Date Prepared: December 19, 2019

Name: Jennifer Leigh Hunt

Office Address Home Address

Department of Pathology 13810 Marina Drive

4301 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72212

Mail Slot #517

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Little Rock, AR 72205

Work Phone: 501-686-5170

Mobile Phone: 501-416-9795

Work E-Mail: JLhunt@uams.edu

Personal E-Mail: jenhunt2000@

Work Fax: 501-296-1184

Place of Birth: DeKalb, IL


|1989 - 1993 |BA |Chemistry and French |Bryn Mawr College |

| |Magna cum laude | | |

| | | | |

|1993 – 1997 |MD |Medicine |University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine |

| | | | |

|1994 – 1997 |MEd |Higher Education |University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education|

| |With Honors | | |

Postdoctoral Training

|1998 – 2000 |Residency |Anatomic Pathology |Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania |

| | | | |

|2000 – 2001 |Fellowship |Molecular Genetic Pathology |Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania |

| | | | |

Faculty Academic Appointments

|2001 – 2005 |Assistant Professor |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and |University of Pittsburgh Medical School |

| | |Otolaryngology | |

| | | | |

|2006 – 2009 |Associate Professor |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case |

| | | |Western Reserve University |

|2009 – 2011 |Associate Professor |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |Harvard Medical School |

| | | | |

|2011 – Present |Aubrey J. Hough Jr, Endowed |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

| |Chair and Professor (with | | |

| |tenure) | | |

|2013 – Present |Professor (joint appointment)|Department of Genetics |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions

Year(s) Position Title Department Institution

| | | | |

|2001 – 2005 |Pathologist |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |

| | | | |

|2006 – 2009 |Staff Pathologist |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |Cleveland Clinic Foundation |

|2009 – 2011 |Associate Pathologist |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |Massachusetts General Hospital |

| | | | |

|2011 – present |Pathologist |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

Major Administrative Leadership Positions

|2000 – 2001 |Chief Resident Pathology |Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania |

|2002 - 2005 |Leader, Tissue Core |Oral Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |

|2002 |Educational Coordinator, Anatomic Pathology |University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |

|2004 – 2005 |Director, Molecular Anatomic Pathology |University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |

|2004 – 2005 |Director, Histology and Clinical Core |Head and Neck Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE), |

| | |University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |

|2006 – 2009 |Head, Section of Surgical Pathology |Cleveland Clinic Foundation |

|2006 – 2009 |Director, AP Molecular Diagnostics Unit |Cleveland Clinic Foundation |

|2006 – 2009 |Director, Head & Neck and Endocrine Pathology |Cleveland Clinic Foundation |

|2009- 2011 |Associate Chief of |Massachusetts General Hospital |

| |Quality and Safety | |

|2011 |Associate Chief of Anatomic and Molecular |Massachusetts General Hospital |

| |Pathology | |

|2011- present |Chair of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

|2014- 2015 |Medical Laboratory Director (CLIA) |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

|2014-2015 |Chair, Clinical Department Chairs |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

|2014- 2021 |Chief of Staff (Chief of Staff- Elect |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

| |2014-2016; past Chief of Staff 2019-21) | |

|2016- 2018 |Chair, Credentials Committee |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

|2015- present |Service Line Director, Pathology and |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

| |Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Chief) | |

|2018 - present |Co-chair, Medical Staff Professionalism |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |

| |Committee | |

Board Certification

|2001 |American Board of Pathology, Board Certification in Anatomic Pathology (time unlimited) |

|2005 |American Board of Pathology, Board Certification in Molecular Genetic Pathology (time unlimited) |

Other Certifications and Training

|2010 |Partners’ Clinical Process Improvement Leadership Program |

| |Massachusetts General Hospital (Intermountain Health Affiliate) |

|2018 |EQ-i (emotional intelligence 360 assessment) certification |

|2019 |International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACC) |

|2019 |ESCI (emotional intelligence 360 assessment) certification |

|2019 |Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner Certification |

|2019 |HeartMath Biofeedback for Healthcare Practitioners |


|1995 |United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 |

|1997 |United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 2 |

|2000 |United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 3 |

|2000 – 2006 |Pennsylvania State Medical License |

|2005 - 2011 |Ohio State Medical License |

|2009 – 2012 |Massachusetts State Medical License |

|2011- present |Arkansas State Medical License |

Education curricula developed

2018 – 2019 Faculty Leadership Engagement eXperience (FLEX)

This is an experiential, non-traditional leadership training program for high-potential faculty members who have been identified as potential leaders for internal promotion and appointment. The pilot program was designed to increase the number of women and under-represented minorities in the leadership pool.

2018 – present Unlocking the Authentic Self

This is a virtual group coaching CME program for women physicians directed at increasing confidence, decreasing burnout and improving control of impostor syndrome tendencies. As of 12/19, more 110 women have completed this program.

2019 – present Reframing Resiliency: A leadership development program for medical students

This is a live workshop for medical students to develop resiliency and control self-doubt and unhealthy perfectionism. The goal of the program is to teach tools and skills for better self-management during clinical rotations and beyond. This program was funded by a grant from the Arkansas Medical Society.

Committee Service


|University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine |

|1997 |Search Committee for Pathology Department Chair, Medical student member |

|2000 – 2001 |Graduate Medical Affairs Committee, Member |

|2000 – 2001 |House-staff Affairs Committee, Member |

|2000 – 2001 |Search Committee for Dean/Executive Vice President, Resident member |

| | |

|University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine | |

|2001 – 2005 |Residency Advisory Committee, Department of Pathology, Member |

|2001 – 2005 |Tissue Committee, Eye and Ear Institute, Member |

|2001 – 2005 |Steering Committee, Oral Cancer Center, Member |

|2005 |Scientific Retreat Planning Committee, Department of Pathology, Member |

|2005 |Task Force on Mentorship for Women, Department of Pathology, Committee Chair |

|2004 – 2005 |Quality Improvement Committee, Department of Pathology, Member |

|Cleveland Clinic |

|2006 – 2009 |Quality Committee, Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Member |

|2006 – 2009 |Hospital Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Analysis Committee, Member |

|2006 – 2009 |Hospital Medical Legal Risk Management Committee, Member |

|2006 – 2007 |5-year Review Committee for Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Member |

|2007 – 2009 |Commercialization Council, Member |

|2007 – 2009 |Laboratory Integration Committee, Anatomic Pathology, Member |

|2007 – 2008 |Search Committee for Department Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Member |

|2007 – 2008 |Search Committee for Institute Chairman, Institute of Anesthesia, Member |

|2007 – 2009 |Biorepository Committee, Member |

|2008 |5-year Review Committee for Chairman, Department of General Anesthesia, Member |

|2008 – 2009 |Clinical Experience Oversight Committee, Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine, Member |

|2008 – 2009 |Search Committee for Department Chairman, Department of General Anesthesia, Member |

|Massachusetts General Hospital |

|2009 – 2011 |Quality and Patient Safety Committee, Member |

|2009 – 2011 |Credentialing Committee, Department of Pathology, Member |

|2009 – 2011 |Clinical Research Council , Member |

|2009 – 2011 |Communicating Clinically Significant Test Results Partners Steering Committee, Member |

|2010 – 2011 |Physician Performance Assessment Steering Committee, Member |

|2010 – 2011 |Quality Oversight Committee, Member |

|2011 |Office for Women’s Careers Advisory Council, Member |

|University of Arkansas for Medical Science |

|2011 - 2013 |ICIS Steering Committee, Member |

|2011 - 2015 |Faculty Group Practice Board of Directors, Member |

|2011 - present |Council of Department Chairs, Member |

|2011 - present |Basic Science Chairs Council, Member |

|2012 – 2015 |Physician Preference Committee, Co-Chair |

|2012 – 2014 |Epic UConnect Steering Committee, Member |

|2012-2014 |Dean’s Executive Council, Elected Member |

|2012-2013 |Hospital Medical Board Executive Council, Elected Member |

|2012-2014 |Department of Radiology Chair Search Committee, Chair |

|2012-2013 |Annual Performance Review Subcommittee, Member |

|2013-2014 |Compensation Plan Subcommittee, Member |

|2013-2014 |Faculty Forward Subcommittee, Member |

|2013-present |Credentials Committee, Member |

|2013-2017 |OPPE and FPPE Subcommittee, Chair |

|2013-2015 |Council of Department Chairs, Chair-elect and Chair (elected position) |

|2013-2015 |Facilities Planning Committee, Member |

|2014-2020 |Chief of Staff-elect and Chief of Staff (elected position) and past Chief of Staff |

|2014-2018 |Hospital Medical Board Executive Committee, Member and Chair |

|2015-present |Service Line Directors’ Council, Member |

|2015-2018 |Inspection Readiness Committee, Chair |

|2016-2017 |Department of Otolaryngology Chair Search Committee, Member |

|2017-present |Patient Safety Council, (Chair 2017-18) |

|2017-2018 |Adverse Event Committee, Member |

|2017-present |Integrated Clinical Enterprise Leadership Council, Member |

|2018-2019 |Task Force for Faculty Peer Review Assessment, Member |

|2018-2019 |Cancer Institute Director Search Committee, Member |

|2018-present |Medical Staff Professionalism Committee, Co-Chair |


| | |

|1999 - 2001 |Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Member of Residency Review Committee |

|1999 – 2001 |Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Member of RRC Residents’ Council |

|2008 – present |Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Member of Grievance Council |

|2011 – 2017 |Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Member of Milestone Working Group |

|2008 |External Review Committee, Department of Pathology, University of Arizona School of Medicine |

|2010 – 2012 |Biospecimen Processing Steering Committee, Chair, National Cancer Institute |

|2010 – 2012 |Molecular Coding Committee, Member Tier 2A Panel, American Medical Association and CMS |

|2010 – 2011 |CLSI Panel on Laboratory Director Quality Assurance, Observer, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute |

|2013 – 2017 |Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, Member of Molecular Genetic Pathology Milestone Committee |

|2014 – 2017 |American Joint Committee on Cancer, Pathologist lead of Expert Panel on Endocrine tumors, for AJCC 8th edition |

| |preparation. |

|2015 – 2017 |International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting, Member of working group |


|2007 – 2009 |Austrian-American Foundation |Salzburg, Austria |

| |Course Director, Pathology Annual Review |

|2008 – present |Chernobyl Tissue Bank, |Human Cancers Study Group |

| |Member, NIH Representative to Pathology Panel |

|2010 |Terry Fox Research Institute |Vancouver, Canada |

| |Member, Grant Review Panel |

Professional Societies

|1996 – Present |United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Member | |

|2003 – 2006 |Course Director, Short Course: Molecular Anatomic Pathology |

|2004 – 2008 |Member, Vogel Award Selection Committee |

|2004 – 2010 |Member, Abstract Review Board |

|2005 – 2010 |Member, Education Committee |

|2006 – 2009 |Course Director, Short Course: Sinonasal Lesions |

|2008 – 2009 |Member, Strategic Planning Group |

|2008 |Moderator, Platform Presentation Session |

|2008 – 2012 |Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology Summer Conference |

|2009 |Chair, Vogel Award Selection Committee |

|2009 – 2011 |Member, Nominating Committee |

|2010 |Member, Stowel Orbison Award Selection Committee |

|2009 - 2012 |Course Director, Short Course: Communicating for Impact |

|2010 – 2011 |Member, Centennial Planning Committee |

|2010 – 2011 |Chair, Art of Pathology Committee |

|2010 – 2012 |Moderator, House-Staff Specialty Conference |

|2011 – 2014 |Course Director, Short Course: Molecular Breast Pathology Short Course |

|2011 – 2013 |Course Director, Introductory Molecular Pathology (special course, full-day) |

|2011 – 2013 |Member, Benjamin Castleman Award Committee |

|2012 – 2014 |Council, Elected Member |

|2012 – 2013 |Publications Committee, Council Representative Member |

|2013 – 2015 |Course Co-Director, Short Course: Head and Neck Pathology |

|2013 |Bylaws Sub-Committee Chair |

| | |

|1998 - present |College of American Pathologists, Member | |

|1999 – 2001 |Member, Residents’ Forum |

|2000 |Nominating Committee Member, Residents’ Forum |

|2000 – 2001 |Resident Member, Publications Committee |

|2002 – 2008 |Member, Publications Committee |

|2003 – 2005 |Member, Internet Editorial Board |

|2004 – 2005 |Member, Editor Search Committee for Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2006 – 2009 |Member, Archives of Pathology Committee |

|2006 – 2008 |Member, Education Committee |

|2006 – 2012 |Member, Board of Directors, College of American Pathologists’ Foundation |

|2006 – 2010 |Member, Head and Neck Pathology & Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology Checklist Subcommittees |

|2007 – 2009 |Chair, Program Committee, College of American Pathologists’ Foundation |

|2007 – 2009 |Course Director, Thyroid Pathology Controversies (CAP Annual Meeting) |

|2008 |Vice-Chair, Nominating Committee |

|2008 – 2009 |Course Director, Value Added Diagnostics (CAP Annual Meeting) |

|2008 |Course Director, Value Added Diagnostics (USCAP CAP Companion Meeting) |

|2008 – 2010 |Member, Curriculum Committee |

|2009 - 2010 |Course Director, Quality and Safety in Anatomic Pathology (USCAP CAP Companion Meeting) |

|2009 – 2011 |Member, Quality Practice Committee |

|2009 – 2009 |Secretary-Treasurer, College of American Pathologists’ Foundation |

|2010 |Acting President, College of American Pathologists’ Foundation |

|2010-2012 |President, College of American Pathologists’ Foundation |

|2012 |Member, College of American Pathologists Board of Governors (ex officio) |

|2013-2014 |Member, Council on Membership and Professional Development |

|2014-2020 |Member, Board of Governors (elected position) |

|2014-2015 |Vice Chair, Council on Scientific Affairs |

|2014-2015 |Member, Council on Accreditation |

|2014-2019 |Member, Finance Committee |

|2015-2017 |Member, Council on Governmental and Professional Affairs |

|2015-2016 |Member, Council on Membership |

|2015-2017 |Member, Alliance Management Group |

|2016-2017 |Vice Chair, Council on Accreditation |

|2017 |Member, Search Committee for Chief Executive Officer |

|2017-2020 |Chair and Vice Chair, Council on Education |

|2017-2019 |Member, Executive Committee |

|2019-2020 |Chair, Task force on Leadership Diversity |

| | |

| | |

|1998 – 2014 |American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Member | |

|1999 – 2001 |Member, Resident Physicians Section |

|2004 – 2006 |Course Director, Short Course: Squamoproliferative Lesions of the Head and Neck |

|2005 – 2009 |Course Director, Post-Graduate Course: Updates in Surgical Pathology |

|2007 |Course Director, Short Course: Controversies in Head and Neck Pathology (ASCP Annual meeting) |

|2009-2010 |Co-Course Director, Short Course: Thyroid Pathology (ASCP Annual Meeting) |

|2011 |Co-Course Director, Transformation for the Pathologist: New Roles for Pathologists in Patient Centered Care |

| | |

|2000 – Present |Association for Molecular Pathology, Member | |

|2003 – 2005 |Member, Training and Education Committee, Solid Tumor Representative (elected position) |

|2005 – 2006 |Member, Training and Education Committee, ad hoc |

|2008 – 2009 |Course Director, Post-Graduate Course: Molecular Pathology Outreach Course |

|2008 – 2010 |Training and Education Committee, Chair (elected position) |

|2008 – 2012 |Member, Executive Council |

|2009 – 2011 |Chair-Elect and Chair, Program Committee (elected position) |

|2010 – 2011 |Member, Professional Staff Oversight Committee |

|2012 |President-Elect (elected position) |

|2013 |President (elected position) |

|2013-2015 |AMP Review Course, Course Director |

|2014 |Chair, Nominating Committee |

|2014 |Member, Awards Committee |

| | |

|2002 – Present |North American Head and Neck Pathology Society, Member | |

|2009 |Chair, Award Naming Committee |

|2011 |Member, Program planning committee |

| | |

|2002 – Present |Endocrine Pathology Society, Member | |

| | |

|2003 – Present |American Thyroid Association, Member | |

| | | |

|2002 – Present |International Academy of Pathology, Member | |

|2004 |Course Director, Molecular Anatomic Pathology, Brisbane Australia |

| | | |

|2007 – Present |Asian Molecular Immunohistochemistry Society | |

|2008 |Course Director, Molecular Pathology Basic Principals; Penang, Malaysia |

|2008 |Course Director, Head and Neck Pathology Update; Penang, Malaysia |

| | | |

|2011 – Present |Association for Pathology Chairs, Member | |

|2013 - 2018 |Chair of Molecular Advocacy Subcommittee and Member of Advocacy Committee |

|2018 – present |Leadership and Diversity Subcommittee, Member |

|2019 |Co-Director of the Leadership Development Course |

Editorial Activities

Editorial Roles

|2002 – 2010 |Member, International Editorial Board Member |Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery |

|2003 |Member, Editorial Board |Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2004 |Section Editor, Head and Neck, Molecular Pathology |Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2004 – 2006 |Associate Editor |Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2006 – 2018 |Deputy Editor in Chief |Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2005 – 2008 |Member, Editorial Board |Advances in Anatomic Pathology |

|2008 – Present |Associate Editor |Advances in Anatomic Pathology |

|2006 – 2012 |Member, Editorial Board |Head and Neck Pathology Journal |

|2007 – Present |Member, Editorial Board |American Journal of Surgical Pathology |

|2006 – Present |Member, Editorial Board |Endocrine Pathology |

|2009 – 2012 |Member, Editorial Board |Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism |

|2009 – Present |Member, Editorial Board |Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

|2010 – Present |Member, Editorial Board |Journal of Molecular Diagnostics |

|2010 – 2018 |Member, Editorial Board |Human Pathology |

|2011 – 2019 |Member, Editorial Board |Modern Pathology |

|2013 – 2018 |Member, Editorial Board |Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology |

|2018 – Present |Member, Scientific Advisory Board |Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |

Ad hoc Reviewer

|Acta Cytologica |

|Archives of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery |

|Biomarkers in Medicine |

|Biotechniques |

|British Journal of Cancer |

|Cancer Cytopathology |

|Cancer Research |

|Clinical Cancer Research |

|Clinical Chemistry |

|Endocrine |

|Endocrine-Related Cancer |

|European Journal of Surgical Oncology |

|Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs |

|Expert Opinion on Molecular Diagnostics |

|Expert Review in Endocrinology and Metabolism |

|Familial Cancer |

|Head and Neck |

|Histology and Histopathology |

|Human Pathology |

|International Journal of Cancer |

|International Journal of Oncology |

|Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism |

|Journal of Clinical Oncology |

|Journal of Clinical Pathology |

|Journal of Histochemistry |

|Journal of Molecular Diagnostics |

|Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine |

|Journal of Pathology |

|Journal of Surgical Oncology |

|Journal of the S. Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine |

|Laboratory Investigation |

|Mayo Clinic Proceedings |

|Modern Pathology |

|Molecular Carcinogenesis |

|Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology |

|Oral Pathology and Medicine |

|Pathology Research & Practice |

|Pharmacogenetics |

|The American Journal of Rhinology |

|Thyroid |

Honors and Prizes

|1992 – 1993 |The Norma Bowles ARCS Scholarship |The Norma Bowles Foundation |Achievement Reward for College Scientists Scholar |

|1992 – 1996 |Beinecke Scholarship |Beinecke Foundation |National merit-based scholarship ($32,000) for graduate work. |

|1994 |Combined Degree Scholarship |University of Pennsylvania |Merit-based scholarship for Master’s Degree in Education during |

| | | |medical school training |

|1997 |Autopsy Award |United States and Canadian Academy of|Award For Best Poster Based On Autopsy Material |

| | |Pathology | |

|1998 |Jesse H. Frank, M.D., Endowed Prize|University of Pennsylvania School of |Merit-based award for best performance in pathology sessions in |

| |in Pathology |Medicine |medical school curriculum |

|2000 |Class of 2002 Award for Excellence |University of Pennsylvania School of |Teaching recognition award given by 2nd year medical school |

| |in Teaching |Medicine |students (I was the only resident recognized) |

|2002, 2004 |Annual Faculty award for Excellence|University of Pittsburgh Department |Award given by residents for Best Teaching Faculty Member in |

| |in Teaching |of Pathology |anatomic pathology |

|2004 |Award for Clinical Excellence (ACE)|University of Pittsburgh Medical |Award given for service to the health system. I was one of 8 health|

| | |Center |system physicians recognized for 2004 |

|2006 |Lansky Young Leadership Award |College of American Pathologists |Award for pathologist under the age of 50 with outstanding |

| | | |achievement and leadership in pathology |

|2008 |Distinguished Visiting Professor, |Emory University Department of |Resident selected annual lecturer and recognition award. |

| |Residents’ Choice Award |Pathology | |

|2008 |AACC Outstanding Speaker Award |American Association for Clinical |Award for excellence in teaching at a post graduate course |

| | |Chemistry | |

|2009 |“Recommended” Faculty Instructor |Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of |Award selected by medical students for highest quality instructors |

| | |Medicine of Case Western Reserve | |

| | |University | |

|2010 |Arthur Purdy Stout Prize for |Arthur Purdy Stout Society |Awarded to pathologist under the age of 45 for contributions in |

| |Pathology | |research to the clinical practice of pathology |

|2010 |President’s Honors Award |College of American Pathologists |Awarded by the CAP to an individual who has gone above and beyond |

| | | |the line of duty. |

|2011-12 |Physician Leadership Course |Massachusetts General Hospital |Selected as a participant for 2-year leadership program for |

| | | |physicians |

|2011 |Award for Excellence in Teaching |College of American Pathologists |Awarded to a pathologist who has demonstrated excellence in |

| | | |teaching medical students, residents and colleagues in continuing |

| | | |medical education sessions |

|2018 |Addy Award |Arkansas |Award for the best marketing and advertising campaign in |

| | | |healthcare, awarded to the Hand Hygiene campaign at UAMS |

|2018 |Diamond Award |Arkansas Hospital Association |Award for excellence, quality, effectiveness and impact in |

| | | |healthcare marketing, awarded to the UAMS Hand Hygiene campaign |

|2019 |Council of Deans Fellowship |AAMC Council of Deans |One of five physicians selected for this year-long fellowship |

| |Recipient | |(2019-2020) |

|2019 |Presidents Honor Award |College of American Pathologists |Honoring CAP Members who contributed to the success of the College |

|2019 |Award for Emerging Woman Leader |Group on Women in Medicine and |AAMC annual award given to a woman leader in the United States |

| | |Science | |

|2019 |Grant: Medical Student Impostor |Medical Education Foundation of |Arkansas Medical Society Grant award to run leadership development |

| |Syndrome Program |Arkansas |program for medical students at University of Arkansas for Medical |

| | | |Sciences |

Report of Funded and Unfunded Research

Funding Information


|1999 – 2005 |Core Leader, Tissue Bank Core Facility |NIH |

| | |1P60 DE13059 |

|Oral Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh, PI: Eugene N. Myers | |

| |

|2004-2009 |Core Leader, Histology and Tissue Bank Core |NIH |

|Head and Neck Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) University of Pittsburgh, Co-PI: Jennifer | |

|Grandis & Eugene Myers | |

| |

|2004 – 2007 |Collaborator |NIH |

| | |1R01CA111806-01 |

|Molecular Staging Of Lymph Nodes In Head And Neck Cancer, University of Pittsburgh , PI: Tony Godfrey | |

| |

|2004 – 2006 |Collaborator |NIH |

| | |R21 DE 01 5856 |

|Molecular Profiling of Oral Cancer Aggressiveness and Outcome, University of Pennsylvania, PI: Barry Ziober | |

Post-Graduate Continuing Medical Education (Institution)

|2006 – 2008 |Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology |3 presentations |

|Cleveland Clinic Post-Graduate Course |Cleveland, OH |Cleveland Clinic |

|2006 – 2009 |Communicating for Impact: Presentation Skills for the Medical |6 presentation sessions, 8 hours each session |

| |Professional | |

|Cleveland Clinic Academy |Cleveland, OH |Cleveland Clinic |

|2006 – 2009 |Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator |4 presentation sessions, 5 hours each session |

|Cleveland Clinic Academy |Cleveland, OH |Cleveland Clinic |

|2009 |Head and Neck Pathology, Squamous lesions |1 hour lecture |

|Harvard/MGH post graduate course |Boston, MA |Massachusetts General Hospital |

|2010 |Sinonasal lesions & Squamous lesions |2 hour lecture |

|Harvard/MGH post graduate course |Boston, MA |Massachusetts General Hospital |

|2012 |Squamous lesions and Salivary gland tumors |2 hour lecture |

|Harvard/MGH post graduate course in Head |Boston, MA |Massachusetts General Hospital |

|and Neck Pathology | | |

Invited Teaching and Presentations

Named Lectureships/Keynote speaker

2003 From FNA to DNA Keynote Speaker

William Beaumont DNA Symposium, Detroit, MI

2008 Molecular Head and Neck Pathology Annual Hill Lecturer

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

2008 Papillary Carcinoma: From Paraffin to PCR Pritzker Memorial Lecturer

Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada

2009 Molecular Darwinism Resident Award speaker

Emory University Department of Pathology

2010 Endocrine Pathology Keynote Speaker

Resident Research Day, University of Florida

2010 Pathology Resident Graduation Keynote speaker

Penn State, Hershey Medical Center

2011 Molecular Oncology Testing Frontiers in Oncology

Beth Israel Hospital, New York City

2012 Lessons from Virchow Keynote speaker

Association of Directors of Surgical and Anatomic Pathology Annual Meeting

2012 Molecular Pathology in the Genomic Era Frank Memorial Lecturer

Resident Research Day, McMaster University, Ontario Canada

2012 Head and Neck Pathology Case Presentation Founders Lecture

American Association of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology

Minneapolis, MN

2012 Molecular Pathology in the Genomic Era Philip Holsten Memorial Lecture Stanford University Department of Pathology (Resident Choice Lecturer)

2013 Molecular and Head and Neck pathology Gordon R. Henniger Lecture

South Carolina Society of Pathologists

Asheville, NC

2014 Thyroid Pathology: From FNA to DNA Hou Pao-Chang Medical Memorial

Hong Kong University Lecture

Hong Kong

2014 Molecular Anatomic Pathology Dr. Nancy Bucher Lecture

Boston University School of Medicine

Boston, MA

2014 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Keynote Speaker

Association for Pathology Assistants

New York, NY

2014 #SelfieSunday #TransformationTuesday Keynote Speaker


Path Visions Conference

San Francisco, CA

2014 Thyroid Pathology in the Molecular Era Paul Kneafsey Lectureship

University of Calgary

Calgary, Canada

2015 Molecular Pathology: Just the Facts Benson Lectureship

University of North Carolina

Annual Pathology Symposium

Chapel Hill, NC

2015 Louisiana State University Emma Moss Lectureship

New Orleans, LA

2017 Royal College of Pathologists Eva Raik Lecture

Sydney Australia

2019 SHE Summit Keynote Speaker

Dallas, TX

2019 University of Pennsylvania James E. Wheeler Lectureship

Resident Choice Speaker

Philadelphia, PA

2020 TEDx UAMS Keynote Speaker

Selected speaker

Little Rock, AR (to be held February, 2020)

Local Invited Presentations

2002 Introduction to Pathology University of Pittsburgh

Grand rounds, Peri-Operative Services

2002 Thyroid Pathology University of Pittsburgh

Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine

2002 Follicular Thyroid Tumors: FNA to DNA University of Pittsburgh

Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology

2002 Update on Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma University of Pittsburgh

Grand Rounds, Department of Endocrinology

2003 Follicular Thyroid Tumors in the Molecular Era University of Pittsburgh

Grand Rounds, Department of Pathology

2004 DNA Profiler: The Search of the Killer Genes University of Pittsburgh

Department Scientific Retreat, Dept. of Pathology

2007 Challenges in Thyroid Molecular Pathology Cleveland Clinic

Thyroid Club, Endocrine Institute

2008 Paraffin \Embedded Tissue and Oncogenes Cleveland Clinic

Molecular Education Series, Pathology Institute

2010 Molecular Testing in Thyroid Tumors Massachusetts General Hospital

Endocrine Oncology Conference, Department of Endocrinology

2012 Precision medicine and diagnostics University of Arkansas (UAMS)

Chancellor’s Vision 2020 Retreat: Patient Centered Medicine

2012 Lung cancer molecular genetics University of Arkansas (UAMS)

Lung Cancer Symposium

Little Rock, AR

2013 Therapeutic and prognostic biomarkers University of Arkansas (UAMS)

Rockefeller Cancer Institute Grand Rounds

2013 Molecular testing in Oncology Specimens University of Arkansas (UAMS)

Surgery Department Grand Rounds

Regional Invited Presentations

2002 Molecular Carcinogenesis in Thyroid Tumors Visiting Professor

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

2004 Adjunctive Molecular Testing Prenatal Diagnostics Invited Speaker

Pittsburgh Cytogentics Club, Pittsburgh, PA

2006 Molecular Anatomic Pathology: An Update on Testing Invited Speaker

Pittsburgh Pathology Society, Pittsburgh, PA

2006 Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Invited Speaker

Cleveland Society of Pathologists, Cleveland, OH

2006 Specialized Testing in Molecular Pathology Visiting Professor,

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

2007 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology (3 sessions) Invited Speaker

Ohio Society of Pathologists, Columbus, OH

2010 Endocrine Pathology Visiting Professor

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

2010 Molecular Diagnostic Pathology Visiting Professor

Berkshires Medical Center

2010 Quality and Safety in Pathology Visiting Professor

University of Massachusetts Department of Pathology

2011 Assessing Physician Competency Visiting Professor

Bay-State Department of Pathology

2011 Lung Cancer Molecular Testing Invited Speaker

Massachusetts Society of Pathology

National Invited Presentations

2002 Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

Department of Defense

National Cancer Registrars’ Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN

2003 Breast and Melanoma Pathology Invited Speaker

Department of Defense

National Cancer Registrars’ Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA

2004 Benign and Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors Invited Speaker

American Society of Clinical Pathology Teleconference Series

2004 Validation and Clinical Testing of RNA from Paraffin Samples Invited Speaker

Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA

2005 Unmasking the Follicular Thyroid Genotype Invited Speaker

Endocrine Pathology Society Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio, TX

2005 Pathways and Precursors for Pathology Carcinoma Visiting Professor

University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL

2005 Papillary Carcinoma: Pathways, Precursors, and Prognosis Visiting Professor

Weill Cornell Medical School, New York, NY

2006 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsies for Head and Neck Cancer Invited Speaker

North American Head and Neck Society Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Atlanta, GA

2006 EGFR Testing in 2006: Which Tumors, Which Assays? Invited Speaker

Association for Molecular Pathology Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio, TX

2006 Difficult Diagnoses in Salivary Gland Pathology Invited Speaker

Nebraska Pathology Society, Omaha, NE

2006 Thyroid Pathology Update Visiting Professor

University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE

2006 Basic Molecular Pathology Techniques Invited Speaker

Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

Pacific Northwest Pathology Society, Seattle, WA

2006 Head and Neck and Molecular Pathology Visiting Professor

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

2006 Loss of Heterozygosity Testing Course Faculty

Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting Workshop

2006 Molecular Testing in Solid Tumors Course Faculty

Pathology Outreach Course

Association for Molecular Pathologists, Orlando, FL

2007 The Basics of Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Texas Pathology Society, Dallas, TX

2007 Grading of Salivary Gland Tumors Invited Speaker

New York State Pathology Society, New York, NY

2007 When Things Go Wrong in Surgical Pathology Invited Speaker

Floaters and Carry-Over Artifacts

Tucson Symposium, Ventana Medical Systems

2007 Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Visiting Professor

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

2007 Grading and Mis-Grading of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Visiting Professor

University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, IL

2007 New Technologies: Identifying Oncogenes Invited Speaker

William Beaumont DNA Symposium, Detroit, MI

2007 Microsatellite Instability Testing Invited Speaker

Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA

2007 Molecular Pathology for the Anatomic Pathologist Invited Speaker

Maryland State Pathology Society, Baltimore, MD

2007 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Grading and Mis-grading Visiting Professor

Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

2008 Molecular Anatomic Pathology Course Faculty

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology

Practical Pathology Seminars, Clearwater, FL

2008 Identity Testing in Surgical Pathology Invited Speaker

College of American Pathologists Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Denver, CO

2008 Molecular Testing in Head and Neck Cancer Invited Speaker

North American Head and Neck Society Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Denver, CO

2008 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: From Paraffin to PCR Visiting Professor

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

2008 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Paraffin to PCR Visiting Professor

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

2008 Fixatives: Quibbling about Quality and Quantity Invited Speaker

Food and Drug Administration

Biospecimen Processing Consensus Conference, Washington, DC

2008 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

Arizona Society of Pathology, Phoenix, AZ

2008 Molecular Pathology Training Program Update Invited Speaker

G-2 Molecular Diagnostics Conference, Boston, MA

2008 Papillary Carcinoma: Paraffin to PCR Visiting Professor

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

2008 Biomarkers: Adding Value to Diagnostics Invited Speaker

Futurescape Conference

College of American Pathologists Foundation, Chicago, IL

2008 My Approach to Follicular Thyroid Lesions Invited Speaker

Houston Pathology Society, Houston, TX

2008 Childhood Thyroid Tumors Invited Speaker

Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX

2008 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

Tri-State Resident Education Day

Louisiana State Health Sciences University, Shreveport, LA Invited Speaker

2009 Thyroid Pathology and Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Florida State Pathology Society, Orlando, FL

2009 Head and Neck Pathology and Quality in Surgical Pathology Invited Speaker

Current Issues in Surgical Pathology

University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX

2009 Papillary Carcinoma: Convictions & Conventions Invited Speaker

Yale University Department of Pathology, New Haven, CT

2009 My Approach to Follicular Thyroid Tumors Invited Speaker

Ball Memorial Hospital Department of Pathology, Muncie, IN

2009 Papillary Carcinoma: Convictions & Conventions Invited Speaker

New York University Department of Pathology, New York, NY

2009 – 2010 Quality Assurance in Anatomic Pathology Moderator, Speaker

CAP Companion Meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Washington, DC

2010 Unusual Endocrine Tumor Pathology Invited Speaker

Head and Neck and Endocrine Specialty Conference

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Washington, DC

2010 OPPE and FPPE: A Survey of Academic Pathology Centers Invited Speaker

Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology

Annual meeting, Washington, DC

2010 HPV in Oral Cancers: Clinical Applications Invited Speaker

AMP Companion meeting

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Washington DC

2010 Molecular Darwinism in Biomarkers Invited Speaker

CAP Residents Forum Annual Meeting, Washington DC

2010 Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

University of Illinois at Chicago

2010 Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

University of Texas San Antonio

2010 Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

Wilford Hall, San Antonio

2010 Endocrine and Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

University of New Mexico

2010 Endocrine and Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

Ohio State Post-Graduate Course in Pathology

2010 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

University of Arkansas Post-Graduate Course in Pathology

2010 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

Tri-State Resident Education Day, University of Arkansas

2010 Molecular Pathology in Cytopathology Invited Speaker

American Society for Cytopathology

2010 Quality and Safety in Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA

2010 Molecular Testing in Solid Tumors Invited Speaker

Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA

2011 Leveraging Hawthorne to improve quality Visiting Professor

University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX

2011 Molecular Pathology Basics and Applications Visiting Professor

University of Hawaii, Honolulu

2011 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Invited Speaker

Oklahoma Society of Pathology

2011 Pathology Patient Consultation: Beyond the Microscope Invited Speaker

American Pathology Foundation

Las Vegas, NV

2011 Direct Patient Consultation: A new model Invited Speaker

Futurescape of Pathology, CAP Foundation

Chicago, IL

2011 Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

University of California San Francisco Post-Graduate Course

San Francisco, CA

2011 Quality Assurance in Anatomic Pathology Invited Speaker

Cleveland Clinic Foundation Innovations in Quality and Safety Forum

Cleveland, OH

2011 Molecular Testing in Thyroid Tumors Invited Speaker

American Thyroid Association

Palm Springs, CA

2011 Molecular Testing in Anatomic Pathology Invited Speaker

Southeastern Association of Pathology Chairs

Houston, TX

2012 Thyroid Tumors and Molecular Oncogenesis Invited Speaker

Milwaukee Area Pathologists

Mikwaukee, WI

2012 Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

Montana Society of Pathologists

Billings, MT

2012 Salivary Gland Tumors Invited Speaker

Harvard Head and Neck Pathology Course

Boston, MA (July)

2012 Molecular Thyroid Pathology: Esoteric or Routine? Invited Speaker

Geisinger Clinic

Danville, PA

2012 The Future of Pathology Invited Speaker

MGMA Annual Meeting

San Antonio, TX

2012 Workshop leader Invited Speaker

Association for Pathology Chairs Annual Meeting

Monterey CA (July)

2012 Molecular Testing in Solid Tumors Course Faculty

Pathology Outreach Course

Association for Molecular Pathologists, Long Beach CA

2012 Molecular Testing in Breast Cancer Invited Speaker

Lynn Sage Annual Breast Cancer Conference

Chicago, IL

2012 Thyroid Pathology and Biomarkers Invited Speaker

Oregon Society of Pathologists

Portland, OR

2012 Thyroid Pathology Invited Speaker

California Society of Pathologists

San Francisco, CA

2012 Molecular Pathology Main Speaker

California Tumor Registry

San Francisco, CA

2012 Anatomic Pathology in the Molecular Era Visiting Professor

University of Florida, Shands Hospital

Jacksonville, FL

2013 Molecular and Head and Neck Pathology Visiting Professor

Baylor University

Dallas, TX (February)

2013 Molecular Head and Neck Invited Speaker

Association for Investigative Pathology Workshop

USCAP Meeting, Baltimore MD (March)

2013 Lung Cancer Molecular Testing Update Invited Speaker

North Texas Society of Pathology

Dallas, TX (March)

2013 National Pathology Organization Session Panel Speaker

College of American Pathologists, Policy Meeting

Washington, DC (May)

2013 Molecular Pathology and Head and Neck Pathology Visiting Professor

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA (June)

2013 Salivary Gland Tumors Invited Speaker

Harvard Head and Neck Pathology Course

Boston, MA (July)

2013 Make Your Own Adventure in Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Geisinger Hospital and Clinic

Danville, PA (September)

2013 Molecular and Head and Neck Pathology Visiting Professor

University of Hawaii Pathology Department (November)

2013 Breast Cancer Molecular Diagnostics Invited Speaker

University of Hawaii Breast Cancer Course

Honolulu, HI (November)

2014 Thyroid Pathology: From FNA, to DNA, to CPT Visiting Professor

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT (March)

2014 Cancer Biomarkers Panel Speaker

Methodist Hospital

Houston, TX (March)

2014 Molecular Pathology Visiting Professor

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Pittsburgh, PA (April)

2014 Pitfalls in Early Head and Neck Neoplasia Invited Speaker

New York Pathology Society

New York, NY (May)

2014 National Pathology Organization Session Panel Speaker

College of American Pathologists, Policy Meeting

Washington, DC (May)

2014 Basic Techniques in Molecular Diagnostics Invited Speaker

Beaumont Molecular Symposium

Detroit, MI (September)

2014 Women in Leadership Symposium Invited Speaker

American Society for Clinical Pathology (moderated by Barbara Pierce Bush)

Tampa, FL (September)

2014 Molecular and Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

California Society of Pathology

San Francisco, CA (December)

2015 Texas Pathology Society Invited Speaker

San Antonio, TX (January)

2015 University of Texas, Medical Branch Visiting Professor

Galveston, TX (January)

2015 Montefiore Medical Center Visiting Professor

New York, NY (April)

2015 Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Speaker

San Diego, CA (April)

2015 University of North Carolina Speaker

Pathology Annual Seminar

Durham, NC (May)

2015 Annual Pathology Seminar Keynote Speaker

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI (November)

2015 Michigan State Pathology Society Keynote Speaker

Detroit, MI (December)

2016 Paul Bozzo Educational Conference in Pathology Invited Speaker

Aspen, CO (February)

2016 United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Speaker

Long Course, Head and Neck Pathology

Seattle, WA (March)

2016 Papanicolaou Society Companion Meeting Speaker

Coding and Reimbursement in Pathology

Seattle, WA (March)

2016 United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Speaker

Practice Changers Workforce Issues in Pathology

Seattle, WA (March)

2016 United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Speaker

Practical Pathology Seminars

New Orleans, LA (April)

2016 Case Western Reserve University Visiting Professor

Department of Pathology

Cleveland (May)

2016 Tulsa Cancer Symposium Speaker

Tulsa, OK (September)

2016 Stevens Healthcare Symposium Panelist

Nashville, TN

2017 Pathology Educational Symposium Speaker

San Diego, CA

2017 United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Speaker

Diagnostic Pathology

Novia Scotia, Canada (July)

2018 Boston University Invited Speaker

Pathology in the Era of Health Reform

Boston, MA

2018 South Bay Pathology Society Keynote Speaker

Head and Neck Pathology

Monterey, CA

2018 Pittsburgh Pathology Symposium Invited Speaker

Head and Neck Pathology

Pittsburgh, PA

2019 University of New Mexico Visiting Professor

Sickle cells, Truck stops, and the Gender Gap in Leadership in Medicine

Albuquerque, NM

2019 Harvard Women’s Leadership Conference Invited Speaker

Improving confidence and overcoming impostor tendencies

Boston, MA (to be held November)

2020 Women Physicians Wellness Retreat Invited Speaker

Improving confidence and overcoming impostor tendencies

Phoenix, AZ (to be held January, 2020)

2020 Women of Neurology Annual Conference Invited Speaker

Reframing resiliency: Improving self-confidence and decreasing burnout

Florida (to be held March, 2020)

2020 American Medical Women’s Association Invited Speaker

Reframing resiliency: Improving self-confidence and decreasing burnout

Indianapolis, IN (to be held March, 2020)

International Invited Presentations

2005 Molecular Pathology & Head and Neck Pathology Invited Speaker

Australasia Pathology Convention; Sydney, Australia

2005 Diagnosis of Follicular Thyroid Tumors Visiting Professor

University of Western Australia, Perth Australia

2006 Basic Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Tokyo Satellite Symposium; Tokyo, Japan

2006 Molecular Pathology for Tumor Pathology Invited Speaker

16th International Congress on Microscopy; Sapporo, Japan

2006 Head and Neck Symposium Course Faculty

International Academy of Pathology; Montreal, Canada

2006 Molecular Endocrine Pathology Course Faculty

International Academy of Pathology; Montreal, Canada

2007 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Course Faculty

Scientific Symposium International

Course in Surgical Pathology

2007 Loss of Heterozygosity Testing: Pitfalls and Challenges Invited Speaker

Asian International Academy of Pathology; Singapore

2007 Starting a Molecular Laboratory Invited Speaker

Asian Molecular Immunohistochemical Society; Singapore

2007 Hereditary Gastric Carcinomas Invited Speaker

Asian Molecular Immunohistochemical Society; Singapore

2008 Biomarkers: Value Added Diagnostics Invited Speaker

Hong Kong Academy of Pathology; Hong Kong

2008 My Approach to Thyroid Follicular Lesions Invited Speaker

Singapore National Hospital; Singapore

2008 Papillary Carcinoma: Precursors and Pathways Invited Speaker

Singapore Medical Society; Singapore

2008 Molecular Pathology: Basic Principles Invited Speaker

Asian Molecular Immunohistochemistry Society; Malaysia

2008 Molecular Pathology of Endocrine System Course Faculty

International Academy of Pathology; Athens, Greece

2008 Endocrine Pathology Update Course Faculty

International Academy of Pathology; Athens, Greece

2009 Head and Neck and Endocrine Pathology Course Faculty

Scientific Symposium International

Course in Surgical Pathology

2011 Inflammatory and autoimmune salivary gland diseases Course Faculty, moderator

European Society of Pathology Annual Meeting

2012 Follicular thyroid tumors Course Faculty

Royal College of Pathologists; Sydney, Australia

2012 Molecular Anatomic Pathology Course Faculty

Royal College of Pathologists; Sydney, Australia

2012 Review & Recent Advances in Pathology Course Faculty

Royal College of Pathologists; Sydney, Australia

2012 Diving into DNA: Molecular Pathology Invited Speaker

Hammersmith College Pathology Department; London, England (April)

2013 Tumors at the interface of benign and malignant Invited Speaker

Hong Kong Association of Pathology (August)

2013 An update on Head and Neck Tumors Visiting Professor

Singapore General Hospital (August)

2013 Molecular Pathology Basics and Techniques Invited Speaker

Turkish Pathology Society, Molecular Course

Istanbul, Turkey (September)

2013 Updates in Salivary Gland Pathology Visiting Speaker

University of Basel, Switzerland (September)

2014 Head and Neck Molecular Pathology Keynote Speaker

International Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Istanbul, Turkey (May)

2014 Head and Neck, Quality Assurance, Speaker & Convener

& Molecular Pathology

International Academy of Pathology

Bangkok, Thailand (September)

2014 University of British Colombia Keynote speaker

Resident Research Day

Calgary, Canada (October)

2016 Puerto Rico Pathology Society Invited speaker

Puerto Rico (April)

2016 Polish Pathology Society Invited speaker

Warsaw, Poland (June)

2016 University of Mexico Keynote speaker

Mexico City (December)

2017 Canadian Anatomic and Molecular Pathology Invited speaker

Whistler, BC (February)

2017 Royal College of Pathology Keynote speaker

Sydney, Australia (February)

2017 Chinese Academy of Pathology Invited speaker

Head and Neck Seminar

Shanghai, China (April)

2018 MedLab Asia Invited speaker

Point of Care and Molecular Laboratories

Singapore (March)

2019 MedLab Middle East Invited speaker

Molecular techniques in microbiology

Dubai (January)

2020 Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting Invited Speaker

Leadership in Pathology Workshop

Nova Scotia, Canada (to be held June, 2020)

Report of Scholarship

Peer Reviewed Research Investigations

1. Hunt JL, Gannon FH, Rosato EF, Siegelman ES, Tomaszewski JE, LiVolsi VA. A Non-epithelial pseudosarcomatous mural nodule in a mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas: Immunohistochemistry, Electron Microscopy, and Imaging studies. International Journal of Surgical Pathology, 5(1&2):43-48, 1997.

2. Hunt JL, Baloch Z, Judkins A, LiVolsi VA, Montone KT, Gupta PK. Unique Cytomegalovirus intracytoplasmic inclusions in ectocervical cells on a cervical/endocervical smear. Diagnostic Cytopatholog,y 18(2):110-112, 1998.

3. Hunt JL, van de Rijn M, Gupta PK. Immunohistochemical analysis of gel-transferred cells in cytologic preparations following smear division. Diagnostic Cytopathology, 18(5):377-80, 1998.

4. Gougoutas CA, Siegelman ES, Hunt JL, Outwater EK. Pelvic endometriosis: various manifestations and MR imaging findings. American Journal of Radiology, 175(2):353-8, 2000.

5. Vojta CL, Hunt JL, Horowitz DA. Singultus-induced ventilatory failure. Clinical Geriatrics, 8(9):48-53, 2000.

6. Seldes RM, Tan V, Hunt JL, Katz M, Winiarsky R, Fitzgerald RH. The Anatomy, Histologic features, and Vascularity of the Adult Acetabular Labrum. Clinical Reviews in Orthopedics, 382:232-24, 2001.

7. Outwater EK, Siegelman ES, Hunt JL. Ovarian Teratomas: tumor types and imaging characteristics. Radiographics, 21(2):475-90, 2001.

8. Pretorius ES, Outwater EK, Hunt JL, Siegelman ES. Magnetic resonance imaging of the ovary. Topographic Magnetic Imaging, 12(2):131-146, 2001.

9. Rolston R*, Sasatomi E, Hunt JL, Swalsky PA, Finkelstein, SD. Distinguishing de novo second cancer formation from tumor recurrence: Mutational fingerprinting by microdissection genotyping. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 3(4);129-132, 2001.

10. Hunt JL, Fairman R, Mitchell ME, Carpenter JP, Golden M, Khalapyan T, Wolfe M, Neschis D, Milner R, Scoll B, Cusack A, Mohler III ER. Bone Formation In Carotid Plaques: A Clinicopathologic Study, Stroke, 33:1214-1219, 2002.

11. Taylor R, Vergilio JA, Shapiro M, Raizen D, Hunt JL, McGrath CM, Rook A, Bagg A. T-cell receptor gamma-chain gene PCR to diagnose CNS involvement by cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Journal of Molecular Diagnosis, 4(2):118-120, 2002.

12. Hunt JL, Lynn AAA. Histologic features of surgically removed fallopian tubes. Archives of Pathology, 126(8):951-955, 2002.

13. Soma L, Allen M, Tobin L, Ganster C, Hunt JL, Kricka L, Senior M, Kao A. CA-125 Levels in patients awaiting cardiac transplantation. Clinical Chemistry, 48(12):2289-90, 2002.

14. Khalid A*, Hunt JL, Perloff JR, Kennedy DW. The role of bone in chronic rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope, 112(11):1951-7, 2002.

15. Hunt JL, Baloch ZW, Barnes EL,. Swalsky PA, Trusky CL, Sasatomi E, Finkelstein SD, LiVolsi VA. Loss of heterozygosity of tumor suppressor genes in cytologically atypical areas in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Endocrine Pathology, 13(4):321-30, 2002.

16. Hunt JL, Barnes EL. Non-tumor associated psammoma bodies. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 119:90-94, 2003.

17. Hunt JL, LiVolsi VA, Baloch ZW, Barnes EL, Swalsky PA, Murphy JE, Sasatomi E, Thomson JW, Finkelstein SD. Microscopic papillary carcinoma (1 cm) by loss of heterozygosity patterns. American Journal of Surgical Pathology,27(2):159-166, 2003.

18. Hunt JL, Swalsky P, Sasatomi E, Niehouse L, Bakker A, Finkelstein SD. A microdissection and molecular genotyping assay to confirm the identity of tissue floaters in paraffin embedded tissue blocks. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 127(2):213-217, 2003.

19. Hunt JL, LiVolsi VA, Baloch ZW, Swalsky PA, Bakker A, Sasatomi E, Finkelstein SD, Barnes EL. A novel microdissection and genotyping of follicular derived thyroid tumors to predict aggressiveness. Human Pathology, 34(4):375-380, 2003.

20. Pitsilos S, Hunt JL, Mohler ER, Khalapyan TZ, Wolfe ML, Fairman R, Mitchell M, Carpenter J, Golden M, Cines DB, Sachais BS. Immunohistochemical Localization of Platelet Factor 4 in Carotid Plaques. Thrombosis & Haemostasis. 90(6):1112-20, 2003.

Simons JP*, Hunt JL, Johnson JT. Granular cell tumor of the tongue with overlying pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (Clinical Problem Solving). Archives of Otolaryngology, 129:127-8, 2003.

21. Nayak JV*, Molina JT, Smith JC, Branstetter C, Hunt JL, Snyderman CH. Myoepithelial neoplasia of the submandibular gland: Case report and therapeutic considerations. Archives of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, 129(3):359-62, 2003.

22. Milne H*, Ionescu D, Barnes EL, Myers EN, Hunt JL. Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the larynx (clinical problem solving). Archives of Otolaryngology, 129(3):370,372, 2003.

23. Williamson G*, Rao U, Myers EN, Hunt JL. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (clinical problem solving). Archives of Otolaryngology, 129(4):486, 2003.

24. Nodit L*, Hunt JL. Angiosarcoma of the scalp (clinical problem solving). Archives of Otolaryngology, 129(5):418-421, 2003.

25. Hunt JL, Tomaszewski JE, Montone KT. Prostatic carcinoma metastatic to the head and neck. Head and Neck, 26(2):171-8, 2004.

26. Hunt JL, Tometsko M, LiVolsi VA, Swalsky PA, Finkelstein SD, Barnes EL. Molecular evidence of anaplastic transformation in co-existing well differentiated and anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 27(12):1559-64, 2003.

27. Hunt JL, Yim JH, Tometsko M, Finkelstein SD, Swalsky PA, Carty SE. Loss of heterozygosity of the VHL gene identifies malignancy and predicts death in follicular thyroid tumors. Surgery, 134(6):1043-7, 2003.

28. Hunt, JL, LiVolsi VA, Barnes, EL. P63 expression in sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinomas with eosinophilia arising in the thyroid. Modern Pathology, 17(3), 2004.

29. Sheikh HA*, Tometsko J, Niehouse L, Aldeeb D, Swalsky P, Finkelstein S, Hunt JL. Molecular Genotyping of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Can Predict Tumor Recurrence. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 28(1):101-6, 2004.

30. Hunt JL, Fowler MH, Lomago D, Niehouse L, Sasatomi E, Swalsky P, Finkelstein S. Tumor Suppressor Gene Allelic Loss Profiles of the Variants of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 13(1):41-46, 2004.

31. Agaram NP*, Collins BM, Barnes EL, Lomago D, Aldeeb D, Swalsky P, Finkelstein SD, Hunt JL. Molecular analysis to demonstrate that odontogenic keratocysts are neoplastic. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 128(3):313-7, 2004.

32. Zhang X, Hunt JL, Landsittel DP, Adler-Storthz K, Shin DM, Chen ZG. A negative impact of protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) on lymph node metastasis via induction of differentiation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Clinical Cancer Research, 10(24):8451-9, 2004.

33. Wang J, Xi L, Hunt JL, Whiteside TL, Godfrey TE, Ferris RL. Coordinate expression of chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6) and CCR7 in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck—Identification of a metastatic phenotype. Cancer Research, 64(5):1861-6, 2004.

34. Nodit L*, Barnes L, Childers E, Finkelstein SD, Swalsky P, Hunt JL. Allelic loss of tumor suppressor genes in ameloblastic tumors. Modern Pathology, 17(9):1062-7, 2004.

35. Hunt JL, Finkelstein SD. Microdissection techniques for molecular testing in anatomic pathology. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 128(12):1372-8, 2004.

36. Paner JP*, Hunt JL, Ciesla M, DeJong S, LiVolsi VA. Simultaneous diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Endocrine Pathology, 15(1):77-82, 2004.

37. Carrau RL, Aydogan B, Hunt JL. Chondrosarcoma of the Sphenoid Sinus Resected by an Endoscopic Approach. American Journal of Otolaryngology, 25(4):274-277, 2004.

38. Silvestri SB*, Carrau RL, Peel R, Hunt JL. Spindle cell carcinoma of the larynx with actinomyces osteomyelitis and tracheitis: report of a case and review of the literature. Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, 134(2):345-7.

39. Kuffner HA, McCook BM, Swaminathan R, Myers EN, Hunt JL. Controversial Ectopic Thyroid: A Case Report of Thyroid Tissue in the Axilla and Benign Total Thyroidectomy. Thyroid, 15(9):1095-1097:2005.

40. Ranaganathan S., Lynshue K, Hunt JL, Kane T, Jaffee, R. Unusual adrenal cortical tumor of unknown biologic potential: a nodule in a nodule. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 8(4):483-8, 2005.

41. Ozolek JA*, Myers EN, Bastacky S, Hunt JL. Immunohistochemical staining characteristics of oncocytomas of major salivary glands: comparison to conventional renal cell carcinoma. Laryngoscope, 115(6):1097-1100, 2005.

42. Arida M*, Barnes L, Hunt JL. Molecular assessment of allelic loss in Warthin tumor. Modern Pathology, 18(7):964-8, 2005.

43. Gologan O*, Barnes L, Hunt JL. P16 as a marker to distinguish dysplastic from non-neoplastic oral epithelial changes, American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 29(6):792-796, 2005.

44. Hunt JL. Warthins tumors do not show microsatellite instability and have intact DNA mismatch repair enzymes. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 130(10):52-56, 2006.

45. Ferris RL, Liqiang X, Siva R, Hunt JL, Wang J, Gooding W, Kelly L, Ching J, Luketich JD, Godfrey TE. Application of Novel Tumor Markers for Molecular Staging of Cervical Lymph Nodes in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Cancer Research, 65(6):2147-2156, 2005.

46. Xi S, Dyer KF, Kimak M, Gooding WE, Chaillet JR, Ferrell RE, Zamboni B, Hunt JL, Grandis JR. Inactivation of STAT1 by Promoter Methylation is Critical for Squamous Cell Carcinogenesis. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 98(3):181-9, 2006.

47. Hunt JL, Carty SE, Yim JH, Murphy JE, Barnes EL. Allelic Loss in Parathyroid Neoplasia Can Help Characterize Malignancy. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 29(8): 1049-1055, 2005.

48. Domfeh A*, Fichera M, Hunt JL. Allelic loss of 3 different tumor suppressor gene loci in benign and malignant endothelial tumors of the head and neck. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 130(8):1184-7, 2006.

49. Ferris RL, Hunt JL, Ferrone S. Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) Class I Defects in Head and Neck Cancer: Molecular mechanisms and clinical significance. Immunologic Research, 33(2):113-33, 2005.

50. Ionescu D*, Hunt JL, Yousem SA. Recurrent sarcoidosis in lung transplant patients: Granulomas are of recipient origin. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 14(3):140-5, 2005.

51. Gologan A*, Krasinskas A, Hunt JL, Thull DL, Farkas L, Sepulveda AR. Performance of the Updated Bethesda Criteria for Identification of Colorectal Carcinomas with High-Level of Microsatellite Instability. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 129(11):1390-7, 2005.

52. Esposito NN*, Hunt JL, Bakker A, Jones MW. Analysis Of Allelic Loss As An Adjuvant Tool In Evaluation Of Malignancy In Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumors. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 30(1):97-103, 2006.

53. Sheikh HA*, Murphy J, Hunt JL. NM-23 gene loss of heterozygosity and protein expression in high stage laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 15(1):1-6, 2006.

54. Albers A, Abe K, Hunt J, Wang J, Lopez-Albaitero A, Schaefer C, Gooding W, Whiteside TL, 0 Ferrone S, DeLeo A, Ferris RL. Antitumor Activity of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E7-specific T Cells Against Virally Infected Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (SCCHN). Cancer Research, 65(23):11146-55, 2005.

55. Takahashi C, Contreras B, Bakker A, Iwanaga T, Takegami Y, Bronson RT, Noda M, Loda M, Hunt JL, Ewen ME. Implicating NRAS and Rb in the development of medullary carcinoma. Nature Genetics, 38(1):118-123, 2006.

56. Ozolek JA*, Carrau R, Hunt JL. Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma in older children and adults. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 129(11):1444-50, 2005.

57. Hunt JL. The diagnosis of rare thyroid tumors. Expert Reviews in Molecular Pathology, 5(5);725-734, 2005.

58. Surti U, Hoffner L, Kolthoff M, Dunn J, Hunt JL, Sniezek L, Macpherson T. Persistent Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Following an Androgenetic/Biparental Fetal Chimera: A case report and review. International Journal of Gynecologic Pathology. 25(4):366-72, 2006.

59. Seethala R*, Yim JH, Hunt JL. Parathyroid lipoadenoma (Clinical Problem Solving). Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 132(12):1391-3, 2006.

60. Hunt JL. Understanding the genotype of follicular thyroid tumors Endocrine Pathology, 16(4):311-21, 2006.

61. Zhang X, Hunt JL, Shin DM, Chen ZG. Down-regulation of S100A2 in lymph node metastases of head and neck cancer. Head and Neck, 29(3):236-43, 2007.

62. Hunt JL, Yim JH, Carty SE. Fractional allelic loss of tumor suppressor genes identifies malignancy and predicts clinical outcome in follicular thyroid tumors. Thyroid, 16(7):643-9, 2006.

63. Sckolnick J*, Murphy JE, Hunt JL. Microsatellite instability analysis in Nasopharyngeal carcinomas and Lymphoepithelial carcinomas. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 30(10): 1250-1253, Oct, 2006.

64. Fowler M*, Fowler J, Ducatman B, Barnes EL, Hunt JL. The molecular profile of malignant mixed tumors of the salivary gland. Modern Pathology, 19(3):350-355, 2005.

65. Trusky CL, Sepulveda AR, Hunt JL. Assessment of microsatellite instability in very small microdissected samples and in tumor samples that are contaminated with normal DNA. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 15(2):63-9, 2006.

66. Flanagan M*, Ohori NP, Carty SE, Hunt JL. Repeat Thyroid Nodule Fine Needle Aspiration in Patients with Initial Benign Cytology Results. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 125(5):698-702, 2006.

67. Papachristou DJ*, Goodman MA, Cieply K, Hunt JL, Rao UN. Comparıson Of Allelıc Losses In Chondroblastoma And Prımary Chondrosarcoma Of Bone. Human Pathology, 37(7):890-8, 2006.

68. Zhang H, Su L, Shin HJC, Muller S, Tighiouart M, Xu Z, Zhang X, Hunt J, Shin DM, Chen ZG. The Role of Caveolin-1 in Lymph Node Metastasis of Head and Neck Cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 98(3):181-9, 2006.

69. Ozolek JA*, Hunt JL. Molecular analysis of respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma, sinonasal adenocarcinoma and chronic sinusitis. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 30(12):1576-80, 2006.

70. Ziober AF, Patel KR, Alawi F, Gimotty P, Weber RS, Feldman MM, Chalian AA, Weinstein GS, Hunt JL, Ziober BL. Identification of a gene signature for rapid screening of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2006;12 5960-5971.

71. Sargent R*, LiVolsi VA, Mantha GS, Murphy JE, Hunt JL. BRAF mutational analysis in atypical areas within chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Endocrine Pathology, 17(3):235-41, 2006.

72. Sok JC, Coppelli FM, Thomas SM, Lango MN, Xi S, Hunt JL, Freilino ML, Graner MW, Wikstrand CJ, Bigner DD, Gooding WE, Furnari FB, Grandis JR. Mutant epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFRvIII) contributes to head and neck cancer growth and resistance to EGFR targeting. Clinical Cancer Research, 12(17):5064-73, 2006.

73. Chikwava KR*, Hunt JL, Mantha GS, Murphy JE, Jaffe R. Loss of heterozygosity analysis of single system and multisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 10(1):18-24, 2007.

74. Seethala RR*, Barnes EL, Hunt JL. Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma: a histologic and immunophenotypic study. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 31(1):44-57, 2007.

75. Ozolek JA*, Barnes L, Hunt JL. Basal/myoepithelial cells in chronic sinusitis, respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma, inverted papilloma, and intestinal-type and nonintestinal-type sinonasal adenocarcinoma: an immunohistochemical study. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 131(4):530-7, 2007.

76. Dacic SD, Sepulveda AR, Hunt JL, Yousem SA. Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the lung: A study of microsatellite instability. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 127(2):282-6, 2007.

77. Gradowski JF*, Mantha GS, Hunt JL, Dacic S. Molecular alterations in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia occurring in benign and cancer-bearing lungs. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 16(2): 87-90, 2007.

78. Seethala RR, Hunt JL, LiVolsi VA, Baloch ZW, Barnes EL. Adenoid cystic carcinoma with high-grade transformation: a report of 11 cases and a review of the literature. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 31(11):1683-94, 2007.

Chivukula M, Hunt JL, Carter G, Kelley J, Patel M, Kanbour-Shakir A. Recurrent gynandroblastoma of ovary – A case report: A molecular and immunohistochemical analysis. International Journal of Gynecologic Pathology, 26(1):30-3, 2007.

79. Hunt JL. Molecular testing in solid tumors: An overview. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 132(2):164-7, 2008

80. Hunt JL. Molecular Pathology in Anatomic Pathology Practice: A review of basic principles. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 132(2):248-60, 2008

81. Osamura RY, Hunt JL. A review of frozen sections in thyroid and parathyroid pathology. Virchows Archives. 453(5):433-50, 2008.

82. Hunt JL, Identifying cross contaminants and specimen mix-ups in surgical pathology. Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 15(4):211-7, 2008.

83. Lee W, Tubbs R, Teker A, Scharpf J, Strome M, Wood B, Lorenz R, Hunt JL. Use of a novel in situ hybridization technique to detect human papillomavirus in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients without a history of alcohol or tobacco use. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 132(10):1653-6, 2008.

84. Hoschar A*, Mantha GS, Hunt JL. BRAF analysis in high stage laryngeal carcinoma to differentiate from anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. Head and Neck Pathology.

85. Chiosea S*, Barnes EL, Lai SY, Egloff AM, Sargent RM, Hunt JL, Seethala RR. Mucoepidermioid Carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract: Clinicopathologic analysis of 78 cases with immunohistochemical analysis of dicer expression. Virchows Archives. 452(6):629-35, 2008.

86. Weinreb I*, Gnep DR, Laver NM, Hoschar AP, Hunt JL, Seethala RR, Barnes EL, Chettay R, Perez-Ordonez B. Seromucinous hamartomas: a clinicopathological study of a sinonasal glandular lesions lacking myoepithelial cells. Histopathology. 54:205-213, 2009.

87. Deroche T*, Hoshcar AP, Hunt JL. Assessment of p53, androgen receptor, and Her-2-Neu in benign pleomorphic adenomas. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 132(12):1907-11, 2008.

88. Assaad A*, Voeghtly LN, Hunt JL. Thyroidectomies from patients with history of therapeutic radiation during childhood and adolescence have a unique mutational profile. Modern Pathology. 21(9):1176-82, 2008.

89. Ge L, Baskic D, Basse P, Hunt JL, Herberman RB, Gooding W, Gollin SM, Ferris R, Whiteside TL, Myers E, Vujanovic NL. Sheddase Activity Of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Converting Enzyme Is Increased And Prognostically Valuable In Head And Neck Cancer. Cancer epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.18(11):2913-22, 2009

90. Miliaskaus J, Hunt JL. Primary Unilateral Multifocal Pleomorphic Adenoma Of The Parotid Gland: Molecular Assessment And Literature Review. Head and Neck Pathology. 2(4), 2008.

91. Scheutze D*, Zhang X, Seethala RR, Assaad A, Hunt JL. The T1799A BRAF mutation is absent in cribriform morular variant of papillary carcinoma. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 133(5):803-5, 2009.

92. Weinreb I, Seethala RR, Perez-Odornez B, Hoschar AP, Hunt JL. Oncocytic Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Clinicopathologic Description in a Series of 12 Cases. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 33(3):409-16, 2009.

93. Lagwinski N*, Hunt JL. Fellowship trends for pathology residents. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 133(9):1431-6, 2009.

94. Platt E, Sommer P, McDonald L, Bennett A, Hunt JL. Tissue Floaters and Contaminants in the Histology Laboratory. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 133(6):973-9, 2009

95. Zhang W, Bhola N, Kalyankrishna S, Gooding W, Hunt JL, Seethala RR, Grandis JR, Siegfried JM. Kinin B2 receptor mediates induction of cyclooxygenase-2 and is over-expressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Molecular Cancer Research 6(12):1946-56, 2008.

96. Zhang HZ, Su L, Muller S, Tighiouart M, Xu ZH, Shin HJC, Hunt JL, Sun SY, Shin DM, Chen ZG. Restoration of caveolin-1 expression suppresses growth and metastasis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. British Journal of Cancer. 99(10):1684-94, 2008.

97. Talbert ML, Dunn ST, Hunt JL, Hillyard DR, Mirza I, Nowak JA, Van Deerlin V, Vnencak-Jones. Competency based education for the molecular genetic pathology fellow: A report of the Association of Molecular Pathology Training and Education Committee. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 11(6):497-507, 2009.

98. Weinreb I, Seethala RR, Hunt JL, Chetty R, Dardick I, Perez-Ordonez B. Intercalated duct lesions of salivary gland: A re-appraisal of 32 cases of a putative precursor lesion. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 33(9):1322-9, 2009.

99. Jakubowski M, Hunt JL. BRAF Mutational Analysis in Papillary Carcinomas with Mixed Follicular and Papillary Growth Patterns. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 33(11):1590-3, 2009.

100. Ge L, Baskic D, Basse P, Vujanovic L, Unlu S, Yonevama T, Vujanovic A, Han J, Bankovic D, Szczepanski MJ, Hunt JL, Herberman RB, Gollin SM, Ferris RL, Whiteside TL, Myers EN, Vujanovic NL. Sheddase Activity Of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Converting Enzyme Is Increased And Prognostically Valuable In Head And Neck Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 18(11):2913-22, 2009.

101. Hunt JL. Molecular alterations in hereditary and sporadic thyroid and parathyroid diseases. Advances in Anatomic Pathology. 16(1):23-32, 2009.

102. Hunt JL. Syndromes Associated with Abnormalities of the Adrenal Cortex. Diagnostic Histopathology. 15(6), 2009.

103. Plesec T, Hunt JL. KRAS Mutations in Colorectal Carcinoma. Advances in Anatomic Pathology. 16(4):196-203, 2009.

104. Sadow PM, Hunt JL. Mixed Medullary and Follicular carcinoma. Advances in Anatomic Pathology. 17(4):282-5, 2010.

105. Roy JE, Hunt JL. Detection and Classification of Diagnostic Discrepancies (Errors) in Surgical Pathology. Advances in Anatomic Pathology. 17(5):359-65, 2010.

106. Rubin BP, Cooper K, Fletcher CD, Folpe AL, Gannon FH, Hunt JL, Lazar AJ, Montag AG, Peabody TD, Pollock RE, Reith JD, Qualman SJ, Rosenberg AE, Weiss SW, Krausz T; Members of the Cancer Committee, College of American Pathologists. Protocol for the examination of specimens from patients with tumors of soft tissue. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 134(4):e31-9,2010.

107. Rubin BP, Antonescu CR, Gannon FH, Hunt JL, Inwards CY, Klein MJ, Kneisl JS, Montag AG, Peabody TD, Reith JD, Rosenberg AE, Krausz T; Members of the Cancer Committee, College of American Pathologists. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 134(4):e1-7, 2010.

108. Bennett KL, Lee W, Lamarre E, Zhang X, Seth R, Scharpf J, Hunt JL, Eng C. HPV Status-independent association of alchohol and tobacco exposure on prior radiation therapy with promoter methylation of FUSSEL18, EBF3, IRX1, and SEPT9, but not SLC5A8 in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer. 49(4):319-26, 2010.

109. Liu X, Jakubowski M, Hunt JL. KRAS gene mutation in colorectal cancer is correlated with increased proliferation and spontaneous apoptosis. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 135(2):245-52, 2011.

110. Malik SM, Nevin DT, Cohen S, Nathan S, Hunt JL, Palazzo JP. Lack of Correlation Between p16INK4 and High-risk HPV in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 19(1):31-35, 2011.

111. Woodford RL, Nikiforov Y, Hunt JL, Bellizzi AM, Zhang X, Mills SE, Stelow EB. Encapsulated papillary oncocytic neoplasms of the thyroid: morphologic, immunohistochemical, and BRAF mutation analysis of eighteen cases. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 34(11):1582-90, 2010.

112. Garcia JJ, Hunt JL, Weinreb I, McHugh JB, Barnes EL, Cieply K, Dacic S, Seethala RR. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for detection of MAML2 rearrangements in oncocytic Mucoepidermoid carcinomas: Utility as a diagnostic test. Human Pathology. 42(12):2011-9, 2011.

113. Weinreb I, Simpson RH, Skalova A, Perez-Ordonez B, Dardick I, Chetty R, Hunt JL. Striated duct lesions of the salivary gland. Histopathology. 57(5):707-15, 2010.

114. Dwojak S, Hunt JL, Cunningham. An unusual lesion in the neck of a child. Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg. 138(1):99-101, 2012

115. Bilodeau EA, Hoschar AP, Barnes EL, Hunt JL, Seethala RR. Clear cell carcinoma and clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: A comparative clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study. Head and Neck Pathology, 2011 Feb 3 [Epub ahead of print].

116. Hunt JL. An update on molecular testing in head and neck pathology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 135(5):602-9, 2011.

117. Hafezi S, Seethala RR, Stelow EB, Mills SE, Leong IT, Macduff E, Hunt JL, Perez-Ordonez B, Weinreb I. Ewings family of tumors of the sinonasal tract and maxillary bone. Head and Neck Pathology 5(1):8-16, 2011.

118. LiVolsi VA, Abrosimov AA, Bogdanova T, Fadda G, Hunt JL, Ito M, Rosai J, Thomas GA, Williams ED. The Chernobyl Thyroid Cancer Experience: Pathology. Clin Oncol 23(4):261-7, 2011.

119. Wu RI, Marks EJ, Hunt JL. Staining for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in surgical pathology: practice patterns and variations. Human Pathology. 43(11):1845-51, 2012

120. Hinni ML, Ferlito A, Brandwein-Gensler MS, Takes RP, Silver CE, Westra WH, Seethala RR, Rodrigo JP, Corry J, Bradford CR, Hunt JL, Strojan P, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Hartl DM, Kowalski LP, Rinaldo A, Barnes EL. Surgical margins in head and neck cancer: A contemporary review. Head and Neck. 35(9):1362-70, 2013.

121. Slootweg PJ, Ferlito A, Cardesa A, Thompson LDR, Hunt JL, Strojan P, Takes RP, Triantafyllou A, Woolgar JA, Rinaldo A, Devaney KO, Barnes L. Sinonasal tumors: A clinicopathologic update of selected tumors. Eur Arch Otolaryngology. 270(1):5-20, 2013

122. Woolgar JA, Triantafyllou A, Lewis JS, Hunt JL, Williams MD, Takes RP, Thompson LDR, Slootweg PJ, Devaney KO, Ferlito A. Prognostic biological features in neck dissection specimens. , Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 270(5):1581-92, 2013.

123. Ferlito A, Thompson LDR, Cardesa A, Gnepp DR, Devaney KO, Rodrigo JP, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A, Takes RP. The importance of histological types for treatment and prognosis in laryngeal cancer. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 270(2):401-3, 2013.

124. Hunt JL, Barnes L, Lewis JS Jr, Mahfouz ME, Slottweg PJ, Thompson LD, Cardesa A, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Westra WH, Rodrigo JP, Woolgar JA, Rinaldo A, Triantafyllou A, Takes RP, Ferlito A. Molecular diagnostic alterations in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and potential diagnostic applications. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 271(2):211-223, 2014.

125. Ferlito A, Haigentz M, Bradley PJ, Suarez C, Strojan P, Wolf GT, Olsen KD, Mendenhall WM, Mondin V, Rodrigo JP, Bodeker CC, Hamoir M, Hartl DM, Hunt JL, Devaney KO, Thompson LDR, Rinaldo A, Takes RP. Causes of Death in patients with laryngeal carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 271(3):425-34, 2014.

126. Triantafyllous A, Hunt JL, Devaney KO, Ferlito A. A perspective of comparative salivary and breast pathology. Part I. Microstructural aspects, adaptations, and cellular events. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 271:647-663, 2013.

127. Vander Poorten V, Hunt JL, Bradley PJ, Haigentz M Jr, Rinaldo A, Mendenhall WM, Suarez C, Silver CE, Takes RP, Ferlito A. Head and Neck 2013 Apr 4 [Epub ahead of print]

128. Naritoku WY, Alexander CB, Bennett BD, Black-Schaffer S, Brissette M, Grimes MM, Hoffman RD, Hunt JL, Iezzoni J, Johnson R, Kozel J, Mendoza R, Post MD, Powell SZ, Procop GW, Steinberg JJ, Thorsen L, Nestler SP. The Pathology Milestones and the Next Accreditation System. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory medicine. 138(3):307-15, 2014.

129. Volmar KE, Idowu MO, Hunt JL, Souers RJ, Meier FA, Nakhleh RE. Surgical Pathology Report Defects: A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes Study of 73 Institutions. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 138(5):602-12, 2014.

130. Lewis JS, Westra WH, Thompson LDR, Barnes L, Cardesa A, Hunt JL, Williams MD, Slootweg PJ, Triantafyllou A, Woolgar JA, Devaney KO, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. The Sinonasal Tract – Another potential “Hot Spot” for Carcinomas with Transcriptionally Active Human Papillomavirus. Head and Neck Pathology. 8(3):241-9, 2014.

131. Cola-Pelaz A, Rodrigo JP, Triantafyllou A, Hunt JL, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Strojan P, de Bree R, Rinaldo A, Takes RP, Ferlito A. Chondrosarcomas of the head and neck. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 271(10):2601-9, 2014.

132. de Bree F, Zoras O, Hunt JL, Takes RP, Suarez C, Mendenhall WM, Hinni ML, Rodrigo JP, Shaha AR, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A, de Bree R. Desmoid tumors of the head and neck: a therapeutic challenge. Head and Neck Pathology

133. de Bree E, Karatzanis A, Hunt JL, Strojan P, Rinaldo A, Takes RP, Ferlito A, de Bree R. Lipomatous tumors of the head and neck: a spectrum of biological behavior. Head and Neck. 2014 May 7 [Epub ahead of print]

134. Coca-Pelaz A, Rodrigo JP, Triantafyllou A, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A, Strojan P, Haigentz M Jr, Mendenhall WM, Takes RP, Vander Poorten V, Ferlito A. Salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma revisited.

135. Lopez F, Rodrigo JP, Cardesa A, Triantafyllou A, Devaney KO, Mendenhall WM, Haigentz Jr. M, Strojan P, Pellitteri PK, Bradford CR, Shaha AR, Hunt JL, De Bree R, Takes RP, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Update on primary head and neck mucosal melanoma. In press, Head and Neck.

136. Bree RD, Takes RP, Castelijns JA, Medina JE, Stoeckli SJ, Mancuso AA, Hunt JL, Rodrigo JP, Triantafyllou A, Teymoortash A, Civantos FJ, Rinaldo A, Pitman KT, Hamoir M, Robbins JT, Silver CE, Hoekstra OS, Ferlito A. Advances in diagnostic modalities to detect occult lymph node metastases in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head and Neck. 2014 June 21 [Epub ahead of print]

137. Woolgar JA, Triantafyllou A, Thompson LD, Hunt JL, Lewis JS Jr, Williams MD, Cardesa A, Rinaldo A, Barnes L, Slootweg PJ, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Westra WH, Ferlito A. Double reporting and second opinion in head and neck pathology. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. 271(5):847-54, 2014.

138. Ferlito A, Devaney KO, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A. Is the clinical course of laryngeal typical carcinoid tumor indolent? European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. 271(1):1-2, 2014.

139. Triantafyllou A, Hunt JL, Devaney KO, Ferlito A. A perspective comparating salivary and breast pathology: Part 1: Microstructurual aspects, adaptations and cellular events. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. 271(4):647-63, 2014.

140. Szyfter K, Wierzbicka M, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A, Rodrigo JP, Takes RP, Ferlito . Frequent Chromosomal abberations and candidate genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014 Oct 30 [Epub ahead of print].

141. Ferlito A, Rinaldo A, Bishop JA, Hunt JL, Vander Poorten V, Williams MD, Triantafyllou A, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Kusafuka K, Halmos GB, Westra WH, Takes RP, Thompson LD. Paraneoplastic syndromes in patients with laryngeal neuroendocrine carcinomas: clinical manifestations and prognostic significance. Eur Arch Otorhinolarygol. 2014 Oct 29 [epub ahead of print]

142. Coca-Pelaz A, Rodrigo JP, Bradley PJ, Vander Poorten V, Triantafyllou A, Hunt JL, Strojan P, Rinaldo A, Haigentz M, Takes RP, Mondin V, Teymoortash A, Thompson LD, Ferlito A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck – An update. Oral Oncol 2015 May 2 (Epub ahead of print]

143. Bishop JA, Thompson LD, Cardesa A, Barnes L, Lewis JS, Triantafyllou A, Hellquist H, Stenman G, Hunt JL, Williams MD, Slootweg PJ, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Wenig BM, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Rhabdomyoblastic differentiation in head and neck malignancies other than rhabdomyosarcoma. Head Neck Pathol 2015 Mar 11 [Epub ahead of print]

144. López F, Williams MD, Cardesa A, Hunt JL, Strojan P, Rinaldo A, Nixon IJ,Rodrigo JP, Saba NF, Mendenhall WM, Quer M, Suárez C, Ferlito A. How phenotypeguides management of non-conventional squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx? EurArch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Mar 31. doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4533-8. [Epub aheadof print] Review. PubMed PMID: 28364287.

145. Hunt JL, Ferlito A, Hellquist H, Rinaldo A, Skálová A, Slootweg PJ, Willems SM, Cardesa A. Differential Diagnosis in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Larynx. Adv Anat Pathol. 2017 Mar 23. doi:10.1097/PAP.0000000000000147. [Epub ahead ofprint] PubMed PMID: 28338500.

146. López F, Triantafyllou A, Snyderman CH, Hunt JL, Suárez C, Lund VJ, Strojan P, Saba NF, Nixon IJ, Devaney KO, Alobid I, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Hanna EY, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Nasal juvenile angiofibroma: Current perspectives with emphasis on management. Head Neck. 2017 Feb 15. doi: 10.1002/hed.24696. [Epub ahead of print]PubMed PMID: 28199045.

147. Cohen D, Allen TC, Balci S, Cagle PT, Teruya-Feldstein J, Fine SW, Gondim DD, Hunt JL, Jacob J, Jewett K, Jiang X', Kaplan KJ, Kulac I, Meunier R, Riddle ND, Rush PS, Stall J, Stuart LN, Terrano D, Uthman E, Wasco MJ, Williamson SR, Wu RI, Gardner JM. #InSituPathologists: how the #USCAP2015meeting went viral on Twitter and founded the social media movement for the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. Mod Pathol. 2017 Feb;30(2):160-168. doi:10.1038/modpathol.2016.223. Epub 2017 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 28084341.

148. Hunt JL. Applications of molecular testing in surgical pathology of the head and neck. Mod Pathol. 2017 Jan;30(s1):S104-S111. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2016.192. PubMed PMID: 28060367.

149. Triantafyllou A, Williams MD, Angelos P, Shah JP, Westra WH, Hunt JL, Devaney KO, Rinaldo A, Slootweg PJ, Gnepp DR, Silver C, Ferlito A. Incidental findings of thyroid tissue in cervical lymph nodes: old controversy not yet resolved? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Oct;273(10):2867-75. doi: 10.1007/s00405-015-3786-3. Epub 2015 Oct 12. Review. PubMed PMID: 26459007.

150. Bell D, Hanna EY, Weber RS, DeMonte F, Triantafyllou A, Lewis JS Jr, Cardesa A, Slootweg PJ, Stenman G, Gnepp DR, Devaney KO, Rodrigo JP, Rinaldo A, Wenig BM, Westra WH, Bishop JA, Hellquist H, Hunt JL, Kusafuka K, Perez-Ordoñez B, Williams MD, Takes RP, Ferlito A. Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the sinonasal region. Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E2259-66. doi: 10.1002/hed.24152. Epub 2015 Jul 18. Review. PubMed PMID: 26041714.

151. Szyfter K, Wierzbicka M, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A, Rodrigo JP, Takes RP, Ferlito A. Frequent chromosomal aberrations and candidate genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Mar;273(3):537-45. doi: 10.1007/s00405-014-3339-1. Epub 2014 Oct 30. Review. PubMed PMID: 25355032.

152. Ferlito A, Rinaldo A, Bishop JA, Hunt JL, Vander Poorten V, Williams MD, Triantafyllou A, Devaney KO, Gnepp DR, Kusafuka K, Halmos GB, Westra WH, Takes RP, Thompson LD. Paraneoplastic syndromes in patients with laryngeal neuroendocrine carcinomas: clinical manifestations and prognostic significance. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Mar;273(3):533-6. doi: 10.1007/s00405-014-3351-5. Epub 2014 Oct 29. Review. PubMed PMID: 25351497.

153. López F, Rodrigo JP, Cardesa A, Triantafyllou A, Devaney KO, Mendenhall WM, Haigentz M Jr, Strojan P, Pellitteri PK, Bradford CR, Shaha AR, Hunt JL, de Bree R, Takes RP, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Update on primary head and neck mucosal melanoma. Head Neck. 2016 Jan;38(1):147-55. doi: 10.1002/hed.23872. Epub 2015 May 22. Review. PubMed PMID: 25242350; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4986507.

154. de Bree R, Takes RP, Castelijns JA, Medina JE, Stoeckli SJ, Mancuso AA, Hunt JL, Rodrigo JP, Triantafyllou A, Teymoortash A, Civantos FJ, Rinaldo A, Pitman KT, Hamoir M, Robbins KT, Silver CE, Hoekstra OS, Ferlito A. Advances in diagnostic modalities to detect occult lymph node metastases in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head Neck. 2015 Dec;37(12):1829-39. doi: 10.1002/hed.23814. Epub 2014 Sep 26. Review. PubMed PMID: 24954811.

155. Ferlito A, Coca-Pelaz A, Rodrigo JP, Triantafyllou A, Devaney KO, Hunt JL, Perez-Ordoñez B, Slootweg PJ, Bell D, Bishop JA, Rinaldo A. New tumor phenotypes reported in the larynx in the last decades: a critique. Am J Otolaryngol. 2015 May-Jun;36(3):494-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2015.02.005. Epub 2015 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 25725968.

156. López F, Williams MD, Skálová A, Hellquist H, Suárez C, Nixon IJ, Rodrigo JP, Cardesa A, Strojan P, Quer M, Hunt JL, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. How Phenotype GuidesManagement of the Most Common Malignant Salivary Neoplasms of the Larynx? AdvTher. 2017 Apr;34(4):813-825. doi: 10.1007/s12325-017-0494-y. Epub 2017 Feb 21.Review. PubMed PMID: 2822446

157. Skalova A, Stenman G, Simpson RHW, Hellquist H, Slouka D, Svoboda T, Bishop JA, Hunt JL, Nibu KI, Rinaldo A, Vander Poorten V, Devaney KO, Steiner P, Ferlito A. The role of Molecular Testing in the Differential Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Carcinomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2018 Feb; 42(2):e11-e27

158. Skalova A, Gnepp DR, Lewis JS, Hunt JL, Bishop JA, Hellquist H, Rinaldo A, Vander Poorten V, Ferlito A. Newly described entities in Salivary gland Pathology. Am J Surg Pathol 2017 Aug;41(8):e33-e47

159. Bullock MJ, Beitler JJ, Carlson DL, Fonseca I, Hunt JL, Katabi N, Sloan P, Taylor M, Williams MD, Thompson LDR. Data set for the reporting of nodal excisions and neck dissection specimens for head and neck tumors. Archives of Pathol. Epub ahead, 2018.

Proceedings of meetings or other non-peer reviewed research publications

1. Hunt JL. Molecular diagnosis in Head and Neck: What every surgical pathologist must know. Head and Neck Pathology. 2(2), 2008.

2. Hunt JL. Biomarkers in Anatomic Pathology: Adding Value to Diagnosis. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 133(4):532-6, 2009.

3. Livolsi, VA, Abrosimov AA, Bogdanova T, Fadda G, Hunt JL, Ito M, Rosai J, Thomas GA, Williams ED. The Chernobyl Thyroid Cancer Experience. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23(4):261-7, 2011.

Invited Reviews, monographs, editorials, and letters to the editor

1. Hunt JL. Book Review: Molecular Pathology Protocols (2001). Human Pathology, 32(9):1020-21, 2001.

2. Hunt JL. Molecular Markers of Thyroid Carcinogenesis. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 118(S):116-127, 2002.

3. Hunt JL, Dacic S, Bures JC, Barnes EL. Follicular Variant of Papillary Carcinoma. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 118; 602-603, 2002 (Letter).

4. Hunt JL, Baloch ZW, LiVolsi VA. Sentinel Lymph Node Evaluation for Tumor Metastasis. Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 19(4):263-77, 2002.

5. Barnes EL, Hunt JL. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx: A review of current data. Selected Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3(11), June, 2003.

6. Hunt JL. Book Review: Molecular Pathology Protocols (2004). Human Pathology.

7. Hunt JL. T(11;19) translocation in mucoepidermoid carcinoma relates to tumor grade (News Brief). Advances in Anatomic Pathology 15(2):122-3, 2008.

8. Hunt JL. Prognostic value of detecting HPV in Oral Cancer (News Brief). Advances in Anatomic Pathology. 5(2):121-2, 2008.

9. Sadow PM, Hunt JL. Clinically significant variants of papillary carcinoma. In press, Diagnostic Histopathology.

10. Hunt JL. New applications for old assays and the importance of validation. Cancer Cytopathol, October 2011 (Epub ahead)

11. Hunt JL. Assessing physician competency: An update on the Joint Commission requirement for ongoing and focused professional practice evaluation. Adv Anat Pathol 19(6):388-400, 2012

Books/Textbooks for the medical or scientific community


1. Snuderl M, Hunt JL. Oligodendroglioma. In: Diagnostic Molecular Pathology in Practice (Editor: Iris Schrijver); 2011.

2. Snuderl M, Hunt JL. Thyroid Cancer. In: Diagnostic Molecular Pathology in Practice (Editor: Iris Schrijver); 2011.

3. Hunt JL. Molecular Endocrine Pathology. In: Endocrine Pathology (Editor: Ashraf Khan); 2009.

4. Hunt JL. Molecular Pathology of Endocrine Neoplasia. In: Molecular Pathology for Anatomic Pathologists. Editors: Ray Tubbs and Mark Stoller). A book in the Foundations in Pathology Series (Series Editor: John R. Goldblum); 2008.

5. Hunt JL. Loss of Heterozygosity. In: Molecular Pathology for Anatomic Pathologists. (Editor: Ray Tubbs and Mark Stoller). A book in the Foundations in Pathology Series (Series Editor: John R. Goldblum); 2008.

6. Dacic S, Hunt JL. Molecular Pathology. In Molecular Pathology of Lung Tumors. (Editor: Philip Cagle). A book in the Molecular Library Series (Series Editor: Phil Cagle), 2008.

7. Hunt JL. Head and Neck Pathology. In: Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, 3rd Edition. (Editor: David Dabbs). Churchill Livingstone, 2009.

8. Hunt JL, Barnes EL. Head and Neck Pathology. In: Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, 2nd Edition. (Editor: David Dabbs). Churchill Livingstone, 2006.

9. Hunt JL. Paragangliomas. In: Tumors of the Head and Neck. (Editor: Lester Thompson). A book in the Foundations in Pathology Series (Series Editor: John R. Goldblum), 2006.

10. Hunt JL. Pheochromocytomas. In: Tumors of the Endocrine System. (Editor: Lester Thompson). A book in the Foundations in Pathology Series (Series Editor: John R. Goldblum), 2006.

11. Hunt JL. Contributor to multiple chapters in: WHO nomenclature of Head and Neck Tumors. (Editor. Leon Barnes), 2006.

12. Hunt JL, Volkerding K. Genetics. In: Diagnostic Molecular Pathology. (Editor: Leonard DGB). W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. Pages 142-162; 2003.

13. Hunt JL. Contributor to multiple chapters in: WHO nomenclature of Head and Neck Tumors. (Editor. Adel El-Naggar and Jennifer Grandis), 2017.

14. Hunt JL. Contributor to multiple chapters in: WHO nomenclature of Endocrine Tumors. (Editor. Ricardo Lloyd and Sylvia Asa), 2017.


1. Hunt JL, Stelow E, Mills SE. Tumors of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract and Ear. AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Fourth Series; 2012.

2. Hunt JL (Editor) Molecular Pathology of the Endocrine System. A book in the Molecular Library Series (Series Editor: Phil Cagle, Springer); 2010

Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings (prior 5 years):

1. Kolman O, Sadow P, Hunt JL. Practice patterns in thyroid follicular epithelial tumors. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 99th Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2010. (Oral Presentation).

2. Hunt JL, Black-Shaffer S, Smith M. Ongoing and Focused Professional Practice Evaluation in Surgical Pathology. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 99th Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2010.

3. Garcia JJ, Hunt JL, Weinreb I, McHugh JB, Barnes EL, Cieply K, Dacic S, Seethala RR. Fluorescent in-situ hybridization for detection of MAML2 rearrangement in oncocytic mucoepidermoid carcinomas: Utility as a diagnostic test. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009.

4. Weinreb I, Perez-Ordonez B, Chetty R, Dardick I, Hunt JL. Striated duct adenoma: A report of three cases of a distinctive lesion of salivary gland. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009.

5. Yang B, Zhang X, Ji X, Jakubowski M, Hunt JL. Four different molecular assays for BRAF mutational testing: A sensitivity and specificity analysis. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009.

6. Liu X, Jakubowski M, Hunt JL. KRAS mutational testing in clinical colonic adenocarcinomas. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009 (Oral Presentation).

7. Guggisberg K*, Scharpf J, Adelstein D, Saxton J, Hoschar A, Hunt JL. Clinical HPV testing in oropharyngeal carcinomas: Assessment of clinical, pathologic, and HPV-related variables. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009.

8. Colanta AB, Hunt JL, Tubbs RR, Elsheikh TM, Berean KW, Wenig BM. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the head and neck: A light microscopic, immunohistochemical, and cytogenetic study of 6 cases. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 98th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2009.

9. Jakubowski M, Hunt JL. BRAF testing in colon cancers with microsatellite instability. Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX, 2008.

10. Turner MS, Wang HH, Beasley MB, Collins LC, Folpe AOL, Hecht JL, Hunt JL, Van De Rijn M, Goldsmith JD. Non-Gastrointestinal Pathologists are Highly Reproducible in their Diagnosis of Serrated Polyps of the Colorectum Following Tutorial Instruction. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

11. Bennet AE, McDonald L, Priganc DE, Goss G, Hunt JL. Process Improvement in the Histology Laboratory Using a Collaborative Problem Resolution Tool. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

12. Yerian L, Priganc DE, Goss G, Bennett AE, Hunt JL. Using a Business Review and Scorecard to Manage the Business of Surgical Pathology. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

13. Allende DS*, Hoschar AP, Hunt JL. A complete histopathologic and clinical analysis of sinonasal schneiderian papillomas: A study of 188 cases. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

14. Allende DS*, Hoschar AP, Batra P, Hunt JL. Dysplasias and carcinomas arising in schneiderian papillomas, 20 years’ experience. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

15. Allende DS*, Hoschar AP, Hunt JL. Exophytic schneiderian papillomas and their differential diagnosis: Can p16 help in the diagnosis of these two entities? United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

16. Seethala RR, Hoschar AP, Bennett A, Arrossi AV, Davison JM, Krasinskas AM, Hunt JL. Reproducibility Of Grading In Salivary Gland Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma And Correlation With Outcome: Does System Really Matter? United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008 (oral presentation).

17. Seethala RR, Zhang X, Lang W, Hoschar AP, Hunt JL. P53 analysis in Mucoepidermoid carcinomas. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

18. Woodford RL, Hunt JL, Bellizzil AM, Zhang X, Mills SE, Stelow EB. Papillary oncocytic neoplasms of the thyroid. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2008.

19. Hunt JL, Stoller J, Goldblum JR. Assessment of the Mentoring needs for faculty development in Anatomic Pathology. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 96th Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2007

20. Hoschar AP, Tubbs RR, Hunt JL. Clinical testing for low and high risk HPV by ISH in respiratory papillomatosis. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 96th Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2007

21. Seethala R, Hoschar AP, Wenig B, Hunt JL. Olfactory neuroblastoma with divergent differentiation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 96th Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2007

22. Hoschar AP, Hunt JL, Seethala R. Clear cell carcinomas of salivary and odontogenic origins. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 96th Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2007.

Service to the Community and Leadership

|2007 – 2009 |Spotlight on Learning, Volunteer Instructor |Cleveland Clinic Community Outreach Program |

|This educational program teaches 2nd grade students in inner city schools about health-related topics. The teaching is followed by interactive programs in |

|dance, theater, and music to synthesize the information about the health topic |

| | | |

|2008 – 2009 |Communicating for Impact, Volunteer Instructor |Science Internship in Andrology and Infertility, |

| | |Cleveland Clinic |

|The Science Internship in Andrology and Infertility is a fellowship program for college and pre-medical school students. I taught a 6-hour workshop on public |

|speaking |

| | | |

|2007 - 2009 |Science Internship, Presentation Judge |Cleveland Clinic Community Outreach Program |

|This program brings high school students into the hospital to participate in scientific projects for the summer. They present their work as posters |

| | | |

|2008 – 2009 |Family Room of the Children’s Hospital of Cleveland Clinic, Volunteer|Ronald McDonald House |

|Volunteer staffing of The Family Room of the Ronald McDonald House in the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital |

| | | |

|2008 – 2009 |Charles R. Drew, MD, Saturday Academy, Volunteer Faculty |Cleveland Clinic Office of Diversity |

|This program is a 10-week educational program on Saturdays for minority high school students who have an interest in a career in health care. |

| | | |

|2013 – 2015 |Coordinator, Uniform Resale Event, Pulaski Academy |Little Rock, AR |

Pulaski Academy is an independent private school (K-12). The uniform resale is an event where parents can donate uniforms to be re-sold to families and donated to scholarship students and foster children across the region. The coordinator runs the entire event from accepting and tracking donations to the sales.

|2014 – 2015 |Treasurer, Dolphin Swim Team Booster Association |Little Rock, AR |

The Dolphin swim team is the largest USA swimming club in Little Rock. The Booster organization supports all aspects of swimmer and coach development. The treasurer is responsible for all accounting, audits, tax documents, finances, and maintenance of bylaws.

|2015 – Present |CrossFit Level 1 Trainer |Little Rock, AR |

| |Volunteer Coach | |

| | | |

Certified CrossFit Trainer for adult and teen athlete programs, Little Rock Athletic Club and Little Rock Racquet Club.

|2015 – Present |USA Swimming Official |Little Rock, AR |

| |Certified Stroke and Turn N1, | |

| |Starter, Deck Referee | |

| | | |

Volunteer USA swimming certified official for Arkansas swimming program.

|2015 – 2016 |Founder and Developer of Accelerate RX |Little Rock, AR |

Founder and Developer of Accelerate RX, a corporation I created and sold which manufactured products that I invented for consumption by athletes before and after heavy work outs such as marathons and CrossFit workouts. Company sold in 2016.

|2018 – Present |Executive Leadership Coaching |Little Rock, AR |

Executive leadership coach with specialty interest in coaching emerging women leaders in medicine and expertise in coaching and remediation for physicians with identified professionalism concerns. Certified as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation. Website: ; twitter: @jhuntpath

Educational Material for Patients and the Lay Community

|2008 |Retail Health in Practice, McKinsey National Retail Health Conference |Invited Lecture |

| | | |

|2008 |Transforming Health Care: Patient Experience in the 21st Century, National Service Industry |Keynote speaker |

| |Meeting | |

| | | |

|2010- 2011 |Pathology Patient Consultation Cases: Standardized Patients |Instructor |

| |College of American Pathologists Foundation | |

| | | |

|2012 |Chancellor’s Major Donors Seminar Series |Lecturer |

| |University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | |


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