VITA2.WD5 - California State University, Sacramento




Ph.D. 1983 University of Utah (Communication).

M.A. 1979 San Diego State University (Communication).

B.A. 1977 University of Southern California (Sociology and Communication).


8/90- Professor, California State University, Sacramento, Dept. of Communication Studies.

(Associate Professor, 8/90-7/95)

Undergraduate Courses: Organizational Communication; Senior Seminar in

Organizational Communication; Communication in Small Groups; The

Communication Experience; Introduction to Communication; Media, Sports, and Society. Graduate Courses: Organizational Communication; Ethnography, Qualitative Methods.

8/85- Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University, Center for Communication Arts. 7/90 Adjunct Professor Cox School of Business (Fall, 1985).

Undergraduate Courses: Organizational Communication, Survey of Public Relations,

Public Relations Research, Public Relations and the Mass Media, Public Relations

Management, Broadcast Management, Sports Communication.

Internship Supervisor, Public Relations (8/86-7/90).

1/85- Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Dept. of Communication.


Undergraduate Course: Organizational Communication.

Graduate Courses: Organizational Communication, Research on

Managerial Communication.

8/82- Assistant Professor, Purdue University, Dept. of Communication.


Undergraduate Course: Organizational Communication.

Graduate Courses: Interviewing, Organizational Culture.

Supervisor, Undergraduate Courses in Technical Public Speaking and Group

Discussion of Technical Problems.



Cancer and Death: A Love Story in Two Voices. Cresskill, NJ; Hampton, 2008. (with Leah Vande Berg).

In Search of Naunny’s Grave: Age, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in an American Family. Walnut Creek: AltaMira, 2004.

The Meaning of Nolan Ryan. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1994.

Organizational Life on Television. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1989. (with Leah Vande Berg).


Performing Mythic Identity: An Analysis and Critique of “The Ethnogs.” Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (2011): 664-674. (with Bob Krizek, Patty Sotirin, Laura Ellingson, Melanie Bailey Mills, Shirley Drew, and Chris Poulos).

Cancer and Death: A Love Story in Many Voices. Qualitative Inquiry, 15 (2009): 641-658. (with Leah Vande Berg).

Metal Music and Mental Health in France. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 33 (2009): 473-488. (with Robin Recours and François Aussaguel).

In Search of Naunny’s History: Reproducing Gender Ideology in Family Stories. Women’s Studies in Communication 25 (2002): 88-118.

A Night with The Narcissist and the Nasty Boys: Interpreting the World Wrestling Federation. Qualitative Inquiry 6 (2000): 526-544. (with Paul Cruz, Georgine Hodgkinson, Heather Hundley, Ahna Ligtenberg Heller, Rebecca Livingston, and Daren Obenaus).

Teaching Ethnography in the Twenty-First Century Using Collaborative Learning. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 28 (1999): 705-719.

Shopping for Family. Qualitative Inquiry 5 (1999): 147-180. (lead article, with Eve Allen, Stacey Gustafson, Trinitte Marquis, Timi Poeppelman, Patty Roth, Pam Chapman Sanger, Maureen Smith, and Jennifer Wright).

In Search of Naunny’s Grave. Text and Performance Quarterly 18 (1998): 344-368.

"Fragments of Self at the Postmodern Bar." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 26 (1997), 251-292. (lead article, with Andy Avila, Tara Clark, Rona Halualani, Stacy Holman Jones, Donna Knifong, Jennifer McCallum, and Justin Norton).

"Machine, Missiles, and Men: Images of the Male Body on ABC's 'Monday Night Football'." Sociology of Sport Journal 12 (1995): 403-423.

"Emotionality in the Field and in the Stands: Expressing Self Through Baseball." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 18 (1994): 303-325. (lead article, with Bob Krizek).

"Interpreting November 22: A Critical Ethnography of an Assassination Site." Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 447-466.

"Interpreting (the Work and the Talk of) Baseball: Perspectives on Ballpark Culture." Western Journal of Communication 56 (1992): 350-371.

"Hegemonic Masculinity on the Mound: Media Representations of Nolan Ryan and American Sports Culture." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 8 (1991): 290-308. Reprinted in Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice, 2nd. ed. Ed. Sonja K. Foss. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1996. 181-203.

"Cop Talk, Police Stories, and the Social Construction of Organizational Drama." Central States Speech Journal 38 (1987): 196-209. (with George Dionisopoulos).

"Reinventing Corporate Communication." Public Relations Review 13 (1987): 42-53. (with Elizabeth Toth).

"Organizational Perspectives for Public Relations Research and Practice." Management Communication Quarterly 1 (1987): 199-231. (with Elizabeth Toth).

"The Portrayal of Industry on Prime Time Television." Journalism Quarterly 64 (1987): 368-375. (with Leah R. Ekdom).

"Toward a Taxonomy of Small Group Interaction Coding Systems." Small Group Behavior 17 (1986): 371-394. (lead article).

"A Developmental Study of Social Judgment Processes During Acquainting." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 3 (1986): 375-392. (with C. Arthur Van Lear, Jr.).

"Sportswriting and American Cultural Values: The 1984 Chicago Cubs." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (1985): 262-281. (with Leah R. Ekdom).

"Organizational Communication as Cultural Performance: Some Managerial Considerations." Southern Speech Communication Journal 50 (1985): 201-224.

"Organizational Communication as Cultural Performance." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 126-147. (with Michael E. Pacanowsky). Reprinted in Readings in Organizational Communication. Ed. Kevin L. Hutchinson. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1992. 100-121; and in Introduction to Human Communication: Behavior, Codes, and Social Action. Ed. Stuart J. Sigman. Needham Heights, MA: Ginn Press, 1992. 240-259.

"Heheh in Conversation: Some Coordinating Pragmatics of Laughter." Western Journal of Speech Communication 47 (1983): 175-191. (with Katherine L. Adams).

"Communication and Organizational Cultures." Western Journal of Speech Communication 46 (1982): 115-130. (lead article, with Michael E. Pacanowsky). Reprinted in Foundations of Organizational Communication. Eds. Steven R. Corman, Stephen P. Banks, Charles R. Bantz, & Michael E. Mayer. New York: Longman, 1990. 142-153.

"Relational Communication: A Comparison of Coding Systems." Communication Monographs 48 (1981): 91-105. (lead article).


“ ‘Uv U’: Communicating at the End of Life.” Family Communication, Connections, and Health Transitions. Ed. Michelle Miller-Day. (New York: Peter Lang, 2011). 405-418.

“Introduction.” Case Studies in Sport Communication. Ed. Robert S. Brown and Daniel J. O’Rouke, III. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003). xi-xv.

“In Search of Naunny’s Ethnicity: An (Autoethnograpic) Study of Ethnic Identity.” Expressions of Ethnography: Novel Approaches to Qualitative Methods. Ed. Robin Clair. (State University of New York Press, 2003). 257-269.

"Qualitative Research Methods." New Handbook of Organizational Communication. Eds. Frederick Jablin and Linda Putnam. (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2001). 161-195. (with Bryan Taylor).

"From Wild Western Prodigy to the Ageless Wonder: The Mediated Evolution of Nolan Ryan." American Heroes in a Media Age. Eds. Susan Drucker and Robert Cathcart. (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 1994). 221-240. (with Leah R. Vande Berg).

"White Knights, Poker Games, and the Invasion of the Carpetbaggers: Interpreting the Sale of a Professional Sports Franchise." Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations. Eds. Robert Heath and Elizabeth Toth. (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992). 257-278.

"The Meaning of Nolan Ryan." Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and the American Culture (1990). Ed. Alvin Hall. (Westport, CT: Meckler, 1991). 109-143.

"Working at the Ballpark: An Ethnographic Study." Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and the American Culture (1989). Ed. Alvin Hall. (Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990). 298-318.

"Corporate Philosophy and Professional Baseball: (Re)Defining the Texas Rangers." Case Studies in Organizational Communication. Ed. Beverly Davenport Sypher. (NY: Guilford, 1990). 87-102.

"The Rhetoric of Winning and Losing: The American Dream and America's Team." Media, Sport, and Society Ed. Lawrence Wenner. (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1989). 204-224. (with Leah R. Vande Berg).

"Implications of Interpretive Approaches for Organizational Communication Research and Practice." Organizational Communication II: Emerging Perspectives. Ed. Lee Thayer. (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1987). 46-65.

"The Interpretation of Organizational Cultures." Communications in Transition: Issues and Debates in Current Research. Mary S. Mander, Ed. (NY: Praeger, 1983). 225-241. (with Michael E. Pacanowsky).

"`Performing' Mintzberg's Roles: The Nature of Managerial Communication." Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach. Eds. Linda L. Putnam and Michael E. Pacanowsky. (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1983). 73-98.


“Reflections on a Career in Academia: A Response.” American Communication Journal Winter, 2003. (on-line journal)

“Baseball, Business, Politics and Privilege: An interview with George W. Bush.” Management Communication Quarterly 14 (2000): 307-316.

Naunny’s Bible. The Plain Truth. (May/June, 2000), pp. 45-46.

"Five Reasons Why Nolan Ryan Should NOT Be Elected to the Hall of Fame." Elysian Fields Quarterly (Spring, 1994), pp. 9-10.

"Remembering Nolan." A History of Texas Baseball (June, 1994),

pp. 15-16.

"Communication and Management: Some Talking Heads Talk About Organizational Talking." Association for Business Communication Bulletin 49 (June, 1986): 21-27.

"On Male Maiden Names." Working Woman (July, 1984), p. 42. Reprinted in San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday Supplement (September, 1984) and in Travail Magazine (December, 1984).

"Cruisin' State Street on Saturday Night." Utah Holiday Magazine (September, 1982). (with Sally O'Donnell-Trujillo).

"Critical Incident Scaling and Decision Making Effectiveness." American Business Communication Association Bulletin 44 (March, 1981): 24-25.


Is That Viral Enuf 4 U? Music CD, by Gory Bateson (2011). Songwriter, Lead Singer, Producer, and Publisher. (Co-produced by Phil Swann and Jeff Lewis).


I have presented over 40 scholarly papers at national conventions of the International Communication Association, the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, the Speech Communication Association, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the Iowa Symposium on Television Criticism, the SCA/ICA Conference on Interpretive Approaches to Organizational Communication, and the Symposium on Baseball and American Culture at Cooperstown, as well as at regional conventions of the Eastern Communication Association, the Southern Speech Communication Association, the Southwestern Social Science Association, and the Western Speech Communication Association.


I was the co-founder and chair of the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association. I have been a critic or respondent at many of the above national and regional conventions, as well as an invited speaker at the University of South Florida, North Carolina State University, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, San Diego State University, Trinity University, the University of Utah, and the Public Relations Society of America. I have been an associate editor and/or a referee for many scholarly journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Communication Monographs, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Management Communication Quarterly, and the Western Journal of Speech Communication. I have been a book reviewer for Jossey-Bass, McGraw-Hill, Prentice-Hall, Sage, St. Martin's, Wadsworth, Westview, William C. Brown, and Oxford University Press.


In terms of university and department service at CSUS, I have engaged in various positions in the Department of Communication Studies as the Graduate Coordinator; as a member of the Executive Committee, Graduate Committee, Curriculum Committee, Student Grade Grievance Committee, and Faculty Development Committee; as advisor of the Communication Studies Graduate Association and the Student Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators; and as sponsor of a Pre-Doctoral Scholar. I served the university as a member of the University Graduate Policies and Programs Committee, as a reviewer for the Research and Creative Subcommittee, as a member of the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies planning committee that organized the “Sport and Diversity” conference and as the organizer and moderator of a panel on “Media, Diversity and Sport in America,” and as advisor for several student associations. In terms of community service, I raised over $3,000 in donations for Homeward Bound, a golden retriever rescue society, in 2002.


My scholarship was the subject of a special section of the Winter 2003 issue of the American Communication Journal (see ) and of a panel at the National Communication Association convention in 2001, titled “Spotlight on Ethnographic Scholarship: The Life and Work of Nick Trujillo.” I received the Scholarly Achievement Award at CSUS in 2000 and delivered the award lecture, titled “Taking Sports and Sex Seriously.” I received the Quintus Wilson Alumni Achievement Award from the Department of Communication, University of Utah, in 1995. I received the B. Aubrey Fisher Memorial Award for the best publication in the Western Journal of Communication for 1992, and the Speech Communication Association-Organizational Communication Division "Outstanding Publication Award" for the best article on organizational communication published during 1982-1983. I was featured on a Single Scholar Program on the topic of "organizational culture" at the Southern Speech Communication Association in 1984, and received top paper honors at the Western States Communication Association in 1992, the Eastern Communication Association in 1985, and the Western Speech Communication Association in 1982.


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