Use your Mathematics Chart to solve each problem …

Use your Mathematics Chart to solve each problem below. Use the clues in each sentence to help you decide how to find the best answer.

1) To find out how heavy a slertnizor is, which metric unit would you use?

A. pounds B. kilometers C. kilograms D. liters

2) Which customary unit would you use to find the distance between Drimy and Tiqna.

F. kilometers G. miles H. tons J. cups

3) To find the metric amount of liquid a yaggamutt can hold, you would measure with…

A. liters B. gallons C. inches D. milligrams

4) If you wish to find the perimeter of an ortinuckle, which metric unit would you use?

F. feet G. grams H. meters J. pints

5) Bo filled a frip with water. Which metric unit would measure the amount of water?

A. inches B. milliliters C. feet D. pints

6) To find the area of a podajopt, you would first measure using which customary unit?

F. meters G. feet H. ounces J. liters

7) The razgoober is too heavy. It’s metric measurement is 56 ___________.

A. tons B. kilograms C. kilometers D. pounds

8) Bobby threw a wibbynoot, and it traveled almost 200 __________.

F. pounds G. kiloliters H. gallons J. inches

9) Amy put the romadup on the scale. It measured 34 _______

A. ounces B. quarts C. feet D. liters

10) The container of wuggyjuggle held 160 _________ of the liquid.

F. miles G. millimeters H. milliliters J. feet




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