Curriculum Vitae

Susan Kerri Lutgendorf

Department of Psychology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242

Phone: (319) 335-2432



Ph.D. The University of Miami, Health Clinical Psychology, August, l994

APA-Approved Clinical Psychology Internship

University of Wisconsin Center for the Health Sciences 1993-4

M.S. The University of Miami, Clinical Psychology, May, l991

M.S.W. The University of Illinois, Clinical Social Work, June, l976, Chicago, Illinois

B.A. The University of Chicago, Psychology, September, l971, Chicago, Illinois


University of Iowa Center on Aging

NIH Postdoctoral NRSA Fellowship 8/94 -8/95


1995-2001 Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology, The University of Iowa

2001- Associate Professor

Department of Psychology, The University of Iowa

2004-2006 Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Iowa

Spring 2004 Visiting Professor, Department of Psychiatry, The Ohio State University

2006- Professor, Departments of Psychology, Urology, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Iowa

Spring 2009 Visiting Scholar, University of California at Los Angeles Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatric Institute


2012 President-Elect of the American Psychosomatic Society

2010-15 University of Iowa Starch Faculty Fellow

2010-13 Core Member of Biobehavioral Pathways in Cancer Network sponsored by the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Institutes of Health

2010-15 Academy of Behavioral Medicine Scientific Council Member

2009-11 University of Iowa Faculty Scholar Award

2007-10 Scientific Council Member of Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society

2005-09 Member of Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Emotions, Stress, and Health “MESH” Study Section, NIH

2008 Invited Participant at “Neuroendocrine Influences on the Tumor Microenvironment” meeting at the National Cancer Institute, June 2008

2004 Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society New Investigator Award

2003-06 American Psychosomatic Society Council Member

2002 Outstanding Mentor Award, Graduate College, University of Iowa

2002 Early Career Award from American Psychosomatic Society

2002 Elected Fellow of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research

2002 National Cancer Institute Core Committee to study Biological Mechanisms of Psychosocial Effects on Disease (Invited member)

2002 Giddon Award for distinguished research in behavioral sciences from the International Association for Dental Research

2002 Supervision of Phil Ullrich’s dissertation which won APA Dissertation Award

2000. American Psychological Association Division 38 (Health Psychology) Award for Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology

2001. Invited Participant in Dahlem Foundation Workshop, Berlin, November 12-17

2000 Participant in National Institute of Aging/Brookdale Foundation Summer Institute/Competitive Selection

1997, 98 Old Gold Summer Fellowships, University of Iowa

1994-95 Post-doctoral National Research Service Award from the National Institute of Aging

1992 Elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

1989-92 NIMH Predoctoral Training Fellowship in Behavioral Immunology

1992 University of Miami Department of Psychology Kirk Danhour Memorial Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Performance


American Psychological Association

Society of Behavioral Medicine (Yr. 2000 Assistant Program Chair for Annual Meeting)

American Psychosomatic Society (Program Committee 1999-2006, Council 2003-2006; Awards Committee 2010-2012)

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (Council 2007-2010; Program Committee 2000-2002; 2004-2006, Nominating Committee 2003)

Licensed Psychologist (#00803) and Health Care Provider (#00346), State of Iowa

University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center (Executive Committee 2007- )



1. Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Allen, J.K., Cruz, A., Stone, R.L., Nick, A.M.,Lin, Y.G., Han, L.Y., Mangala, L.S., Villares, G.J., Vivas-Mejia, P., Rodriguex_Aquayo, C., Nagaraja, A.S., Gharpure, K.M., Wu, Z., English, R.D., Soman, K.V., Shazhad, M.M.K., Zigler, M., Deavers, M.T., Zien, A., Soldatos, T.G., Jackson, D.B., Wiktorowicz, J.E., Torres-Lugo, M., Young, T., DeGeest, K., Gallick, G.E., Bar-Eli, M., Lopez-Berestein, G., Cole, S.W., Lopez, G.E., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K. (2013). Src-activation by β-adrenoreceptors is a key switch for tumor metastasis. Nature Communications, 4, 1403. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2413 PMID: 23360994 PMCID: PMC3561638

2. Schrepf, A., Clevenger, L., Christensen, D., DeGeest, K., Bender, D., Ahmed, A., Goodheart, M, Dahmoush, L., Penedo, F., Lucci, J., Ganjei-Azar, P., Mendez, L., Markon, K., Lubaroff, D., Kirschbaum, C., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2013) Cortisol and Interleukin-6 in Ovarian Cancer Patients Following Primary Treatment: Relationships with Quality of Life. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 30, S126-S134. PMID: 22884960

3. Sannes, T.S., Jensen, S.E., Dodd, S.M., Kneipp, S.M., Garey Smith, S., Patidar, S.M., Marsiske, M.M., Lutgendorf, S., Morgan, L.S., Pereira, D.B. (2013). Depressive symptoms and cortisol variability prior to surgery for suspected endometrial cancer. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 241-9. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.06.001. PMID:22762895 PMCID: PMC3473116

4. Lutgendorf, S.K., DeGeest, K., Dahmoush, L., Bender, D., Ahmed, A., Goodheart, M., Penedo, F., Lucci, J., Ganjei-Azar, P., Mendez, L., Thaker, P., Zimmerman, B., Lubaroff, D.M., Cole, S.W. Sood, A.K. (2012). Social Influences on Clinical Outcomes of Ovarian Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30, 2885-90. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.39.4411 PMID: 22802321; PMCID: PMC3410403.

5. Clevenger, L., Schrepf, A., Christensen, D., DeGeest, K., Bender, D., Ahmed, A., Goodheart, M, Dahmoush, L., Penedo, F., Lucci, J., Thaker, P, Mendez, L., Lubaroff, D., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S. (2012) Sleep disturbance, cytokines, and fatigue in women with ovarian cancer. (Invited paper for special series on Fatigue and Cytokines) Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 26, 1037-44. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2012.04.003 PMID: 22543257 PMCID: PMC3434312

6. Stone, R.L., Nick, A.M., McNeish, I.A., Balkwill, F., Han, H.D., Bottsford-Miller, J., Rupaimoole, R., Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Pecot, C.V., Coward, J., Deavers, M.T., Vasquez, H.G., Urbauer, D., Landen, C.N., Hu, W., Gershenson, H., Matsuo, K., Shahzad, M.M., King, E.R., Tekedereli, I., Ozpolat, B., Ahn, E.H., Bond, V.K., Wang, R., Drew, A.F., Gushiken, F., Collins, K., DeGeest, K., Lutgendorf, S.K., Chiu, W., Lopez-Berestein, G., Afshar-Kharghan, V., Sood, A.K. (2012). Paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in ovarian cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 366, 610-18

7. Antoni, M.H., Lutgendorf, S.K., Blomberg, B., Carver, C.S., Lechner, S., Diaz, A., Stagl, J., Arevalo, J.M.G., Cole, S. W. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics. Biological Psychiatry. 71, 366-72. PMC3264698

8. Lamkin, D. M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Lubaroff, D.M., Sood, A.K., Beltz, T.G., Johnson, A.K. (2011). Cancer induces inflammation and depressive-like behavior in the mouse: Modulation by social housing. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 25, 555-64. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3039064

9. Moreno-Smith M, Lu C, Shahzad MM, Pena GN, Allen JK, Stone RL, Mangala LS, Han HD, Kim HS, Farley D, Berestein GL, Cole SW, Lutgendorf SK, Sood AK. (2011). Dopamine Blocks Stress-Mediated Ovarian Carcinoma Growth, Clin Cancer Res. 17, 3649-59. PMC3107884

10. Lutgendorf, S.K. , DeGeest, K., Dahmoush, L., Farley, D., Penedo, F., Bender, D., Goodheart, M., Buekers, T.E., Mendez, L., Krueger, G., Clevenger, L., Lubaroff, D.M., Sood, A.K., Cole, S.W. (2010) Social Isolation is associated with Elevated Tumor Norepinephrine in Ovarian Carcinoma Patients. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 25, 250-5. PMC3103818 NIHMS251278 doi:  10.1016/j.bbi.2010.10.012

11. Lutgendorf, S.K., Mullen,E.,Russell, D., DeGeest. K., Jacobson, G.M., Hart, L., Anderson, B., Bender, D., Buekers, T., Goodheart, M., Antoni, M., Sood, A., Lubaroff, D. (2010) Preservation of immune function in cervical cancer patients during chemoradiation treatment using a novel integrative approach. Brain, Behavior and Immunity. 24, 1231-40. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2010.06.014 NIHMSID 219317.

12. Weinrib, A., Sephton, S.E., DeGeest, K., Penedo, F., Bender, D., Zimmerman, B., Kirschbaum, C. , Sood, A., Lubaroff, D.M., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2010). Diurnal cortisol dysregulation, functional disability, and depression in women with ovarian cancer. Cancer. 116, 4410-9. PMID 20564155. NIHMS286552.

13. Shahzad, M.M.K, Arevalo, J.M., Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Lu, C., Stone, R.L., Moreno-Smith, M., Nishimura, M., Lee, J.W., Jennings, N.B., Bottsford-Miller, J., Vivas-Mejia P., Lutgendorf, S.K., Lopez-Berestein, G., Bar-Eli, M., Cole, S.W., Sood, A.K. (2010). Stress effects on FosB and interleukin-8 (IL-8) driven ovarian cancer growth and metastasis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 35462-35470.

14. Sood, A.K., Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Halder, J., Nick, A.M., Stone, R.L., Hu, W., Carroll, A.R., Spannuth, W.A., Deavers, M.T., Allen, J.K., Han, L.Y., Kamat, A.A., Shahzad, M.M.K, McIntyre, B.W., Diaz-Montero, C.M., Jennings, N.B., Lin, Y.G., Merritt, W.M., DeGeest,K., Vivas-Mejia, P.E., Lopez-Berestein, G., Schaller, M.D., Cole, S.W., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2010). Adrenergic modulation of focal adhesion kinase protects human ovarian cancer cells from anoikis. Journal of Clinical Investigation.120, 1515-23. PMCID: PMC2860925.

15. Cole, S.W., Arevalo, J.M., Takahashi, R., Sloan, E.K., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K., Sheridan, J.F., Seeman, T.E. (2010). Computational identification of gene-social environment interaction at the human IL6 locus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 107, 5681-5686 PMCID: PMC2851818

16. Costanzo, E. S., Lutgendorf, S. K., & Roman, S. L. (2010). Common- sense beliefs about breast cancer and health practices among women completing treatment for breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 20, 53-61. NIHMS192078

17. Foster HE Jr, Hanno PM, Nickel JC, Payne CK, Mayer RD, Burks DA, Yang CC, Chai TC, Kreder KJ, Peters KM, Lukacz ES, FitzGerald MP, Cen L, Landis JR, Propert KJ, Yang W, Kusek JW, Nyberg LM, Interstitial Cystitis Collaborative Research Network. (2010). Effect of amitriptyline on symptoms in treatment naïve patients with interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. Journal of Urology 183, 1853-8.

18. Lang, E.V., Berbaum, K., Lutgendorf, S. (2009). Large-core breast biopsy: Abnormal salivary cortisol profiles associated with uncertainty of diagnosis. Radiology. 250, 631-637.

19. Armaiz-Pena, G., Mangala S., Spannuth, W., Lin, Y., Jennings, N., Nick, A., Langley, R., Schmandt, R., Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Sood, A. (2009). Estrous cycle modulates ovarian carcinoma growth. Clinical Cancer Research, 15, 2971-8 PMCID: PMC2743312

20. Lee, J-W., Shahzad, M., Lin, Y., Armaiz-Pena, G., Mangala, S., Han, H-D., Kim, H-S., Nam, E.J., Jennings, N., Halder, J., Nick, A., Stone, R., Lu, C., Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Lokshin, A., Sood, A. (2009). Surgical Stress Promotes Tumor Growth in Ovarian Carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research, 15, 2695-2702. PMCID: PMC2746852

21. Lutgendorf, S.K., DeGeest, K., Sung, C.Y., Arevalo, J.M.G., Penedo, F., Lucci, J.A. III, Goodheart, M., Lubaroff, D., Farley, D.M., Sood, A.K., Cole, S.W. (2009). Depression, Social Support, and Beta-Adrenergic Transcription Control in Human Ovarian Cancer Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. (PMCID #18550328) 23, 176-183, June 10 epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC2677379

22. Lamkin, D., Spitz, D., Shahzad, M.M., Zimmerman, B., Lenihan, D.J., Degeest, K., Lubaroff, D.M., Shinn, E.H., Sood A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2009). Preoperative glucose levels and survival in ovarian cancer patients. Cancer. 115, 1021-1027. Jan 20 epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC2649990

23. McCarthy A.M., Hanrahan K., Kleiber C., Zimmerman, M.B., Lutgendorf, S., Tsalikian E. (2009). Normative salivary cortisol values and responsivity in children. Applied Nursing Research, 22, 54-62. PMCID: PMC2650745

24. Lutgendorf, S.K., Lamkin, D.M., Jennings, N.B., Arevalo, J.M.G., Penedo, F., DeGeest, K., Langley, R.R., Lucci, J.A. III, Cole, S.W., Lubaroff, D.M., Sood, A.K. (2008). Biobehavioral Influences on Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression in Ovarian Carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research, 14, 6839-46. PMCID: PMC2716059 NIHMS 114621

25. Lutgendorf, S.K., Weinrib, A.Z., Penedo, F., Russell, D., DeGeest, K., Costanzo, E.S., Henderson, P.J., Sephton, S.E., Rohleder, N., Lucci, J.A. III, Cole, S., Sood, A.K., Lubaroff, D. (2008). Interleukin-6, Cortisol, and Depressive Symptoms in Ovarian Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 4820-7, Sep 8 epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC2653140

26. Johnsen, E.L., Tranel, D., Lutgendorf, S., Adolphs, R., (2008). A neuroanatomical dissociation for emotion induced by music. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Sep 13 epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC2656600

27. Lutgendorf, S.K., Lamkin, D., Anderson, B., DeGeest, K., McGinn, S., Maiseri, H., Dao, M., Zimmerman, B., Sood, A.K., Lubaroff, D.M. (2008). Depressed and anxious mood and T-cell cytokine producing populations in ovarian cancer patients. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. (Pub Med Central # 2605940) 22, 890-900. NIHMS 59847

28. Lang, E.V., Berbaum, K.S., Pauker, S.G., Faintuch, S., Salazar, G.M., Lutgendorf, S., Laser, E., Logan, H., Spiegel, D. (2008). Beneficial effects of hypnosis and adverse effects of empathic attention during percutaneous tumor treatment: when being nice does not suffice, Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology, 19, 897–905.

29. Han, L.Y., Fletcher, M.S., Michael T. Deavers, M.T., Urbauer, D.L., Peter Mueller, , Landen, C.N., Kamat, A.A., Lin, Y.G., Merritt, W.M., Spannuth, W., De Geest, K., Gershenson, D.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Ferrone, S., Sood, A.K. (2008). HLA class I antigen processing machinery component expression and intratumoral T-cell infiltrate as independent prognostic markers in ovarian carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 14, 3372-9.

30. Merritt, W.M., Lin, Y.G., Spannuth, W.A., Fletcher, M.A., Kamat, A.A., Han, L.Y., Landen, C.N., Jennings, N., DeGeest, K., Langley, R., Villares, G., Sanguino, A., Lutgendorf, S.K., Lopez-Berestein, G., Bar-Eli, M.M., Sood, A.K. (2008). Effect of IL-8 Gene Silencing with Liposome-Encapsulated Small-Interfering RNA on Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 100, 359-72. PMCID: PMC2770251

31. Lamkin, D.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., McGinn, S., Dao, M, Maiseri, H., DeGeest, K., Sood, A.K., Lubaroff, D.M. (2008). Positive psychosocial factors and NKT cell percentages in ovarian cancer patients. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 22,65-73.

32. Ullrich, P.M., Rothrock, N., Lutgendorf, S.K., Jochimsen, P., & Williams, R.D. (2007).  Adjustment and Discussion of Cancer: A Comparison of Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivors.  Psychology and Health, 23, 391-406.

33. Costanzo, E.S., Trehan, S., Roman, S., Mattes, M., Lutgendorf, S. (2007). Adjusting to Life After Treatment: Distress and Quality of Life Following Treatment for Breast Cancer, British Journal of Cancer 97, 1625-31 PMCID: PMC2360272

34. Landen, C.N., Lin, Y.G., Armaiz Pena,G.N., Das, P.D., Arevalo, J.M.G., Kamat, A.A., Han, L.Y., Jennings, N.B., Spannuth, W., Thaker, P.K., Lutgendorf, S.K., Savary, C.S., Sanguino, A.M., Lopez-Berestein, G., Cole, S.W., Sood, A.K. (2007). Neuroendocrine modulation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 in ovarian cancer. Cancer Research. 67, 10389-96

35. Ullrich, P., Lutgendorf, S., Kreder, K. (2007). Physiologic Reactivity to a laboratory stress task Among Men With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology. 70, 487-492 PMCID: PMC2084069

36. Nilsson, M.B., Armaiz-Pena, G., Takahashi, R., Lin, Y.G., Trevino, J., Li, Y., Jennings, N., Arevalo, J., Lutgendorf, S.K., Gallick, G.E., Sanguino, A.M., Lopez-Berenstein, G., Cole, S.W. , & Sood, A.K. (2007). Stress hormones regulate IL-6 expression by human ovarian carcinoma cells through a src-dependent mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, 29919-26

37. Lin, Y.G., Kunnumakkara, A.B., Nair, A, Merritt, W.M., Han, L.Y., Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Kamat, A.A., Spannuth, W.A., Gershenson, D.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Aggarwal, B.B., Sood, A.K. (2007). Curcumin inhibits tumor growth and angiogenesis in ovarian carcinoma by targeting the NF-κB pathway. Clinical Cancer Research. 13, 3423-30.

38. Lutgendorf, S., Lang, E., Berbaum K., Russell, D., Berbaum, M., Logan, H., Benotsch, E., Schulz-Stubner, S., Turesky, D., Spiegel, D. (2007). Effects of Age on Responsiveness to Adjunct Hypnotic Analgesia during Invasive Medical Procedures, Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 191-9.

39. Weinrib, A., Lutgendorf, S.K., Rothrock, N., Martin, R., Johnsen, E., Anderson, B. (2006). Negative Mood, Cognitive Processing, and the Construct Validity of Stress-Related Growth. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 851-858.

40. Thaker, P.H., Han, L.Y., Kamat, A.A., Arevalo, J.M., Takahashi, R., Lu C., Jennings, N.B., Armaiz-Pena, G., Bankson, J.A., Ravoori, M., Merritt, W.M., Lin, YG, Mangala, L.S., Kim, T.J., Coleman, R.L., Landen, C.N., Li Y., Felix, E., Sanguino, A.M., Newman, R.A., Lloyd, M., Gershenson, D.M., Kundra, V., Lopez-Berestein, G., Lutgendorf, S.K., Cole, S.W., Sood, A.K. (2006). Chronic stress promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis in a mouse model of ovarian carcinoma.  Nature Medicine, 12, 939-44.

41. Halder J, Kamat AA, Landen CN Jr, Han LY, Lutgendorf SK, Lin YG, Merritt WM, Jennings NB, Chavez-Reyes A, Coleman RL, Gershenson DM, Schmandt R, Cole SW, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK.(2006). Focal adhesion kinase targeting using in vivo short interfering RNA delivery in neutral liposomes for ovarian carcinoma therapy. Clinical Cancer Research. 12, 4916-24.

42. Lamale, L.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Zimmerman, B., Kreder, K.J.(2006). Interleukin-6, histamine, and methylhistamine as diagnostic markers for interstitial cystitis. Urology, 68, 702-706.

43. Lamale, L.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Hoffman,A.N., Kreder, K.J.(2006). Symptoms and cystoscopic findings in patients with untreated interstitial cystitis. Urology, 67, 242-5.

44. Costanzo, E.S., Lutgendorf, S.K., Bradley, S.L, Rose, S.L. Anderson, B. (2006). Cancer Attributions, Distress, and Health Practices among Gynecologic Cancer Survivors. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 972-80.

45. Sood A.K., Bhatty R., Kamat A.A., Landen C.N., Han L., Thaker P.H., Li Y., Gershenson D.M., Lutgendorf, S., Cole S.W. (2006). Stress hormone mediated invasion of ovarian cancer cells.  Clinical Cancer Research 12, 369-75.

46. Bradley, S, Rose, S, Lutgendorf, S., Costanzo, E., Sorosky, J., DeGeest, K., Anderson, B. (2006). Quality of life and mental health in cervical and endometrial cancer survivors. Gynecologic Oncology, 100, 479-86.

47. Costanzo, E. S., Lutgendorf, S. K., Rothrock, N., & Anderson, B. (2006) Coping and quality of life among women extensively treated for gynecologic cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 15, 132-42.

48. Halder J.B., Landen C.N., Lutgendorf S.K., Li Y., Jennings N.B., Fan D., Nelkin G.M., Schmandt, R., Schaller M.D., Sood A.K. (2006). Focal Adhesion Kinase silencing augments docetaxel-mediated apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells. Clinical Cancer Research, 11, 8829-36.

49. Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K., Anderson, B., McGinn, S., Maiseri, H., Dao, M., Sorosky, J.I., DeGeest, K., Lubaroff, D.M. (2005). Social Support, Distress, and Natural Killer Cell Activity in Ovarian Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23, 7106-7113.

50. Lang, E., Hatsiopoulou, O., Koch, T., Berbaum, K., Lutgendorf, S., Kettenmann, E., Logan, H., Kaptchuk, T. (2005). Patient-provider interactions during invasive procedures: Can words hurt? Pain, 114, 303-9.

51. Costanzo, E., Lutgendorf, S., Sood, A., Anderson, B., Lubaroff, D. (2005). Psychosocial factors and Interleukin-6 among Women with Advanced Ovarian Cancer. Cancer, 104, 305-313.

52. Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder, K.J., Leserman, J. (2005). Stress, Hostility, and Disease Parameters of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 476-482.

53. Lutgendorf, S.K., Moore, M., Bradley, S., Shelton, B., Lutz, C. (2005). Distress and Natural Killer Receptors on Lymphocytes. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 19,185-94.

54. Lutz, C., Moore, M., Bradley, S., Shelton, B., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2005). Reciprocal Age Related Change in Natural Killer Cell Receptors for MHC Class I. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 126, 722-731.

55. Antoni, M.H., Cruess, D.G., Klimas, N., Carrico, A.W., Maher, K., Cruess, S., Lechner, S.C., Kumar, M., Lutgendorf, S., Ironson, G., Fletcher, M.A., Schneiderman, N., & Fletcher, M.A. (2005). Increases in a marker of immune system reconstitution are predated by decreases in 24-hour urinary cortisol output and depressed mood during a 10-week stress management intervention in HIV positive men. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58, 3-13.

56. Costanzo, E., Lutgendorf, S.K., Kohut, M., Nisly, N., Rozeboom, K., Spooner, S., Benda, J., McElhaney, J. (2005). Mood and Cytokine Response to Influenza Virus in Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology, 59, 1328-33.

57. Lutgendorf, S.K., Russell, D., Ullrich, P., Harris, T., & Wallace B. (2004). Religious Attendance, Interleukin-6 and Mortality in Older Adults. Health Psychology, 23, 465-475.

58. Lutgendorf, S.K., Latini, J.M., Rothrock, N., Hoffmann, A., Zimmerman, B., & Kreder, K. (2004) Autonomic Response to Stress in Interstitial Cystitis. Journal of Urology, 172, 227-31.

59. Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Stapleton, J., & Horowitz, M.J. (2004). Self regard and concealment of homosexuality as predictors of CD4 cell count over time among HIV seropositive gay men. Psychology & Health, 19, 183-196.

60. Stinshoff, VJ., Lang, EV., Berbaum, KS., Lutgendorf, S., Logan, H., Berbaum, M. (2004). Effect of sex and gender on drug-seeking behavior during invasive medical procedures. Academic Radiology, 11, 390-7.

61. Lutgendorf, S.K., Logan, H., Costanzo, E., & Lubaroff, D. (2004). Effects of Acute Stress, Relaxation, and a Neurogenic Inflammatory Stimulus on Interleukin-6 in Humans. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 18, 55-64.

62. Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Costanzo, E., Bradley, S., Coffin, J., Jabbari, S., Rainwater, K., Ritchie, J.M., Yang, M., Sood, A.K. (2003). Stress-Related Mediators Stimulate Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Secretion by Two Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines. Clinical Cancer Research, 9, 4514-4521.

63. Ullrich, P., Carson, M., Lutgendorf, S., & Williams, R. (2003). Cancer fear and mood disturbance following radical prostatectomy: Consequences of biochemical evidence of recurrence. The Journal of Urology, 169, 1449-1452.

64. Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.L,. Stapleton, J.T. (2003). Concealment of homosexual identity, social support and CD4 cell count among HIV-seropositive gay men. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 54, 205­ 212.

65. Rothrock. N., Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., & Hoffman, A. (2003) Coping strategies in patients with interstitial cystitis: Relationships with quality of life and depression. Journal of Urology 169, 233-6.

66. Lutgendorf, S.K., Johnsen, E., Cooper, B., Anderson, B., Buller, R., & Sood, A.K. (2002). Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and social support in women with ovarian carcinoma. Cancer, 95, 808-815.

67. Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B., Ullrich, P., Johnsen, E., Buller, R., Sood, A.K., Sorosky, J., & Ritchie, J. (2002). Quality of life and mood in women with gynecologic cancer: A one-year prospective study. Cancer. 94,131-140

68. Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Rothrock N., Hoffman, A., Kirschbaum, C., Sternberg E., Zimmerman, B., & Ratliff, T. (2002). Diurnal cortisol levels and symptoms in interstitial cystitis patients. Journal of Urology, 167, 1338-1343.

69. Ullrich, P.A. & Lutgendorf, S.L. Journaling about stressful events: Effects of cognitive processing and emotional expression. (2002). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 244-250.

70. Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., & Stapleton, J. (2002). Social constraints and depression in HIV infection: Effects of sexual orientation and area of residence. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 47-66.

71. Logan, H., Sheffield, D., Lutgendorf, S., Lang, E. (2002). Predictors of Pain during Invasive Medical Procedures, Journal of Pain, 3, 211-217.

72. Rothrock. N., Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Hoffman, A. (2002). Depressive symptoms and quality of life in patients with interstitial cystitis. Journal of Urology, 167, 1763-1767.

73. Lang, E.V., Laser, E., Anderson, B., Potter, J., Hatsiopoulou, O., Lutgendorf, S., & Logan, H. (2002). Shaping the experience of behavior: construct of an electronic teaching module in nonpharmacologic analgesia and anxiolysis. Academic Radiology, 9, 1185-93.

74. Antoni, M.H., Cruess, D.G., Klimas, N., Maher, K., Cruess, S.E., Kumar, M., Lutgendorf, S., Ironson, G., Schneiderman, N., & Fletcher, M.A. (2002). Stress management and immune system reconstitution in symptomatic HIV-infected gay men over time: Effects on transitional naive T-cells (CD4 CD45RA CD29 ). American Journal of Psychiatry,159, 143-145.

75. Sood, A.K., Nygaard, I, Shahin, M.S., Sorosky, J.I., Lutgendorf, S. K., Rao, S.S.C. (2002). Anorectal Dysfunction After Surgical Treatment For Cervical Cancer. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 195, 513-9. Received the ASAE Gold Circle award for excellence and innovation in technology-based education.

76. Johnsen, E.L. & Lutgendorf, S. Contributions of imagery ability to stress and relaxation. (2001). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 273-281

77. Logan, H., Lutgendorf, S., Rainville P., Sheffield, D., Iverson, K., & Lubaroff, D. (2001). Effects of Stress and Relaxation on Capsaicin-Induced Pain. Journal of Pain, 2, 160-170.

78. Lutgendorf, S K., Tripp Reimer T., Schlechte, J., & Rubenstein L.M. (2001). Illness episodes and cortisol in healthy older adults during a life transition. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 166-176.

79. Logan, H., Lutgendorf, S., Kirchner, H.L., Rivera, E.M., & Lubaroff, D. (2001). Pain and immunologic response to root canal treatment and subsequent health outcomes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 63, 453-462. (Paper was winner of Giddon Award for distinguished research in the Behavioral Sciences).

80. Lutgendorf, S.K., Tripp-Reimer, T., Harvey, J., Marks, G., Hong, S-Y., Hillis, S.L., & Lubaroff, D. (2001). Effects of Housing Relocation on Immunocompetence and Psychosocial Functioning in Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 56A, M97-M105.

81. Rothrock N.E., Lutgendorf S.K., Kreder K.J., Ratliff T.L., Zimmerman B. (2001). Stress and symptoms in patients with interstitial cystitis. Urology, 57, 422-427.

82. Kreder, K, Lutgendorf, S., Knopf, M.A., & McGillis, J.P. (2001) Chlorpactin instillation releases calcitonin gene-related peptide in interstitial cystitis patients. Urology, 53 (Suppl 1). 138-139. (abstract)

83. Zhang J., Vitaliano, P.P., Lutgendorf, S.K., Scanlan, J.M., Savage, M.V. (2001). Sense of coherence buffers relationships of chronic stress with fasting glucose levels. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 33-55.

84. Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B., Sorosky, J., Buller, R., & Lubaroff, D. (2000). Interleukin-6 and use of social support in gynecologic cancer patients. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 7, 127-142.

85. Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B., Rothrock, N., Buller, R., Sood, A.K., & Sorosky, J. (2000). Quality of life and mood in women receiving extensive chemotherapy for gynecologic cancer. Cancer, 89,1402-1411.

86. Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder, K.J., Rothrock, N.E., Ratliff, T., Zimmerman, B. (2000). Stress and symptomatology in interstitial cystitis: A laboratory stress model. Journal of Urology, 164, 1265-1269.

87. Lutgendorf, S.K., Logan, H., Kirchner, H.L., Rothrock, N., Svengalis, S., Iverson, K., Lubaroff, D.M. (2000). Effects of relaxation and stress on the capsaicin-induced local inflammatory response. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 524-534.

88. Antoni, M.H., Cruess, D., Creuss, S., Lutgendorf, S., Kumar, M., Ironson, G., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M.A., & Schneiderman, N. (2000). Cognitive behavioral stress management intervention effects on anxiety, 24-hour urinary norepinephrine output, and T-cytotoxic/suppressor cells over time among symptomatic HIV-infected gay men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 31-45.

89. Lang E.V., Benotsch E., Fick L. J., Lutgendorf, S. K., Berbaum M., Berbaum K., Logan H., Spiegel D. (2000). Adjunctive nonpharmacologic analgesia for invasive medical procedures: A randomised trial. Lancet, 355, 1486-1490.

90. Antoni, M.H., Creuss, S., Cruess, D., Kumar, M., Lutgendorf, S., Ironson, G., Dettmer, E., Williams, J., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M.A., & Schneiderman, N. (2000). Cognitive behavioral stress management reduces distress and 24-hour urinary free cortisol output among symptomatic HIV-infected gay men. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22, 29-37.

91. Benotsch, E.G., Lutgendorf S.K., Watson, D., Fick, L.V., & Lang, E.V. (2000). Rapid anxiety assessment in medical patients: Evidence for the validity of verbal anxiety ratings. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22, 199-203.

92. Cruess, S., Antoni, M.H. , Cruess, D. , Fletcher, M.A. , Ironson, G. , Kumar, M. , Lutgendorf, S., Hayes, A., Klimas, N. & Schneiderman, N. (2000) Reductions in HSV-2 antibody titers after cognitive behavioral stress management and relationships with neuroendocrine function, relaxation skills, and social support in HIV men. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 828-837.

93. Lutgendorf, S.K., Vitaliano, P.P., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J. & Lubaroff, D. (1999). Sense of coherence moderates the relationship between life stress and natural killer cell activity in healthy older adults. Psychology and Aging, 14, 552-563.

94. Lutgendorf, S.K., Garand, L., Buckwalter, K., Tripp-Reimer, T., Hong, S-Y., & Lubaroff D.(1999). Life stress, mood disturbance, and elevated interleukin-6 in healthy older women. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 54A, M434-M439.

95. Lutgendorf, S.K. & Antoni, M.H. (1999). Emotional and cognitive processing in a trauma disclosure paradigm. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 23, 423-440.

96. Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B., Larsen, K., Buller, R., Sorosky, J. (1999). Cognitive processing, social support coping, and distress in gynecologic cancer patients. Cancer Research, Therapy, and Control, 8, 123-137.

97. Marks, G. & Lutgendorf, S.K. (1999). Perceived health competence and personality factors differentially predict health behaviors in older adults. Journal of Aging and Health, 11, 221-239.

98. Lang, E.V., Lutgendorf, S., Logan, H., Benotsch E.G., Laser, E., Spiegel, D. (l999). Nonpharmacologic analgesia and anxiolysis for interventional radiological procedures. Seminars in Interventional Radiology, 16, 113-123.

99. Fick, L.F., Lang, E.V., Logan, H., Lutgendorf, S. K., & Benotsch, E.G. (1999). Imagery content during nonpharmacologic analgesia in the procedure suite: Where your patients would rather be. Academic Radiology, 6, 457-463.

100. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Starr, K., Costello, N., Zuckerman, M.S., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M.A., & Schneiderman, N. (1998). Changes in cognitive coping skills and social support during cognitive behavioral stress management intervention and distress outcomes in symptomatic HIV-seropositive gay men. Psychosomatic Medicine 60, 204-214.

101. Logan, H.L., Lutgendorf, S.K., Hartwig, A., Lilly, J., & Berberich, S.L. (1998). Immune, stress, and mood markers related to recurrent oral herpes outbreaks. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics, 86, 48-54.

102. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Klimas N., Starr, K., Schneiderman, N., McCabe, P., Kumar, M., Cleven, K., & Fletcher, M.A. (1997). Cognitive behavioral stress management decreases dysphoric mood and herpes simplex virus-Type 2 antibody titers in symptomatic HIV seropositive gay men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 31-43.

103. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M.A., & Schneiderman, N. (1997). Cognitive processing style, mood, and immune function following HIV seropositivity notification. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 21, 157-184.

104. Starr, K.R., Antoni, M.H., Hurwitz, B.E., Rodriguez, M.S., Ironson, G., Fletcher, M.A., Kumar, M., Patarca, R., Lutgendorf, S.K., Quillian, R.E., Klimas, N.G., & Schneiderman, N. (1996). Patterns of immune, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular stress responses in asymptomatic HIV seropositive and seronegative men. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 3, 135-162.

105. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Fletcher, M.A., Penedo F., Baum, A., Schneiderman, N., & Klimas, N.K. (1995). Physical symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are exacerbated by the stress of Hurricane Andrew. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 310-323.

106. Lutgendorf, S.K., Klimas, N., Antoni, M.H., Brickman, A., & Fletcher, M.A. (1995). Relationship of cognitive difficulties to immune measures, depression, and illness burden in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1, 23-42.

107. Harvey, J.H., Stein, S. K., Olsen, N., Roberts, R.J., Lutgendorf, S.K., & Ho, J.A. (1995). Narratives of loss and recovery from a natural disaster. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 2-18.

108. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Kumar, M., & Schneiderman, N. (1994). Changes in coping strategies predict EBV antibody titers following a stressor disclosure induction. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 38, 63-78.

109. Antoni, M.H., Brickman, A., Lutgendorf, S., Klimas, N., Imia-Fins, A., Ironson, G., Quillian, R., Miguez, M.J., van Riel, F., Morgan, R., Patarca, R., & Fletcher, M.A. (1994). Psychosocial correlates of illness burden in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 18 (Suppl 1), S73-8.

110. Patarca, R., Klimas, N., Lutgendorf, S., Antoni, M.H., & Fletcher, M.A. (l994). Dysregulated expression of tumor necrosis factor in chronic fatigue syndrome: Interrelations with cellular sources and patterns of soluble immune mediator expression. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 18 (Suppl 1), S147-53.

111. Wimer, C., Donner, S., (maiden name), & Martin, D. (l968). Magnesium pemoline: Effects on active and passive avoidance conditioning in mice. Psychonomic Science, 12, 23-24.


1. Green McDonald, P., O’Connell, M., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2013). Psychoneuro-immunology and cancer: A decade of discovery, paradigm shifts, and methodological innovations. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 30, S1-S9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2013.01.003. PMID: 23333846

2. Nagaraja, A.S., Armaiz-Pena G.N., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K. (2013) Why stress is BAD for cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Investigation Jan 25:1-3 doi: 10.1172/JCI67887. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23348736 ; PMCID:PMC3561841

3. Armaiz-Pena, G.N., Cole, S.W., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K. (2013). Neuroendocrine influences on cancer progression. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 30, S19-S25. PMID: 22728323 PMCID: PMC3467346

4. Hammerschlag, R., Jain, S., Baldwin, A.L., Gronowicz, G., Lutgendorf, S.K., Oschman, J.L., Yount, G.L. (2012). Biofield research: a roundtable discussion of scientific and methodological issues. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18, 1081-6. doi: 10.1089/acm.2012.1502. PMID: 23075412.

5. Lutgendorf, S. & Sood, A. (2011) Biobehavioral Factors and Cancer Progression: Physiological Pathways and Mechanisms. Invited review, Psychosomatic Medicine. 73, 724-30.

6. Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K., Costanzo, E. (2012). PNI and Cancer: Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Progression. The Oxford Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology.

7. Kang, Y., Lutgendorf S.K., Hu W., Cole S.W., Sood A.K. (2012) Stress related neuroendocrine influences in ovarian cancer. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, 8,1-10.

8. Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2011). Stress influences on Anoikis. Cancer Prevention Research, 4, 481-5. PMC3074235

9. Hart, L.K., Freel, M.I., Haylock, P.J., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2011). The use of healing touch in integrative oncology. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 15, 519-25.

10. Costanzo, E.S., Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. (2011). Biobehavioral Influences on Cancer Progression. Allergy and Immunology Clinics of North America, 31, 109-132. Central PMCID: PMC3011980

11. Moreno-Smith M., Lutgendorf S.K., Sood A.K. (2010). Impact of stress on cancer metastasis. Future Oncology 6(12):1863-1881. PMC3037818

12. Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M., Sood, A. (2010). Host Factors and Cancer Progression: Biobehavioral Signaling pathways and Interventions. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28, 4094-9. PMCID: PMC2940426

13. Antoni, M.H. and Lutgendorf, S. (2010). Psychoneuroendocrinology and Psychoneuroimmunology in Oncology. In R. von Kanel, (ed). Psychoneuroendocrinology and Psychoneuroimmunology.

14. Lutgendorf, S. (2009) Positive Affect and Radiation-Induced Inflammation: Insights into Inflammatory Regulation? Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 23,1066-7. Epub 2009 Sep 3. NIHMS 151056

15. Lutgendorf, S. and Laudenslager, M. (2009). Stress and Dysregulation of Inflammatory Control in Cancer Caregivers. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27, 2894-5.

16. Armaiz Pena, G.N , Lutgendorf, S.K., Cole, S.W. Sood, A.K. (2009). Neuroendocrine modulation of cancer progression, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 10-15. June 27 Epub ahead of print PMCID: PMC2630522

17. Lutgendorf, S. and Mullen, E. (2008) Energy Medicine in Oncology Settings. (in D. Abrams and A. Weil) Textbook in Integrative Oncology. Oxford University Press.

18. Lutgendorf, S., Seigal, S., Costanzo, E. (2007) Psychosocial Influences in Oncology: An Expanded Model of Biobehavioral Mechanisms. In R. Ader, N. Cohen, D., Felten, (eds). Psychoneuroimmunology IV. (pp.869-896). San Diego: Elsevier.

19. Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S. (2007) Neuroendocrine regulation of cancer progression: I. Biological mechanisms and clinical relevance. In R. Ader, N. Cohen, D., Felten, (eds). Psychoneuroimmunology IV. (pp.233-250). San Diego: Elsevier.

20. Thaker, PH, Lutgendorf, S.K., & Sood A.K., (2007). The Neuroendocrine Impact of Chronic Stress on Cancer. Cell Cycle, 6, 430-3.

21. Antoni, M., Lutgendorf, S. (2006) Psychosocial Factors and Disease Progression in Cancer, Current Directions in Psychological Science.

22. Antoni, M., Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Dhabar, F., Sephton, S., Green McDonald P., Stefanek, M., Sood, A., (2006). The Influence of Biobehavioural Factors on Tumor Biology: Pathways and Mechanisms, Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 240-248.

23. Hanrahan, K., McCarthy, A., Kleiber, C., Lutgendorf , S., Tsalikian, E. (2006). Strategies for salivary cortisol collection and analysis in research with children, Applied Nursing Research,19, 95-101.

24. Green McDonald P., Antoni, M., Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Dhabar, F., Sephton, S., Stefanek, M., Sood, A., (2005). A Biobehavioral Perspective of Tumor Biology, Discovery Medicine, 5, 520-526.

25. Lutgendorf, S.K. (2005). Stress, Spirituality, and Cytokines in Aging and Cancer. Gynecologic Oncology. 99 (S139-S140).

26. Lutgendorf, S.K., and Kreder, K.K. (2005). Central and Peripheral Mechanisms in IC Symptoms, Journal of Urology, 178, 682.

27. Lutgendorf, S.K., Costanzo, E. (2003). Psychoneuroimmunology and Health Psychology: An Integrative Model, Brain Behavior, and Immunity.17, 225-315.

28. Lutgendorf, S.K. (2003). Individual Differences and Immune Function: Implications for Cancer, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 17, S106-S108.

29. Lutgendorf, S.K. & Ullrich, P.A. Cognitive processing, disclosure, and health: Psychological and physiological mechanisms. (2002). In S. Lepore and J. Smyth (Eds.) The writing cure. (pp.177-196). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

30. Lutgendorf, S.K. (2002). Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: Well-being in humans. In D. M. Broom (Ed). Coping with Challenge: Welfare in animals including humans. Dahlem Workshop Report 87, (pp.49-62) Berlin: Dahlem University Press.

31. Knierim, U., Carter, C.S., Fraser, D., Gartner, K, Lutgendorf, S.K., Mineka, S., Panksepp, J., & Sachser, N. (2002). Group report: Good welfare: Improving Quality of Life. In D. M. Broom (Ed). Coping with Challenge: Welfare in animals including humans. Dahlem Workshop Report 87, (pp. 79-100) Berlin: Dahlem University Press.

32. Ironson, G., Antoni, M.H., Schneiderman, N., Chesney, M., O’Cleirigh, C., Balbin, E., Greenwood, D., Lutgendorf, S., LaPerriere, A., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M. A. (2002). Coping interventions for optimal disease management. In M. Chesney, M. & M.H. Antoni, M.H. (Eds), Health Psychology Innovations: New Target Populations for Prevention and Care. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

33. Ironson, G., Antoni, M.H., LaPerriere, A., Kumar, M., Kumar A., Lutgendorf, S., Greenwood, D., & Fletcher, M.A. (2000). Stress management interventions and psychosocial predictors of disease progression in HIV-1 infection. In K. Goodkin (Ed.) Psychoneuroimmunology, Stress, Mental Disorders and Health, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association Press

34. Anderson, B. & Lutgendorf, S.K. (2000). Quality of life as an outcome measure in gynecologic malignancies. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 12, 21-26.

35. Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., & Lutgendorf, S. (2000). Psychosocial interventions in HIV infection. In K. Nott & K. Vedhara (Eds), Psychosocial and biomedical interactions in HIV infection. (pp. 253-295). Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers.

36. Lutgendorf, S.K. & Antoni, M.H. (1997). Issues in the measurement of emotional expression: A hierarchical analysis. In A. Vingerhoets, J. Boelhouwer, F. Van Bussel, (Eds.) Expression of Emotions and Health. (pp. 51-66). Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

37. Anderson, B. & Lutgendorf, S.K. (l997). Quality of life in gynecologic cancer survivors. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 218-225.

38. Lutgendorf, S.K. (1997). Is emotional disclosure good for your health? Contemporary Psychology, 42, 209-210.

39. Ironson, G., Antoni, M.H. & Lutgendorf, S. (1995). Can psychological interventions affect immunity and survival? Present findings and suggested targets with a focus on cancer and Human Immunodeficiency virus. Mind Body Medicine, 1, 85-110.

40. Lutgendorf, S., Antoni, M.H., Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G., & Fletcher, M.A. (1995). Psychosocial interventions and quality of life changes across the HIV spectrum. In A. Baum and J. Dimsdale (Eds). Perspectives in behavioral medicine: Quality of life in behavioral medicine research, (pp. 205-239). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

41. Antoni, M.H., Esterling, B., Lutgendorf, S., Fletcher, M., & Schneiderman, N. (1995). Psychosocial stressors, herpesvirus reactivation and HIV-1 infection. In A. Baum and M. Stein (Eds). Perspectives in behavioral medicine: Chronic diseases (pp. 135-168). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

42. Lutgendorf, S., Antoni, M.H., Schneiderman, N. & Fletcher, M.A. (l994). Psychosocial counseling to improve quality of life in HIV infection. Patient Education and Counseling, 24, 217-235.

*Primary contribution **Secondary contribution ***Equal contribution ****Minor contribution

Published Reviews and media features of Scholarship (partial listing)

Featured in American Psychological Association Monitor, January 2009

Featured in Journal of the National Cancer Institute Review Article on Stress and Cancer Progression, July, 2008.

Featured in 2009 article for U. of Iowa Foundation on U.I. researchers.

Featured in Bulletin of the National Cancer Institute, November 2008.

Featured in presentation to National Cancer Institute Board of Advisors, March 2007.

Featured in National Public Radio program on Stress and Immune Interactions in Cancer (March 20, 2004)

Featured in National Cancer Institute 2003 Annual Report () (p.31)


Lutgendorf, S. “Social Relationships, Biological Mechanisms, and Clinical Outcomes in Ovarian Cancer Patients”, Invited Talk in Symposium at Annual meeting of American Psychosomatic Society entitled: “Psycho-Oncology Meets Psychoneuroimmunology at the Cutting Edge”, Miami Florida, March 13-16, 2013

Lutgendorf, S. “Use of Healing Touch in Oncology: Findings, Models, and Methodology”, Invited Talk, St. George’s Medical School, St. George, Grenada, February 2, 2013.

Lutgendorf, S. “Effects of Tumor- and Treatment-Derived Inflammation Vegetative Symptoms in Cancer Patients.” Invited Talk at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, December 19, 2012

Lutgendorf, S. “Stress-Associated Influences on Cancer Biology and Outcomes: Clinical Perspectives.” Invited Grand Rounds at Loyola University Medical School, Chicago, IL, November 29, 2012.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Ovarian Cancer” Invited Keynote address in American Psychosomatic Society sponsored conference entitled “Biobehavioral Contributions to Cancer Exposomes: Toward Precision Medicine.” Chicago, IL, October 2012.

Lutgendorf, S. “Neuroendocrine Modulation of Tumor Progression: State of the Science”. Invited Grand Rounds at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle WA, October 2, 2012

Lutgendorf, S. “From Mind to Brain to Cancer Cell: A Systemic Approach to Cancer Progression,” Invited Talk to Epidemiology Group at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle WA, October 2, 2012

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Social Isolation is associated with pro-metastatic profiles and poorer cellular immune defense in ovarian cancer,” Talk presented in symposium entitled, “Adversity and Resiliency Factors during Treatment and the Course of Cancer: Biobehavioral Processes,” European Health Psychology Society, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2012. (Also symposium organizer)

Lutgendorf, S. “Social Support and Ovarian Cancer Survivorship”. Invited talk at National Cancer Institute Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Arlington, VA, June 2012.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biofield Approaches in Clinical Populations.” Invited talk in symposium entitled “Biofield Physiology: Exploring Interfaces between Biofield Healing and Conventional Physiology” presented at the International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Portland, May, 2012.

Lutgendorf, S. “From Mind to Brain to Cancer Cell: A Systemic Approach to Cancer Progression.” Invited Colloquium, Rush Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Feb 2012

Lutgendorf, S., “New approaches to oncology: the Macroenvironment and Cancer progression,” Invited talk presented in invited symposium entitled “Psychoneuroimmunology/ Psychoneuro-endocrinology: Examining the Clinical Relevance of Psychosocial Factors in Health & Disease”, European Health Psychology Society, Crete, Greece, September 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Social Attachment and Ovarian Cancer Survival: Biological Mechanisms”, Invited talk in NCI sponsored Cancer Mechanisms Symposium, presented at the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Meeting, Park City, Utah, June 15-18, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Stromal influences of stress in cancer.” Invited talk in symposium entitled “PNI & Cancer: Role of the tumor macro(phage)-environment” presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Insights into the Tumor Macroenvironment,” University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Distinguished Lecture Series, Miami, FL, May 20, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Effects of Healing Touch and Relaxation on Immunity and Mood in Cervical Cancer Patients During Chemoradiation.” Invited talk presented at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, San Francisco, CA, March 22, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Effects of Healing Touch and Relaxation on Immunity and Mood in Cervical Cancer Patients During Chemoradiation.” Invited talk presented in invited symposium entitled “Advances in Integrative Medicine:  Relevance to Psychosomatic Medicine”, American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 11, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression: Physiologic Pathways and Integrative Approaches.” Invited Colloquium, University of California San Francisco, Department of Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA, February 25, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “From Mind to Brain to Cancer Cell: A Systemic Approach to Cancer Progression.” Invited Colloquium, Carolina Consortium on Human Development proseminar series “Getting the Social ‘Under the Skin’: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, February 7, 2011.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression: Physiologic Pathways”, Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, December 15, 2010

Lutgendorf, S. “Methodological issues in psychoneuroimmunology research.” Invited speaker in expert panel presentation. Midwest Psychoneuroimmunology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 4, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression: Physiologic Pathways and Complementary Approaches. Invited Colloquium, University of Colorado Health Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Denver, CO, October 20, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Neuroendocrine Regulation of Tumor Progression” Invited Talk presented at National Cancer Institute Biobehavioral Network Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Sept 27, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Neuroendocrine influences on tumor progression, depression, and functional disability,” Invited talk in invited symposium presented at Academy of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Bodega Bay, CA, June, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral influences on Angiogenesis and Invasion in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Systemic Influences on Tumor Progression: Clinical Models,” Talk in NCI sponsored invited workshop presented at American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March, 2010. (Also co-chair of workshop).

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression: Physiologic Pathways and Integrative Approaches,” Invited talk presented at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, February, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral influences on Angiogenesis and Invasion in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, January 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression: Physiologic Pathways and Integrative Approaches.” Invited talk presented at the University of Utah Department of Psychology, Salt Lake City, UT, January 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms and Cancer Progression,” Invited talk presented in American Psychosomatic Society sponsored symposium entitled “Psychosomatic Processes in Inflammation and Cancer” at the 2009 meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Successful Negotiation of Translational Pathways in Lifestyle Research in Cancer.” Invited presentation given at the National Cancer Institute Translational Science Meeting, Vienna, VA, November 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Novel Methods for Researching Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Progression,” Invited talk presented at the National Institutes of Health meeting entitled “Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research via Methodological and Technological Innovation in the Behavioral and Social Sciences”, Bethesda, MD, October 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Ovarian Cancer: Angiogenesis and Invasion,” Invited presentation in symposium entitled “New Approaches to Cancer Research” presented at the 2009 meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Keystone, CO, June 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Angiogenesis and Invasion in Ovarian Cancer,” Invited presentation in NCI sponsored Symposium entitled: "PNI & Cancer: Mechanisms of Psychosocial Effects on Disease Development” presented at the 2009 meeting of Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Breckenridge CO, June, 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Approaches to Oncology.” Invited Lecture presented at the University of California Los Angeles Department of Psychiatry, March 27, 2009.

Lutgendorf, S. “Energy Medicine Research in Oncology,” Invited Presentation in Symposium entitled: "Innovative Applications of Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Life-Threatening Illness” presented at the 2009 meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms and Cancer Progression,” Invited Presentation in NCI sponsored symposium entitled: "Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Prevention and Control" presented at the 2009 meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms and Ovarian Cancer Progression,” Invited presentation in symposium sponsored by the National Cancer Institute entitled “Innovative Approaches to Oncology Research” presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, IL, March, 2009. Also invited participant in National Cancer Institute Roundtable at the APS meeting.

Lutgendorf, S. “Energy Medicine Research in an Oncology Setting,” Invited Presentation at the National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine, September 10, 2008.

Lutgendorf, S. “Energy Medicine Research in Oncology: Highlights and Challenges.” Invited Presentation at the Healing Touch International Conference, Milwaukee, WI, September 6, 2008.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral mechanisms and Tumor Growth in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June, 2008.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth and Immunity in Ovarian Cancer” Invited talk presented at the American Association of Cancer Research Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, Atlanta, December, 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Stress, Depression, and Tumor Growth Factors in Ovarian Cancer” Invited talk presented at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, November, 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Energy-medicine and immunity in cervical cancer patients.” Invited talk and chair of invited symposium on “Energy Medicine Research” presented at the Society of Integrative Oncology Annual meeting, San Francisco, November, 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth and Immunity in Ovarian Cancer” Invited talk presented at the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, June 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Depression, Social Support, and Gene Expression in Primary Human Ovarian Cancer” Invited talk in National Cancer Institute sponsored symposium entitled “New perspectives on stress regulation of tumor cell biology” presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, May 2007, Arcachon, France.

Lutgendorf, S. “Adrenergic factors, VEGF and growth of ovarian cancer: implications for the effects of stress in tumor growth", Invited talk presented at National Institutes of Health Integrative Neural Immune Program lecture, Washington, D.C., March 20, 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Adrenergic factors, VEGF and growth of ovarian cancer: a new model of biobehavioral oncology," Invited Master lecture presented at Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., March, 2007.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms and Cancer Progression” Chair of invited symposium at Fifth Annual American Association for Cancer Research International Conference, Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, Boston, November, 2006.

Lutgendorf, S. “Psychosocial Influences in the Tumor Microenvironment.” Invited talk presented in symposium on "Biobehavioral Oncology: IPOS American Psychosomatic Medicine Intersociety Exchange" at the Eighth World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Venice, Italy, 2006.

Lutgendorf, S. “Neuroendocrine modulation of tumor progression” Invited talk presented at the 10th Anniversary Celebration at the Office of Behavioral And Social Sciences, National Institutes of Health, June 2006.

Lutgendorf, S. “Psychosocial Influences in the tumor microenvironment” Invited pre-conference seminar presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Meeting, Miami, FL, June 2006.

Lutgendorf, S. Chairman of symposium entitled “Neuroendocrine modulation of tumor progression: Integrative views and historical perspectives on immunological and non-immunological mechanisms”. Also presented paper in this symposium entitled “Psychosocial influences in the tumor microenvironment”, at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, June 2005.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Contributions to Cancer Risk and Disease Progression.” Invited talk presented as part of an invited symposium on Psychosomatic Medicine entitled “Toward an Integrated Subspecialty of Psychosomatic Medicine” presented at American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, May, 2005.

Lutgendorf, S. “Stress, Spirituality and Cytokines in Cancer and Aging.” Invited talk presented at 4th International Cervical Cancer Convention, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, May 2005.

Miller, G., Irwin, M. Thayer, J., Lutgendorf, S. “Inflammation and Immunity.” Organizers and discussants in Pre-conference workshop at American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., March, 2005.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth and Immunity in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Denver, February 8, 2005.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth and Immunity in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at Department of Behavioral Sciences, MD Anderson Cancer Center, November 30, 2004

Lutgendorf, S. “Impact of Psychosocial Risk Factors on Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at 5th International Conference on Ovarian Cancer, MD Anderson Cancer Center, December 1-4, 2004

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral-Immune Interactions in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented in Cancer Symposium at the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Jackson Hole, WY, June, 2004. Also chair of invited symposium on cancer and physiological processes.

Lutgendorf, S. “Stress, Resilience and the Immune Response in Cancer and Aging.” Invited talk presented in the Department of Psychology, Ohio State University, May, 2004.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral-Immune Interactions in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented in the Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State University, April, 2004.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral-Immune Interactions in Ovarian Cancer.” Invited talk presented at a National Cancer Institute meeting entitled “Exploring the integration of Psychoneuroimmunology and Tumor Immunology in Cancer Control Research,” Bethesda, MD., April 15-16, 2004.

Lutgendorf, S. (symposium chair) “Women's Cancers: Positive Coping Strategies, Interventions, and Neuroendocrine-Immune Processes.” Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, March 4-7, 2004.

Weinrib, A., Lutgendorf, S., Sood, A., Lubaroff, D., Maiseri, H., Sorosky, J., Sephton,

S.E., & Anderson, B. “Stress, coping and diurnal cortisol in ovarian cancer patients.” Paper in symposium entitled “Women’s cancers: positive coping strategies, interventions, and neuroendocrine-immune processes” presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Orlando FL, March 4-7, 2004.

Lutgendorf, S. “Psychoneuroimmunology and Ovarian Cancer: New Directions and Challenges.” Invited paper in National Cancer Institute sponsored symposium presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Amelia Island, FL, June 4-7, 2003.

Lutgendorf, S., Cole, S., Costanzo, E., Bradley, S., Coffin, J., Jabbari, S., Rainwater, K., Sood, A.K. “In vitro stimulation of VEGF by stress-related mediators in ovarian carcinoma.” Invited paper in symposium entitled “Biopsychosocial relations to physiological processes and adjustment in individuals with or at risk for cancer.” Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ, March 5-8, 2003.

Costanzo, E., Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B.A., Lubaroff, D. “Biobehavioral factors associated with Interleukin-6 in women with ovarian cancer.” Invited paper in symposium entitled “Biopsychosocial relations to physiological processes and adjustment in individuals with or at risk for cancer.” Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ, March 5-8, 2003.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Psychoneuroimmunology and Gynecologic Cancer. New Models and Future Directions.” Invited colloquium presented at the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center, Miami Florida, February 19, 2003.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Psychoneuroimmunology and Gynecologic Cancer. New Models and Future Directions.” Invited colloquium presented at the University of California at San Diego Cancer Center Colloquium Series, November 18, 2002.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Psychoneuroimmunology and Gynecologic Cancers: New Directions and Challenges”

Invited colloquium presented at the University of California at Los Angeles Norman Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, November 19, 2002.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Biobehavioral-Immune Interactions in Cancer Prevention and Control: Research Models and Challenges” Invited colloquium presented at the National Cancer Society, Washington, D.C., April, 2002

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Life Stress, Resilience, and Immunity in Cancer and Aging” Early Career Award Talk. Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona, March, 2002

Lutgendorf, S.K., Discussant on Symposium Entitled "Psychosocial interventions, quality of life and physical health in cancer: What do we know and where do we go?" Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona, March, 2002

Lutgendorf, S.K., “Life stress, resilience, and the immune response in aging and cancer.” Department of Psychology Internal Colloquium series, December, 2001.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Biobehavioral-immune factors in ovarian cancer.” Invited talk presented at the National Cancer Institute Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, D.C., July, 2001.

Lutgendorf, S.K. "Stress, resilience, and immune function in older adults." Invited talk presented at the University of Florida, Gainesville FL, February 2001.

Lutgendorf, S. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well-being in humans.” Invited paper for the Dahlem Foundation Workshop on Coping with Challenges: Welfare in Animals including Humans, Berlin, Germany, November, 2000.

Lutgendorf ,S.K. "Stress, resilience, and immune function in older adults." Invited paper presented at Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June, 2000.

Lutgendorf, S.K., “Behavioral modulation of neurogenic inflammation and applications to interstitial cystitis.” University of Miami Department of Psychology, November, 1999

Lutgendorf, S.K., “Effects of relaxation on the capsaicin-induced local inflammatory response.” Harvard University Department of Psychiatry, August, 1999.

Lutgendorf, S.K., "Stress and immune changes in older adults." University of Iowa Center on Aging, May, l999.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Vitaliano, P.P., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J. & Lubaroff, D. Contribution of positive mood and sense of coherence to natural killer activity in older adults with life stress. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Psychoneuroimmunology and Aging” at the 1999 American Psychosomatic Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March, l999.

Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., Sorosky, J., Lubaroff, D. Distress and immunity in gynecologic cancer patients. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Stressors and stress reduction interventions in cancer patients: Effects on adjustment, health and immunity", The International Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August, l998.

Lutgendorf, S. “Cognitive processing of stressful situations: Applications to HIV, cancer, and aging.” Invited symposium presented at the Department of Psychology, Universita Degli Studi Di Roma “La Sapienza” (University of Rome), 6/26/97.

Lutgendorf, S.K. & Antoni, M.H. “Assessment of Emotional Expression: A Hierarchical Analysis.” Symposium on “Assessment of Emotional Expression.” Paper presented at Conference on the (Non) Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands, August, l996.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Non-expression of emotions: Assessment issues and its role in infectious disease.” Paper presented at The Helen Dowling Institute Mini-Symposium on “Expression of Emotions and Health,” Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August, l996.

Lutgendorf, S.K. “Experiential Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients.” Invited talk presented at The Helen Dowling Institute Mini-Symposium on “Expression of Emotions and Health”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August, l996.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Ironson, G., Antoni, M.H. “Can psychological interventions affect immunity and survival? Lessons from HIV interventions as applied to cancer.” Symposium on Psychosocial Interventions in Cancer and HIV. Paper presented at 1996 International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March, l996.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J. “Relocation Stress and Immune Function in Older Adults.” Invited talk at University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Research Center Annual Colloquia, Iowa City, March, l996

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Kumar, M., Klimas, N.G., Schneiderman, N., & Fletcher, M.A. “Cognitive processing of stressful emotional material predicts changes in mood and immune functioning.” Symposium on “Emotional Expression and Immune Function.” Paper presented at 1995 American Psychosomatic Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, l995.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Klimas, N.K. et al. “Physical symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are exacerbated by the stress of Hurricane Andrew.” Symposium on “Psychological and Physiological Sequelae of Hurricane Andrew”. Paper presented at 1993 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada, August, l993.


Schrepf, A. and Lutgendorf, S. “Pathways From Childhood Trauma to Elevated C-Reactive Protein in Adulthood: The Roles of Anxiety, Health Behaviors and Disrupted Sleep,” Talk to be presented at American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Miami, Fl, March 13-16, 2013.

Watkins, J., Thaker, P.H., Nick, A., Ramondetta, L., Kumar, S., Matsuo, K., Lutgendorf, S., Ramirez, P., Sood, A. “Improved Outcomes with Beta Blocker Use in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Patients.” Citation Poster to be presented at Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2013.

Clevenger, L., DeGeest, K., Penedo, F., Lucci, J., Thaker, P.H., Slavich, G.M., Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. “Elevated Distress in Pre-menopausal Women Prior to Surgery for Ovarian Cancer” Poster to be presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2013.

Zagorski, L., Thaker, P.H., Penedo, F., Slavich, G.M., DeGeest, K., Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. “Social Support Moderates the Effects of Life Event Stress on Psychological Distress in Ovarian Cancer Patients” Poster to be presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2013.

Ramirez, E. , Christensen, D., Zimmerman, B,, DeGeest, K., Bender, D., Ahmed, A, Goodheart, M., Penedo, P., Lucci, J., Ganjei-Azar, P., Mendez, L., Thaker, P.H., Matsuo, K., Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. “ Influence of Serotonin on Ovarian Cancer Epithelial Cell Survival and Proliferation.” Poster presented at Iowa Biosciences Advantage Summer Research Meeting, University of Iowa, Iowa City, July 2012.

Christensen, D., Sood, A.K., Lutgendorf, S.K. “5-HT receptor expression and influence of 5-HT on proliferation in ovarian cancer cells” Paper presented at University of Iowa Summer Medical Research Fellowship Conference, September, 2012.

Anderson, S. , Lutgendorf, S., Schrepf, A., Darling, W., Shivapor, E., Snetselaar, L, Hall, M., Wahls, T. Multimodal Intervention and QOL in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Poster to be presented at the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May, 2012.

Stone, R.L., Nick, A.M., Bottsford-Miller,J., King, E.R., Matsuo, K., Lutgendorf, S., McNeish,I., Afshar-Kharghan, V., Sood, A.K. Unraveling the Century-Old Mystery of Paraneoplastic Thrombocytosis in Ovarian Cancer. Poster presented at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2012

Collins, K., Clevenger, L., Slavich, G.M., Penedo, F., DeGeest, K., Bender, D., Ahmed, A., Goodheart, M., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S. Non-Cancer Life Stressors Contribute to Decreased Quality of Life in Ovarian Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2012.

Zand, B., Bottsford-Miller, J, Hu, W, Stone, R., Nick, A.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K., Metabolism gone awry: How ovarian cancer’s metabolism differs from the normal ovary. Poster presented at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2012.

Collins, K., Clevenger, L., Slavich, G.M., Penedo, F., DeGeest, K., Bender, D., Ahmed, A., Goodheart, M., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S. Non-Cancer Life Stressors Contribute to Decreased Quality of Life in Ovarian Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May 2012.

Schrepf, A., Clevenger, L., DeGeest, K., Penedo, F., Bender, D., Goodheart, M., Kirschbaum, C., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S. Changes in Diurnal Cortisol Rhythms in Ovarian Cancer Patients During Primary Treatment. Talk presented at the Midwest Psychoneuroimmunology Meeting, Chicago, IL, December, 2011.

Gudenkauf, L., Kreder, K., O’Donnell, M., Bradley, C., Luo, Yi, Eno, M., Lutgendorf, S. “Cortisol Dysregulation in Pelvic Pain Syndromes: Early Findings from the Multidisciplinary Approach to Pelvic Pain (MAPP) study”.  Poster presented at Iowa Center For Research For Undergraduates Symposium, Iowa City, IA, March 26, 2011.

Clevenger, L., DeGeest, K., Penedo, F., Bender, D., Goodheart, M., Lutgendorf, S. “Cytokines and sleep disturbances in women with ovarian cancer. Poster presented at American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, March, 2011.

Schrepf, A., Clevenger, L., DeGeest, K., Penedo, F., Bender, D., Goodheart, M., Kirschbaum, C., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S. Changes in Diurnal Cortisol Rhythms in Ovarian Cancer Patients During Primary Treatment. Poster presented at American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, March, 2011.

Shahzad, M., Arevalo, J., Stone, R., Armaiz-Pena, G., Bottsford-Miller, J., Nick, A., Lutgendorf, S., Lopez-Berestein, G., Cole, S., Sood, A. Stress and the Metastatic Switch in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Talk presented at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology, Orlando, FL, March 2011

Schrepf, A. , Lutgendorf, S. “Cortisol changes during treatment in women with ovarian cancer.” Talk presented at Midwest Psychoneuroimmunology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 4, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. “Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Progression.” Talk presented at Midwest Psychoneuroimmunology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 4, 2010.

Lutgendorf, S. Effects of Healing Touch and Relaxation on Immunity and Mood in Cervical Cancer Patients During Chemoradiation. Paper presented at “Best of Society of Integrative Oncology selected paper session”, Society of Integrative Oncology Annual Meeting, New York, November 11, 2010.

Weinberg, B., Clevenger, L. , Krueger, G ., Mullen, E. , DeGeest, K., Buekers, T., Bender, D., Goodheart, M., Lutgendorf, S. Life Stress Contributes to Impaired Quality of Life in Ovarian Cancer Survivors. Poster presented at Iowa Center For Research For Undergraduates Symposium, Iowa City, IA, March 25, 2010.

Clevenger, L , Krueger, G. , DeGeest K., Bender, D., Buekers, T., Goodheart M., Sood, A., Lutgendorf, S.K. Sleep Disturbance in Ovarian Cancer Patients One Year Post-Diagnosis. Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 2010.

Stone, R.L., Nick, A.M., Afshar-Kharghan, V., Vasquez, H.G., Landen, C.N., Carroll, A.R., Gershenson, H., Matsuo, K., Shahzad, M.M.K., Spannuth, W.A., Mora, E.M., King, E.R., Lutgendorf, S., Sood. A.K. Bad Blood: The Role of Platelets in Ovarian Carcinoma. Poster presented at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March, 2010.

Mullen, E., Anderson, B., Lutgendorf, S. Coping Style and Disease Stage as Predictors of Adjustment to a Diagnosis of Gynecologic Cancer. Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, March, 2009

Lutgendorf, S.K., Weinrib, A.Z., Penedo, R., Russell, D., DeGeest, K., Costanzo, E.S., Henderson, P., Sephton, S.E., Rohleder, N., Lucci, J.A. III, Cole, S., Sood, A.K., Lubaroff, D. Interleukin-6, Cortisol, and Depressive Symptoms in Ovarian Cancer Patients. Paper accepted at the American Psychosomatic Society, Baltimore, March, 2008

Lamkin, D., Lutgendorf, S.K., Spitz, D., DeGeest, K, Penedo, F., Lucci, J., Lubaroff, D., Sood, A. Preoperative glucose levels and survival in ovarian cancer patients. Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Baltimore, March, 2008.

Mullen, E. , Denburg, N., Provherbs, K., Henderson, P., Jacobson, G., Karwal, M., DeGeest, K., Lubaroff, D., Lutgendorf , S. Pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurocognitive functioning in breast and cervical cancer survivors. Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Baltimore, March, 2008.

Lin, Y.G., Merritt, W.M., Spannuth, W.A., Kamat, A.A., Han, L.Y., Gershenson, D.M., Deavers, M.T., Schmandt, R., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A.K. Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Beta-Adrenergic Receptors (ADRB) on Ovarian Carcinoma. Presentation at Society for Gynecologic Oncology, March 2008.

Han, L.Y., Fletcher, M.S., Ferrone, S., Urbauer, D.L., Mueller, P., Landen, C.N., Kamat, A.A., Lin, Y.G., Merritt, W.M., Deavers, M.T., Schmandt, R., Lutgendorf, S.K., Gershenson, D.M. & Sood, A.K. Clinical significance of immune escape and its effect on intratumoral T-cells in ovarian carcinoma, Presentation at Society for Gynecologic Oncology, March 2007.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A., DeGeest, K., Anderson, B., Maiseri, H, McGinn, S., Lubaraoff, D. Social Support and Cytokine Producing T-Cell Populations in the Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment, Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March, 2006

Costanzo, E.S., Trehan, S., Mattes, M., Lutgendorf, S., Illness Perceptions and Post-Treatment Distress and Behavior Changes among Women With Breast Cancer, Poster Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March, 2006

Turesky, D.G., Lutgendorf, S.K., Weinrib, A. , Maiseri, H. , DeGeest, K., Anderson, B., Sood, A., Penedo, F., Lehner, V., Kirschbaum, C. Sleep Quality and Salivary Cortisol in Ovarian Cancer Patients, Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March, 2006

McGinn, S., Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A., Maiseri, H, DeGeest, K., Anderson, B., Lubaraoff, D. Pre-Treatment Fatigue and Cellular Immunity in Cervical Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March, 2006

Mullen, E., Lutgendorf, S., Weinrib, A., Anderson, B. Coping Styles Predict Long Term Distress in Gynecological Cancer Survivors. Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March, 2006

Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A,.K., Anderson, B., McGinn, S., Maiseri, H., Dao, M., Sorosky, J.I., DeGeest, K., Lubaroff, D.M. “Psychosocial factors and natural killer cell activity in the Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment.” Paper presented at Society for Gynecologic Oncology, Miami FL, March 2005.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Sood, A,.K., Anderson, B., McGinn, S., Maiseri, H., Dao, M., Sorosky, J.I., DeGeest, K., Lubaroff, D.M. “Social Support, Distress and Natural Killer Cell Activity in the Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment.” Paper presented at American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, BC, March 2005.

Weinrib, A., Rothrock, N., Johnsen, E., Anderson, B., Sorosky, J., Lutgendorf, S. “Stress-Related Benefit Finding in Cancer Patients and Community Residents.” Poster presented at American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, BC, March 2005.

Costanzo, E. S., Lutgendorf, S. K., Maiseri, H., Sood, A., Sorosky, J., DeGeest, K., & Anderson, B. “Presurgical distress among women undergoing surgery for potential ovarian cancer.” Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, BC. March, 2005.

Turesky, D., Lutgendorf, S. K., Sood, A., Maiseri, H, Sorosky, J., DeGeest, K., & Anderson, B. “Predictors of Sleep Quality In Ovarian Cancer Patients.” Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, BC. March, 2005.

Costanzo, E. S., Lutgendorf, S. K., Bradley, S. L., Rose, S. L., & Anderson, B. “Cancer attributions, distress, and health behavior among gynecologic cancer survivors.” Poster presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Orlando, FL., March, 2004

Johnsen, E., Tranel, D., Etzel, J., Lutgendorf, S., & Adolphs R. “Emotional responses to music following amygdala damage.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November, 2003.

Rothrock, N.E., Lutgendorf, S.K., & Jochimsen, P. “Cancer survivors’ worry over time.” Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2003.

Lutgendorf SK, Costanzo ES, Kohut, ML, Nisly N, Benda J, Spooner S, Rozeboom K, McElhaney JE., “Biobehavioral Correlates of Immune Response to Influenza Virus in Older Adults”, Poster presented at the International Society for Aging and Immunity Research Meeting, Washington DC, June 2002

Lutgendorf, S.K., Ullrich, P., Harris, T., & Wallace, R. “Religious participation and mortality in older adults: Mediation by IL-6”. Poster presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, May, 2002.

Costanzo, E., Lutgendorf, S., Kohut, M. Nisly, N., Spooner, S., Rozebaum, K. “Mood and Immune Response To Influenza Virus In Older Adults.” Poster presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, May, 2002.

Ullrich, P., Carson, M., Lutgendorf, S., & Williams, R. “Cancer fear and mood disturbance following radical prostatectomy: Effects of biochemical recurrence.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association, May 25-20, 2002

Ullrich, P., Rothrock, N., Lutgendorf, S., Carson, M., Williams, R., & Joshimson, P. “Depression and Discussion of Cancer: A Controlled Comparison Study of Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivors.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 2002

Rothrock, N., Lutgendorf, S., & Jochimson, P. “Predictors of cancer-related worry and breast self-exam in breast cancer survivors.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 2002

Costanzo, E., Lutgendorf, S., Kohut, M. Nisly, N., Spooner, S., Rozebaum, K. “Mood and Immune Response To Influenza Virus In Older Adults”. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 2002

Johnsen, E., Lutgendorf, S., Clarke, C. “Imagery ability predicts blood pressure responses to music relaxation.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 2002

Lutgendorf, S.K., Ullrich, P., Harris, T., & Wallace, R. “Religious participation and IL-6 predict survival in older adults.” Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona, March, 2002.

Rothrock, N.E., Fretz, P.C., Lutgendorf, S.K., Costa, J.A., Cohen, M.B., & Kreder, K.J. “The relationship between cytoscopic findings, histopathology and self-reported symptomatology in patients with interstitial cystitis”. Poster presented at the International Continence Society 31st Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, September 2001.

Lutgendorf, S., Sood, A., Johnsen, E., Cooper, B., Anderson, B., Holmes, R., & Buller R.

“Tumor angiogenesis factors and social relationships in ovarian cancer.” Paper presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society Annual Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands, May, 2001.

Lutgendorf, S., Ullrich, P., Harris, T., & Wallace, R. “Social participation and Interleukin-6 in older adults.” Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March, 2001. (Citation Paper).

Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., & Stapelton, J.T. “Closeting, social support, and CD4 count among HIV seropositive gay men.” Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March, 2001. (Citation Paper).

Johnsen, E.L., Lutgendorf, S.K., Anderson, B., & Ullrich, P.M. “Coping Styles Predict Interpretations of Gynecologic Cancer Survivors.” Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Monterrey CA, March, 2001.

Rothrock, N., Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., Sood, A., & Sorosky, J. “Coping, quality of life, and mood in heavily-treated gynecologic cancer patients.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March, 2001.

Lutgendorf, S., Sood, A., Johnsen, E., Cooper, B., Anderson, B., Holmes, R., & Buller R. “

Social relationships and tumor angiogenesis factors in ovarian cancer.” Paper presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Monterrey CA, March, 2001.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Rothrock N., Ratliff, T., Ligier S, Sternberg E. “Neuroendocrine response to stress reactivity in interstitial cystitis.” Poster presented at the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Wilmington NC, May 2000.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Ratliff, T., Rothrock N., Ligier S, Sternberg E. “Psychological stress, urinary symptoms and HPA axis activation in interstitial cystitis patients.” Poster presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, April 2000.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Ratliff, T., Rothrock N., Hoffman, A., Ligier S, Sternberg E. “Diurnal cortisol variations, symptoms, and stress in interstitial cystitis.” Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April, 2000.

Rothrock, N.E., Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K.J., Zimmerman B. “Psychological stress exacerbates interstitial cystitis symptoms.” Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April, 2000.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Kreder K., Ratliff, T., Rothrock N., Hoffman, A., Ligier S, Sternberg E. “Effects of stress reactivity on symptoms and HPA function in interstitial cystitis.” Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Savannah GA, March, 2000.

Johnsen, E., Ullrich P., Rothrock N., Lutgendorf S., Sutter J., Felkner J, Abbott L. “Who uses a cancer internet support group and does it help?” Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Savannah GA, March, 2000.

Johnsen, E. & Lutgendorf, S. “Imagination: Effects on stress and relaxation.” Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Savannah GA, March, 2000.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Logan, H., Kirschner, L., Rothrock, N., Hodne C., & Lubaroff, D. “Effects of Stress and Relaxation on the Capsaicin-induced Local Inflammatory Response.” Paper presented at 1999 American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March, l999.

Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., Sorosky, J., Lubaroff, D. “Social support buffers levels of IL-6 in gynecologic cancer patients.” Poster presented at 1999 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, l999. (Citation Award Poster).

Zhang, J., Vitaliano, P.P., Scanlan, J.M. , Lutgendorf, S.K., Savage M.V. Chronic Stress, “Vulnerability and Resources Interact to Explain Variance in Glucose.” Paper presented at 1999 American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March, l999.

Ullrich, P., Lutgendorf, S., & Stapelton, J. “HIV in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas: Depression, functioning, and social constraints.” Poster presented at 1999 American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March, l999.

Rothrock, N., Lutgendorf, S. & Kreder, K. “Coping, depression and adjustment in interstitial cystitis.” Poster presented at 1999 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, l999.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J., Marks, G., Hong, S-Y., & Lubaroff, D. “Sense of coherence buffers effects of life stress on NK activity in healthy older adults.” Poster presented at 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, l998.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Garand, L., Buckwalter, K., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J., Marks, G., Hong, S-Y., & Lubaroff, D. “Life stress and elevated IL-6 in healthy older women,” Poster presented at 1998 American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Clearwater, FL, March, l998.

Logan, H. Lutgendorf, S., Lubaroff, D., Vincent, S., Rivera, E. “Relationship between stress/pain levels and neuroendocrine/immune function.” Poster presented at International Association for Dental Research, Nice France, May, l998.

Costello, N., Antoni, M., Baldewicz, T., Lutgendorf, S., Klimas, N., & Schneiderman, N. “Coping and emotional expression effects upon distress, illness burden, and cytokines in CFS patients after Hurricane Andrew.” Paper presented at 1998 American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, Clearwater, FL, March, l998.

Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., & Sorosky, J. “Quality of Life in Gynecologic Cancers.” Poster presented at 1998 National Cancer Institute Research Agenda for Cancer Survivors Conference, Washington, D.C., March, l998.

Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., & Sorosky, J. “Cognitive processing, social support coping, and distress in gynecologic cancer patients.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, February, l998.

Benotsch, E., Lang, E., Lutgendorf, S., & Fick, L. “Preoperative anxiety and procedural pain, anxiety, and physiological functioning.” Poster presentation at 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, l998.

Benotsch, E., Lang, E., Fick, L., Lutgendorf, S. “Non-pharmacologic analgesia for anxious patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures.” Poster presentation at Association of University Radiologists’ 46th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 1998

Benotsch, E., Lang, E., Lutgendorf, S., & Fick, L., “Rapid anxiety assessment in medical patients.” Poster presentation at 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, l998.

Marks, G. & Lutgendorf, S. “Who benefits from relaxation? Relationships between stress reactivity and physiological changes during relaxation.” Poster presention at 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, l998.

Lutgendorf, S., Anderson, B., Buller, R., & Sorosky, J. “Coping Skills and Cognitive Processing predict Quality of Life in Gynecologic Cancers.” Paper presented at 1997 Society of Behavioral Medicine Convention, San Francisco, CA, April, l997.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Tripp Reimer, T., Harvey, J., Marks, G., & Lubaroff, D., “Depression, immune functioning, and illness in healthy elderly during stressful life events.” Paper presented at 1997 American Psychosomatic Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, March 1997.

Antoni, M.H., Lutgendorf, S.K., Ironson, G., Fletcher, M.A.,& Schneiderman, N. “CBSM Intervention effects on mood and immunity in HIV gay men: The role of relaxation training, coping skills, and social support.” Paper presented at 1997 American Psychosomatic Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, March 1997.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Starr, K., Costello, N., Kumar, M., Zuckerman, M., Klimas N., Fletcher, M.A.& Schneiderman, N. “How acceptance and social support mediate distress outcomes in symptomatic HIV-seropositive gay men during a cognitive behavioral stress management intervention.” Paper presented at 1996 International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March, l996.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Ironson, G., Klimas, N.G., Kumar, M., Schneiderman, N., Fletcher, M.A. “Neuroendocrine and Immune Effects of a Psychosocial Intervention in Symptomatic HIV Seropositive Gay Men.” Poster presented at 1994 Psychoneuroimmunological Research Society Meeting, Key Biscayne, FL, November, l994.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Brickman, A., Klimas, N. et al. “Symptom burden and immunological functioning in chronic fatigue patients: differences between depressed and non-depressed patients.” Poster presented at 1993 Society for Behavioral Medicine Convention, San Francisco, CA, March, l994.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., Klimas, N. et al. “Immune functioning predicts cognitive Difficulties in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Paper presented at 1993 American Psychosomatic Society Convention, Charleston, S.C., March, l993.

Patarca, R., Lutgendorf, S., Klimas, N., et al. “Cytokine Abnormalities in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Poster presented at Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Conference, Albany, N.Y., October, l992.

Lutgendorf, S., Esterling, B., Ironson, G, et al. “Expressive Coping and Immunologic Status in HIV-1 Negative Gay Men.” Poster presented at 1992 American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C., August, l992.

Lutgendorf, S., Ironson, G., Antoni, M. et al. “ Personality Styles Predict Who Benefits from a stress management intervention.” Poster presented at 1992 American Psychosomatic Society Convention, New York City, April l992.

Lutgendorf, S., Antoni, M., Kumar, M., & Schneiderman, N. “Cognitive and Affective processing of Stressful events: Relationship to EBV-VCA titer changes in healthy individuals.” Poster presented at 1992 American Psychosomatic Society Convention, New York City, April l992.

Lutgendorf S. and Antoni, M. “Disclosing stressful experiences in short-term cognitive therapy: Predictors of affective and cognitive changes,” Poster presented at 1992 Society for Behavioral Medicine Convention, New York City, N.Y., March, l992.

Antoni, M.H., Rodriguez, M.S., Starr, K.S., Gellman, M.D., Kumar, M., Kumar, A., Lutgendorf, S.K., LaPerriere, A., Massie, C.A., Ironson, G., Fletcher, M., & Schneiderman, N. (1991). “Immunologic and neuroendocrine responsivity to challenge in HIV-infected men.” Paper presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, Ca.

Lutgendorf, S., Antoni, M., La Perriere, A., et al. “Cognitive Processing and HIV-1 Seropositivity Notification: Affective Sequelae.” Poster presented at the 1991 Society of Behavioral Medicine Convention, Washington, D.C., March, l991.

Lutgendorf, S.K., Antoni, M.H., La Perriere, A. et al. “Cognitive Processing of HIV-1 Seropositivity Notification: Immune and Neuroendocrine Sequelae.” Poster presented at 1991 American Psychosomatic Society Convention, Santa Fe, March l991.

Lutgendorf, S.K., August, S.M., Antoni, M.H. et al. “Hardiness, Coping, and Immunity in HIV-1 Infected Individuals.” Poster presented at 1990 American Psychosomatic Society Convention, Boston, March, l990.


Antoni, M.H., Lutgendorf S.K., Duran R. “Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management in HIV.” Seminar presented at the 1999 Society of Behavioral Medicine Convention, San Diego, CA.

Antoni, M.H., Lutgendorf S.K., “Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management in HIV.” Seminar presented at the 1998 International Society of Behavioral Medicine, Copenhagen, DK.


Grants Received:

R01CA140933 Lutgendorf (PI) 7/10/09-5/31/14

Title: “Biobehavioral Factors and the Tumor Microenvironment in Ovarian Cancer”

Source: National Cancer Institute

Role: Principal Investigator

Description: This is a longitudinal prospective study examining relationships between social support, depression, inflammatory products in the tumor microenvironment and disease free interval in ovarian cancer patients.

|R01-CA140933: Minority Supplement | Lutgendorf (PI) |8/1/12 – 5/31/14 |

|NIH: National Cancer Institute | | |

|Title: “Biobehavioral Factors and the Tumor Microenvironment in Ovarian Cancer: Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related |

|Research” |

|Description: This supplement is designed to train a minority predoctoral student in biobehavioral and statistical research methods. |

UO1 DK082344 Kreder :Urology (PI of Center Grant) 9/15/08-6/30/13

Title: Multi-disciplinary Approach  to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP); Project 1: Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis Dysregulation and Inflammation in Patients with IC/PBS

Agency: NIH: NIDDK

Role: PI of Project 1

Description: The goal of this project is to investigate inflammatory control in interstitial cystitis.

|1U01 DK097772 |Kreder/Bradley (PI) |9/30/12-5/31/17 |

|NIH, NIDDK | | |

|Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Research Network (LURN)   |

|Role: Co-Investigator |

|Description: This study will use multidisciplinary approaches to phenotype and develop innovative treatments for patients with Lower Urinary Tract |

|Symptoms. |

| |

|OC120547 Sood (MD Anderson: PI) 1/1/13-12/31/14 |

|Title: “ Consortium To Study Long-Term Survivors of Ovarian Cancer” |

|Department of Defense Consortium Development Grant |

|Role: PI of Iowa Site |

|Description: This study will develop a 6-site consortium to study biobehavioral and molecular characteristics of 10-year survivors of ovarian |

|cancer. The overall goal is to identify reliable predictors of long-term (LT) survivorship (including toxicity of therapy and outcomes) for women |

|with serous ovarian cancer and provide appropriate selection of therapy and management of symptoms to ensure high quality of life. |

Title: “Ovarian Cancer: Mechanisms of Neuroendocrine Regulation (renewal)

Source: National Cancer Institute 2 R01 CA109298 

Role: Principal Investigator of Iowa Subcontract (Sood, MD Anderson, P.I.)

Description: This study examines relationships between stress, dopamine and tumor progression in ovarian cancer patients.

Title: “Biobehavioral-Cytokine Interactions in Ovarian Cancer R01CA104825 S2 and S3

NIH Roadmap Administrative Supplements to Support Interdisciplinary Research”

Source: National Cancer Institute

Funding Period: 9/30/05- 9/29/07

Role: PI

Description: The major goal of this supplement to already funded ovarian cancer research is to enable the assessment of inflammatory immune cells in tissue samples.

Title: “Biobehavioral-Cytokine Interactions in Ovarian Cancer” (Methodological Supplement S1)

Source: National Cancer Institute

Period: 10/1/04-9/30/07 5% effort

Role: Principal Investigator

Description: The major goal of this methodologic supplement to already funded ovarian cancer research is to enable the assessment of catecholamines in tissue samples.

Title: “Biobehavioral-Cytokine Interactions in Ovarian Cancer” R01CA104825

Source: National Cancer Institute

Period 9/30/03-6/30/08 20%

No cost extension till 6/30/10

Role: Principal Investigator

Description: This is a longitudinal prospective study examining relationships between social support, depression, angiogenic cytokines and disease free interval in ovarian cancer patients.

Title: “Ovarian Cancer: Mechanisms of Neuroendocrine Regulation” (Supplement)

Source: National Cancer Institute R01-CA109298

Period: 10/1/07-9/30/08 5% effort

P.I.: Anil Sood, M.D., U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Role: PI of Iowa Supplement

Description: The goal of this project is to examine in vitro and in vivo molecular mechanisms by which dopamine contributes to angiogenesis in ovarian cancer.

Title: “Tumor Metastases: Biobehavioral Mechanisms” 1RO1CA110793-01

Source: National Cancer Institute

Period: 10/1/04-6/30/09 5% effort

P.I.: Anil Sood, M.D., U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Role: Co-Investigator

Description: The goal of this project is to examine in vitro and in vivo mechanisms by which stress hormones contribute to tumor metastases and to examine relationships between psychosocial measures and markers of tumor metastatic growth.

Title: “Ovarian Cancer: Mechanisms of Neuroendocrine Regulation”

Source: National Cancer Institute R01-CA109298

Period: 4/1/05-3/31/09 4% effort

P.I.: Anil Sood, M.D., U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Role: Co-Investigator

Description: The goal of this project is to examine in vitro and in vivo molecular mechanisms by which stress hormones contribute to angiogenesis in ovarian cancer.

Title: “Healing Touch in Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients: Immune Effects and Mechanisms” P20 AT-756-01

Agency: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Center Grant: Exploratory Program Grant for Frontier Medicine P20 AT-756-01

P.I.: Karen Prestwood, M.D., University of Connecticut

Role: Principal Investigator of Project 4 in Center Grant

Funding Period: 9/1/02-4/30/05 no cost extension till 4/30/07

Description: The major goal of this project is to examine the effects of healing touch vs. relaxation vs. standard care on cellular immune function and side effects in cervical cancer patients under treatment.

Agency: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Proposal: “Effects of Healing Touch on Ovarian Tumor Mechanisms: Pilot Grant from Exploratory Program Grant for Frontier Medicine”: (Prestwood, P.I.) P20AT-75601

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding Period: 1/1/04-4/30/05 No cost extension till 4/30/07

Description: The major goal of this project is to examine the effects of healing touch on motility and reproductive activity of 3 ovarian cancer cell lines using the large scale digital cell analysis system.

Title: “Healing Touch, Immunity, and Fatigue in Breast Cancer” 1R21CA102515

Agency: National Cancer Institute

Period: 8/1/03-7/31/05 no cost extension till 7/31/07 15%

Role: Principal Investigator

Description: The goal of this study is to examine effects of healing touch on immunity and fatigue in breast cancer patients.

Title: “Healing Touch and Immunity in Advanced Cervical Cancer”

Agency: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1R21AT0095801

Funding Period: 2/1/02-11/30/02

Role: Principal Investigator

Description: The major goal of this project is to examine the effects of a complementary therapy called healing touch vs. standard care on cellular immune function and side effects in cervical cancer patients under treatment. As this grant had overlapping scientific aims with the Center grant above, when the U Conn. Center grant was funded, the work from this grant was folded into the U Conn. Center grant.

Title: “Interstitial Cystitis Clinical Trials Research Network (ICCRN)”

1 UO1 DK065267

Agency: NIDDK

Period: 7/1/03-6/30/08; 10%

Principal Investigator: Karl Kreder

Role: Co-Investigator

Description: The major goal of this grant is to establish a multi center network to investigate effective therapies for interstitial cystitis.

Title: “Predicting Children's Responses to Distraction from Pain”

Agency: National Institutes of Health R01 NR05269-01A2

Funding Period 7/1/02 to 2/28/06

Role: Co-Investigator 2.5% (P.I. Ann Marie McCarthy, Ph.D.)

Description: The major goal of this project is to examine psychological, pain, and neuroendocrine effects of a behavioral intervention among children undergoing painful medical procedures.

Agency: National Institute of Nursing Research

Number: 1R15NR/AG08213-01; (PI): Howard Butcher;

Role: Co-Investigator Period: 12/1/02-11/30/04; 5%

Title: “Written Emotional Expression & Caregiver Burden Outcomes”

Description: The major goal of this study is to evaluate the effect of structured written emotional expression (SWEE) in decreasing the emotional and physiological burdens in family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer disease and related disorders (ADRD).

Agency: University of Iowa: Carver Trust Collaborative Grant:

Proposal: “Immune Senescence: Molecular Mechanisms, Diet, and Stress”

Role: Co-Investigator (5% effort, P.I. Charles Lutz, Ph.D.)

9/1/01- 8/30/03

The goal of this study is to investigate effects of age, diet, and stress on regulation of natural killer cell activity.

Agency: National Institute of Mental Health K01 MH01964

Title: " Depression and Disability in Patients with Heart Failure "

Role: Consultant/Mentor (Carolyn Turvey: Principal Investigator)

Funding Period: 9/1/00-8/31/2005 (K Award)

The major goal of this project is to examine depression and disability in patients who have congestive heart failure.

Agency: National Cancer Institute R21CA88293

Title: "Biobehavioral Immune Interactions in Ovarian Cancer"

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding Period: 7/1/00-6/30/02 no cost extension until 6/30/04

The major goal of this project is to examine relationships of stress and immune function at the time of surgery in women with ovarian cancer.

Agency: Fishbein Research Foundation

Title: "Markers of Inflammation and Disease in Interstitial Cystitis ". A 15 month pilot grant designed to examine inflammatory markers and symptom severity in IC patients.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Other Co-P.I. Karl Kreder, M.D.)

Funding Period: 6/1/99-8/30/00

Agency: Fetzer Foundation

Title: "Immunocompetence, Stress Responsiveness, and Recovery"

Role: Co-Investigator (P.I. Henrietta Logan, Ph.D.)

Status: Completed Funding Period 1/1/97-12/31/97



Justin Feinstein (2011-2012) Examination of the limbic system’s role in emotional experience using a human lesion model.

Quinn Kellerman (2011-2012). Examining intimate partner relationship quality in renal transplant recipients.

Donald Lamkin (2009-2010) Chairperson “Inflammatory Processes and Depressive-Like Behavior in a Syngeneic Model of Ovarian Cancer” (Spence Award Winner)

Elizabeth Mullen (2008- 2012 Chairperson) Immune-Spectrum Disease Among Female Veterans: Relations with PTSD and Negative Repetitive Thought

Aliza Weinrib (2007- 2011 Chairperson) “From awareness to acceptance and behavior change: Investigating the mechanisms of action in a mindfulness intervention.”

Kimberley Nylen (2007-2009) Prenatal Maternal Distress and Reproductive Outcomes: Effects on Well-Being of the Mother and Infant.

Jamie Cvergnos (2005- 2007) Patient preferences and perceptions of the healthcare encounter: The impact of congruence on patient satisfaction and adherence.

Carissa Nehl (2005-2007) Psychosocial functioning and quality of life in pre-diagnosed Huntingdon’s Disease.

Mali Bunde (2005- 2007) Use of CAM and conventional treatments for menopausal symptoms.

Erin Costanzo (2003-2006) Chairperson. “Post treatment adjustment and behavior change among women with breast cancer.” Recipient of Barbara Rosenblum Scholarship for the Study of Women and Cancer ($2000), American Psychological Foundation/Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology graduate research scholarship ($1000), and University of Iowa Student Government Research Grant ($500)

Erica Johnsen (2002-2004) Chairperson. “Emotional responses to music among brain injured individuals.”

Nan Rothrock (2000-2002) Chairperson “Coping, recurrence, and distress in breast cancer patients.”

Philip Ullrich (2000-2003) Chairperson “Stress and hormonal mediation of symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia.”

Winner of 2001-2002 APA Dissertation Award.

Katherine Raichle. (2002-2004) “Personality and socioenvironmental processes in living organ donation”

Shawna Ehlers (2000-2002). “Depression, tobacco use, and survival in head and neck cancer patients.”

Carol Hodne (1997-1999) "The influence of cognitive coping and personality traits on coping with dental treatment stress."

Eric Miller (1998-1999) “Imagining Death: The impact of imagining partner loss and mortality salience on romantic relationship satisfaction.”

Julia Ormazu (l998-l999). “Disclosure of past relationships: Factors influencing breadth, depth and duration”.

Patti Moran (l998- 1999). “Behavioral and affective responses to social comparisons among hemodialysis patients: the moderating influence of control expectancies and personality”.

Eric Benotsch (Committee Co-Chairperson). (l996-l998). “Individual Difference Variables and Psychological Preparation for Surgery”.

Gail Rose (l997-l999). “What do doctoral students want in a mentor? Development of the ideal mentor scale.”

James David. (l996-l997). “State and Trait aspects of Coping”.

Linda Garand. (Gerontological Nursing Ph.D. candidate) (l995-l999). “Psychobiological Correlates of Caregiver Education in Rural Women”; Supplement to K. Buckwalter’s Alzheimer Caregiver study funded by Office of Research on Women’s Health.



• President Elect for American Psychosomatic Society, 2012

• Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue of Brain Behavior and Immunity on Biobehavioral Processes in Cancer

• Invited Participant, National Cancer Institute Sponsored Cardiovascular and Cancer Think Tank, Park City, Utah, June 13-14, 2011.

• American Association for Cancer Research Scientific Committee for Annual Mtg., 2011-2012

• Core Member of the National Cancer Institute Biobehavioral Pathways in Cancer Network, 2010-2015.

• Program Committee Member and Biobehavioral Track Co-Leader Leader for Invited National Cancer Institute sponsored Translational Science Meeting I, Washington, DC, November, 2008, and Translational Science Meeting II, November, 2009

• American Psychosomatic Society, 2009 nominating committee, abstract reviewer for 2009, 2010 annual meetings

• Abstract reviewer for American Psychological Association 2009, 2010 annual meeting, Division 38

• Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Member of Scientific Advisory Council 2009-2012

• Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Scientific Council 2007-2010; Program Committee (2000-2002, 2004-2007), Nominating Committee 2003-2004

• Invited Participant at National Cancer Institute sponsored “Biobehavioral influences on the tumor microenvironment” meeting, Bethesda, MD, June 2008

• Abstract Reviewer for Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, 2006

• Member of American Association of Cancer Research Behavioral Science and Cancer Task Force (2008-2011 )

• Consultant for National Cancer Institute position paper on Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Immunology in Cancer Control Research, 2005

• Consultant for National Cancer Institute on Exploring the Integration of Psychoneuro-immunology and Tumor Immunology in Cancer Control Research (2004-2006)

• Advisor for National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on 5-year strategic plan (2004)

• American Psychosomatic Society Program Committee (1999-2006); Council 2003-2006

• Core member of Society of Behavioral Medicine Special Interest Group for Cancer Research, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (2002-2005)

• Invited member of National Cancer Institute Core Committee to study Biological Mechanisms of Psychosocial Effects on Disease (BimPED) 2002-2006

• Assistant Chair of Program Committee for Society of Behavioral Medicine Year 2000 Meeting

• Chairperson of Program Committee for AIDS/Immune/Autoimmune Track for 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting

• Member of Division 38 (Health Psychology) Program Committee for 1997-2000 APA Conventions


Psychological Bulletin 2011-

Psychosomatic Medicine 2011-

Health Psychology 2010-

Brain Behavior and Immunity, 2004- (Guest Editor of Special Issue on Oncology 2011-2013)

Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2000-2009

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1998-2011


American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The American Journal of Physiology - AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

American Journal of Psychiatry

Annals of Oncology

Annals of Surgery

Archives of General Psychiatry

Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews

Biological Psychiatry

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

British Journal of Health Psychology

British Cancer Journal

Cancer Causes and Control

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention

Clinical Cancer Research

Cognition and Emotion

Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Gynecologic Oncology

International Journal of Cancer

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Journal of Investigational Oncology

Journal of Integrative Oncology

Journal of Neuroimmunomodulation

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Journal of Urology

Molecular Psychiatry

Life Sciences

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Psychological Services


Psychology and Health

Psychosomatic Medicine




Ad Hoc Reviewer for NIH MESH conflict panel 2012

Ad Hoc Reviewer for ARRA Stimulus Grants, June, 2009

Member of Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Emotions, Stress, and Health “MESH” Study Section, NIH 2005 –2009

Ad Hoc Reviewer United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation 2006, 2009

Ad Hoc Member of NIH Special Emphasis Panels October 2005, March 2005, July 2004

Ad Hoc Member of National Institutes of Health MESH Study Section, June, 2004; Oct. 2003

Member State of California Breast Cancer Review Panel (2003)

Ad Hoc NIH Grant Reviewer for NIDDK and NIAMS, 2002

Reviewer for Johnson Cancer Center pilot grants, University of California Los Angeles, 2002

Ad Hoc NIH Grant Reviewer B-Start Applications, 2001


2012-3 Coordinator, Health Psychology Training Area

Chair, J. Radley review committee

2012 Coordinator, Clinical Training Area Student Recruitment

Member, J. Radley review committee

2010- Coordinator, Health Psychology Training Area

Co-Chair Health/Aging Search Committee

Member, Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee

2009- Coordinator, Health Psychology Training Area

Co-Chair Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee

2008-2009 Member Poremba tenure review committee

Member Lawrence tenure review committee

Member of Social and Personality Faculty Search Committee

2007-2008 Member Poremba evaluation committee

Member Keel evaluation committee

Member of Health Area Faculty Search Committee

2006-2007 Chair of Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee

Member Poremba evaluation committee

2005-6 Chair of Poremba evaluation committee

Member Klohnen evaluation committee

Member of Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee

Member of Linda Walshire Evaluation Committee

2004-2005 Klohnen and McMurray evaluation committees

2002-2003 Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee (member)

2001-2002 Clinical Area Faculty Search Committee (Chair)

2003- Coordinator of Clinical Graduate Student Interview Weekend

2002 Poremba and Lawrence evaluation committee

2001 Vecera evaluation committees

2000- 2003 Committee for Undergraduate Studies

1996-1998 Departmental Ethics Committee

1996-1998 Social and Personality Faculty Search Committee


Committee to evaluate Graduate College Mentorship Awards (2006)

Discussion Leader at New Faculty Orientation, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, August 2005

“Teaching in Large Lectures”, presentation at New Faculty Orientation, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, August 2003

Organized Ida Beam visit of Steve Maier, Spring, 2003, in conjunction with Pharmacology, and Psychiatry

Internal Review Committee, Department of Philosophy, 2001


Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, Epidemiology Program Leadership Committee 2012-

Aging Mind and Brain Initiative Steering Committee, 2010-2012

Executive Research Committee, Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2007-

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Strategic Planning Committee (2011-12)

American Cancer Society U. Iowa institutional grant reviewer, fall 2008

Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Internal Advisory Committee, 2007- 2010

Integrative Medicine Development Committee, 2007-2010

Member of Faculty Senate, 2006-2009

Member of Life Sciences Task Force, 2007-2008

Reviewer for 2006-2007 Ida Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorships

Member of Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Service and Research Retreat (2/06)

Reviewer for grant proposals for University of Iowa Center on Cancer and Aging, 2005

Selection committee for Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Candidates 2004

Search committee for Gynecologic Oncology Faculty Candidates 2004

Obermann Interdisciplinary Fellowship Grant Review Committee, 2002

Member, Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2004-present

Member of U. of Iowa Cancer Center review committee for American Cancer Society Institutional Seed Grants, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008

Member, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Group, Dept. of Internal Medicine, 1998-2000

Invited Contributor to UIHC Clinical Cancer Center Newsletter, l998, 1999, 2005


“Effects of Tumor –Derived Inflammation on Depressive Symptoms in Cancer patients.” Invited Talk at Holden Comprehensive Center Epidemiology Retreat, October 31, 2012.

“From Mind to Brain to Cancer Cell: A Systemic Approach to Cancer Progression.” Invited Keynote Talk. Institute for Clinical and Translational Science University of Iowa Clinical Research Unit Open House Gala. November 18, 2010.

“Cortisol in Biobehavioral Research” College of Nursing, October 12, 2010.

“Psychoneuroimmunology” and “Research Methods in Biofield Healing”. 2 lectures presented in Religion and Healing Class, Dept of Religion, November 4 2010 and November 10, 2010.

“Behavioral Stress Factors and Antioxidant Enzymes in Ovarian Cancer” Talk presented at Holden Cancer Center Epidemiology Retreat, September 1, 2010.

“Behavioral Stress and Antioxidant Enzymes in Ovarian Cancer” Talk presented at Holden Cancer Center Colloquium Series, August 21, 2010.

“Psychoneuroimmunology and Biobehavioral Oncology: Evidence Based Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine” Complementary and Alternative Medicine Medical School Curriculum, UIHC, January, 2009

“Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth in Ovarian Cancer” Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, October, 2008, 2009

“Psychoneuroimmunology: Applications to Medical Settings” Complementary and Alternative Medicine Medical School Curriculum, January, 2008

“Psychoneuroimmunology: Applications to Physical Therapy” Lecture to Physical Therapy Students, December, 2007

“Behavioral Oncology Research and Practice”, Department of Counseling Psychology, September 19, 2006

“Stress and Immune Function in Female Cancers” Department of Epidemiology, September 27, 2006

“Biobehavioral Influences on Tumor Growth and Immune Function in Ovarian Cancer” Psychiatry Grand Rounds, 2/07/06

“Biobehavioral Influences in Ovarian Cancer” Urology Departmental Seminar 10/05

“Stress and Immune Function in Female Cancers” Department of Epidemiology, September 28, 2005

“Alternative Medicine Research in Cancer Patients” Clinical Research Center Grand Rounds 10/03

“Biobehavioral-Cytokine Interactions in Ovarian Cancer “ Presentation at Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center11/03

"Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology". Complementary and Alternative Medicine Medical School Curriculum, January, l999, 2002

"Research in Psychoneuroimmunology", School of Music, University of Iowa, Fall 2001, 2003

"Quality of life in gynecologic cancer patients." Presentation at the University of Iowa Cancer Center, February, 2000.

"Stress and Immunity in Older Adults", University of Iowa Center on Aging, May 1999

"Research in Psychoneuroimmunology", Physical Therapy Department, University of Iowa, Fall l997, l998

"Psychosocial Interventions in Oncology." Hematology Oncology Grand Rounds, University of Iowa, 10/16/96.

"Relocation Stress, Neuroendocrine, and Immune Function in Older Adults." Clinical Research Center Grand Rounds, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, 9/20/96


“The Role of Stress in Cancer Incidence and Progression: What’s the Evidence?” Talk presented to Iowa Community-Based Cancer Prevention Project Community Assistant Training, Iowa City, September 5, 2012

“New Research Directions for Interstitial Cystitis” Talk presented to Interstitial Cystitis support Group, Iowa City, February, 2010.

“Mind-Body Medicine” presented at Trinity Church, Iowa City, January 2010

“Innovative Biobehavioral Approaches to Oncology Research” Invited talk presented for the U. of Iowa Foundation, Cancer Advocacy Group, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, January, 2009

“Mind-Body Approaches to Cancer” Invited talk presented at the Prostate Cancer Support Group, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, November, 2008

“Stress and Cancer Research” Invited presentation at the Quad-Cities Second Annual Conference on Complementary Alternative Medicine, Bettendorf, IA, September 15, 2007

“Research on Complementary Medicine” Invited Presentation at Trinity Episcopal Church Symposium on CAM, September 30, 2006

“Mind-Body Interventions and Cancer” Presentation at Mercy Hospital Breast Cancer Support Group, Iowa City, IA, December 2004

“Stress, Immunity, and Cancer: Focus on Psychosocial and Complementary Interventions,” Presentation at Cancer Update 2004 Regional Health Education Conference, North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, IA 9/17/04

Member of Iowa City Senior Center Review Committee, Fall 2000

"Stress and Immunity in Older Adults". Presentation to Oaknoll Community, Iowa City, IA, September, 2001.

“Relaxation in Older Adults” Presentation to Iowa City Senior Center, August 2000

"Stress and Immunity in Older Adults". Presentation to Methwick Community, Cedar Rapids, IA, December, l998.

"Relocation Stress in Older Adults". Presentation to Iowa City Senior Center, May, l996.


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