Increase GDP – Mexican immigrants contribute 4% to USA GDP. Migrants learn skills in receiving country which they can transfer back home.Reduces pressure on resources (hospitals, schools, housing)Language barriers as cannot speak the native languageCultural tensions as people fear jobs are being taken – violent anti-Hispanic crime from 0.6 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older in 2011, to 2.0 per 1,000 in 2012.More taxes are paid so services can improveLoss of young adults can cause a fall in the birth rates -> this is a benefit particularly if the country is overpopulated.Migrants will do unskilled work which people don’t want to do. Migrants send money back – means it wont be reinvested into the economy.Migrants send money back home to family – this stimulates the local economy - $23 billion dollars sent back to Mexico in 2011. Cultural diversity – new foods, music, language – USA has more Spanish speakers than spainLoss of young adults can cause a fall in the birth rates -> this could mean that the future economically active will be small leading to a higher dependency ratio – birth rate is reducing in Mexico!Migrants can keep wages low for rest of nation as they will work for a cheaper price.Cheaper labour means companies make greater profits. Also, encourages industry into the area.Predominantly male, skilled workers are lost leading to family break up there will be a reduced workforce (mainly males) leading to employment shortages in some occupations (e.g. builders)Increase GDP – Mexican immigrants contribute 4% to USA GDP. Migrants learn skills in receiving country which they can transfer back home.Reduces pressure on resources (hospitals, schools, housing)Language barriers as cannot speak the native languageCultural tensions as people fear jobs are being taken – violent anti-Hispanic crime from 0.6 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older in 2011, to 2.0 per 1,000 in 2012.More taxes are paid so services can improveLoss of young adults can cause a fall in the birth rates -> this is a benefit particularly if the country is overpopulated.Migrants will do unskilled work which people don’t want to do. Migrants send money back – means it wont be reinvested into the economy.Migrants send money back home to family – this stimulates the local economy - $23 billion dollars sent back to Mexico in 2011. Cultural diversity – new foods, music, language – USA has more Spanish speakers than spainLoss of young adults can cause a fall in the birth rates -> this could mean that the future economically active will be small leading to a higher dependency ratio – birth rate is reducing in Mexico!Migrants can keep wages low for rest of nation as they will work for a cheaper price.Cheaper labour means companies make greater profits. Also, encourages industry into the area.Predominantly male, skilled workers are lost leading to family break up there will be a reduced workforce (mainly males) leading to employment shortages in some occupations (e.g. builders) ................

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