Riding the Subway in New York


Riding the Subway in New York

Comprehension Quiz

1. You can get to which parts of New York using the subway?

a. only Manhattan

b. all five boroughs- Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island

c. Only the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn

2. In which situation do New Yorkers talk on the subway?

a. during the week of a presidential election

b. when they are coming home from work

c. when someone needs directions or to talk about a dog

3. What is the main difference between the New York City subway and the subway in other cities?

a. itʼs very noisy

b. it stays open 24 hours per day

c. it is expensive

4. If you use the subway often, which Metrocard offers the best value?

a. weekly pass

b. single-ride ticket

c. unlimited monthly pass

Idiom Questions

5. The New York City subway is in the red. What does this mean?

a. they donʼt have enough money

b. they have a surplus of money

c. they are painting all the trains red

6. If I want to cut back on my spending, I should:

a. plan a budget and stick to it

b. throw an expensive party for my friends

c. invest in the stock market

7. For most people, walking or riding a bike is second nature, this means:

a. it is a constant challenge

b. it can be done naturally, without thinking

c. it requires practice

8. To get the hang of something means to:

a. get used to it

b. learn how to avoid it

c. start to dislike it

Answer key for listening comprehension quiz:

1-c, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a, 6- a, 7-b, 8-a

Vocabulary and Idioms

1. Value (noun)- How much something is worth, based on what you can get for it.

The value of a college education is very high.

2. Figure it out (phrasal verb)- to actively find an answer

I am not sure how to change a tire, but I will figure it out.

3. Second- nature (expression)-an action or situation that is very natural

At first riding a bike was hard, then it became second-nature to me.

4. Small talk/ chit chat (noun)- an informal, casual form of conversation

New Yorkers rarely make small talk on the train or on the street.

5. Unique (adjective)-different, rare, special

The artist is unique because he uses a different style of painting that no

other artist has ever used.

6. Get the hang of something (expression) - to get used to something

At first the subway seems confusing, then you can get the hang of it.

7. Drawback (noun)- disadvantage, bad point

One of the drawbacks of living in New York is the high cost of living.

8. To cut back (phrasal verb) - to reduce

During the recession, everyone is cutting back on their spending and saving money.

9. To be in the red (idiom)- to be in debt, to have no money

The state of California will be in the red if they do not find more money


10. To be behind the times (idiom)- to be out of date, old, not modern

The computers at the school are very out of date, they were made in 1995.

11. To make a habit out of (expression)- to do something regularly

Donʼt make a habit out of eating pizza every night, it is very unhealthy.

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