SCENE 1: Somewhere Outdoors

PROPS: Boombox

(GUSTAVO ENTERS, carrying his boombox by the handle)

GUSTAVO: It sure was easy taking those two Knottsberry Farms tickets away from Gina!

ANNA: I know. It was like taking candy from a baby!

GUSTAVO: Thanks for helping me, Anna. One of those tickets is for you.

ANNA: Can you give it to me now?

GUSTAVO: Sure (he puts the boombox down and reaches into his pocket to get one of the tickets for Anna, but becomes very upset when he discovers that they are both missing). The tickets! They’re gone!

ANNA: But you promised me one of them!

GUSTAVO: I don’t know what happened to those tickets! All I know is that I put them right here in my pocket and now they’re gone (He reaches back into his pocket and pulls it inside out. Then he sees the hole.)! Oh, no! There’s a big hole in my pocket! The tickets must have dropped through the hole.

ANNA: You big dummy!


GUSTAVO: (shrugs his shoulders) Oh, well. That’s life sometimes (he picks up the boombox and pretends to turn on the radio)

RADIO DJ: I hope you enjoyed that song by Toby Mac. And just as a reminder, later on today were going to be hearing from Gina, the winner of our Knottsberry Farms tickets for two contest. Since she’s the winner, she gets to do a radio “shout-out” to her best friend. Once again, congratulations to Gina of Yuma, the winner of . . .

GUSTAVO: (turns off the radio) Gina, Gina, Gina! I’m sick and tired of hearing about Gina! (he suddenly gets a selfish idea that makes him smile) Wait a minute! Gina gets to do a radio shout-out to her best friend. That means whoever she picks to be her best friend is going to going to get a special message on the radio. I need to make sure she picks me!

(GUSTAVO EXITS through the hall door)

SCENE 2: At Home

(CECI and GINA ENTER center stage)

CECI: Hey, Gina, don’t forget about your radio shout-out today. You need to be at the radio station at 4:00 today to announce a special message to your best friend on the radio. And thousands of people will be listening! Of course, that message is going to be for me, right?

GINA: Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that. Yeah, Ceci, you’re my best friend. I’ll do my radio shout-out for you.

CECI: Thanks, Gina. I’ll be famous when everybody hears my name on the radio! That’s going to be great.

(GUSTAVO knocks on the side door)

GINA: (opening the door) Gustavo! What are you doing here?

GUSTAVO: Um, I just came by to apologize for grabbing those tickets away from you.

GINA: Oh. (she waits a few seconds for an apology that doesn’t come) Well, I’m waiting. . .

GUSTAVO: You are? What are you waiting for?

GINA: You said you came to apologize. I’m waiting for you to tell me you’re sorry.

GUSTAVO: Oh. Okay. Here goes. I’m sor . . . I’m sorr . . . I’m sorrrrrr . . . I’m having a hard time saying it, but you know what I mean.

GINA: Yeah, I guess.

GUSTAVO: We’re still best friends, right?

CECI: (angry) Hey! I know what you’re trying to do, Gustavo. You’re trying to be the one that my sister gives a shout-out to on the radio! Well it isn’t going to work! Gina knows all about you, so you can’t fool her that easily. Right, Gina?

GINA: Well . . . I did say that you were going to be my shout-out friend on the radio, but I didn’t really promise yet . . .

GUSTAVO: Good, girl, Gina. I knew I could count on you! So I’m going to be your shout-out friend, right?

GINA: I don’t know . . . let me think about it.

CECI: I can’t believe this.


SCENE 3: At the Radio Station

PROPS: Headphones for the RADIO DJ

(RADIO DJ and GINA ENTER center stage)

RADIO DJ: Well, Gina, are you ready for your big radio shout-out?

GINA: (nervous) I guess so.

RADIO DJ: All right then. Remember, thousands of people are listening to us on the radio right now. Now out of all the people you know, who do you want to give a big shout-out to right now?

GINA: I want to give a shout-out to Jesus Christ. Jesus is my best friend because he forgave me and changed my life and if you don’t have Jesus in your life, you need to get saved . . . etc.

RADIO DJ: (shocked, she cuts GINA off at some point) Okay, okay. That’s all the time we have for our shout-out. Now we will take a little commercial break and return in a few minutes (she removes the headphones). How embarrassing! You were talking about Jesus! Don’t you know that thousands of people were listening?

GINA: Yeah, isn’t that cool? Thousands of people heard about Jesus!


CECI: Gina, I’m so proud of you!

GINA: Thanks.

CECI: You really took that opportunity to be used by God. That’s awesome! (she gives Gina a high-five)




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