What is a Methodology

1) What is a Methodology?

Comprehensive multi-step approach to system development that guides and influences the quality of the final product

a) Who uses Methodologies?

The majority of organizations and firms today use a specific form of methodology that helps with their systems development process

b) What are Methodologies used for?

Methodologies are used as a guideline or reference to a specific development process. It is a step by step process that leads to a final product

c) A brief history of Methodologies. (page 6 )

Methodologies were first used in the 1980’s for the OGC of the UK. It was developed due to the concern with technology within the government. First methodology to be implemented was the Structured Systems Analysis and Design method (SSADM) which is considered a Waterfall method. (see slide …)

Pg 4. Methodologies were considered and art form in the early years of computing. Need for systems and software has increased it has turned into a discipline process.

Standard SDLC (find time period developed) **thought of a circular process in which the end of a useful life leads to the beginning of another project, which could replace the current

System Development Life Cycle – traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems.

d) A brief overview

A common methodology for system development in many organizations

It contains several phases which preset the progress of the system analysis and design

e) Briefly explain each step

Steps involved; Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Maintenance.

Planning – First Phase – identification phase, someone identifies a need for a new system. Information needs are examined as a whole and the projects to meet the needs are identified as well. Needs result from request to deal with problems in current procedures, perform additional tasks, and use of information technology to capitalize on existing opportunities. Needs are prioritized and put into plan for IS dept.

Analysis – Second Phase – analyst studies current procedures and info systems used to perform tasks. Sub phases – requirement determination – analyst works with users to see which systems might need to be replaced or enhanced for project. Second – study the requirements and structure according to interrelationships and eliminate redundancies.

Design – Third Phase- analyst convert alternative solutions into logical and physical system specs. Must design Input, Output to reports, databases, and computer processes. Physical and Logical design

Implementation – Fourth Phase – physical system specs in model or written specification form are turned over to programmers for the first part of implementation. Becomes an actual working system which is tested and used. Implementation process – coding, testing, and installation.

Maintenance – Fifth Phase – when system is in operation, problems occur or better ways to operate surface. Programmers make the changes and modify the systems to reflect the changes

f) Pros and cons

2) RAD (find time period developed)

Rapid Application Development – methodology that radically decreases the time needed to design and implement info systems.

a) A brief overview

RAD provides a better and cheaper way to develop information systems.

Has system developers and end users work together from the beginning

RAD is becoming a more legitimate way to develop info systems

Web based systems.

b) Briefly explain each step

Phases are same as SDLC but are combined and shortened which simplifies development.

Looks at the system being developed in isolation to other systems to eliminate time consuming activities

Coordinating existing standards and systems during design and development

End users focus on prototyping resembles JAD

RAD is different because prototyping is the basis for new system

c) Pros and cons

Pros: Increased speed of development through user involvement and prototyping. Hands on experience

Cons: reduced scalability, splits project in a number of separate time periods.


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