
People Fight Back! Come to the National


Protest the National Big-Business Summit


GRAND CIRCUS PARK Woodward Ave. & E. Adams

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|Set-up begins Sunday, June 14 at | |

|12 noon, Grand Circus Park |( YOUTH HIP HOP CONCERT & RALLY |

| |Monday, June 15: |

|( Soup Kitchen, Rallies, Entertainment |7:30 p.m. Grand Circus Park |

|Every evening, Sunday, June 14 thru Tuesday, June 16 | |

| |( PICKET LINE AND RALLY FOR JOBS! Tuesday, June 16: |

|( MASS MARCH TO CONFRONT CEOS! Monday, June 15: |12 – 1:30 pm – while American Axle CEO Dauch and ex-Mich. Gov. John Engler |

|4 pm – Gather at Grand Circus Park |address business summit |

|4:30 – March on Big-Business Summit at GM Renaissance Center, E. Jefferson |GM Renaissance Center, E. Jefferson |

|Visit or call 313-887-4344 for complete schedule including workshops, speak-outs, rallies and other demonstrations, and to register today! |

|Donations urgently needed – make payable to Moratorium NOW!/People’s Summit. Send to 5920 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48202. |

The Big-Business “National Summit” meets June 15-17 at the GM Renaissance Center. There the heads of corporate giants Conoco-Phillips, Dow Chemical, GM, Chrysler, Ascension Health, Nuclear Energy Institute Ltd., CitiBank, National Council on Competitiveness, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others claim they will “define America’s future.” American Axle & Mfg. CEO Richard Dauch, DTE Energy head Anthony Early, and former Michigan Gov. John Engler, now president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, will be among over 60 CEO speakers.

How dare these big-business honchos come to Detroit to plot how to enrich themselves further while we struggle against mass layoffs and plant closings, home foreclosures and evictions, homelessness, utility and water cutoffs, school shutdowns, budget cuts, record-high unemployment, racism and every other kind of outrage!

The People’s Summit and Tent City will be a dynamic event with daily demonstrations, rallies, speak-outs, town hall meetings and cultural events. We’ll confront the big-business CEOs and challenge their “definition” of workers’ and poor peoples’ futures. We’ll come up with our own People’s Stimulus Plan and Economic Bill of Rights.

PARTIAL LIST OF ENDORSERS: Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions; Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI); Gray Panthers-Detroit; Michigan Coalition for Human Rights; Bail Out The People Movement; Code Pink; National Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign; Michigan Welfare Rights Organization; Illinois Moratorium Committee; Auto Worker Caravan; Green Party of MI; Warriors on Wheels-Detroit; PAWS-Detroit; National Lawyers Guild-Detroit and Michigan Chapter; Women Empowered-Detroit; Detroit Green Party; Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality; Coalition to Restore Hope to Detroit Public Schools (DPS); Latinos Unidos de Michigan; Rev. Ed Rowe, Central United Methodist Church-Detroit; Detroit Action Network For Reproductive Rights-DANFORR; Western Mass. International Action Center; United For a Fair Economy-Boston; Springfield, Mass. Technical Community College Mobilization Against Poverty, Racism and War; Action Center For Justice-Charlotte, NC; Raleigh FIST (Fight Imperialism Stand Together)-Durham, NC; Jersey City Peace Movement (NJ); Asia Pacific Action-NYC; Cleve-land Independent Activists-Cleveland Heights, OH; Movement in Motion-Bronx, NY; Toledo Foreclosure Defense League (OH); United Auto Workers Local 909-Warren, MI; Coalition of Labor Union Women-Detroit; United Steel Workers Local 8751–Boston; Jobs With Justice-Cleveland; Defenders For Freedom, Justice & Equality-Richmond, VA; Frank Hammer, UAW* Intl. rep., retired; Lynne Stewart, attorney-NYC; Dave Welsh, delegate, San Francisco Labor Council*; Medea Benjamin, co-founder, Code Pink; David Rovics, musician; Bryan G. Pfeifer, staff organizer, Union of Part-Time Faculty-AFT*-WSU, Detroit; Wendy Hamilton, director, Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center & Gallery*-Detroit; U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr. (MI); Michael Letwin, co-convener, New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW)* *for identification purposes only LABOR DONATED 5/30/09


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