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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11THJUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDAGENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISIONPlaintiff,CASE NO: vsDIVISION 21Defendant,______________________________/WITHDRAW ORDER/STATE PORTAL INFORMATIONTHIS CAUSE came before the Court upon; COUNSEL (of counsel/firm): ______________________________________ ________________________(FL Bar#___________) Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for ________________________________________________ (hereinafter CLIENT), and proper ZOOM and conventional notice having been given, it is:ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows:The Motion to Withdraw is GRANTED. Within twenty (20) days the CLIENT shall either:Retain a new attorney/firm who must file a written NOTICE OF APPEARANCE with the Clerk of Court including Bar Number of LEAD COUNSEL, orFile a written NOTICE of Self Representation with Clerk advising the Court that the party wishes to represent themselves. (Note: Corporations may only appear through counsel.)Failure to comply with (a) or (b) above will conclusively indicate that CLIENT has abandoned this lawsuit, and the Court will Dismiss the Case, Strike the Pleadings, entering Default and Judgment as appropriate.COUNSEL represents hearing notice and ZOOM information for this hearing was given to CLIENT by COUNSEL via email, if possible. COUNSEL shall copy this Order to CLIENT by email as well, if possible.In the interim, CLIENT, may be served as follows:ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PH #:______________EMAIL: ___________________________________IMPORTANTSTATE PORTAL AND TEXT INFORMATION ON PAGE TWOSelf-represented Parties, as well as new Counsel, are responsible for registering an Email with the State E-Portal in order to receive important Notices, Orders and Email Notification with hearing information such as: ZOOM login information at: ().The Court strongly encourages everyone in the case sign up for text alerts, in addition to proper registration on the States E-Portal. If you cannot check an email account daily, but have texting capability, you can sign up for text alerts at: () DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami, Dade County, Florida this________ day of ______________ 20____.____________________________ DAVID C. MILLER Circuit Court JudgeCc: All Parties ................

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