Search strategy

Supplement appendix of optical coherence tomography in delirium or mild cognitive impairment – systematic review and meta-analysisSearch strategyDelirium: Delirium OR acute confusion OR acute confusional state OR acute organic psychosyndrome OR acute brain syndrome OR acute brain dysfunction OR acute brain failure OR metabolic encephalopathy OR acute psychoorganic syndrome OR clouded state OR clouding of consciousness OR exogenous psychosis OR toxic psychosis OR toxic confusion OR obnubilate OR obnubilat* (* as wild card).Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Mild cognitive impairment OR mild cognitive dysfunction OR mild cognitive failure OR MCI OR amnestic MCI OR amnestic mild cognitive impairment OR mild dementia.(The search term mild dementia was included to allow for variable interpretation of mild dementia).Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Optical coherence tomography OR OCT SDOCT OR SD-OCT OR retinal nerve fiber layer OR retinal nerve fibre layer OR RNFL OR nerve fiber layer OR nerve fibre layer OR ganglion cell layer OR ganglion cell inner plexiform layer OR GCIPL OR retinal pigmented epithelium OR retinal pigment epithelium OR RPE. Results were then combined using AND as the Boolean operator i.e. Search results for all terms for delirium AND search results for all terms for optical coherence tomographySearch results for all terms for mild cognitive impairment AND search results for all terms for optical coherence tomographyExample search:MedlineSearch Terms DeliriumDelirium (Keyword.) and Delirium (mapped subject heading): - 9973Acute Confusion (Keyword.): - 261Acute confusional state (Keyword.) and Confusion (mapped subject heading): -2856Acute organic psychosyndrome (Keyword.): - 0Acute brain syndrome (Keyword.): - 10Acute brain dysfunction (Keyword.): - 61Acute brain failure (Keyword.): - 11Metabolic encephalopathy (Keyword.) and Brain disease, Metabolic (mapped subject heading): - 1248Acute psychoorganic syndrome (Keyword.): - 0Clouded state (Keyword.): - 0Clouding of consciousness (Keyword.): - 81Exogenous psychosis (Keyword.): - 10Toxic psychosis (Keyword.): - 22Toxic confusion (Keyword.) and neurotoxicity syndromes (mapped subject heading): - 4622Obnubilate (Keyword.): - 0Obnubilat* (Keyword.): - 1Summation of terms with OR: -18444Search Terms MCIMild cognitive impairment (Keyword.) and Cognitive dysfunction (mapped subject heading): - 16551Mild cognitive dysfunction (Keyword.) and Cognition disorders (mapped subject heading): - 55010Mild cognitive failure (Keyword.): - 1MCI (Keyword.): - 10648Amnestic MCI (Keyword.): - 653Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (Keyword.): -1371Mild dementia (Keyword.): - 798Summation of Terms with OR: - 71704Search Terms OCTOptical coherence tomography (Keyword) and Tomography, Optical coherence (mapped subject heading): - 30886OCT (Keyword.): - 22543SDOCT (Keyword.): - 212SD-OCT (Keyword.): - 2727Retinal nerve fiber layer (Keyword.): - 3297Retinal nerve fibre layer (Keyword.): - 680Nerve fiber layer (Keyword.): - 4005Nerve fibre layer (Keyword.); - 807Ganglion cell layer (Keyword.) and Retinal ganglion cells (mapped subject heading): - 11967Ganglion cell inner plexiform layer (Keyword.): - 235GCIPL (Keyword.): - 145Retinal pigmented epithelium (Keyword.) and Retinal pigment epithelium (mapped subject heading) and Pigment epithelium of eye (mapped subject heading): - 9988RPE (Keyword.): - 9605Summation of Terms with OR: - 60653OCT AND Delirium: - 19 documents. No relevantOCT AND MCI: - 84 documents. 17 potential documentsData items collected from individual studiesArticle information: Title, authors, year of publication, language, publishing journal, citation.Study information: Prospective/retrospective data acquisition, source of cases, source of controls, number of cases, number of controls, sampling method, exclusion criteria, age of cases and controls, eye screening performed, brain imaging performed, blood tests, study groups, objective neurological assessment, objective cognitive test common to controls and MCI/delirium participants, blinding.MCI/delirium: Criteria for diagnosis of MCI/delirium, type of MCI/delirium, duration between diagnosis of MCI/delirium and OCT.OCT: OCT tool (brand), OCT type (time domain/spectral domain), eyes used, OCT setting, centre of OCT image (e.g. optic disc or fovea), OCT measurement diameter, mode of measurement (software [platform or non-platform] or manual), manual validation of segmentation, retinal layers measured, quality assessment of images, partition method (Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study [ETDRS] quadrants or Hemispheric), reference to APOSTEL criteria (articles after 2016), values of retinal measurements, p values, authors conclusions.Supplementary Figure 1PRISMA flow diagram of study selection: optical coherence tomography and delirium.Supplementary Figure 2\sPRISMA flow diagram of study: selection for optical coherence tomography and mild cognitive impairment. Abbreviations: CIND = cognitive impairment no dementia, OCT = optical coherence tomography, CDR = clinical dementia rating scale and RNFL = retinal nerve fibre layer.Supplementary Figure 3Risk of Bias and applicability concerns summary: review authors’ judgements about each domain for each included studySupplementary Figure 4Risk of Bias and applicability concerns graph: review authors’ judgements about each domain presented as percentages across included studiesSupplementary figure 5Funnel plot of studies included in the meta-analysis of RNFL thickness centred on the optic disc in MCI compared to controlsSupplementary Table 1Retinal layer analysedNumber of articlesRetinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness21Ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL)9Macular thickness5Macular volume4Ganglion cell complex1Outer retinal layers1Choroid thickness1Number of articles according to retinal layer analysed ................

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