McGovern Medical School

DATE: 2019NAME: Harleen KaurPRESENT TITLE: Assistant professor of Radiology (07/2018)ADDRESS: 6431 Fannin St., MSB 2.130B Houston 77030. MSB 2.130BCITIZENSHIP: United StatesUNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: M.G.N Public school, IndiaGRADUATE EDUCATION: Bachelors in Medicine and Bachelors in Surgery, Government Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, India (09/2001 – 07/2007)POSTGRADUATE TRAINING:Internship (01/2006 – 01/2007)Completed one-year mandatory internship as an intern at the Government Medical College,Amritsar, India.Worked as a Primary Care Physician at the Chhuttani Medical Centre, India. (03/2007 -12/2008).Worked as a research assistant for Breast Cancer Robotics under the direct supervision of Dr. Abhilash Pandya at Wayne State University. (01/2011- 10/2011).Worked as a research assistant at Detroit Medical Center in the field of Infectious disease. (01/2012-01/2014).Completed transitional year/Internship at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland hospital (07/2014 –06/ 2015).Completed Nuclear medicine residency at Beaumont Hospital, Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Imaging Department (07/2015- 06/2018).HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS:McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Assistant Professor of Radiology, NTC, Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging, 6431 Fannin St., MSB 2.130B Houston 77030. MSB 2.130B (07/2018).PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS:SNMMI ACRACNM RSNAPUBLICATIONS:Kaur, H., Muhleman, M., Balon, H.R.: Splenic uptake on Bone Scan. J Nucl Med Technol. 2017 Jun 13. pii: jnmt.117.192427. doi: 10.2967/jnmt.117.192427. PMID: 28611233Kaur, H., Muhleman, M.A., Balon, H.R.: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Diagnosed with Three-phase Bone Scan. J Nucl Med Technol. 2017 Jun 13. pii: jnmt.117.192443. doi: 10.2967/jnmt.117.192443. PMID: 28611234Kaur, H., Seitz, J., Muhleman, M., Cragg, D., Qing, F.: Aortic root abscess clearly shown on In-111 leukocyte scan but less obvious on transesophageal echocardiogram. Clin Nucl Med. 2017 Jul;42(7): e340-e342. doi: 10.1097. PMID: 28418954Kaur H, Muhleman MA, Balon HR.: Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy on bone scan. J Nucl Med Technol. 2017 Nov 10. pii: jnmt.117.199315. doi: 10.2967/jnmt.117.199315. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 29127245.Calle S, Dawood L, Cai C, Kaur H, Wan D, Gayed I. Identifications of patterns of abnormalities seen on DatScan SPECT imaging in patients with non-Parkinson movement disorders. Accepted for publication in the Reports in Medical Imaging (Dove press open access. April, 2019.ORAL PRESENTATION:1.Kaur, H., Fenoy, A., Gayed I. Effect of Deep brain stimulation on the brain metabolic pattern in patients with Depression: Comparison of pre and post therapy PET/CT scans-A pilot study. Accepted for oral presentation at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2019; Anaheim, California.POSTER PRESENTATION:1. Gopala krishnan, B., Reda, A., Kaur, H. (2012, October). Frequent admissions from Nursing Homes- A Critical Driver for higher Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) Rates. Poster presented at: Annual Scientific Meeting; Troy, MI.Reda A., Gopala krishnan B., Kaur H. (2012, October). Toxin A/B EIA Compared to Molecular Amplification Testing for Clostridium Difficile: Cost and Resource Utilization Analyses. Poster presented at: Infectitious Diseases Society of America; San Diego, CA.Imran, U., Biedron, C., Jagede, O., Kaur H. (2013). How fast do patients acquire Klebsiella pneumonia (Kp) containing blaKPC (Kp KPC)? An analysis of Epidemiology of Kp KPC at a Long-Term Acute Care Facility. Poster presented at ID WEEK 2013; San Francisco, CA.Kaur, H., Balon, H. (2016). Complex regional pain syndrome diagnosed on triple phase bone scan. Poster presented at Research forum at William Beaumont Hospital.; Royal Oak, MI.Kaur, H., Wu, Dafang. (2016). Incidental PET findings of a surgically proven infarcted Hurthle cell Adenoma in a patient with mediastinal DLBCL. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual meeting; San Diego, CA. Research forum at William Beaumont Hospital; Royal Oak, MI.Muhleman, M., Kaur, H., Wu, D. The value of Volumeteric Analysis of Lung Nodules of F18 FDG PET/CT Early and Delayed Images. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine, Midwinter meeting; Phoenix, Arizona.Kaur, H., Muhleman, M., Balon, H. Applications of Tc-99m Sestamibi: Cardiac Imaging and Beyond. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2017; Denver, Colorado.Kaur, H., Muhleman, M, Wu, Dafang. Non-invasive diagnosis of acute interstitial nephritis using planar and SPECT Gallium-67 imaging. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2017; Denver, Colorado.Kaur, H., Seitz, J, Muhleman, M., Qing, F. Aortic root abscess clearly shown on In-111 leukocyte scan but less obvious on transesophageal echocardiogram. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2017; Denver, Colorado.Muhleman, M., Kaur, H., Patel, M., Rydberg, J. The value of FDG PET/CT scan in the diagnosis of infection of unknown origin in a patient with Aortic valve replacement. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2017; Denver, Colorado.Muhleman, M., Kaur, H., Patel, M., Palka, J. The Value of Tc99m-MDP Bone Scan and SPECT-CT in the Diagnosis of Metastatic Carcinoid Rectal Cancer with Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2017; Denver, Colorado.Kaur, H., Muhleman, M. Wu, D. Determining Factors in Outcome of Initial I-131 Ablation/Therapy for New Patients with Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinomas. Poster presented at Society of Nuclear Medicine, Midwinter meeting; Orlando, Florida.Kaur, H., Balon, H. Spectrum of congenital hypothyroidism: Key role of nuclear medicine. Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2018; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Kaur, H., Muhleman, M., Rydberg, J. Detection of pericardial effusion on the nuclear medicine cardiac studies: Myocardial perfusion imaging and multigated radionuclide angiography (MUGA). Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2018; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Kelsch, R., Kaur, H., Balon, H. All that is hot isn’t pathological: A pictorial review of the physiological distribution of radiopharmaceutical for the junior resident. Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2018; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Johnson, R., Kaur, H., Ibekwe H., Gayed, I. Improving surgical outcomes for patients with complicated refractory seizures. Accepted for presentation at Society of Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging, Annual meeting, June 2019; Anaheim, California. ................

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