circle of practitioners. |

|The community concerned by the element also includes independent or employed craftspeople, professional associations, businesses, public and |

|private training and research institutions, public and private museum and heritage institutions, specialized media and publishers and |

|foundations. |

|The community also includes enthusiasts, connoisseurs, collectors and buyers of mechanical craft creations, and more broadly the inhabitants of|

|the region concerned who identify with the element. The element is highly valued and recognized by a large part of the population of the region|

|concerned as part of its cultural heritage and this population constitutes the third - peripheral - circle of the community. |

|D. Geographical location and range of the element |

|Provide information on the distribution of the element within the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s), indicating, if possible, the |

|location(s) in which it is centred. Nominations should concentrate on the situation of the element within the territories of the submitting |

|States, while acknowledging the existence of same or similar elements outside their territories. Submitting States should not refer to the |

|viability of such intangible cultural heritage outside their territories or characterize the safeguarding efforts of other States. |

|Not to exceed 150 words |

|The watchmaking community is concentrated along the Jura Arc, including the Swiss cantons of Geneva, Vaud (Vallée de Joux), Neuchâtel (La |

|Chaux-de-Fonds, Le Locle, Vallée de La Sagne, Val-de-Ruz, Val-de-Travers, Neuchâtel), Berne (Biel, Bernese Jura), Jura (Ajoie, |

|Franches-Montagnes, Delémont), Solothurn (Granges) and Schaffhausen, as well as the French department of Doubs (Grand Besançon basin, Pays |

|Horloger: Plateau de Maîche, Val de Morteau). The community specific to automata and music boxes (art mechanics) is concentrated in the canton |

|of Vaud (Sainte-Croix and L’Auberson). |

|The watchmaking and mechanics activity has left its mark on the architecture and town planning of all these regions. The towns of La |

|Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2009 for their watchmaking town planning, and the built and technical |

|heritage of the ‘Pays Horloger’ and the town of Besançon has been inventoried by the Inventory and Heritage Department of the |

|Burgundy-Franche-Comté region (2013-2019). |

|With regard to the element, there is a high degree of mobility of people, know-how and components within this area, which is characterized by a|

|division of labour and a dense network of craftspeople, training institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as watchmaking |

|groups, which are also essential for the perpetuation and transmission of know-how. |

|While the know-how in mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics is primarily concentrated in the Jura Arc, artisanal watchmaking production does|

|exist elsewhere in the world, for example in southern Germany, England and various Asian countries. |

|E. Contact person for correspondence |

|E.1. Designated contact person |

|Provide the name, address and other contact information of a single person responsible for all correspondence concerning the nomination. For |

|multinational nominations, provide complete contact information for one person designated by the States Parties as the main contact person for |

|all correspondence relating to the nomination. |

|Title (Ms/Mr, etc.): |

|Monsieur |

|Ms. |

| |

|Family name: |


|Wang |

| |

|Given name: |

|Julien |

|Nannan |

| |

|Institution/position: |

|Office fédéral de la culture |

|Center for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Henan Province / Director of the Research Division |

| |

|Address: |

|Hallwylstrasse 15, 3003 Berne, Suisse |

|o. 15, Jingsan Lubei, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 450000, P. R. China |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)58 467 89 75 |

|0086-371-61179202, 0086-18736063305 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

|shengfeiyizhongxin@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

| |

|E.2. Other contact persons (for multinational files only) |

|Provide below complete contact information for one person in each submitting State, other than the primary contact person identified above. |

|Title (Ms/Mr, etc.): |

|Madame |

| |

|Family name: |


| |

|Given name: |

|Isabelle |

| |

|Institution/position: |

|Ministère français de la Culture – Direction générale des Patrimoines – Département du Pilotage de la recherche et de la Politique scientifique|

|/ Adjointe au chef du département |

| |

|Address: |

|6, rue des Pyramides, 75001 Paris, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)1 40 15 87 24 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|1. Identification and definition of the element |

|For Criterion R.1, States shall demonstrate that ‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the |

|Convention’. |

|Tick one or more boxes to identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage manifested by the element, which might include one or more of |

|the domains identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. If you tick ‘other(s)’, specify the domain(s) in brackets. |

|oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of intangible cultural heritage |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other(s) |

|This section should address all the significant features of the element as it exists at present, and should include: |

|an explanation of its social functions and cultural meanings today, within and for its community; |

|the characteristics of the bearers and practitioners of the element; |

|any specific roles, including gender-related ones or categories of persons with special responsibilities towards the element; and |

|the current modes of transmission of the knowledge and skills related to the element. |

|The Committee should receive sufficient information to determine: |

|that the element is among the ‘practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills — as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and |

|cultural spaces associated therewith —’; |

|‘that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize [it] as part of their cultural heritage’; |

|that it is being ‘transmitted from generation to generation, [and] is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their |

|environment, their interaction with nature and their history’; |

|that it provides the communities and groups involved with ‘a sense of identity and continuity’; and |

|that it is not incompatible with ‘existing international human rights instruments as well as with the requirements of mutual respect among |

|communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development’. |

|Overly technical descriptions should be avoided and submitting States should keep in mind that this section must explain the element to readers|

|who have no prior knowledge or direct experience of it. Nomination files need not address in detail the history of the element, or its origin |

|or antiquity. |

|Provide a brief description of the element that can introduce it to readers who have never seen or experienced it. |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|At the crossroads of science, art and technology, the element is characterized by a combination of individual and collective, theoretical and |

|practical knowledge and skills in the field of mechanics and micromechanics. These skills are used to create watchmaking objects designed to |

|measure and indicate time (watches, pendulum clocks, clocks, chronometers), art automata and mechanical androids, sculptures and animated |

|paintings, music boxes and songbirds. These technical and artistic objects have in common a mechanical device that generates movements or emits|

|sounds. Although the mechanisms are generally hidden, they can also be visible, as in certain art automata or watch mechanisms whose visible |

|movements contribute to the aesthetics and the poetic and emotional dimension of the objects. Craftspeople are skilled in using the hand tools |

|(which they sometimes make themselves), machines and nowadays digital techniques. In addition to technical ability, the practice requires |

|patience, good eyesight and precision. The artisanal skills are based on a common historical foundation, and the same techniques, materials and|

|tools are adapted according to the object the craftsperson wants to create. |

|Watchmaking developed in the Jura Arc in the 17th century, following the emigration of French Huguenot craftspeople after the revocation of the|

|Edict of Nantes in 1685. They brought technical know-how, capital and commercial networks. In the 19th century, manufacturing was traditionally|

|based on the établissage system, in which the work was divided into small, specialized and widely scattered units, and the parts were then |

|assembled when the product was finalized. Division of labour remains a feature of current practice. Inseparable from watchmaking traditions, |

|the precision mechanics used in automata and music boxes developed in the early 19th century in the Jura mountains of the canton of Vaud. |

|The population of the Jura Arc has shown a constant attachment to watchmaking and art mechanics, which constitute a point of reference for |

|their identity and have an impact on lifestyles and the socio-cultural landscape. Although watchmaking today is part of a global industrial |

|reality, it still involves manual and artisanal skills. Compared to other regions historically linked to this type of manufacturing, the Jura |

|Arc is an area in which craftsmanship remains particularly dynamic, thanks to the presence of highly qualified craftspeople, thanks to |

|companies that promote the skills and also thanks to a full range of training options. |

|Who are the bearers and practitioners of the element? Are there any specific roles, including gender-related ones or categories of persons with|

|special responsibilities for the practice and transmission of the element? If so, who are they and what are their responsibilities? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|The design, execution and restoration of mechanical objects involve various trades related to technical and artistic creation. The bearers of |

|the know-how are manifold and complementary. They can be grouped by areas of expertise, which may however overlap, as some craftspeople have |

|know-how in several specialities. |

|Today the watchmaking professions include production mechanic, polymechanic, production watchmaker, watchmaker (and clockmaker), micromechanic,|

|external parts fitter, restoration-complication technician. Various specialists, such as stampers, lathe operators, pivot makers, dial makers, |

|case makers and hands makers produce parts for watch mechanisms and watch covers. The watchmakers assemble the movements and finish them by |

|polishing, adjusting and adding surface treatments. They also repair and restore watchmaking objects. Watch mechanisms are designed by watch |

|design technicians, microtechnical engineers, prototypists and designers. This watchmaking knowhow is passed on by trainers in workshops and, |

|in schools, by teachers who are usually also practitioners. |

|Thanks to training in mechanics, automaton makers imagine, design and produce the parts and cams (parts whose profiles transmit a movement) |

|that allow the automaton to move and reproduce human (android), animal or other movements. |

|Music boxes are also made by specialists: the arranger transposes the melody, the drill operator makes the holes in the cylinder, the pin |

|setter inserts the pins (metal rods), the grinder equalizes the length, the splitter creates the combs and the tuner files the combs until the |

|desired note is obtained. |

|Numerous complementary trades are involved in decorating mechanical art objects. Decorators use the skills of engraving, guillochage (machine |

|engraving), enamelling, miniature painting, gem-setting, jewellery, leatherwork (bracelets), cabinet making, marquetry, feathering (songbirds),|

|sculpture, make-up and sewing (automata). |

|As mechanical techniques are constantly evolving, researchers in the fields of microtechnology and materials help drive innovation, |

|particularly through materials research. |

|Museums, archives and libraries promote the historical and heritage dimensions of the element and provide information about the manufacturing |

|principles. |

|Women are in the majority in the decoration professions and are increasingly present in the categories of watch designers and technicians, in |

|schools (as students and teachers) and in professional associations. |

|How are the knowledge and skills related to the element transmitted today? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|Skills are usually learned initially in training schools, and learning continues throughout the working life of the practitioners. There are |

|five complementary transmission channels: |

|The institutionalized transmission of practical, theoretical and historical know-how takes place in public or private schools in initial |

|training (in work study programs with workshops or full-time) and continuing education. Initial training lasts three to four years, with an |

|additional several years of advanced training to become full-fledged watchmakers. The training provided by teachers, who are also |

|practitioners, prepares learners for the various facets of the trades, from making tools to assembling components, drawing plans and repairing |

|and restoring objects. To meet the needs of the watch industry, training courses are increasingly specialized and segmented, posing a risk to |

|the transmission of craftsmanship skills and a global approach to the practice (see 3.b. i/ii). |

|Special techniques, tips and tricks are also transmitted from peer to peer, be it from master to student or mutual aid between colleagues. |

|Although until recently there was a culture of secrecy in the watchmaking world, it is gradually giving way to a more sharing environment. This|

|informal transmission is particularly important when it comes to very specific skills, in particular art mechanics and restoration. However, |

|this type of transmission may constitute a risk of loss of know-how due to the scarcity of certain specialists and students. The very small |

|number of automaton makers and the even smaller number of music box restorers currently pose a threat to the perpetuation of these skills (see |

|3.b.i/ii). |

|Museums, libraries, archives and documentation centres are sources of information and inspiration for practitioners. They help transmit |

|knowledge by conserving collections of objects, tools, machines and theoretical works, but also by documenting the items and producing |

|publications. These resources are available to the public. |

|Knowledge is also transmitted by associations of enthusiasts and collectors who are used to sharing information. They disseminate and develop |

|know-how by publishing journals, providing scholarships and organizing study trips. |

|Practitioners share their know-how via online blogs, forums and tutorials and collaborative open source projects. This mode of transmission |

|reflects new and wider dissemination of practices, alongside the constant role of the media and specialized publications. |

|What social functions and cultural meanings does the element have for its community nowadays? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|While these skills have primarily an economic function, they have also shaped the architecture, urban landscape and the everyday social reality|

|of the regions concerned. They convey their own symbolism, combining notions of precision, refinement and temporality that have a significant |

|impact on local and regional identities. |

|Historically, entire families were involved in watchmaking or music box assembly, developing apprenticeship practices and professional and |

|family alliances. The lifestyles of the inhabitants and part of their vocabulary (professional and colloquial) have been influenced by these |

|activities. The craftspeople generally live in the buildings where their workshops are located, which, like the factories, feature large |

|windows bringing light to the workbenches. |

|The development of know-how in mechanics goes hand in hand with the socio-economic development of the Jura Arc. The watchmaking community also |

|contributes to life in society and in particular to dialogue between employers and workers. In Switzerland, in 1937, collective labour |

|agreements were concluded, initially in the watchmaking and metalworking industries, thus establishing ‘labour peace’ marked by negotiations |

|rather than confrontation. This model of partnership continues to exist in Switzerland and has left its mark on trade union and political |

|history. |

|Today, summer holidays are still regularly modelled on the watchmaking holidays, namely the three-week summer closure of watchmaking workshops.|

|It is also customary to give a watch, a music box or a small automaton on special occasions such as a birth, birthday or retirement. Finally, |

|several expressions directly related to this craft for the inhabitants of the Jura Arc are still widely used: ‘on n’est pas aux pièces’ means |

|‘we’re not in a hurry’; ‘c’est réglé comme du papier à musique’ means ‘everything is in order’; ‘il faut remettre les pendules à l’heure’ means|

|‘set the record straight’; ‘tu as meilleur temps de’ is used instead of ‘tu ferais mieux de’ to mean ‘you’d better’. |

|The inhabitants of the Jura Arc identify with and are proud of the traditions of arts and craftsmanship. For them, it conveys many |

|socio-cultural values such as good workmanship, punctuality, perseverance, endurance, artistry, creativity, discretion, dexterity and patience.|

|The infinite quest for precision and the intangible aspect of time measurement give these skills a strong philosophical dimension. |

|Is there any part of the element that is not compatible with existing international human rights instruments or with the requirement of mutual |

|respect among communities, groups and individuals, or with sustainable development? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|The acquisition of know-how is not restricted in any way. Active practitioners come from a variety of backgrounds, nationalities, genders, ages|

|and faiths. There are no restrictions on access to training or working. The watchmaking and art mechanics trades are also a factor of social |

|and cultural integration. In addition to traditional schools, several specialized institutions train jobseekers or people seeking new careers |

|in the watchmaking field to enable them to enter or re-enter the job market. |

|In the manufacturing process, precious materials such as metals and stones as well as animal (leather) and plant-based raw materials are |

|processed in compliance with the international standards in force. The use of hazardous materials is also regulated. Thus, new regulations |

|covering certain materials are leading craftspeople to change their practices and know-how, for example in enamelling. In the field of |

|watchmaking and art mechanics, the reuse, recovery and recycling of components and raw materials are an inherent part of resource management |

|methods. Watchmaking objects are designed and manufactured to last and be repairable; they reflect a logic that is the opposite of |

|obsolescence. In addition, initiatives are being taken for better energy management, particularly in buildings and transport (car sharing, bus |

|service set up by some companies), in order to improve sustainability. |

|Spatially, the practice is established both in urban and rural areas. It forms a network throughout the Jura Arc, thus contributing to the |

|socio-economic vitality of the areas located away from the major centres. |

|2. Contribution to ensuring visibility and awareness and to encouraging dialogue |

|For Criterion R.2, the States shall demonstrate that ‘Inscription of the element will contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of the |

|significance of the intangible cultural heritage and to encouraging dialogue, thus reflecting cultural diversity worldwide and testifying to |

|human creativity’. This criterion will only be considered to be satisfied if the nomination demonstrates how the possible inscription would |

|contribute to ensuring the visibility and awareness of the significance of intangible cultural heritage in general, and not only of the |

|inscribed element itself, and to encouraging dialogue that respects cultural diversity. |

|How could the inscription of the element on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity contribute to the |

|visibility of the intangible cultural heritage in general (and not only of the inscribed element itself) and raise awareness of its importance?|

|(i.a) Please explain how this would be achieved at the local level. |

|Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words |

|Since this nomination was launched, many inhabitants of the Jura Arc have become more aware of the value and importance of the element in the |

|still little-known framework of intangible cultural heritage. This awareness-raising has led to a better understanding of the place of |

|intangible cultural practices in the overall cultural heritage of the region. Inscription would further strengthen this aspect, in particular |

|thanks to the strong relationship between the intangible cultural heritage and the tangible and built heritage, part of which is on the UNESCO |

|World Heritage List under the title ‘Watchmaking Town Planning in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle (Switzerland)’, while another part has been |

|valued and described by the Inventory and Heritage Department of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region (France). |

|Complementarity and continuity between these heritages in their historical, social and cultural dimensions would also highlight their |

|importance as constitutive elements of local identity. Inscription would, moreover, raise awareness among local public and private bodies |

|involved in heritage management to systematically take better account of the intangible aspects of local heritage. Inscription and the ensuing |

|international recognition of the element would promote a range of craftsmanship skills and other living traditions at local exhibitions and |

|events. |

|(i.b) Please explain how this would be achieved at the national level. |

|Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words |

|In Switzerland and France, know-how in mechanical watchmaking and – to a lesser extent – art mechanics is already enjoying considerable public |

|recognition thanks to the efforts of many stakeholders. Inventory and inscription on the Representative List would increase the recognition of |

|this know-how as part of the intangible cultural heritage of the two countries concerned. |

|The bi-national inscription of the know-how would enhance their shared and dynamic character, highlighting the fact that intangible cultural |

|heritage often cannot be confined within one nation, as it is shared across borders. Inscription would highlight in both countries concerned |

|how a cross-border element of intangible cultural heritage can demonstrate, in the daily lives of practitioners, the spirit of mutual |

|understanding and collaboration between countries advocated by the 2003 Convention. In view of the diversity of the know-how (watchmaking, |

|music boxes and automata) and the communities concerned (independent craftspeople, training institutes, enterprises, museums and associations),|

|inscription would promote, at the national levels, the scope and diversity of the fields covered by the intangible cultural heritage. Finally, |

|inscription would provide an opportunity to make clear to the population and policymakers, the importance of this heritage field in national |

|and regional governance. |

|(i.c) Please explain how this would be achieved at the international level. |

|Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words |

|The inscription of craftsmanship in mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics would help to make visible to all humanity an unusual form of |

|intangible cultural heritage, combining tradition and innovation, science, craftsmanship and industry, artistry and technique, hand and |

|machine, in the creation of mechanical works of art. |

|This element would significantly broaden the diversity of elements inscribed on the Representative List. Inscription of the element would also |

|demonstrate the importance of the collaboration and the networks of expertise that are necessary to continuously develop highly technical and |

|specialized interdependent know-how. |

|It would serve as a reminder that an element of intangible cultural heritage shared across national borders can only be presented and |

|safeguarded in an effective and concerted manner through joint efforts between the different groups of bearers and the public authorities |

|involved. |

|Inscription would demonstrate at the international level how craftsmanship practices can influence the built, architectural and urban |

|environment of a region. This would represent the strong interaction and special linkage between an element inscribed on the Representative |

|List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and a recognized World Heritage site. |

|How would dialogue among communities, groups and individuals be encouraged by the inscription of the element? |

|Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words |

|The nomination process has generated many contacts and dialogue among the cross-border population of the Jura Arc and has deepened the |

|understanding of the transnational character of the element and its community. The preparation of the nomination file has also led to greater |

|recognition of the need for cross-border dialogue and collaboration. Inter-professional discussions, in particular among craftspeople involved |

|in art mechanics and watchmaking, have also intensified, both between and within the regions of the Jura Arc. |

|Dialogue and joint action would be further strengthened by the inscription of the element, notably through the implementation of the various |

|safeguarding plans envisaged (see 3.b). The different categories of tradition bearers, from craftspeople to trainers, from those in charge of |

|training to museum specialists, from representatives of public authorities to collectors, could cooperate better across sectors and across |

|borders. |

|The increased visibility of the element after inscription would also facilitate dialogue with (i) other communities around the world who |

|practice applied arts and who are also trying to maintain the artisanal aspect of their practices within and alongside more industrial |

|production, and with (ii) other communities who are trying, through international cooperation, to safeguard a shared cross-border heritage. |

|How would human creativity and respect for cultural diversity be promoted by the inscription of the element? |

|Not fewer than 100 or more than 150 words |

|Inscription would demonstrate to a wide audience how creativity is an intrinsic component of the element and a source of diversity within the |

|skills. Craftspeople must innovate in order to stand out and to meet new demands, standards and requirements. Creativity and innovation have |

|historically been key factors in the precision, aesthetics, ergonomics and functionality of watches and clocks. In this age of digital |

|technology and technical advances, inscription could spark a discussion on the future of know-how and how it can be updated in the craft |

|tradition. |

|Watchmakers from all over the world come to the Jura Arc to work and to perfect their skills. Inscription would promote cultural diversity |

|through dialogue between local craftspeople and craftspeople from elsewhere. The Académie horlogère des créateurs indépendants (Watchmaking |

|Academy of independent creators) is a good example of this: at present it has 35 members of eight nationalities; seventeen are based in |

|Switzerland, six of whom are of foreign origin. |

|While watchmaking know-how is widely known, the same cannot be said of the skills associated with art mechanics, which has only a small number |

|of practitioners. Inscription would promote their expertise by highlighting the know-how shared across the fields. Inscription would contribute|

|to the recognition of the know-how in art mechanics in Switzerland and would point out the importance of transmission of the practice. |

|Inscription would enable French practitioners to join the Association France-PCI, which since 2011 brings together all bearers of elements |

|recognized by UNESCO and is a vector for dialogue about different techniques and fields of application among craftspeople. |

|3. Safeguarding measures |

|For Criterion R.3, States shall demonstrate that ‘safeguarding measures are elaborated that may protect and promote the element’. |

|3.a. Past and current efforts to safeguard the element |

|How is the viability of the element being ensured by the communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned? What past and current |

|initiatives have they taken in this regard? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|Training and transmission |

|In the field of watchmaking training, bearers and public authorities often work together to implement measures to improve the transmission of |

|the element. In 1994, the Swiss Watch Industry Employers Association formed a partnership with the Haut-Doubs GRETA, a French training |

|institution, to meet the needs of both the Swiss and French sectors. In the watchmaking schools in Morteau, Vallée de Joux, Le Locle and |

|Porrentruy, students are able to make an entire watch, called a ‘training piece’, from start to finish to encourage a global approach to the |

|practice. |

|The Art Mechanics Training pilot project created in collaboration with craftspeople (watchmakers and automaton makers) and the professional |

|centre of Nord Vaudois (1st session in 2018) promotes these skills and encourages people to improve their knowledge in this field. It promotes |

|transmission, since there are very few practitioners in the field of art mechanics (see 3.b.i). |

|Private foundations such as the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie and Time Aeon participate in the documentation and transmission of watchmaking|

|know-how. Several watchmaking companies work with independent craftspeople, enhance craftsmanship skills and support the transmission of |

|artisanal skills. |

|Awareness-raising and enhancement |

|The 23 thematic museums devoted to the element (see 3.c.) play an important role in enhancing and demonstrating the know-how, notwithstanding |

|economic cycles and downturns. Since 1974, the Restoration Workshop at the International Watchmaking Museum (La Chaux-de-Fonds) has played an |

|essential role in safeguarding mechanical know-how while showcasing the work of craftspeople. The International Centre for Art Mechanics |

|(Sainte-Croix) was founded in 1985 in a context of economic crisis in order to sustain the know-how in a hard-hit area and to attract new |

|talents. Museums organize guided tours and events, often in collaboration with practitioners. They host school visits and activities and offer |

|teaching materials. |

|Events have been created in partnership with associations, organizations and companies: Biennale du patrimoine horloger (La Chaux-de-Fonds et |

|Le Locle), Quinzaine du patrimoine scientifique, technique et industriel (Canton de Neuchâtel), 24 heures du temps (Besançon), watch trade |

|shows, discovery tours, factory and workshop tours. One of the goals of these initiatives is to raise awareness among young people about career|

|opportunities. |

|Some practitioners organize collaborative projects such as the project L’horloge qui penche (Fleurier), the open source movement |

| (La Chaux-de-Fonds), and the Mu-Chrono student association (Besançon). |

|Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the communities, groups or |

|individuals concerned: |

|transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education |

|identification, documentation, research |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|revitalization |

|How have the States Parties concerned safeguarded the element? Specify any external or internal constraints, such as limited resources. What |

|past and current efforts has it made in this regard? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|Both States support the measures concerning training and research by providing funding and operational support to the public institutions |

|active in this field. They coordinate and validate institutionalized training programs. In addition, they have taken steps to promote the |

|element and raise awareness about its transmission. |

|In Switzerland, the canton of Neuchâtel officially recognized the watchmaking heritage when the Law on the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage |

|(LSPC) was revised in February 2018 and grants financial support to institutions working to safeguard it. The law initially covered only |

|tangible heritage, but now also covers intangible heritage. The canton of Vaud recognizes and supports intangible cultural heritage in its Law |

|on Movable and Intangible Heritage (LPMI, 8 April 2014). The Fondation Vaudoise pour la Culture has been awarding a Prize for Intangible |

|Cultural Heritage since 2012. It was awarded to an automaton maker in 2013 and to a watchmaker in 2016, thus ensuring recognition, financial |

|support and visibility for this know-how. |

|In France, awards and recognition schemes for expert-level know-how have been introduced. The competition Un des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France |

|(One of the Best craftspeople in France) organized by the Ministry of Education distinguishes the best Craftspeople in different categories, |

|one of which is watchmakers. The competition Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France (One of the Best Apprentices in France) follows the same |

|principle for the next generation of craftspeople. The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) distinction, awarded by the |

|Ministry of the Economy and Finance, rewards small and medium-sized enterprises emblematic of industrial or craftsmanship quality. The Ministry|

|of Culture supports Les Villes ou Pays d’Art et d’Histoire (Towns and Lands of Art and History) active in the preservation of heritage. The |

|addition of watch restoration to the National Diploma of Art and Design has enhanced transmission. |

|In Switzerland and France, several regional nature parks are involved in the safeguarding and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural |

|heritage, with, in particular, actions targeting watchmaking know-how. |

|Various prizes and competitions organized by the authorities help to promote the high level of expertise of craft practices: Gaïa prize, |

|chronometry competitions, watchmaking school prizes and competitions, observatory competitions. |

|The States coordinate the organization of Europe-wide awareness-raising events with the active participation of the communities: European |

|Crafts Days, European Heritage Days, European Museum Night. |

|In this sector, museums, libraries and archives are, for the most part, public institutions or benefit from public support, the extent of which|

|varies depending on their status. |

|Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the State(s) Party(ies) with |

|regard to the element: |

|transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education |

|identification, documentation, research |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|revitalization |

|3.b. Safeguarding measures proposed |

|This section should identify and describe safeguarding measures that will be implemented, especially those intended to protect and promote the |

|element. The safeguarding measures should be described in terms of concrete engagements of the States Parties and communities and not only in |

|terms of possibilities and potentialities. |

|What measures are proposed to help ensure that the viability of the element is not jeopardized in the future, especially as an unintended |

|result of inscription and the resulting visibility and public attention? |

|Not fewer than 500 or more than 750 words |

|The measures for safeguarding the element are structured around three priorities: documentation, training and transmission, awareness-raising |

|and enhancement. The measures proposed below are in addition to the continuation and strengthening of existing measures, and unless otherwise |

|specified, they are cross-border in nature. |

|As the element already enjoys a high profile and significant public interest, the measures envisaged ensure that a balance is maintained so |

|that bearers can continue their activities under optimum conditions while showcasing their specific characteristics. |

|The proposed measures were drawn up by representatives of the groups concerned by the element through a cross-border support group (see 4.a). |

|This support group will continue to operate in order to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the safeguarding measures. It will |

|function as a cross-border and inter-sectoral forum whose status and modalities of operation are currently being developed in partnership with |

|the Transjurassic Conference (cross-border coordination and collaboration body of the Jura Arc). The forum will provide the framework within |

|which thematic working groups (one per priority) will prepare and coordinate the implementation of the measures proposed below. |

|Documentation |

|Although know-how in watchmaking and art mechanics is already effectively documented, efforts must be made to update existing materials (files,|

|films, websites), in France and Switzerland, in partnership with institutions, documentation centres, museums, schools, craftspeople and even |

|businesses. |

|Contemporary documents and archives are fragmented across a multitude of institutions and foundations in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc. A |

|feasibility study will be carried out under the joint supervision of the International Watchmaking Museum (La Chaux-de-Fonds) and the Musée du |

|Temps (Besançon) to determine whether a web portal with a common search engine would facilitate access to these resources, particularly for |

|professionals and students. This will be financed by drawing on European funds available under the European Interreg France-Switzerland |

|programme, corporate foundations and other national and local public funding. |

|Training and transmission |

|The training options must be enhanced and better promoted, to ensure transmission to the next generation of craftspeople and the viability of |

|the element. |

|2.1 Since there is no specific training for the manufacture of automata and music boxes, the Art Mechanics training project will be developed |

|and perpetuated in order to ensure the transmission of special techniques and know-how specific to art mechanics. Initially, the programme will|

|comprise theoretical and hands-on training with craftspeople and then, in the longer term, a 2nd cycle training course recognized by the |

|competent authorities. This programme is extremely important, as there are only a few experts in the know-how remaining today. The local |

|authorities and the cantonal vocational training authorities support this project. |

|2.2 Schools and training centres will initiate the sharing of experience and skills to promote and expand the concept of ‘training pieces’ (a |

|watch or other mechanical object made from start to finish by apprentices) in training courses. This measure will provide a more comprehensive |

|and global experience of the practice. |

|2.3 Peer-to-peer transmission and apprenticeships, particularly for specific and rare know-how, will be promoted by private partners |

|(craftsmen, workshops and businesses) and public partners, with an emphasis on cross-border exchanges. |

|2.4 The organization of an annual or biannual conference between schools and training centres, representatives of foundations, businesses and |

|craftspeople and the public authorities will be studied: this could focus on matching training programmes to the expectations of practitioners,|

|but also on measures to encourage the placement of students in businesses (traineeships and apprenticeships), the circulation of craftspeople, |

|the maintenance of public and private financial support for existing training courses, and the creation of a cross-border continuing training |

|programme. |

|Awareness-raising and enhancement |

|The measures under way for the general public, mainly implemented by museums, will be continued and enriched. Inscription of the element should|

|also reactivate and develop cross-border schemes to promote tourism. |

|3.1 Existing events will include a stronger focus on Franco-Swiss dialogue for the presentation of shared know-how (24 Heures du Temps, |

|Biennale du Patrimoine Horloger). |

|3.2 The International Watchmaking Museum (La Chaux-de-Fonds) will organize in 2020 and 2021 an exhibition of photographs devoted to the |

|know-how and portraits of practitioners. Collaboration with the Musée du Temps (Besançon) is envisaged for this exhibition. The International |

|Centre for Art Mechanics (Sainte-Croix) is planning a special exhibition in 2021 on current know-how in art mechanics. |

|3.3 A project for a travelling exhibition comprising pieces, tools and documents from the collections of the various museums is being |

|considered. This project aims to promote the know-how in watchmaking and art mechanics present in the Jura Arc and the complementary nature of |

|the key factors (training, trades, tools, etc.) which ensure the long-term viability of the element. |

|3.4 The online resource platform (Action 1) will enable museums to share educational materials. Craftspeople will make their skills available |

|to museums to jointly design ‘watchmaking and art mechanics’ events geared towards children. |

|3.5 The International Centre for Art Mechanics is planning to set up a demonstration workshop where visitors can observe the craftsmanship |

|involved in restoring a piece. To this end, the craftspeople will be selected, a restoration plan will be defined, and visitors will be |

|educated about the importance of respecting the work of the craftsmen and their need for concentration. |

|3.6 The Musée de l’Horlogerie (Morteau) will undergo a major reorganization to enable it to preserve and present its collections in better |

|conditions and to merge it with the Musée de la Montre in Villers-le-Lac. The scientific and cultural project was developed in 2017, the |

|feasibility study will be conducted in 2019, and the architectural competition in 2020.  |

|3.7 The L’Horloge Qui Penche (Tilting Clock) project will continue in the years to come. This collaborative project will demonstrate several |

|facets of different trades (watchmaker, micromechanic, artist) to raise public awareness of the importance of these trades and the |

|collaboration and dialogue among craftspeople. The Time Aeon Foundation’s “Naissance d’une montre” (Birth of a Watch) projects for the |

|preservation of traditional watchmaking know-how will be continued. |

|3.8 Sustainable tourist packages will be developed based on existing schemes and itineraries (the Route de la Mesure du Temps comprising five |

|museums between Besançon and La Chaux-de-Fonds, the ‘Watchmakers’ railway line between Besançon and La Chaux-de-Fonds, local events and |

|packages) and the offerings will be enriched by the initiatives described above. In addition, the Transjurassic Conference is carrying out a |

|study in 2019 with a view to a common strategy for the development and promotion of tourism in the Jura Arc. This will enhance the |

|attractiveness of the element for a local and international audience and thus contribute to its visibility. |

|3.9 A common calendar of events across the Jura Arc will be set up in partnership with the cultural and tourist authorities. It will include |

|museum programming, events and exhibitions, as well as open house events and company tours, thus providing an overview of the possibilities for|

|business and workshop tours. |

|How will the States Parties concerned support the implementation of the proposed safeguarding measures? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|The submitting States jointly support the proposed safeguarding measures, in the various fields and levels of responsibility. |

|Through the Transjurassic Conference, the authorities support the development of the Support Group acting as a cross-border and inter-sectoral |

|forum. They are helping create a sustainable structure, actively participate in it and articulate the problems, projects and proposals that |

|arise from it. |

|Documentation |

|Switzerland and France, through the local and regional authorities in charge of documentation and cross-border cooperation bodies, support the |

|feasibility study for a joint web portal. Financial support for this documentation project, as well as for the other cross-border measures |

|mentioned, may be applied for through the public authorities under the European Interreg France-Switzerland programme. |

|Training and transmission |

|The States are continuing their support for training in the field of mechanical watchmaking know-how. |

|The public authorities support and participate in the cross-border conference between training centres, craftspeople and business |

|representatives. They also promote the sharing of experience via ‘training pieces’ and apprenticeships at companies and with craftsmen. |

|In Switzerland, the canton of Vaud vocational training authorities support the development of Art Mechanics training and are working more |

|specifically towards the recognition of ‘2nd cycle’ training (federal certificate). |

|Awareness-raising and enhancement |

|The authorities in charge of culture and cross-border cooperation support the development of cross-border events, the sharing of best practices|

|through school mediation and the joint exhibition project, in particular via Interreg France-Switzerland funds. |

|The local development and tourist bodies, in collaboration with craftspeople and businesses, are leading the coordination of workshop tours and|

|open house events through the creation of a common calendar. |

|At the local level, the local authorities are contributing to the projects of the International Centre for Art Mechanics in Sainte-Croix, the |

|reorganization of the Musée de l’horlogerie (Morteau) and the thematic exhibitions planned in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Besançon. |

|The tourist, local and cross-border cooperation bodies are coordinating the reactivation of tourist schemes as part of a joint strategy for the|

|development and enhancement of know-how in mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics. |

|How have communities, groups or individuals been involved in planning the proposed safeguarding measures, including in terms of gender roles, |

|and how will they be involved in their implementation? |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|The active bearers of the element have been involved in initiating all the safeguarding measures proposed above (sections 3.b (i)). These |

|measures were developed by a drafting group of 11 women and men representing the different groups and communities (see 4a). Their proposals |

|were submitted twice (18 September 2018 and 24 January 2019) to a support group, bringing together the bearers of the know-how and the |

|institutions involved in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc. At the first meeting of the Support Group, the measures were defined in a participatory |

|manner and then written up by the drafting group for approval at the second expanded session. |

|In addition, thematic working groups were created in France to help develop the content of the nomination and in particular the safeguarding |

|measures. Individual interviews with key stakeholders were also conducted to assess the issues facing the communities. The stakeholders and |

|partners consulted were involved in the approval process via the support group. |

|The proposed safeguarding measures therefore stem directly from the needs expressed by the bearers, who are and will continue to be strongly |

|mobilized for safeguarding. |

|Indeed, the support group will be perpetuated and monitor the implementation of the safeguarding measures, and act as a forum for cross-border |

|and inter-sectoral dialogue for the entire community concerned by the element (see section 3.b (i)). The members of the drafting group will |

|therefore subsequently be responsible for coordinating and preparing the implementation of the proposed safeguarding measures through thematic |

|commissions or working groups. |

|3.c. Competent body(ies) involved in safeguarding |

|Provide the name, address and other contact information of the competent body(ies) and, if applicable, the name and title of the contact |

|person(s), with responsibility for the local management and safeguarding of the element. |

|Name of the body: |

|CPNV Centre professionnel du Nord vaudois, filière mécanique |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Alain Dugon, doyen |

| |

|Address: |

|Av. de la Gare 14, CH-1450 Sainte-Croix, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)24 557 60 70 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Alain Dugon est membre du groupe de rédaction ayant préparé le dossier de candidature. |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|He-ARC Conservation-restauration |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Régis Bertholon, responsable de filière |

| |

|Address: |

|Espace de l’Europe 11, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+ 41 (0)32 930 19 19 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|ETVJ Ecole technique de la Vallée de Joux - filière horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Frédéric Schütz, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue G.-H. Piguet 41, CH-1347 Le Sentier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)21 557 43 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|CEJEF- Division technique, filière horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Jean Amman, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Cité des Microtechniques, CH-2900 Porrentruy, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 465 35 50 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Centre de formation professionnelle Biel-Bienne - Lycée Technique - filière horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Beat Aeschbacher, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Gabelle 18, Case postale 4264, CH-2500 Bienne 4, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 344 38 11 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|CIFOM - Centre interrégional de formation des montagnes neuchâteloises - Ecole technique (ET) - filière horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Patrick Duvanel, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue Klaus 1, CH-2400 Le Locle, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 886 32 32 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Zeitzentrum Uhrmacherschule |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Daniel Wegmüller, recteur |

| |

|Address: |

|Sportstrasse 2, CH-2540 Grenchen, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 654 27 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|CFPT- Ecole d’horlogerie de Genève |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Pierre Amstutz, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Route du Pont-Butin 43, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy 1, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 388 87 09 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|WOSTEP - Centre Suisse de formation et de perfectionnement horloger |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Marco Schommer, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue des Saars 99, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 729 00 30 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|FEMA Formation en mécanique d’art |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Pierre Fellay, directeur |

|Séverine Gueissaz, coordinatrice muséologie et événement du CIMA |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue Roger-de-Guimps 41, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains |

|Rue de l’Industrie 2, CH-1450 Sainte-Croix, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)24 426 42 37 |

|+41 (0)24 454 44 77 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

|; |

|Séverine Gueissaz est membre du groupe de rédaction ayant préparé le dossier de candidature. |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée international d’horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Régis Huguenin-Dumittan, conservateur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue des Musées 29, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 967 68 61 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Régis Huguenin-Dumittan est membre du groupe de rédaction ayant préparé le dossier de candidature. |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée d’art et d’histoire Genève |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Estelle Fallet, conservateur en chef |

| |

|Address: |

|Musées d’art et d’histoire (MAH), Boulevard Emile-Jaques-Dalcroze 11, CH-1205 Genève, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 418 2779 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|CIMA Centre international de la mécanique d’art |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Séverine Gueissaz, coordinatrice muséologie et événements |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de l’Industrie 2, CH-1450 Sainte-Croix, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)24 454 44 77 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Séverine Gueissaz est membre du groupe de rédaction ayant préparé le dossier de candidature. |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée d’histoire de La Chaux-de-Fonds |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Francesco Garufo, conservateur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue des Musées 31, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 967 60 88 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée régional du Val-de-Travers |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Louison Bühlmann, conservatrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Grande Rue 14, CH-2112 Môtiers, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 861 35 51 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Espace horloger |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Marion Burkhardt, conservatrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Grand-Rue 2, CH-1347 Le Sentier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 807 09 10 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée d’horlogerie du Locle - Château des Monts |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Morghan Mootoosamy, conservateur |

| |

|Address: |

|Route des Monts 65, CH-2400 Le Locle, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0) 32 931 16 80 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée paysan et artisanal |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Diane Skartsounis, conservatrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue des Crêtets 148, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 967 65 60 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de la Boîte de montre |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Georges Cattin, conservateur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue des Colverts 2, CH-2340 Le Noirmont, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 957 65 67 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Espace paysan horloger |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Jacky Epitaux, responsable |

| |

|Address: |

|Le Boéchet 6, CH-2336 Les Bois, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 961 22 22 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée Baud |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Arlette Baud |

| |

|Address: |

|Grand Rue 23, CH-1454 l’Auberson, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)24 454 33 88 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée d’art et d’histoire de la Ville de Neuchâtel |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Chantal Lafontant Vallotton, codirectrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Esplanade Léopold-Robert 1, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 717 79 20 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée des Arts et des Sciences |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Rachel Gueissaz, secrétaire |

| |

|Address: |

|Avenue des Alpes 10, CH-1450 Sainte-Croix, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)77 453 75 56 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de l’Hôtel Dieu Porrentruy |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Anne Schild, conservatrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Grand-Rue 5, CH-2900 Porrentruy, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 466 72 72 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Neues Museum Biel / Nouveau Musée Bienne |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Bernadette Walter, directrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Seevorstadt 52, CH- 2501 Biel/Bienne, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 328 70 30 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée du tour automatique et d’histoire |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Stéphane Froidevaux, conservateur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue Industrielle 121, CH-2740 Moutier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 493 68 47 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Haus zum Kirschgarten, Collection Horlogère |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Patrick Moser, Kurator Zeitgeschichte |

| |

|Address: |

|Elisabethenstrasse 27, CH – 4051 Basel, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)61 205 86 37 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée des automates à musique Collection du Dr. h.c. H. Weiss-Stauffacher |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Christoph E. Hänggi, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Bollhübel 1, CH-4206 Seewen, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)58 466 78 80 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Centre jurassien d’archives et de recherches économiques (CEJARE) |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Joël Jornod, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue du Midi 6, CH-2610 Saint-Imier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 941 55 45 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Archives de l’Etat de Neuchâtel |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Lionel Bartolini, archiviste cantonal |

| |

|Address: |

|Le Château, Rue de la Collégiale 12, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 889 60 40 |

| |

|Email address: |


| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Chancellerie d’Etat du canton de Berne, Archives de l’Etat |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Barbara Studer Immenhauser, archiviste cantonale |

| |

|Address: |

|Archives de l’Etat, Falkenplatz 4, CH-3001 Berne, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)31 633 51 01 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Archives cantonales jurassiennes |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Antoine Glaezer, archiviste cantonal |

| |

|Address: |

|Hôtel des Halles, 9, rue Pierre-Péquignat, CH-2900 Porrentruy 2, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 420 84 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Archives de l’Etat de Genève |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Pierre Flückiger, archiviste d’Etat |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville 1, CH-1211 Genève 3, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 327 93 20 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Archives cantonales vaudoises |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Gilbert Coutaz, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Mouline 32, CH-1022 Chavannes-près-Renens, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)21 316 37 11 |

| |

|Email address: |

|info.acv(at) |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Mémoire d’ici - Centre de recherche et de documentation du Jura Bernois |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Sylviane Messerli, directrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue du Midi 6, CH-2610 Saint-Imier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 941 55 55 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|CPNV Centre professionnel du Nord vaudois - filière mécanique |

|Association Automates & Merveilles |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Nicole Bosshart, présidente |

| |

|Address: |

|Esplanade Léopold-Robert 1, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Association L’horloge qui penche |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Michel Bourreau, président |

| |

|Address: |

|c/o Michel Bourreau, rue des Petits Clos 45, CH-2114 Fleurier, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)76 236 27 90, |

| |

|Email address: |

|michelbourreau@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

|Michel Bourreau is a member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Association openmovement |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Roman Winiger, président |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Serre 1, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 968 08 24 |

| |

|Email address: |

|open@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Time Aeon Foundation |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|David Bernard, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|Eplatures-Grise 16, CH-2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Email address: |

|info@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|David Bernard is a member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Fondation pour la sauvegarde de la tradition du patrimoine horloger de Fleurier et du Val-de-Travers |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Laurence Vaucher, présidente |

| |

|Address: |

|c/o Laurence Vaucher Grande Rue 20, CH-2112 Môtiers, Suisse |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Grégory Gardinetti, responsable culture et patrimoine |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue André-De-Garrini 4, CH-1217 Meyrin, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 808 58 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

|info@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Fondation en faveur de la mise en valeur du site de La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Denis Clerc, président |

| |

|Address: |

|c/o Service d’Urbanisme et de l’Environnement, Passage Léopold-Robert 3, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)32 967 64 61 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Fondation du Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Raymond Loretan, président du Conseil de Fondation |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Mairie 3, CH - 1207 Genève, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+41 (0)22 321 22 22 |

| |

|Email address: |

|organisation@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Conférence Transjurassienne |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Mireille Gasser, co-secrétaire générale |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Paix 13, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+(0)41 32 889 76 05 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

|conference- |

| |

|Name of the body: |

| |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Benoît Morel, chef de projets |

| |

|Address: |

|Rue de la Paix 13, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+(0)41 32 889 76 05 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|France |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|École nationale supérieure de mécanique et des microtechniques (ENSMM) |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Sébastien Thibaud, chercheur en micromécanique et formateur |

| |

|Address: |

|26, chemin de l’Epitaphe, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)6 81 21 57 18 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Université de Franche-Comté, Institut FEMTO-ST |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Laurent Larger, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|15B, avenue des Montboucons, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 63 08 24 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Observatoire de Besançon |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Philippe Rousselot, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|41, avenue de l’Observatoire, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 66 69 27 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Agence nationale de formation professionnelle des adultes (AFPA) |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Dany Thorelle, directrice |

|Daniel Gasne, formateur |

| |

|Address: |

|19 avenue de l’Observatoire, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 65 66 55 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Lycée Jules Haag |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Richard Geillon, directeur délégué aux formations professionnelles et technologiques |

| |

|Address: |

|1, rue Labbé, F-25 041 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 81 01 45 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Lycée Edgar Faure |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Sophie Labre, proviseure |

|Thierry Ducret, professeur en horlogerie |

| |

|Address: |

|rue du docteur Léon Sauze, F-25 503 Morteau, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)6 71 73 27 38 |

| |

|Email address: |

|thducret@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Thierry Ducret is also ‘Meilleur ouvrier de ’France' (‘Best Worker in France’) and member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination |

|file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Greta du Haut-Doubs |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Laurence Bassi, conseillère en formation continue |

| |

|Address: |

|4, rue de l’Etain, F-25 500 Morteau, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 67 40 25 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Ville de Besançon, Musée du Temps |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Laurence Reibel, conservatrice en chef |

| |

|Address: |

|4, place Granvelle, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 87 81 53 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Laurence Reibel is a member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de l’horlogerie |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Grégory Maugain, guide |

| |

|Address: |

|Château Pertusier, 17, rue de la Glapiney, F-25 500 Morteau, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)6 74 41 84 93 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de la Musique Mécanique |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Denis Bouchet, président |

| |

|Address: |

|294 rue du Vieux Village, F-74 260 Les Gets, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)4 50 79 85 75 |

| |

|Email address: |

|musee@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de l’horlogerie et du décolletage |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Florence Poirier, directrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Espace Carpano & Pons, 100, place du 11 novembre, F-74 300 Cluses, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)4 50 96 43 00 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée de la Pince |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Gilbert Baudoin, vice-président des amis du musée de la Pince |

| |

|Address: |

|12, rue de la Pommeraie, F-25 190 Montécheroux, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 92 68 51 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Musée Japy |

| |

|Address: |

|16, rue Frédéric Japy, F-90 500 Beaucourt, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 84 56 57 52 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Commune des Gras |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Patrick Laethier, maire |

| |

|Address: |

|2, place de la Libération, F-25 790 Les Gras, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 68 80 14 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

|conserve une collection municipale d’outillage |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Ville de Besançon, bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Henry Ferreira-Lopes, directeur des bibliothèques et des archives |

| |

|Address: |

|2, rue Mégevand, F-25 034 Besançon cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 87 81 41 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Archives départementales du Doubs |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Nathalie Rogeau, directrice |

| |

|Address: |

|rue Marc Bloch, BP 2059, F-25 050 Besançon cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 25 88 10 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, service inventaire et patrimoine |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Sabrina Dalibard, directrice |

| |

|Address: |

|Hôtel de Région, 4, square Castan, CS 51857, F-25 031 Besançon cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 63 64 20 01 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Ville de Besançon, direction du patrimoine historique |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Marie-Laure Bassi |

| |

|Address: |

|2, rue Mégevand, F-25 034 Besançon cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 87 81 25 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|La DPH est responsable de la gestion du label Ville d’art et d’histoire |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Besançon |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Hervé Barioulet, directeur stratégie et territoire |

|Marieke Steenbergen, chef de projets coopérations transfrontalières |

| |

|Address: |

|La City, 4, rue Gabriel Plançon, F-25 043 Besançon cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 89 80 |

| |

|Email address: |

| |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Marieke Steenbergen is a member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Pole d’équilibre territorial et rural du Pays horloger |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Yannick Nancy, directeur |

| |

|Address: |

|zone d’activités du Bas de la Chaux, 16, rue des Dolines, BP 13 100, F-25 503 Morteau cedex, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 68 53 32 |

| |

|Email address: |

|yannick.nancy@pays- |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

|Yannick Nancy is a member of the drafting group that prepared the nomination file |

| |

|Name of the body: |

|Communauté de communes du Val de Morteau |

| |

|Name and title of the contact person: |

|Jean-Marie Binétruy, président |

| |

|Address: |

|2, place de l’Hôtel de Ville, F25 500 Morteau, France |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+33 (0)3 81 68 56 56 |

| |

|Email address: |

|morteau@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

| |

| |

|4. Community participation and consent in the nomination process |

|For Criterion R.4, States shall demonstrate that ‘the element has been nominated following the widest possible participation of the community, |

|group or, if applicable, individuals concerned and with their free, prior and informed consent’. |

|4.a. Participation of communities, groups and individuals concerned in the nomination process |

|Describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have actively participated in all stages of the preparation of the |

|nomination, including in terms of the role of gender. |

|States Parties are encouraged to prepare nominations with the participation of a wide variety of other parties concerned, including, where |

|appropriate, local and regional governments, communities, NGOs, research institutes, centres of expertise and others. States Parties are |

|reminded that the communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals whose intangible cultural heritage is concerned are essential |

|participants throughout the conception and preparation of nominations, proposals and requests, as well as the planning and implementation of |

|safeguarding measures, and are invited to devise creative measures to ensure that their widest possible participation is built in at every |

|stage, as required by Article 15 of the Convention. |

|Not fewer than 300 or more than 500 words |

|Both Switzerland and France planned and prepared the nomination in close collaboration with the bearers of the traditions concerned and through|

|their representatives. |

|After ratifying the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2008, Switzerland implemented a national inventory |

|process based on the participation of the cantons and communities concerned (see 5. v). Within this framework, the canton of Vaud identified |

|and documented the elements ‘Watchmaking’ and ‘Production of mechanical musical automata and music boxes’ in collaboration with the bearers of |

|these traditions and proposed them to the national inventory. Following the inscription of these two elements on the ‘List of Living Traditions|

|in Switzerland’ in 2012, the Confederation set up a peer group to establish a Tentative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Switzerland. |

|This group recommended that ‘Craftsmanship of Mechanical Watchmaking’ be included on the Tentative List. It is a combination of the two |

|elements based on the fact that the skills and communities are not only related and close, but also have a common history. Practitioners of |

|both elements were in favour of this approach. After the Tentative List was approved, the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) invited them and the |

|bearers of the other elements on the list to an information session. During this meeting, on 19 January 2015, they were informed about the |

|subsequent procedure and how a nomination with UNESCO would unfold. |

|On 24 May 2016, after further identification of community members concerned by the element, representatives of the members were invited to a |

|participatory workshop in Neuchâtel. During this workshop, the foundations and principles of the nomination were laid and practitioners and |

|other bearers of the element volunteered to form a drafting group. The drafting group met for the first time on 30 January 2018. It was |

|composed of six people (three watchmaking craftspeople, a training representative, and one male and one female museum representative) and was |

|coordinated by the FOC. During this first meeting and following prior contacts with French representatives, the principle of a bi-national |

|Franco-Swiss nomination, involving the entire Jura Arc, was approved. The drafting group was therefore expanded, under the aegis of the Greater|

|Besançon Urban Community (CAGB) and the Pôle d’Équilibre Territorial Rural (PETR) Pays Horloger, to include five French representatives (a |

|watchmaker, a trainer, a female museum representative and a female representative of the CAGB and a representative of the PETR Pays Horloger). |

|This group was responsible for coordinating and drafting the nomination file. They met eight times between 30 January 2018 and 28 February 2019|

|at various locations in Switzerland and France (Berne, Neuchâtel, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Sainte-Croix, Morteau, Besançon). On 18 September 2018, a |

|first meeting of the entire nomination support group took place in Neuchâtel in the presence of some 60 representatives of the Franco-Swiss |

|community and local authorities. Through participatory workshops, the representatives discussed the essential elements of the nomination and in|

|particular the safeguarding measures envisaged. On 24 January 2019, the support group met in La Chaux-de-Fonds and approved all the elements of|

|the nomination file. |

|In parallel and as a complement to this Franco-Swiss process, five meetings with some forty members of French bearer groups took place between |

|July and September 2018, in Besançon and Morteau (Doubs). In addition, thirteen individual interviews were carried out at the initiative of the|

|Greater Besançon Urban Community. These discussions made it possible to gather the constituent elements (inventory record, photographs, letters|

|of consent and support) of the nomination for the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in France, which has been in force since |

|2008. They were reviewed and approved by multidisciplinary academic researchers and heritage professionals. Following a favourable opinion from|

|the Committee for Ethnological and Intangible Heritage (French Ministry of Culture), the know-how of watch mechanics in France was included in |

|the National Inventory in November 2018. |

|These numerous meetings generated considerable interest in publicizing and sharing the element through inscription on the Representative List, |

|which contributed significantly to the work being undertaken, within the broader framework of a bi-national nomination to UNESCO. |

|4.b. Free, prior and informed consent to the nomination |

|The free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element of the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned may be |

|demonstrated through written or recorded concurrence, or through other means, according to the legal regimens of the State Party and the |

|infinite variety of communities and groups concerned. The Committee will welcome a broad range of demonstrations or attestations of community |

|consent in preference to standard or uniform declarations. Evidence of free, prior and informed consent shall be provided in one of the working|

|languages of the Committee (English or French), as well as in the language of the community concerned if its members use languages other than |

|English or French. |

|Attach to the nomination form information showing such consent and indicate below what documents you are providing, how they were obtained and |

|what form they take. Indicate also the gender of the people providing their consent. |

|Not fewer than 150 or more than 250 words |

|The consent of the communities concerned in France and Switzerland, more specifically the men and women, the groups, associations and |

|institutions active in watchmaking and art mechanics know-how, was sought through the bi-national drafting group and the support group. A |

|document explaining the principle of consent and support was drawn up and used in interpersonal discussions by the members of the drafting |

|group and transmitted to all people involved in the support group. This process aimed at mobilizing the networks of the different members of |

|the communities, but also the private and public bodies in charge of safeguarding. By collecting consent letters, a unified cross-border and |

|inter-sectoral community was consolidated. These letters of consent are organized as follows: |

|Letters from craftspeople and practitioners in mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics |

|Letters from watch, automaton and music box collectors and other individuals in the community |

|Letters from training and research institutions, as well as from trainers and researchers |

|Letters from museums and documentation centres. |

|Letters from professional associations |

|Letters from foundations and associations |

|Letters from businesses and other private entities |

|Letters from public and local authorities |

|4.c. Respect for customary practices governing access to the element |

|Access to certain specific aspects of intangible cultural heritage or to information about it is sometimes restricted by customary practices |

|enacted and conducted by the communities in order, for example, to maintain the secrecy of specific knowledge. If such practices exist, |

|demonstrate that the inscription of the element and implementation of the safeguarding measures would fully respect such customary practices |

|governing access to specific aspects of such heritage (cf. Article 13 of the Convention). Describe any specific measures that might need to be |

|taken to ensure such respect. |

|If no such practices exist, please provide a clear statement that there are no customary practices governing access to the element in at least |

|50 words. |

|Not fewer than 50 or more than 250 words |

|Nowadays, access to the element and the information concerning it is not limited, with the exception of intellectual property rights and any |

|contractual confidentiality clauses between employee and employer. These restrictions, however, relate less to the know-how itself, which is |

|widely disseminated and transmitted, than to technical aspects relating to the design or materials used for certain mechanisms. However, the |

|‘culture of secrecy’ and ‘workshop secrets’ have long been common in some factories and enterprises. This culture of discretion, or |

|concealment, has marked the social representations of the watchmaking community and contributed to a certain exclusivity in a competitive |

|environment. While discretion remains a widely shared value and, although desired and respected, this ‘culture of secrecy’ is giving way today,|

|particularly in the field of artisanal watchmaking, to collaboration and the sharing of tips and tricks among peers. Contemporary craftspeople |

|have become aware of the need for transmission and the risk of losing certain skills. |

|The craftspeople in art mechanics of Sainte-Croix are the exception, since for 30 years the mechanics, watchmakers, automaton makers and |

|restorers of music boxes have been dialoguing and collaborating regularly in a logic of sharing. In fact, this practice has become a |

|distinctive mark of this local community, known as the ‘spirit of Sainte-Croix’. |

|4.d. Community organization(s) or representative(s) concerned |

|Provide detailed contact information for each community organization or representative, or other non-governmental organization, concerned with |

|the element such as associations, organizations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.: |

|Name of the entity; |

|Name and title of the contact person; |

|Address; |

|Telephone number; |

|Email address; |

|Other relevant information. |

|Suisse |

|a. Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants AHCI |

|b. Konstantin Chaikin, président |

|c. Bureau AHCI, c/o Vincent Calabrese, Hora Nova Sàrl, Les Résidences de la Côte 50, CH-1150 Morges, Suisse |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Fédération de l’industrie horlogère suisse FH |

|b. Jean-Daniel Pasche, président |

|c. Rue d’Argent 6, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne, Suisse |

|d. +41 (0)32 328 08 28 |

| |

|f. |

|a. Convention patronale de l’industrie horlogère suisse  |

|b. François Matile, secrétaire général |

|c. Avenue Léopold-Robert 65, Case postale, CH-2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

|d. +41 (0)32 910 03 83 |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Société des Horlogers de Genève |

|b. Pierre-Yves Cichoki, vice-président |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Association Automates & Merveilles |

|b. Nicole Bosshart, présidente |

|c. Esplanade Léopold-Robert 1, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Schweizer Freunde Mechanischer Musik |

|b. Peter Both, secrétaire |

|c. Steinmaurstrasse 15, CH-8173 Neerach, Suisse |

|d. +41 (0)44 850 30 90 |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Chronométrophilia - Association suisse des amateurs d’horlogerie |

|b. Jean-Michel Piguet, président |

|c. c/o Musée international d’horlogerie, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse |

|e. info@ |

|f. |

|France |

|a. Société française des microtechniques et de chronométrie (SMFC) |

|b. Bernard Dulmet, président |

|c. Observatoire de Besançon, 41bis, avenue de l’Observatoire, F-25 000 Besançon cedex, France |

|d. +33 (0)3 81 48 91 85 |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Association française des amateurs d’horlogerie ancienne (AFAHA) |

|b. Jean-Loup Caron, président |

|c. 23, porte Rivotte, F-25 000 Besançon, France |

|d. +33 (0)6 85 52 78 85 |

|e. contact@ |

|f. |

|a. Association des Amis des Instruments et de la Musique Mécanique |

|b. Jean-Pierre Arnault, président |

|c. 4 bis boulevard Galliéni, F-94 360 Bry-sur-Marne, France |

|d. info@ |

|e. |

|a. FRANCECLAT, Comité Professionnel de Développement de l’Horlogerie, de la Bijouterie, de la Joaillerie, de l’Orfèvrerie et des Arts de la |

|Table (CETEHOR) |

|39, av de l’observatoire - BP1145, F-25 003 Besançon cedex, France |

|d. +33 (0)3 81 53 99 00 |

|e. info@ |

|f. |

|a. Association Horlogerie comtoise |

|b. François Buffard, président |

|c. 2, place Jean Jaurès, F-39 400 Morez, France |

|e. |

|f. |

|a. Comité des fêtes des Fins |

|b. Robert Oudot, responsable |

|c. 38bis, rue des Prairies, F-25 500 Les Fins, France |

|d. +33 (0)3 81 67 34 03 |

|e. oudotrob@ |

|f. . Organisateur d’Horlo’troc |

|a. Association Tchi lou Gras |

|b. 5, rue de Pontarlier, F-25 790 Les Gras, France |

|f. Autres informations pertinentes : organisatrice de la journée annuelle de portes ouvertes des anciens ateliers du village Les Gras |

|5. Inclusion of the element in an inventory |

|For Criterion R.5, States shall demonstrate that the element is identified and included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage |

|present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies) in conformity with Articles 11.b and 12 of the Convention. |

|The inclusion of the nominated element in an inventory should not in any way imply or require that the inventory(ies) should have been |

|completed prior to the nomination. Rather, the submitting State(s) Party(ies) may be in the process of completing or updating one or more |

|inventories, but have already duly included the nominated element in an inventory-in-progress. |

|Provide the following information: |

|Name of the inventory(ies) in which the element is included: |

|Switzerland |

|List of Living Traditions in Switzerland: |

|France |

|National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in France: |

| |

| |

|(ii) Name of the office(s), agency(ies), organization(s) or body(ies) responsible for maintaining and updating that (those) inventory(ies), |

|both in the original language and in translation when the original language is not English or French: |

|Switzerland |

|Federal Office of Culture - Culture and Society Section |

|France |

|Ministry of Culture – Directorate General of Heritage – Department of Research and Scientific Policy Management |

| |

|(iii) Reference number(s) and name(s) of the element in the relevant inventory(ies): |

|Switzerland |

|‘Watchmaking’ and ‘Production of mechanical musical automata and music boxes’ (no inventory number; the elements listed are presented in |

|alphabetical order) |

|France |

|2018_67717_INV_PCI_FRANCE_00415, ‘The know-how of watch mechanics’. |

| |

|(iv) Date of inclusion of the element in the inventory(ies) (this date should precede the submission of this nomination): |

|Switzerland |

|The elements ‘Watchmaking” and ‘Production of mechanical musical automata and music boxes’ were included in July 2012 in the national inventory|

|‘List of living traditions in Switzerland’. The records were updated in 2017. |

|France |

|The element was included on 23 November 2018 in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in France, following a favourable |

|opinion of the Ethnological and Intangible Heritage Committee. |

| |

|(v) Explain how the element was identified and defined, including how information was collected and processed ‘with the participation of |

|communities, groups and relevant non-governmental organizations’ (Article 11.b) for the purpose of inventorying, including reference to the |

|role of the gender of the participants. Additional information may be provided to demonstrate the participation of research institutes and |

|centres of expertise (max. 200 words). |

|Switzerland |

|In 2010, Switzerland implemented a national inventory process for intangible cultural heritage based on the participation of the cantons and |

|communities concerned. In the canton of Vaud, the person in charge of inventorying living traditions identified and documented ‘Watchmaking’ |

|and ‘Manufacture of automata and musical boxes’ in collaboration with the bearers of the know-how, community representatives and experts in |

|this know-how. These two elements were proposed to the Confederation (FOC), which included them in July 2012 in the national inventory, the |

|List of Living Traditions in Switzerland. In the inscription process of ‘Watchmaking’, other Swiss cantons, in collaboration with the bearers |

|of the traditions concerned, expressed their interest and described it as a common element of the Jura Arc. |

|France |

|The ‘Craftsmanship in mechanical watchmaking’ record was produced in 2018 under the aegis of the Greater Besançon Urban Community, in |

|association with the Pays Horloger. To identify the components of the element, individual interviews were conducted with thirteen practitioners|

|(watchmakers, company managers, trainers in initial and continuing training, academic inspector, association president, watch enthusiast) and |

|five meetings with 38 members of the communities were organized (6 July, Besançon, all communities; 7 September, Morteau, bearers of the |

|know-how involved in training; 11-12 September, Besançon and Morteau, watchmaking practitioners; 13 September, Besançon, stakeholders involved |

|in the safeguarding, transmission to the public and the promotion of the know-how). The nomination for inclusion in the National Inventory of |

|Intangible Cultural Heritage received seventeen letters of consent and support. All the work was informed by heritage professionals (Musée du |

|Temps de Besançon, Service Régional de l’Inventaire et du Patrimoine) and community or academic researchers from several fields (history of |

|technology, ethnology, economics and tourism sciences). |

| |

|(vi) Explain how the inventory(ies) is(are) regularly updated, including information on the periodicity and modality of updating. The updating |

|process is understood not only as adding new elements but also as revising existing information on the evolving nature of the elements already |

|included therein (Article 12.1 of the Convention) (max. 100 words). |

|Switzerland |

|The descriptions of elements on the ‘List of Living Traditions in Switzerland’ may be revised at any time, if the communities concerned request|

|it. The national inventory is regularly updated (five-year cycle, last update in 2017, published online in 2018). A bottom-up approach allows |

|the population and the cantons to propose the addition of new elements and the revision of information with regard to elements already on the |

|list. The FOC coordinates the updating process. The final selection is made by a steering group made up of specialists and representatives from|

|the cantons, cities and the Swiss Confederation. |

|France |

|Begun in 2008, the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage has 430 elements as of 1 March 2019, with records available online. |

|Approximately 40 new records are added per year, 60% of which are drawn up by community representatives, supported by the Ministry of Culture, |

|the heritage department of local authorities, expertise organizations and/or academic researchers (universities, CNRS). The records can be |

|revised and reposted online at any time, upon request of the communities. On the collaborative PCI Lab platform (), the |

|records can be crowdsourced using wiki technology. |

| |

|(vii) Documentary evidence shall be provided in an annex demonstrating that the nominated element is included in one or more inventories of the|

|intangible cultural heritage present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11.b and 12 of the |

|Convention. Such evidence shall at least include the name of the element, its description, the name(s) of the communities, groups or, if |

|applicable, individuals concerned, their geographic location and the range of the element. |

|If the inventory is available online, provide hyperlinks (URLs) to pages dedicated to the nominated element (max. four hyperlinks in total, to |

|be indicated in the box below). Attach to the nomination print-outs (no more than ten standard A4 sheets) of relevant sections of the content |

|of these links. The information should be translated if the language used is not English or French. |

|If the inventory is not available online, attach exact copies of texts (no more than ten standard A4 sheets) concerning the element included in|

|the inventory. These texts should be translated if the language used is not English or French. |

|Indicate the materials provided and – if applicable – the relevant hyperlinks: |

|Switzerland |

|The inventory records a) ‘Watchmaking’ and b) ‘Production of mechanical musical automata and music boxes’ are available online on the website |

|of the ‘List of living traditions in Switzerland’. |

| |

| |

|A printed version of the record is attached to this file. Electronic copies are also available in the digital version of this file. |

|France |

|The record ‘The know-how of watch mechanics’ of the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage is available online: |


|-mecanique-horlogere. |

|The nomination file also contains the electronic version, as well as a 10-page excerpt, in both electronic and printed format. |

| |

|6. Documentation |

|6.a. Appended documentation (mandatory) |

|The documentation listed below is mandatory and will be used in the process of evaluating and examining the nomination. The photographs and the|

|video will also be helpful for activities geared at ensuring the visibility of the element if it is inscribed. Tick the following boxes to |

|confirm that the related items are included with the nomination and that they follow the instructions. Additional materials other than those |

|specified below cannot be accepted and will not be returned. |

|( documentary evidence of the consent of communities, along with a translation into English or French if the language of the community |

|concerned is other than English or French; |

|( documentary evidence demonstrating that the nominated element is included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in the |

|territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention; such evidence shall include a |

|relevant extract of the inventory(ies) in English or in French, as well as in the original language, if different; |

|( ten recent photographs in high definition; |

|( grant(s) of rights corresponding to the photos (Form ICH-07-photo); |

|( edited video (from five to ten minutes), subtitled in one of the languages of the Committee (English or French) if the language utilized is |

|other than English or French; |

|( grant(s) of rights corresponding to the video recording (Form ICH-07-video). |

|6.b. Principal published references (optional) |

|Submitting States may wish to list, using a standard bibliographic format, the principal published references providing supplementary |

|information on the element, such as books, articles, audiovisual materials or websites. Such published works should not be sent along with the |

|nomination. |

|Not to exceed one standard page. |

|Bibliographie sommaire |

|• ALEXIS Patricia, Conservation des savoir-faire en horlogerie, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée international d’horlogerie, 1994, 55p. |

|• AUGEREAU Patrick, ‘ Transfert du savoir-faire en horlogerie : la formation professionnelle ’, dans Arts, métiers, culture technique et |

|développement local, Salins-les-Bains, Musée des techniques et cultures comtoises, 1995, p. 233-236. |

|• BELMONT Henry-Louis, L’Échappement à cylindre (1720-1950) : Le Haut-Doubs, centre mondial au XIXe siècle, Besançon : Technicmedia, 1985. |

|• BLANCHARD Philippe, L’établissage : étude historique d’un système de production horloger en Suisse (1750-1950), Chézard-Saint-Martin, La |

|Chatière, 2011, 303 p. |

|• BLYELLE Etienne, Dictionnaire technique et musical des boîtes à musique, Genève, Conservatoire autonome des boîtes à musique, 2000. |

|• BUJARD Jacques, TISSOT Laurent (dir.), Le pays de Neuchâtel et son patrimoine horloger, Chézard-St-Martin, La Chatière, 2008, 389 p. |

|• BRISELANCE Claude, Les Écoles d’horlogerie de Besançon. Une contribution décisive au développement industriel local et régional (1793-1974), |

|thèse de doctorat d’histoire, Université de Lyon 2, dir. Jean-Luc MAYAUD, 2015. |

|• CARDINAL Catherine, JEQUIER François, BARRELET Jean-Marc, BEYNER André (dir.), L’Homme et le temps en Suisse, 1291-1991, La Chaux-de-Fonds : |

|Institut L’Homme et le Temps, 1991, 399 p. |

|• COLLECTIF, Apprendre, créer, transmettre : la formation des horlogers, passé et avenir, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée international d’horlogerie, |

|1999, 115 p. |

|• DANIELS George, La Montre : principes et méthodes de fabrication, Lausanne, Scriptar, 1993, 415 p. |

|• DAUMAS Jean-Claude, Tissot Laurent (éd.), L’Arc jurassien : histoire d’un espace transfrontalier, Vesoul, Ed. Maé-Erti ; Yens-sur-Morges, |

|Cabédita, 2004, 293 p. |

|• DAUMAS Jean-Claude, Tissot Laurent, Les systèmes productifs dans l’Arc jurassien : acteurs, pratiques et territoires, Besançon, Presses |

|universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2004, 338 p. |

|• FALLET Estelle, SIMONIN Antoine (dir.), Dix écoles d’horlogerie suisses : chefs-d’œuvre de savoir-faire, Neuchâtel, Simonin, 2010, 565 p. |

|• JEQUIER François, Chollet Jean-Pierre, La Main et l’outil, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée international d’horlogerie, 1987, 141 p. |

|• LANDES David, L’heure qu’il est : les horloges, la mesure du temps et la formation du monde moderne, Paris, Gallimard, 1987, 622 p. |

|• MARTI Laurence, La grande famille, pratiques, représentations et identités horlogères dans le Jura suisse, Lyon, Université de Lyon, 1996, |

|548 p. |

|• MAUERHAN Joëlle, Horlogers et horlogères à Besançon (1793-1908). Editions L’Harmattan, 2018. |

|• MAYAUD Jean-Luc, Besançon horloger, 1793-1914. Editions musée du Temps, Besançon, 1994. |

|• MAYAUD Jean-Luc, HENRY Philippe (dir.), Horlogeries, le temps de l’histoire, Besançon, Presses universitaires franc-comtoises, 1995. |

|• MOINE Alexandre, ‘ Évolution d’un espace transfrontalier : le territoire horloger franco-suisse de l’Arc jurassien ’, dans Frontières, |

|Besançon, Presses universitaires franc-comtoises, 2003, p. 21-36. |

|• MUNZ Hervé, La transmission en jeu. Apprendre, pratiquer, patrimonialiser l’horlogerie en Suisse, Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphil/Presses |

|universitaires suisses, 2e éd., 2017. |

|• Piguet Jean-Claude, Les faiseurs de musique, Sainte-Croix, Editions du Journal de Sainte-Croix, 1996. |

|• Piguet Jean-Claude, ‘ Patrimoine industriel de Sainte-Croix ’, In. Ku. Association suisse d’histoire de la technique et du patrimoine |

|industriel, 2012. |

|• POUPARD Laurent (dir.). L’horlogerie, fille du temps : actes du cycle de conférences dans le massif du Jura (septembre 2016 - juin 2017). |

|Besançon, Association française des amateurs d’horlogerie ancienne, 2017. |

|• POUPARD Laurent. Autour de la montre en pays horloger, Images du patrimoine 308. Editions Lieux dits, 2019. |

|• Reuge Jean et Margot Denis, L’Auberson au temps des boîtes à musique, Sainte-Croix, Cercle d’histoire de la région de Sainte-Croix, |

|coll. ’ Cahiers ’ (no 12), 2013. |

|• Rouiller Philippe, Les instruments de musique mécanique, Paris, Editions Gründ, 1992. |

|• REYMONDIN Charles-André, MONNIER George, JEANNERET Didier et PELARATTI Umberto, Théorie de l’horlogerie, Le Locle, Fédération des écoles |

|techniques suisses, 1998. |

|• Troquet Daniel, ‘ Boîtes à musique ’ in Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (en ligne), 23 février 2009. Lien URL |

|• Troquet Daniel, Au pays des boîtes à musique et des automates, Sainte-Croix, Editions du Cochet, 1989 |

|• VERNOTTE François, L’Observatoire de Besançon et la mesure du temps, s.l.n.d. |

|Filmographie sommaire |

|• Automates & merveilles Projet 2018, prod. Association Automates & Merveilles, 2018, 3 minutes 57 secondes. Lien URL |

|• Bourse horlogère de Mer, réal. Arc en ciel Vidéo, prod. Association française des amateurs d’horlogerie ancienne, 2018, 2 minutes 59 |

|secondes. |

|• L’Horlo, réal. David GAMET et Emmanuelle COURNARIE, prod. Musée du Temps, Ville de Besançon, 2013, 28 minutes 52 secondes |

|• La Naissance d’une montre. Le garde-temps, réal. NVP3D, prod. Time Aeon Foundation et Greubel Forsey, 2016, 17 minutes 31 secondes. Lien URL |

|• Le Diplôme des métiers d’art horloger, réal. Élèves de DMA, prod. Lycée Edgar-Faure à Morteau, 2012, 3 minutes 15 secondes. Lien URL |

|• Les Rouages de l’harmonie, réal. Philippe NICOLET, prod. NVP3D et, 2012, 12 minutes. Lien URL |

|• Secret des maîtres - capsules vidéo, prod. Formation en Mécanique d’Art (FEMA), 2018, Lien URL |

|7. Signature(s) on behalf of the State(s) Party(ies) |

|The nomination should be signed by the official empowered to do so on behalf of the State Party, together with his or her name, title and the |

|date of submission. |

|In the case of multinational nominations, the document should contain the name, title and signature of an official of each State Party |

|submitting the nomination. |

|Name: |

|S. Exc. Martin MICHELET |

| |

|Title: |

|Ambassadeur de Suisse, délégué permanent auprès de l’UNESCO |

| |

|Date: |

|15 March 2019 |

| |

|Signature: |

| |

| |

|Name(s), title(s) and signature(s) of other official(s) (For multinational nominations only) |

|Name: |

|S. Exc. Laurent STEFANINI |

| |

|Title: |

|Ambassadeur de France, délégué permanent auprès de l’UNESCO |

| |

|Date: |

|15 March 2019 |

| |

|Signature: |

| |

| |


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