Frente Nacional Ciudadano- FRENA – FRENA

Mr. Donald Trump

President of the United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania, Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President,

I`m reaching out to you to share my concerns regarding the wellbeing of the Mexican families, including my own and of Mexico as a whole. As a Mexican citizen I must bring to you attention some important facts regarding the current President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on the event of his upcoming visit to you in the United States of America.

Although Mr. Lopez Obrador states to be a righteous neighbor to your country, I find that the hard facts and his actions contradict his so called “righteousness”. During his first 18 months in office the murder rate has escalated quickly, reaching a historical peak at 45,433 murders. Furthermore, Mr. Lopez’s non-interventionist immigration policy has left Mexico vulnerable to an overabundance of illegal immigration, as witnessed by the mass migration of Central Americans that cross our borders indiscriminately and which quite likely will represent an increase of unauthorized immigration to the United States of America.

As if this was not enough, on June 19th, 2020, Mr. Lopez Obrador confessed on his daily morning briefing, aired for the Mexican audience to witness, his confession to the felony crime of aiding and abetting a criminal, as he personally ordered the release of the world’s most wanted drug trafficker’s son. Under the Constitution of the United Mexican States, the unlawful release of a criminal gives ground for the removal, at the very least, of Mr. Lopez Obrador from office and his expected prosecution likely followed by imprisonment. My question to you is, where do Mr. Lopez´s alliances stand?

As you have proven by example, the President of a country should be known for putting the people’s wellbeing before all else, ensuring continuous financial and medical aid into the healthcare system, which hasn’t been the case under the administration of Mr. Lopez Obrador, as children are dying from cancer since Mr. Lopez Obrador took office, due to his irresponsible decision to cut healthcare funding to cancer treatment programs for children. A President who systematically deprives the most vulnerable of any aid programs, such as basic healthcare (particularly during this pandemic) cannot be called a friend.

Onto grimmer news, Mr. Lopez Obrador along with his political party, have been acknowledged by the Sao Paulo Forum as being full-fledged supporters of this expanding Castro-Chavista socialist regime in Latin America, as the source of this information is available for anyone to see on the Sao Paulo Forum’s website provided herein as you can note, listed under “Mexico”. As I’m sure you are aware, this socialist/communist organization is known for exploiting and impoverishing entire nations with their unlawful and inhumane agenda, not needing to look very far, as you very well know are the cases of Venezuela and Cuba with the more than obvious destruction this regime forced upon the people of these countries.

Mexico and its people have been and wish to continue being a close neighbor and friend to the United States of America, nevertheless Mr. Lopez Obrador poses an imminent threat to both our nations, along with the relationship between both our countries.

Neither you nor I can allow Mr. Lopez Obrador to continue disrupting the efforts of your effective governance of the United State of America nor continue the destruction and detriment of the United Mexican States. Therefore, Mr. Lopez Obrador must be removed from office as he has proven, time and time again, his inadequacy in leading our nation, resulting in the worst crisis Mexico has faced in modern history. Fortunately, the Constitution of the United Mexican States guarantees our right to call for new elections in a scenario such as this one where absolutely no positive results have been delivered.

The People of Mexico


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