OCE Liaisons 2012 -2013 - Miami-Dade County Public Schools

OCE Liaisons 2012 -2013InstructionsPlease print and keep this form for your records. (This is a copy of the online liaison form).Complete and submit the online form at: by September 14, 2012.School VolunteerThe liaison for the School Volunteer Program will: ?Ensure that ALL volunteers are cleared at Level 1 or 2 before volunteering their services. ?Work with staff to schedule and assign duties to school volunteers. ?Monitor and document school volunteer hours using volunteer sign-in/-out sheets. ?Recognize their volunteers by entering the top volunteers into the annual Outstanding School Volunteer Awards Program. The liaison for the Mentor Initiatives Program will: ?Ensure that all mentors are cleared at Level 2 (L2). ?Recruit students for mentoring programs. ?Work with school staff, student and mentor to establish times and locations for mentoring. ?Monitor efficiency and effectiveness of the program. Principals: Please use Quad A+ (AAAA) from the Employee Portal to authorize your volunteer liaison. The application is WSVU-SCHL VOLUNTEER USR. After you have given authorization to your liaison(s), allow 48 hours for complete access to the application. 2. School Volunteer *(required) 3. First Name 4. Last Name 5. Employee # 6. Liaison M-DCPS Email 7. Mentor Initiatives Liaison *(required) 8. First Name 9. Last Name 10. Employee # 11. Liaison M-DCPS Email Dade PartnersThe liaison for The Dade Partners Program will: ?Recruit new partners for their schools. ?Renew partnerships with business and community members associated with their schools. ?Recognize their partners by nominating exemplary partners for the annual Dade Partners Awards Program.?Include Dade Partners in events and functions at their school.?Access and maintain Dade Partners data.12. The Dade Partners Program Liaison *(required) 13. First Name 14. Last Name 15. Employee # 16. Liaison M-DCPS Email The Parent AcademyThe liaison for The Parent Academy Program will: ?Work with Parent Academy staff to schedule workshops at their schools. ?Recruit parents to attend workshops at their schools. ?Ensure sign-in sheets are submitted to The Parent Academy office. ?Disseminate fliers to parents for workshops and family learning events17. Parental Involvement/ The Parent Academy Liaison *(required) 18. First Name 19. Last Name 20. Employee # 21. Liaison M-DCPS Email Miami-Dade Fair and ExpositionThe liaison for The Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition will: ?Attend liaison breakfast. ?Disseminate exhibit entry information to all parents, students and staff. ?Coordinate exhibit submissions to the Fair by due dates. ?Disseminate field trip information. ?Ensure buses for all grade levels are ordered. ?Coordinate with School-site administrator the delivery of free Fair entry tickets to all students.The Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition Liaison First Name 24. Last Name 25. Employee # 26. Liaison M-DCPS Email United Way Employee Campaign LiaisonThe liaison for United Way Employee Campaign will: ?Coordinate staff campaign. ?Inform and educate staff and/or students on United Way donation effort. ?Disseminate ways and levels to donate to staff. ?Encourage participation. ?Prepare all paperwork by due date and send to District. ?Attend award ceremony.27. United Way Campaign Employee Liaison *(required) 28. First Name 29. Last Name 30. Employee # 31. Liaison M-DCPS Email United Way Student Campaign LiaisonThe liaison for United Way Student Campaign will: ?Coordinate student campaign.?Inform and educate staff and/or students on United Way donation effort. ?Disseminate ways and levels to donate to staff. ?Encourage participation. ?Prepare all paperwork by due date and send to District. ?Attend award ceremony. 32. United Way Campaign Student Liaison *(required) 33. First Name 34. Last Name 35. Employee # 36. Liaison M-DCPS Email Blood DrivesThe liaison for Blood Drives will: ?Book blood drives with representative from CBCSF. ?Disseminate and secure signed parental consent forms from eligible students ?Secure donors. ?Educate and inform student and staff on the process and importance of blood donation. ?Coordinate blood drives at their location. ?Attend award ceremony. 37. Blood Drive liaison 38. First Name 39. Last Name 40. Employee # 41. Liaison M-DCPS Email Silver KnightThe liaison for The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald Silver Knight Awards will: ?Attend the Silver Knight liaison breakfast and training. ?Disseminate Silver Knight information to all students. ?Assist students in completing nomination package. ?Assist students in preparing for oral interview. ?Compile report of student entries by category for the District. 42. The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald Silver Knight Awards Liaison 43. First Name 44. Last Name 45. Employee # 46. Liaison M-DCPS Email Program contact numbers School Volunteer Program (SVP) Mentor Initiatives 305-995-2995 Dade Partners Program (DP) Office of Parental Involvement (OPI) Internships305-995-3050The Parent Academy (TPA) 305-995-2680The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald Silver Knights The Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition Blood Drives United Way 305-995-1367 ................

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