Ophiel's Vignette Lessons In Occult Power


Vignette Lessons In

Occult Power







Ophiel published, from the year 1967 right on through to the late 1970's and even beyond, a series of little essays which he called "Vignettes." In these Vignettes, Ophiel wrote on a wide range of Occult topics of interest and other little alleyways of metaphysical thought; ranging from major subjects of the Occult already delved upon in his main books, to other, more obscure, but nonetheless interesting and pertinent points of information. For purposes of identification, Ophiel divided up these essays into 5 different sets, viz. ? Series 1, Series 2, Series 3, Series 4 and lastly Series 5. The last of these ? Series 5 ? was arguably an unfinished series due to the author having passed on before he had the chance to truly commit all of his thoughts and ongoing lines of discovery in the Occult and metaphysics to paper, and so was in some sort of sense open-ended. This, however, should not be seen too much by the reader as a dead-end, because the spirit of the author's writings was always tending towards encouraging the reader to think for him/her self, and Ophiel, even in his later days, had planted in his essays enough seed-points of thought from which the reader could nurture and grow continually new lines of Occult insight and discovery.

At some time not very long before his passing, Ophiel had apparently put together his entire collection of Vignettes into a single publication, titled, "Ophiel's Sealed Lessons In Occult Power." But unfortunately ? and in keeping with the author's repeated claims that strange forces have been at work in preventing his books from coming out to the public ? not very many copies of this book were published and made available, and to this day not a SINGLE copy of such can be found. As a result, some few Vignettes of the later series became lost and by now seemed to have escaped into oblivion. For despite the best and patient efforts even of those persons who have been the author's most ardent followers, as well as his closest confidants in life, none of these missing ones have so far been retrieved. However despite this, the vast majority of Ophiel's Vignettes are still in possession; and as a tribute to the author, and as a benefit to all sincere students of Ophiel both present and to come, these remaining Vignettes ? 50 in number ? have been collated together into a single publication. May this accomplishment be a final `nose-thumbing' to those negative forces that have in the past assailed against the best efforts to bring Occult truth and enlightenment to the access of genuine seekers!

Stephen Walford. (On behalf of Ophiel_Magick group)



The Art of Creative Visualization. Although not being strictly a part of his "Vignette" series of lessons, Ophiel wrote this very useful little monograph which serves both as a `starter' for those who are in urgent need of material supply AND as a good introduction to Ophiel teachings, containing a core set of magical principles & techniques/practices. ? (Pg. 12)


Series 1__#1. How to Become a Power in Your Town, Job, Club (1967). This Vignette is one of the best and most comprehensive ever written by Ophiel. If the information therein is used carefully and properly, you should be able to influence group souls of Towns, Clubs, Organizations, and all other like things. However, you must use physical means in connection with your Inner Plane work, too. Very useful and very helpful in life. ? (Pg. 16)

Series 1__#2. How to Control and Dominate Others (1967). The title sounds strained! but so many people write to Ophiel asking about how to attract the attention of others, and/to interest others that Ophiel wrote up this simple essay of how to control the attention of others by natural Occult means. You can change the title to read: interest and control the attention of others and dominate the "scene." Very interesting essay and full of hot Occult Knowledge. ? (Pg. 20)

Series 1__#3. How to Alter Your Name into a Magical Name (1967). This Vignette shows you how you can quite easily change your present name into a Name of Power! The correct use of this Occult Knowledge can give you a great deal of OCCULT POWER. ? (Pg. 23)

Series 1__#4. The Power of Speaking Things and Conditions into Existence (1967). You have many natural powers, and one which you already possess is the ability to `speak things and conditions into existence' ? things and conditions which are necessary for YOUR happiness, and which are rather easier to bring about than you may think. ? (Pg. 28)

Series 1__#5. How to Create a Familiar to Help You Through Life (1971). Again, this Vignette is one of the most comprehensive and complete ever written by Ophiel. Besides the Familiar Knowledge it also contains the useful Cabalistic ritual, the use of which can result in the balancing of the Elementary Forces in your body ? life. The name "Familiar" is an old-time name and really means a helper set up on the next plane, and that is all it ever really was. All the other stories you hear are due to ignorant ideas and have no validity at all. Good and useful. ? (Pg. 32)

Series 1__#6. The Power of the Lost Word (1971). The "Lost Word" has been the subject of many ancient legends and has been described as a Magical word which, when understood and used properly, can bring you things you desire. Ophiel shows you how. ? (Pg. 37)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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