Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Chattahoochee Valley

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Chattahoochee Valley

May 2018 Newsletter 706-327-3239

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A Few Minutes with a Mentor

10 Tips to help you become a successful mentor

Be a friend, not a parent or authority figure. Mentors are trusted guides helping young people make positive decisions, form their own values, and realize their potential. Have realistic goals and expectations. Mentors understand that change doesn't happen overnight and that setbacks occur. Mentors empower young people to reach the goals set in their lives. Have fun. Getting to know the young person is the primary goal of any mentoring relationship. Activities such as hanging out, grabbing a bite to eat, or playing basketball, help build the relationship. Allow the mentee to have voice and choice in deciding on activities. Ask your mentee what he or she would like to do during your time together. This ensures that the young person will be interested and engaged in the activity. Be positive. Offer encouragement and assistance. When times are tough, help the young person focus on the future. Celebrate successes large and small. Let the mentee control the direction of conversations. Don't push the mentee to tell you everything at once; allow him or her time to get to know you. Be sensitive and respectful and above all keep everything the mentee says to you confidential (unless the youth plans to hurt herself or someone else). Listen. Sometimes the young person will need to vent about school, work, home, or friends. By listening more than talking you can learn a lot and build your relationship. Respect the trust the mentee places in you. Don't judge the mentee or provide unwanted advice. Reassure him that you will be there no matter what. Remember that your relationship is with the young person, not his or her parent. The focus of the match is on the youth's goals, not those of the family. At the same time, avoid passing judgment on the mentee's family. Remember that you are responsible for building the relationship. Take the initiative to keep in contact with your mentee.

Big of The Month

Meet Traci Gary. Traci has been a Big since June 2013. She was matched with Jazlyn in August 2013. Traci is a native of Columbus, Georgia and a dance teacher at Company C Academy of Dance where she teaches all styles of dance. Traci recently participated in the Alzheimer Association Dancing Stars of Columbus where she and her partner won the Judges' Choice award and assisted in exceeding fundraising goals. She feels it is important to be active in our community and believes it is something we need to instill in our youth. Traci began volunteering with BBBS because she wanted to make a difference in the life of a young person. She had no idea how her Little would also impact her life in the same way. Traci told us, "Being a Big to Jazlyn has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Watching her grow spiritually, mentally, and physically has been a true blessing. She isn't just my little, we have become family."


New Matches Knight/Lowe






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