Journal for Hocking County Commissioners

The Board of Hocking County Commissioners met in emergency session this 7th day of August 2019 with the following members present: Sandy Ogle, Gary Waugh and Jeff Dickerson. MEETING: The meeting was called to order by President Ogle. AGENDA: Motion by Jeff Dickerson and seconded by Gary Waugh to approve agenda. Vote: Ogle, yea, Dickerson, yea, Waugh, yea. HOCKING COUNTY BOARD OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITES LEVY:Motion by Gary Waugh and seconded by Jeff Dickerson to rescind Resolution to Proceed on August 6th. Vote: Ogle, yea, Dickerson, yea, Waugh, yea. Commissioner Ogle presented the revised language to go on the Resolution to Proceed which reads “the operation of community programs and services authorized by Hocking County Board of Developmental Disabilities and for the acquisition, construction, renovation, financing, maintenance, and operation of developmental disabilities facilities.”Motion by Jeff Dickerson and seconded by Gary Waugh to approve. Roll Call Vote: Ogle, yea, Dickerson, yea, Waugh, yea. Jill Squires asked if that is the language that will be on the ballot. Prosecutor Fickel said yes. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Jeff Dickerson and seconded by Gary Waugh. Vote: Ogle, yea, Dickerson, yea, Waugh, yea. All yea, motion carried. Rose Marshall, ClerkBoard of Hocking County CommissionersThis is to certify that the above is the true action taken by this Board of Hocking County Commissioners at an emergency meeting of the Board held on August 7, 2019.Rose Marshall, ClerkSandra Ogle, President ................

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