WikiCurriculum - UT Liberal Arts

|Title / Content Area: |Spanish American War | |

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|Developed by: |LaTonya Amboree, Secondary Social Studies Helping Teacher, Fort Bend Independent School District (TX) | |

|Grade Level: |10th grade World History | |

|Essential Question: |What were the underlying causes of the Spanish-American War? | |

|Contextual Paragraph: |On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on | |

| |February 15, 1898. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. As a result Spain lost its | |

| |control over the remains of its overseas empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines Islands, Guam, and other islands. But, was | |

| |the sinking of the USS Maine the only cause, or was that event just the straw that broke the camel’s back? | |

| |Key Events Surrounding the Spanish-American War | |

| |1500—Spanish Colonize Cuba | |

| |July, 1845—Journalist John O'Sullivan coins the term “Manifest Destiny” | |

| |1846–1848—Mexican-American War | |

| |1861–1865—U.S. Civil War | |

| |1868–1878—Cuban War for Independence | |

| |1884–1885—Berlin Conference: Africa divided into colonies by Europe | |

| |1890- Mahan book advocates U.S. taking Caribbean as colonies | |

| |1893—Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis” | |

| |April 1898—U.S. declares war on Spain | |

| |1898—Spanish-American War ended with the Treaty of Paris | |

Annotated Resource Set (ARS)

|Resource Set |

|Former Slaves in Puerto Rico, |Teller Amendment |Imperialism Political Cartoon |Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders |The Mambises |The USS Maine |

|Leaders of the Puerto Rican |In April 1898, Senator Henry M. |Puck magazine published the |The "Rough Riders" were the most |The Mambises were Cuban guerilla |The blowing up of the battleship |

|abolitionist movement, including |Teller proposed an amendment to the|following cartoon depicting Cuba's |famous unit to fight in the |war fighters who urged the slaves |USS Maine in Havana was a critical |

|José Julián Acosta, Francisco |U.S. declaration of war against |difficult situation in the 1890s. |Spanish-American War and was the |to revolt and whose tactics led the|event on the road to the |

|Mariano Quiñones, Julio L. de |Spain that proclaimed that the | |name given to the First U.S. |Spanish to adopt inhumane |Spanish-American War. |

|Vizcarrondo, Ramón Emeterio |United States would not establish | |Volunteer Cavalry under the |reconcentration policies in Cuba. | |

|Betances and Segundo Ruiz Belvis, |permanent control over Cuba. | |leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. | | |

|waged a long struggle to end | | | | | |

|slavery on the island. | | | | | |

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|/slaves.html |/teller.html |isplay.php?mod_id=93&review=yes |/roughriders.html |/mambises.htm |/intro.html |

|Political Cartoon: Spanish |Political Cartoon: Hooray for the |Song: Awake United States |Newspaper: The San Francisco Call |Monroe Doctrine (1823) |Spanish Cruelty |

|Politeness |Fourth of July | | | | |

|The Spanish-American War is |The Spanish-American War is |This song was rushed into print |Newspaper from 1898 after the |The Monroe Doctrine signified a |Picture of Spanish colonial |

|considered the world’s first media |considered the world’s first media |between the sinking of the Maine on|sinking of the USS Maine. |departure from the U.S. policy of |cruelty in Cuba from a book by |

|war. Before the Spanish-American |war. Before the Spanish-American |February 16, 1898 and the | |isolationism. The principles he |Gonzalo de Quesada in 1896 called |

|War began, drawings depicting Spain|War began, drawings depicting Spain|declaration of war on April 25, | |laid out in the speech would |The War in Cuba. Such books aroused|

|as evil, Cuba as innocent, and |as evil, Cuba as innocent, and |1898. | |influence policy decisions |American opinion against Spain. |

|President McKinley as a coward, |President McKinley as a coward, | | |thereafter. | |

|helped rally sympathy for the Cuban|helped rally sympathy for the Cuban| | | | |

|people and fuel a pro-war feeling |people and fuel a pro-war feeling | | | | |

|in America. |in America. | | | | |

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|s.html |s.html |ections/hasm_a8934/ |ccn/sn85066387/1898-04-05/ed-1/seq-|e?collId=llac&fileName=041/llac041.|es.htm |

| | | |1/ |db&recNum=4 | |

|Foundations Annotations |

|Curriculum Connections |

|Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for World History |

|1E: Identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 1750 to 1914: the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the |

|development of modern economic systems, European imperialism, and the Enlightenment’s impact on political revolutions. |

|Curriculum Standards |

|ELA writing standards |

|Content & Thinking Objectives |

|Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for World History |

|29B: explain how historians, when examining sources, analyze frame of reference, historical context, and point of view to interpret historical events; |

|29C: Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources and examine those sources to analyze frame of reference, historical context, and point of view. |

|29F: Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, drawing |

|inferences and conclusions, and developing connections between historical events over time. |

|29G: construct a thesis on a social studies issue or event supported by evidence |

|Inquiry Activities & Strategies |

|Have a set of documents on each table, and have students examine the documents in small groups. Then, have the small groups use the documents to brainstorm a list of causes of the Spanish-American War. Give |

|students the opportunity to conduct further research on classroom computers, mobile library, or smart phones, and then have them rank the causes in order of significance. Based on their rankings, have students |

|perform a RAFT of their choice showing how their cause was instrumental in starting the Spanish-American War. |

|Assessment Strategies |

|RAFT Rubric |

| |

|4 |

|3 |

|2 |

|1 |

| |

|Accuracy |

|Information, details in RAFT always accurate. Properly reflects information, ideas, and themes related to the subject. |

|Provides accurate information in RAFT but could use more support. |

|Provides information in RAFT that has some inaccuracies or omissions. |

|Provides information in RAFT that is incomplete and/or inaccurate. |

| |

|Perspective |

|RAFT maintains clear, consistent point of view, tone, and ideas relevant to role played; ideas and information always tied to role and audience. |

|Explains how character would feel about the event(s). |

|Shows little insight into how character would feel or act during the event(s). |

|Does not accurately develop characters, thoughts or reactions to the event(s). |

| |

|Focus |

|RAFT stays on topic, never drifts from required form or type; details and information are included that are pertinent only to developed purpose. |

|Spends most of the RAFT discussing issues on topic, but occasionally strays from the focus. |

|Spends some time discussing issues off topic. |

|Spends most of RAFT on issues that do not directly deal with the RAFT chosen. |

| |

|Class Time |

|Uses class time appropriately to research the era and create well-written stories. |

|Seldom needs to be reminded to get back on task. |

|Uses library and computer time to do work for other classes and/or chat with friends or lounge on couches. |

|Treats research time as an open period to be seen chatting with friends and hanging out on the couches. |

| |

|Mechanics |

|Essay contains few to no fragments, run-on sentences; rare errors or mechanical mistakes; writing is fluent. |

|Essay contains some fragments, run-ons or other errors; occasional mistakes; writing is generally clear. |

|Essay contains several sentence errors and mechanical mistakes that may interfere with ideas and clarity of ideas in writing. |

|Essay contains mechanical mistakes; is marred by numerous errors. |

| |

|A+ (20) A (19) A- (18) B+ (17) B (16) B- (15) C+ (14) C (13) D (12) F (11 and below) |

|Other Resources |

|Web Resources |

|Library of Congress: Spanish American War in Motion Pictures |

|Spanish American War History Resources |

|Secondary Sources |

|Boorstin, Daniel J. and Brooks Mather Kelley. A History of the United States. Needham, Massachusetts: Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2005. Chapter 19: The United States and the World. Section 3: War with Spain Pages: |

|510–517 (up to “A new status for Puerto Rico”) |

|Appleby, Joyce, Alan Brinkley, Albert S. Broussard, James M. McPherson, and Donald A. Ritchie. The American Vision. New York, NY: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2003. Chapter 17: Becoming a World Power; Section 2: The |

|Spanish-American War; Pages: 527–531. |

|Danzer, Gerald, J. Jorge Klor de Alva, Larry S. Krieger, Louis E. Wilson, and Nancy Woloch. The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century (California Edition). |

|McDougal Littell, 2006.Chapter 10: America Claims an Empire; Section 2: The Spanish-American War; Pages: 346–351 |

|Ayers, Edward L. and Robert D. Schulzinger, Jesus F. de la Teja, and Deborah Gray White. American Anthem: Modern American History (California Ediion). Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2007.Chapter 7: Entering the|

|World Stage; Sections 1 & 2; Pages 200–201 and 206–212. |

|Print and Other Media Resources |

|The Crucible Empire (PBS Film) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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