Understanding By Design

Unit Design


Una Fiesta de Cumpleaños Mexicana

A Mexican Birthday Party

Developed by:

Gretchen Marshall-TothFejel

Charter Name:

Marvin L. Winans Academy of Performing Arts


Understanding by Design

Unit Design Worksheet

|Unit Title: Una Fiesta de Cumpleaños Mexicana |Subject: Spanish |

|(A Mexican Birthday Party) | |

|Topic: Birthday Celebrations in Mexico |Grade: First |Staff Name: |

| | |Señora Gretchen Marshall-TothFejel |

|Stage 1 – Desired Results |

|LITERACY GOALS (Reading/Writing): |

|1.W.7 Common Core – Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “how-to” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence|

|of instructions). |

|1.3.N.W.b Michigan World Language Content – Prepare illustrated stories (big books, posters, dioramas, cartoons) about activities or events in student’s personal |

|life, and share these with an audience. |

|4.1.N.d Michigan World Language Content – Identify basic differences and similarities in phonological features (such as pronunciation, intonation, and tone) |

|between one’s own language and the target language. |

| |

| |

|ORAL LANGUAGE GOALS (Listening/Speaking): |

|1.1.N.SL.d Michigan World Language Content – Request, offer, invite, and reply appropriately using memorized phrases. |

| |

| |


|2.1.N.F.e Michigan World Language Content – Explain the practices and significance of an important civil or religious holiday or celebration, regional holiday or |

|celebration, and personal or family holiday or celebration within a community or culture in which the target language is spoken. |

|G4.0.1 Social Studies GLCE – Use components of culture (e.g., foods, language, religion, traditions) to describe diversity in family life. |

| |

| |


|4.10 Health: Apply “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” and “I am sorry” to appropriate situations. |

|5.2.N.b Michigan World Language Content – Provide services to others in the school district through activities in the target language such as skits and/or musical |

|presentations, or by reading to others in the target language. |

| |

|Understandings: |Essential Questions: |

|Students will understand that |How are Spanish words related to parties similar or different from the English |

|Spanish and English contain similar or overlapping words and sounds. |words for the same thing? |

|they can combine phrases to create unique sentences in Spanish. |How can you include a Spanish-speaking person in a celebration or activity? |

|celebrations and get-togethers around the world have similarities and differences |How are celebrations in Mexico the same or different to your own celebrations? |

|and are important to people from all over the world. |How could you make a Spanish-speaking friend? |

|people from every culture want to be included and make friends. | |

|Students will know about |Students will be able to |

|Spanish party and invitation vocabulary. |write a how-to book about parties in Spanish. |

|forming and ordering phrases in Spanish. |invite a friend to a birthday party or an activity in a variety of ways using |

|Mexican birthday traditions, artifacts, and music. |Spanish. |

|polite words in Spanish and how to use them to make friends. |write a note to their parents about what Mexican tradition or product to include|

| |in their next family tradition. |

| |include someone from a different cultural background in an event. |

|Unit Enduring Understanding: |Unit Question: |

| | |

|Students will understand how using another language and knowing a different |How do we celebrate birthdays in different cultures? |

|culture can improve social interaction. | |

| | |

|Students will understand about how to include people from different cultural | |

|backgrounds and try out new traditions and products. | |

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Tasks: |

| |

|Goal: To create a 6 page How-to book about Mexican birthday parties with illustrations |

|Role: Event Coordinator/Party Planner |

|Audience: A family member |

|Situation: Your family is about to celebrate a birthday party for someone or get together for a family reunion. You are helping to plan the party. You have |

|invited a friend from Mexico and want to include one or two Mexican traditions or products in your party or get-together. You must convince the adults in your |

|family to go along with your idea. |

|Performance: Students create books and present them to their parents in Spanish along with ideas in English of how to enhance their next family celebration or |

|get-together with Mexican traditions or products. |

|Standard: The book must be 6 pages long with a title page and written only in Spanish with meaning-enhancing illustrations. |

|Key Criteria: |

| |

|Spanish ¡Fiestas! book/10 |

|Exceeds Mastery (11-14 points) |

|Mastery |

|(9-10 points) |

|Progressing Toward Mastery (6-8 points) |

|Limited Mastery/ |

|Needs Improvement |

|(3-5 points) |

| |

|Assignment is complete and written in Spanish only (4) |

|Title page, 6 pages, End page and invitations are complete. Extended vocabulary is used. (5) |

|Title page and 6 pages and End page are complete and contain essential vocabulary. (4) |

|Four to five pages are complete and contains limited vocabulary and/or some English (3) |

|Three or fewer pages are complete and/or the book is in English and/or a few Spanish words (2) |

| |

|Phrases make sense and relate to the topic (3) |

|Phrases are in particularly logical or interesting order and relate to the topic (4) |

|Phrases make sense and relate to the topic (3) |

|One phrase does not make sense or relate to the topic (2) |

|Two or more phrases do not make sense or do not relate to the topic (1) |

| |

|Images correspond to and add meaning to the text. A Mexican tradition or product is included (1) |

|Images correspond to and add a unique, personalized meaning to the text. A Mexican tradition/ product is included (2) |

|Images correspond to the text for all 6 pages. A Mexican tradition/product is included (1) |

|Images do not match on 1 page |

|A Mexican tradition/product is not clear. (0) |

|Images do not match on 2 pages or more. A Mexican tradition/product is not included. (0) |

| |

|Spelling is correct, Handwriting is easy to read (2) |

|Spelling and punctuation is correct and/or Handwriting is very clear and even (3) |

|Spelling is correct and/or handwriting is readable (2) |

|Spelling contains 1-3 errors and/or handwriting is somewhat hard to read (1) |

|Spellings contains 4 errors or more and handwriting is very difficult to read (0) |

| |

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|Other Evidence: |

|Before |During |After |

| | | |

|In Spanish: Brief True/False group questions using |In Spanish: Practice party invitation mini-dialog |In Spanish: Invite a friend to party in Spanish |

|party vocabulary. |with a partner. |(mini-dialog) (Whole class practices with a partner |

| | |and teacher observes and/or partner groups present to |

|In Spanish: Matching vocabulary worksheet. |In Spanish: “Maestro-Niños” flashcard game [Language |the class). |

| |Production—Student lead small groups with party | |

|In Spanish: “Slap-Happy” flashcard game of party |vocabulary]. |In English: Students will write a short note to their |

|vocabulary. [Listening Comprehension] | |parents in English about what Mexican birthday-related|

| |In Spanish: Use flashcards to create visual sentences|tradition or product they want at their next birthday |

|In English: Show images of different birthday-related |(Question Picture + Verb Picture + Food/Place |party or get-together and why. |

|products from Mexico or the United States and discuss.|Picture?) and read to a partner. | |

| | |In Spanish: Students create a 6 page mini ¡Fiestas! |

|In English: Ask for volunteers to share their |In English: Simulate a Mexican birthday party and |Book with a title page, their name, 4-5 phrases in a |

|experiences making new friends. |explore cultural traditions and products. |unique order with illustrations and an end page. |

| | | |

|In Spanish: Read the Fiesta book and ask comprehension|In Spanish: Talk with a partner about what you plan |In English: Students read their Spanish mini books to |

|questions. |to do to make a Spanish-speaking friend. |their parents as well as the English note and have a |

| | |discussion about their next party or get-together. |

| |In Spanish: Read teacher-created ¡Fiestas! Book and |Parents check off a list of completed items, sign, and|

| |ask comprehension questions. |return. |

| | | |

| |In Spanish: Students put party components in a unique| |

| |order and narrate. | |

|Describe the assessment/s and state the prompt if applicable. x F x S | | |

|What type of scoring tools will be used for evaluation? | | |

|□ Analytic rubric □ Checklist | | |

|□ Holistic rubric □ Answer Key | | |

|x Criterion rubric □ Other | | |

| | | |

|Student Self-Assessment and Reflection: |

| |

|Students will pair up and talk about the following prompts. |

|What is your favorite Mexican birthday tradition or product? |

|What did your family say about including a Mexican tradition or product during your next family event? |

|What would you do to include a Mexican or Spanish-speaking friend in your event? |

| |

|Then the teacher will choose volunteers to share what their partner said. |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Differentiated Instruction: |

| |

|In Spanish: |

|C Level (Progressing Toward Mastery – all are required) |

|1. Matching vocabulary worksheet |

|2. Reviewing flashcards with the teacher |

|3. Memorizing the model conversation and performing with teacher assistance |

| |

|B Level (Mastery) |

|(Students pick one activity each from the following clusters: 1 /2 & 3/4 & 5/6 & 7/8 and must complete 9) |

|1. Playing the teacher role in the vocabulary review flashcard game |

|2. Playing the student role in the vocabulary review flashcard game |

|3. Memorizing the model conversation and performing during partner work |

|4. Memorizing the model conversation and performing for the class |

|5. Answer comprehension questions about Fiesta book |

|6. Answer comprehension questions about teacher created ¡Fiestas! book |

|7. Share completed ¡Fiestas! book with a partner |

|8. Share completed ¡Fiestas! book with the class |

|9. Creating mini-book with title page, 4-5 phrases and end page |

| |

|A Level (Exceeds Mastery) |

|(Students must do 1 & 2, and have a choice between 3 & 4) |

|1. Changing the model conversation and performing for the class |

|2. Adding extra phrases and vocabulary to mini-book |

|3. Write questions corresponding to image prompts |

|4. Arrange images and read unique questions |

| |

|In English: |

|C Level (Progressing Toward Mastery – all are required.) |

|1. Identifying Mexican and American birthday products |

|2. Engaging in class discussion about Mexican birthday traditions and comparing them to American traditions |

|3. Watching and discussing a Cantinflas (famous Mexican comedian) Youtube clip showing a traditional mariachi serenade |

| |

|B Level (Mastery) |

|(Students pick one activity each from the following clusters: 1 /2, 3/4 & 5/ 6) |

|1. Sharing a personal experience with inviting someone or including someone with a partner |

|2. Sharing a personal experience with inviting someone or including someone with the class |

|3. Choosing two of five Mexican birthday centers for cultural exploration: |

|Watch a Youtube video of a mariachi band playing Las mañanitas and play along with shakers |

|“Fill” a piñata with pictures of traditional (nuts and fruits) and non-traditional products (candy and small toys) |

|“Make” and “decorate” a layered cake (i.e. Tres leches) using colored construction paper, markers and glue |

|“Play” table table-top soccer (fútbol) with a mini soccer ball |

|Cut out papel picado and decorate the classroom |

| |

|A Level (Exceeds Mastery) |

|(Students must do 1 and have a choice between 2 & 3) |

|Writing a note to a family member explaining what Mexican tradition or product they want at their next family event and why. |

|Sharing with the class about their discussion with a family member and if they were successful at convincing him or her or not. |

|Share with a partner about their discussion with a family member and if they were successful at convincing him or her or not. |

|Learning Activities: |

| |

|W Where are we going? Exploring the rich cultural traditions of Mexico |

|Why? Students must have the skills to work together with people who are different from them, to appreciate the traditions of others and use Spanish as a tool for |

|building relationships and including Spanish-speakers within their communities. |

| |

|H Student interested will be hooked by exploring the fun ways Mexican like to celebrate, by appealing to their emotions regarding how it feels to be left out, by|

|providing them with ways to express themselves through visual art, story-telling and drama and by empowering them to involve their parents in their Spanish |

|learning process. |

| |

|E Students will be equipped to do well on this unit through dramatic play, social games in the target language, easy-to-understand short Spanish stories, facts |

|which can be used as evidence in their discussion with parents and repeated practice of basic party and invitation vocabulary. |

| |

|R Students will be asked to rethink and revise their work through whole class and partner discussions. |

| |

|E Students will self-evaluate through journaling and a post-test reflection activity. |

| |

|T The activities allow for student choice and creating a unique product. |

| |

|O The learning sequence is organized using the calendar below. Unit is organized into 10-15 lessons for 25-50 minute periods. |

|Essential Vocabulary |

|In Spanish: |

|¿Quieres…? : Do you want to…? |

|¿Quieres…conmigo? : Do you want to…with me? |

| |

|Sí, quiero.: Yes, I want to. |

|No, no puedo.: No, I can’t. |

| |

|¡Qué ilusión!: How exciting! |

|¡Qué lástima!: What a shame! |

| |

|Por favor: Please |

|Gracias: Thank you |

| |

|invitar: to invite |

|romper: to break |

|comer: to eat |

|beber: to drink |

|decir: to say |

|comprar: to buy |

|cantar: to sing |

|bailar: to dance |

|llenar: to fill |

| |

|el parque: the park |

|la piscina: the pool |

|el patio: the backyard |

|la playa: the beach |

|el campo de fútbol: soccer field |

|la cancha de básquet: basketball court |

|el pastel: the cake |

|la magdalena: the cupcake |

|el helado: the ice cream |

|el dulce: the piece of candy |

|la galleta: the cookie or cracker |

|el taco: the hard shelled tortilla filled with meat, cheese and vegetables |

|el tamal: the cornmeal mixed with meat, cheese or chili peppers and wrapped in a corn husk |

|el asado: the barbecued meat |

|el burrito: the tortilla wrapped up and filled with meat, cheese and vegetables |

|la gordita: the deep-fried tortilla filled with meat, cheese and vegetables |

|la piñata: |

| |

|In English: |

|Cultural tradition: how people solve problems |

|Cultural product: the stuff people make to solve their problems |

|Sequencing the Learning |

|Week 1 |Monday/Tuesday |Wednesday/Thursday |Friday |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 (Extension) |

|Introduction of Vocabulary | | | |

| |Teacher introduces new birthday song Las |Las Mañanitas |Las Mañanitas |

| |Mañanitas | | |

| | |Teacher reviews essential vocabulary using |Students vote in Spanish on English |

| |Teacher introduces essential vocabulary |True/False questions answered in the whole |language culture book including |

| | |group | |

| |Students practice listening with “Slap-Happy” | |Piñata (Dale dale) |

| |flashcard game |Students complete vocabulary matching | |

| | |worksheet | |

| |Teachers and students identify Mexican and | | |

| |American birthday products |Students watch Cantinflas video clip | |

| | | | |

| | |Teacher introduces new birthday song Piñata | |

| | |(Dale dale) | |

|Week 2 |Monday/Tuesday |Wednesday/Thursday |Friday |

| |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 (Extension) |

|Model conversation and | | | |

|practice vocabulary |Las Mañanitas Teacher reviews vocabulary and |Las Mañanitas Teacher reads Fiesta book and |Las Mañanitas |

| |introduces model conversation |asks comprehension questions | |

| | | |Students vote in Spanish on English |

| |Students practice conversation with a partner |Students work in “Maestro-Niños” small groups |language culture book including: |

| | |and lead vocabulary review | |

| |Teacher leads a class discussion about how to | |Piñata (Dale dale) |

| |make a Spanish-speaking friend and include them |Talk with a partner about how to make a | |

| |in an event or activity |Spanish-speaking friend and include them in an| |

| |Piñata (Dale dale) |event or activity | |

| | | | |

| | |Piñata (Dale dale) | |

|Week 3 |Monday/Tuesday |Wednesday/Thursday |Friday |

| |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 (Extension) |

|Practice conversation and | | | |

|practice writing |Las Mañanitas Teacher introduces extended |Las Mañanitas Teacher models ways to modify |Las Mañanitas |

| |vocabulary |conversation | |

| | | |Students “read” images as questions |

| |Students work with a partner and use images to |Students are assigned to work with the teacher|and write corresponding Spanish words |

| |create unique questions. Teacher monitors and |for extra practice (conversation or |and phrases |

| |offers support. |vocabulary) or practice a modified | |

| | |conversation |Piñata (Dale dale) |

| |Students review Mexican/American birthday | | |

| |products and discuss with a partner |Modified conversations are presented | |

| |Piñata (Dale dale) |Piñata (Dale dale) | |

|Week 4 |Monday/Tuesday |Wednesday/Thursday |Friday |

| |Day 10 |Day 11 |Day 12 (Extension) |

|Create product | | | |

| |Las Mañanitas Introduce mini-book instructions |Las Mañanitas Review mini-book instructions |Las Mañanitas Students finish |

| | | |mini-books |

| |Create title page, name and pages 1-2. Teacher |Create pages 3-5 and end page. Teacher | |

| |monitors progress and offers support. |monitors progress and offers support. |Students share mini-books with a |

| |Piñata (Dale dale) |Piñata (Dale dale) |partner and/or with the class |

| | | |Piñata (Dale dale) |

|Week 5 |Monday/Tuesday |Wednesday/Thursday |Friday |

| |Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 (Extension) |

|Present conversation and | | | |

|explore culture |Las Mañanitas Practice conversation with partners|Las Mañanitas Mexican birthday culture |Las Mañanitas Reflect on unit with a |

| | |simulation |partner and share with class |

| |Perform conversation for class |Piñata (Dale dale) | |

| | | |Students lead “Slap-Happy” listening |

| |Introduce instructions for Mexican birthday | |flashcard game as teachers and |

| |culture simulation | |students |

| |Piñata (Dale dale) | |Piñata (Dale dale) |


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