ACCEPTABLE CONDUCTS 1. Attendance. Adheres to ...


1. Attendance. Adheres to organizational and school policies regarding call outs; is punctual; attends to own assigned tasks and without causing harmful distraction to others; returns from meals/breaks on time; does not leave early without prior approval. Attends scheduled or assigned meetings/conferences

2. Positive attitude: Relates positively to the institution, peers, instructors, staff and patients. Is kind, courteous, respectful and polite; Able to inspire confidence from patients, physicians, coworkers and visitors

3. Cooperation: Works well with others as a team member; recognizes need to offer assistance and willingly helps others.

4. Initiative/ Motivation / Interest: Performs assigned tasks without having to be told, seeks unsolicited tasks; willingness to do more than expected. Exhibits enthusiasm; is alert and attentive, asks relevant questions; stays focused and attention to detail; Seeks out and reads relevant materials.

5. Adaptability: Open to new ideas; able to adjust quickly to rapid changes in the laboratory without undue hardship; exhibits self-confidence.

6. Responsibility: Begins work promptly; comes prepared for the day's assignment; completes required assignments; assumes personal responsibility for assigned readings; takes ownership for actions and behaviors.

7. Good Communication Skills: Speaks clearly and concisely; answers the telephone courteously using telephone etiquette; takes or leaves messages accurately; uses language appropriate to the profession; uses verbal and written communication effectively; listens well, investigates a problem thoroughly;

8. Professionalism/Interpersonal Relationships: Builds rapport with laboratory team members and with other allied health professionals; functions well with others; demonstrates ability to work under stressful situations without jeopardizing quantity and quality of work while maintaining professional composure; accepts constructive criticism.

9. Honesty and Integrity: Is truthful; admits errors and mistakes; willingness to be corrected; follows procedures without shortcuts, maintains confidentiality of patients' results; shows empathy

10. Judgment and Decision Making: Demonstrates good judgment when interacting with all health personnel and physicians; ability to assess a situation from many perspectives, considers various alternatives and chooses the appropriate course of action.


General Description: The Grievance Appeal Procedure and Form is the mechanism to ensuring that student issues will be addressed with objectivity, impartiality, and confidentiality.

Policy: A student may bring up an issue/ problem with the Program Director who will follow through towards the resolution of the issue or problem. The Form below may be filled out and signed by the student as the process towards a resolution is being carried out.

Meridian Health Human Resources has a similar policy (aimed at resolving conflicts- the Guaranteed Fair Treatment Policy. We will have something similar that guarantees fairness, objectivity, and impartiality


Any issue brought up by a student will be handled in strict confidence and which will be followed throughout the process. The Program Director will not divulge the name of the student or issue. To further carry out confidentiality, once resolved, all memos, notes, messages with regard to the issue will be kept in the student file which is confidential, or destroyed.

In relation to student issues, the Program Director will function in various ways including: Providing a confidential place for students to express concerns Listening impartially Identifying and reframing issues Reviewing and explaining policies and procedures Helping develop a range of responsible options to resolve problems and facilitating discussion to identify best options Discussing a range of responsible options, including formal and informal processes Pointing students towards available services and resources With permission and at the Program Director's discretion, engaging in informal third-party intervention, for objectivity and impartiality.


Relative to student complaints, grievance, and appeal procedure, we will invite outside managers. Non-laboratory personnel may provide more objective assessments of the situations at hand. Examples of managers who are outside the laboratory are the HR manager, and Cultural Diversity manager, or other managers who are well versed with human issues.

Florence M. Cook School of Medical Laboratory Science Grievance Procedure Form


Step 1: Approach the Program Director regarding the problem. Write student's Statement of Issue/Concern/Problem with sufficient detail. (You may use separate paper.)

Date: _____________ Program Director Signature: ___________________________________________

Prog. Director's Comments: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Resolved? Yes or No

Student's signature: _______________________________

Step 2: If the issue /problem is not resolved in Step 1, the student may approach the Medical Director or Administrative Lab Director regarding the problem.

Date of Meeting: _______________ Medical Advisor Signature:______________ Medical Advisor's Comments: ________________________________________ Student's Comments: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Resolved? Yes or No

Step 3: If the problem/concern still exists, a third party* of one or more non-laboratory officials will be called within 10 school days after the meeting with the Medical Advisor. The decision made after this meeting will be considered final.

Date of meeting: _______________ Third Party: _________________________

* A third party from Cultural Diversity Director or HR dept.

Note: The decision of the third party/ committee will be written on a separate sheet, the original of which will be given to the student and 2 copies made. One copy will be sent to the student's advisor, and one in the student's file.


Application Fee: (non-refundable) - $75.00

Commitment Deposit

$500.00 (non-refundable; due two weeks upon acceptance into the Program). This is not part of the tuition fee.

Full Tuition Fee = $5,000.00, effective 2017. As per Affiliation Agreements, tuition fee is due two weeks prior to start of classes; subject to change; all funds paid are nonrefundable.

The following affiliated Universities will pay for the student's tuition fee:

1. Kean University- will pay for the tuition fee. 2. Students from Other affiliates ? the student will pay us the tuition payment,

unless otherwise changed. 3. Students post bachelors (4+1) will pay for the tuition.

Students from other affiliated universities will have to pay for the tuition fee. Please make your check/money order payable to: Florence M. Cook School of MLS. Never send cash.

Refund Policy

There will be no refund for all fees and tuition fee.


A. Dress Code-

Students are members of the health-care delivery team and necessarily representatives of Jersey Shore University Medical Center, and will need to follow the "Meridian Way" dress code. In addition, persons involved in laboratory services shall demonstrate good personal hygiene and professional dress and appearance at all times. The JSUMC identification badge is a required part of each team member's attire and shall be worn visibly while on duty.

1. Hair, beards, sideburns and moustaches must be worn in a manner that displays tidiness and cleanliness while maintaining proper safety and infection control. Long hair must be tied back away from the face.

2. Nails must be short or moderate in length and clean.

3. Wearing apparel is to be maintained by the employee so that the attire is neat, clean, wrinkle and odor free and in proper repair.

4. Professional looking attire is required; hospital uniform (scrubs), dress or pants is required. No blue jeans, tank or halter-tops, shorts or sweat suits are permitted.

5. Heavy use of cosmetics, colognes or after-shaves should be avoided.

6. All persons in the laboratory are required to wear fluid resistant laboratory coats that can be closed in the front as a protective garment. These laboratory coats are provided by the Clinical Laboratory.

7. Laboratory team members who work in areas where toxic/corrosive chemicals are present shall wear shoes of leather or like strength. Heels shall be of rubber or non-skid composition and should be of an appropriate height and width so as not to be hazardous. No platforms, moccasins, open-toed shoes are permitted.

8. Student who prepares reagents, in which concentrated acids, alkali, formaldehyde or flammable material, shall wear protective eye covering furnished by the laboratory. Protective eyewear is also required when operating some instruments. During specimen handling, if splash-guards are not available, protective eyewear will be worn.

9. All students will wear disposable gloves as necessary in performing operations where the hands may come in contact with biological materials.

B. Attendance

Unless otherwise directed, students are to attend all lectures and clinical laboratory rotations as assigned and scheduled. Punctuality is a good habit to develop. See schedule. Persistent tardiness will not be tolerated.


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