The 2008 PLAN for the Washington College Psychology ...


How Washington College’s Psychology Department Learning Goals

are Addressed in Our Curriculum


| | | | | |

| | |Quantitative |Group work, |Application of |

| |APA-style writing, lab |analysis and visual |formal presentation, |methodology and/or |

| |reports, essays |displays |frequent discussion |theory |

| |critiques, posters | | | |

|General Psychology | | | | |

|200- and 300-level nonlab | | | | |

|courses | | | | |

|200- and 300-level lab | | | | |

|courses | | | | |

|Statistics & Design I | | | | |

|Statistics & Design II | | | | |

|Junior Seminar | | | | |

|400-level lab courses | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Senior Capstone Experience | | | | |

Note. Courses in green font are core courses required of all majors.

KEY. How to interpret the color of the cells within the table . . .

White means that the given skill is not routinely emphasized in the course.

Light green means that the skill is addressed.

Green means that the skill is emphasized.

Dark green means the skill is extensively practiced.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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