Department of Agricultural & Resource ... - Water Economics

Professor Richard T. Carson

Winter Quarter 2017



Booker, James F., Richard E. Howitt, Ari M. Michelsen, and Robert A. Young. "Economics and the Modeling of Water Resources and Policies." Natural Resource Modeling 25(1), 2012: 168-218.

Brookshire, David S., and Dale Whittington. "Water Resources Issues in the Developing Countries." Water Resources Research 29(7), 1993: 1883-1888.

Dinar, Ariel, and Kurt Schwabe. (eds.), Handbook of Water Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015.

Eckstein, Otto. Water Resource development-the economics of project evaluation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958.

Gleick, Peter H. "Water Strategies for the Next Administration." Science 354, no. 6312 (2016): 555-556.

Gleick, Peter H., and Newsha Ajami. The World's Water Volume 8: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2014. [Issued biannually, earlier editions have some different topics]

Grafton, R. Quentin, and Sarah Wheeler. "Water Economics," in Robert Halvorsen, and David F. Layton (eds), Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2015.

Green, Colin. Handbook of Water Economics: Principles and Practice. New York: John Wiley, 2003.

Griffin, Ronald C. Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects, 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

Griffin, Ronald C. "The Origins and Ideals of Water Resource Economics in the United States." Annual Review of Resource Economics, 4, 2012: 353-377.

Hanemann, W. Michael. “The Economic Conception of Water” in Peter P. Rogers, M. Ramon Llamas and Luis Martinez-Cortina (eds), Water Crisis: Myth or Reality, London: Taylor & Francis, 2006.

Olmstead, Sheila M. "The Economics of Water Quality." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4(1), 2010: 44-62.

Olmstead, Sheila M. “The Economics of Managing Scarce Water Resources," Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4(2), 2010: 179-198.

Renzetti, Steven. The Economics of Water Demands. New York: Springer, 2012.

Rogers, P.P. 2008, “Facing the Fresh Water Crisis,” Scientific American, August, 46-53.

Shaw, Douglas, W. Water Resource Economics and Policy: An Introduction, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Press, 2005.

Spulber, Nicolas and Asghar Sabbaghi. Economics of Water Resources: From Regulation to Privitization, 2nd ed. Boston: Kluwer, 1998

U.S. Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee, Subcommittee on Benefits and Costs. Proposed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects [GREEN BOOK], U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC., 1950.

Young, Robert A. and Robert H. Haveman, “Economics of Water Resources: A Survey,’ in A.V. Kneese and J. Sweeney, (eds), Handbook of Natural Resources and Energy Economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1985.

Young, Robert A. and John B. Loomis. Determining the Economic Value of Water: Concepts and Methods. London: Routledge, 2014.


Abbott, Malcolm, and Bruce Cohen. "Productivity and Efficiency in the Water Industry." Utilities Policy 17(3), 2009: 233-244.

Adams, G., Gordon. Rausser and L. Simon. “Modeling Multilateral Negotiations: An Application to California Water Policy,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 30, 1996: 97-111.

Ambec, Stefan, Ariel Dinar, and Daene McKinney. "Water Sharing Agreements Sustainable to Reduced Flows." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66(3), 2013: 639-655.

Anderson, Terry L. (ed.), Water Rights, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1983.

Aubert, Cécile, and Arnaud Reynaud. "The Impact of Regulation on Cost Efficiency: An Empirical Analysis of Wisconsin Water Utilities." Journal of Productivity Analysis 23(3), 2005: 383-409.

Bhattacharyya, Arunava, Thomas R. Harris, Rangesan Narayanan, and Kambiz Raffiee. "Specification and Estimation of the Effect of Ownership on the Economic Efficiency of the Water Utilities." Regional science and urban Economics 25(6), 1995: 759-784.

Booker, J. F. and Robert A. Young. “Modeling Intrastate and Interstate Markets for Colorado River Water Resources.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 26, 1994: 66-87.

Burt, Oscar R. "Temporal Allocation of Groundwater." Water Resources Research, 3, 1967:45-56.

Burness, H. Stuart and James P. Quirk. “Appropriative Water Rights and the Efficient Allocation of Resources.” American Economic Review, 69(1), 1979: 25-37

Chong, Howard, and David Sunding, "Water Markets and Trading." Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 31, 2006: 239-264.

Coase, Ronald. “The Problem of Social Cost.” Journal of Law and Economics, 3, 1960: 1-44.

Coman, Katharine. “Some Unsettled Problems of Irrigation.” American Economic Review, 1, 1911, 1-19.

Colby, Bonnie G. "Transactions Costs and Efficiency in Western Water Allocation." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(5), 1990: 1184-1192.

Dales, J. H. “Land, Water, Ownership.” Canadian Journal of Economics, 1, 1968: 791-804.

Dasgupta, Partha. The Control of Resources. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.

Dinar, A., M.W. Rosegrant, and R. Meinzen-Dick. “Water Allocation Mechanism: Principles and Examples.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #1779, 1997.

Convery, Frank J. "Reflections—Shaping Water Policy: What Does Economics Have to Offer?" Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 7, 2013: 156-174.

Easter, K. William, Mark Rosegrant, and Ariel Dinar (eds.). Markets for Water: Potential and Performance. Boston: Kluwer, 1998.

Freeman, A. Myrick, and Robert H. Haveman. "Benefit‐Cost Analysis and Multiple Objectives: Current Issues in Water Resources Planning." Water Resources Research 6(6), 1970: 1533-1539.

Ghimire, Narishwar, and Ronald C. Griffin. "The Water Transfer Effects of Alternative Irrigation Institutions." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(4), 2014: 970-990.

Ghimire, Narishwar, and Ronald C. Griffin. "Variable Irrigation District Action in Water Trading." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51(3), 2015: 719-733.

Garcia, Serge, and A.Thomas. "The Structure of Municipal Water Supply Costs: Application to a Panel of French Local Communities." Journal of Productivity analysis 16(1), 2001: 5-29.

Gardner, B. Delworth, Richard E. Howitt, and Carole Frank Nuckton, "The Case for Regional Groundwater Management," California Agriculture, January-February, 1981.

Garrick, Dustin, Stuart M. Whitten, and Anthea Coggan, "Understanding the Evolution and Performance of Water Markets and Allocation Policy: A Transaction Costs Analysis Framework." Ecological Economics 88 (2013): 195-205.

Gisser, Micha "Groundwater: Focusing on the Real Issue." Journal of Political Economy, 91, 1983: 1001-1027.

Grafton, R. Quentin, Gary Libecap, Samuel McGlennon, Clay Landry, and Bob O’Brien. "An Integrated Assessment of Water Markets: A Cross-Country Comparison." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 5(2), 2011: 219-239.

Hansen, K., Kaplan, J. and Kroll, S. “Valuing Options in Water Markets: A Laboratory Investigation,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 57(1), 2014: 59-80.

Hartman, L.M. and Seastone, Dan. Water Transfers: Economic Efficiency and Alternative Institutions, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970.

Haveman, Robert H. Economic Performance of Public Investments; An Ex Post Evaluation of Water Resources Investments. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 1972.

Holland, Stephen P., and Michael R. Moore. "Cadillac Desert Revisited: Property Rights, Public Policy, and Water-Resource Depletion." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 46(1), 2003: 131-155.

Howe, Charles W. and Frank W. Easter, Interbasin Transfers of Water: Economic Issues And Impacts.Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 1971.

Howe, Charles W., and Christopher Goemans. "Water Transfers and Their Impacts: Lessons from Three Colorado Water Markets." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39, 2003: 1055-1065.

Howe, Charles W., Dennis R. Schurmeier and W. Douglas Shaw, “Innovative Approaches to Water Allocation: The Potential for Water Markets,” Water Resources Research, 1986.

Hundley Norris. The Treat Thirst: Californians and Water—A History. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001.

Hufschmidt, Maynard M. "Benefit-Cost Analysis: 1933-1985." Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 116(1), 2011: 42-49.

Klien, Michael. "Corporatization and the Behavior of Public Firms: How Shifting Control Rights Affects Political Interference in Water Prices." Review of Industrial Organization 44(4), 2014: 393-422.

Kneese, Allen V. and Bower, Blair T. Managing Water Quality: Economics, Technology. Institutions. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 1968.

Koundouri, Phoebe. "Potential for Groundwater Management: Gisser‐Sanchez Effect Reconsidered." Water Resources Research 40(6), 2004.

Koundouri, Phoebe. "Current Issues in the Economics of Groundwater Resource Management." Journal of Economic Surveys 18(5), 2004: 703-740.

Maass, Arthur, Maynard M. Hufschmidt, and Robert Dorfman. Design of Water Resource Systems; New Techniques for Relating Economic Objectives, Engineering Analysis and Governmental Planning. Harvard University Press, 1962.

Madani, K. and Ariel Dinar. "Cooperative Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management: Application to Groundwater." Water Resources Research 48(9), 2012.

Milliman, Jerome. “Water Law and Private Decision Making: A Critique.” Journal of Law and Economics, 2, 1959: 41-63.

Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Ostrom, E., J. Burger, C.B. Field, R.B. Norgaard, and D. Policansky. “Revisiting the Commons: Local Lessons, Global Challenges.” Science, 284, 1999: 278-282.

Ostrom, Elinor, Roy Gardner, and James Walker. Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1994.

Parrachino, Irene, Ariel Dinar, and Fioravante Patrone. "Cooperative Game Theory and Its Application to Natural, Environmental, and Water Resource Issues: 3. Application to Water Resources." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4074 (2006).

Provencher, Bill. "A Private Property Rights Regime to Replenish a Groundwater Aquifer”, Land Economics, 69(4), 1993: 325-340.

Provencher, Bill, and Oscar Burt. "A Private Property Rights Regime for The Commons: The Case for Groundwater." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76(4), 1994: 875-888.

Randall, Alan, 1981. Property Entitlements and Pricing Policies for a Maturing Water Economy. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 25(3), 1981: 195-220.

Reisner, Marc. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. London: Penguin, 1993.

Saleth, R. Maria, and Ariel Dinar. The Institutional Economics of Water: A Cross-Country Analysis of Institutions and Performance. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2004.

Saliba, Bonne Colby. "Do Water Markets “Work”? Market Transfers and Trade‐Offs in the Southwestern States." Water Resources Research 23(7), 1987: 1113-1122.

Seung, Chang K., Thomas R. Harris, Thomas R. MacDiarmid, and W. Douglass Shaw. "Economic impacts of water reallocation: A CGE analysis for Walker river basin of Nevada and California." Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 28, 1998: 13-34.

Tarlock, A. Dan. "An Overview of the Law of Groundwater Management." Water Resources Research 21(11), 1985: 1751-1766.

Tisdell, John G. "Water Markets in Australia: An Experimental Analysis of Alternative Market Mechanisms." Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 55(4), 2011: 500-517.

U.S. Water Resources Council, 1983. Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies.

Vaux, Henry J., and Richard E. Howitt. "Managing Water Scarcity: An Evaluation of Interregional Transfers." Water Resources Research 20(7), 1984: 785-792.

Weatberford, Gary D. and Helen M. Ingram. "Legal-Institutional Limitations on Water Use." in Ernest A. Engelbert and Ann F. Scheuring (eds.), Water Scarcity: Impacts on Western Agriculture, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984..

Young, Robert A. "Why Are There So Few Transactions Among Water Users?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(5), 1986: 1143-1151.

Zetland, David. "All-in-Auctions for water." Journal of Environmental Management 115, 2013: 78-86.


Ansink, Erik, and Harold Houba, "Market Power in Water Markets," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64(2), 2012: 237-252.

Brooks, Robert, and Edwyna Harris. "Efficiency Gains from Water Markets: Empirical Analysis of Watermove in Australia." Agricultural Water Management 95(4), 2008: 391-399.

Burt, Oscar R. "Optimal Resource Use Over Time with an Application to Ground Water." Management science 11(1), 1964: 80-93.

Calatrava, Javier, and Alberto Garrido. "Spot Water Markets and Risk in Water Supply," Agricultural Economics 33(2), 2005: 131-143.

Carson, Richard T., Jeff O’Hara, and Garey Ramey, “Optimal Reliability for a Water Authority,” working paper, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, 2016.

Chatterjee, Bishu, Richard E. Howitt, and Richard J. Sexton. "The Optimal Joint Provision of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 36(3), 1998: 295-313.

Douglas, James L. and Robert Rue Lee. Economics of Water Resources Planning, New York: McGraw Hill, 1971.

Feigenbaum, Susan and Ronald Teeples, “Public Versus Private Water Delivery: A Hedonic Cost Approach,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 65(4), 1983: 672-678.

Ghaffour, Noreddine, Thomas M. Missimer, and Gary L. Amy. "Technical Review and Evaluation of the Economics of Water Desalination: Current and Future Challenges for Better Water Supply Sustainability." Desalination 309, 2013: 197-207.

Haarmeyer, David, “Privatizing Infrastructure: Options for Municipal Systems,” Journal of the American Waterworks Association, 1994: 43-55.

Hall, Darwin C., Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources: Marginal Cost Rate Design and Wholesale Water Markets, Greenwich, CT, JAI Press, 1996.

Hirshlieifer, Jack; J.C. De Haven; Jerome Milliman. Water Supply: Economics, Technology and Policy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.

Jones, Luke R., and Christian A. Vossler. "Experimental Tests of Water Quality Trading Markets." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68(3), 2014: 449-462.

Knapp, Keith C., and Lars J. Olson. "The Economics of Conjunctive Groundwater Management with Stochastic Surface Supplies." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 28(3), 1995: 340-356.

Knapp, Keith C., and Lars J. Olson. "Dynamic Resource Management: Intertemporal Substitution and Risk Aversion." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(4), 1996: 1004-1014.

March, Hug. "The politics, geography, and economics of desalination: A critical review." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2(3), 2015: 231-243.

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Murphy, J.J., A. Dinar, R.E. Howitt, S.J. Rassenti, V.L. Smith. “The Design of ‘Smart’ Water Market Institutions Using Laboratory Experiments.” Environmental and Resource Economics 17, 2000: 375-394.

Murphy, James J., Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, Stephen J. Rassenti, Vernon L. Smith, and Marca Weinberg. "The Design of Water Markets When Instream Flows Have Value," Journal of Environmental Management 90, 2009: 1089-1096.

Palmieri, A., F. Shah, and A. Dinar. "Economics of Reservoir Sedimentation and Sustainable Management of Dams." Journal of Environmental Management 61(2), 2001: 149-163.

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Saliba, Bonnie and D.B. Bush. Water Markets in Theory and Practice: Market Transfers, Water Values, and Public Policy. Boulder: Westview Press, 1987.

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Agthe, Donald E., R. Bruce Billings, John L. Dobra, and Kambiz Raffiee. "A Simultaneous Equation Demand Model for Block Rates." Water Resources Research 22(1), 1986: 1-4.

Arbués, Fernando, Marıa Ángeles Garcıa-Valiñas, and Roberto Martınez-Espiñeira. "Estimation of Residential Water Demand: A State-of-the-Art Review." The Journal of Socio-Economics 32(1), 2003: 81-102.

Baerenklau, Kenneth, Kurt Schwabe, and Ariel Dinar. "Do Increasing Block Rate Water Budgets Reduce Residential Water Demand? A Case Study in Southern California." Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper 01-0913, 2013.

Barbier, Edward B. and Chaudhry, A.M. Urban growth and water. Water Resources and Economics, 6, 2014: 1-17.

Bamezai, Anil. "Evaluation of Water Conservation Programs in Thorny Nonexperimental Settings." Water Resources Research 32(4), 1996: 1083-1090.

Bernedo, María, Paul J. Ferraro, and Michael Price. "The Persistent Impacts Of Norm-Based Messaging and Their Implications for Water Conservation." Journal of Consumer Policy 37(3), 2014: 437-452.

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[1] This list builds upon reading lists for classes on water economics of Michael Hanemann and Douglas Shaw.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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