Select the letter of the term, name, or phrase that best ...

Katherine Brennan

U.S. History 2 - Honors

WW1 Test

Please read all instructions before answering each part of the test. You have one class period to complete it. Accommodations for extra time will be given as necessary provided it is requested the day of the exam. Complete all work on the scantron form and/or a separate sheet of paper. Please do not write on the test papers!!

Matching: For questions 1-10, select the letter of the term, name, or phrase that best matches the description from the word bank above each group of questions. Mark the correct letter on your scantron for the corresponding question number. (3 points each)

A. Allies

B. Pacifists

C. Schenck v. United States

D. Lusitania

E. militarism

1. Affirmed the ability of the government to violate the first amendment.

2. In 1914, this alliance consisted of France, Great Britain, and Russia.

3. This long-term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy

4. This British liner was sunk by a German U-boat

5. These people opposed World War I because they perceived all wars as evil


A. Nationalism

B. Imperialism

C. Trench warfare

D. Central Powers

E. "No man's land"

6. This cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own.

7. In 1914, this alliance mainly consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

8. The control of another country through political, economic, military or social means in order to build an empire.

9. Defensive subterranean style of fighting that made its debut in WW1

10. The area between enemy trenches


A. Woodrow Wilson

B. Zimmermann note

C. Archduke Franz Ferdinand

D. Selective Service

E. Convoy system

11. His assassination sparked World War I.

12.This involved merchant vessels traveling in large groups with naval ships acting as guards.

13.This contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American people

14. drafting soldiers into the war

15. President of the United States during WW1.

True/ False: If the statement is true, mark A. If it is false, mark B (3 points each)

16. Under the War Industries Board, the nation's main wartime regulatory body, industrial production in the United States increased by about 20 percent.

17. The United States originally supplied both sides with supplies.

18. Germany entered the war because Serbia shot their Archduke.

19. Russia remained in the war until the end in 1918.

20. The Espionage and Sedition Acts extended freedom of speech protections during the war.

21. The selective service act is only in effect for women during wartime.

22. Wilson believed that freedom of the seas should be maintained for all.

23. Wilson’s 14 points included a war-guilt clause, forcing Germany alone to accept blame for the war.

24. The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany (only) to demilitarize, pay war reparations, and return territory to France.

25. Wilson stated that secret alliances and treaties should be prohibited.

Short Answer: Answer the following questions on lined paper. (5 points each)

26. Explain 2 reasons that the U.S. had for entering WW1

27. Explain 2 sacrifices civilians made to support the war effort at home.

28. How did the system of alliances escalate the war?

29. Identify 2 technological advances used in WW1 and explain how they were used.

30.What is the purpose of “daylight savings time”?


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