Language Arts Pacing Guide - Michigan City Area Schools



|Ongoing/All Year |1st Quarter |2nd Quarter |3rd Quarter |4th Quarter |

|Course Title |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |

|Standard |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |

| |#1 |#1 |#1 |#1 |

| | |#2 |#3 |#4 |

| | | | | |

| |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |Best Practice Methods |

| |Reading as a process |Reading as a process |Reading as a process |Reading as a process |

| |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |

| |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |Summarizing and Note Taking |

| |Homework and Practice |Homework and Practice |Homework and Practice |Homework and Practice |

| |Nonlinguistic Representation |Nonlinguistic Representation |Nonlinguistic Representation |Nonlinguistic Representation |

| |Cooperative Learning |Cooperative Learning | | |

| |Advance Organizers |Advance Organizers |Cooperative Learning |Cooperative Learning |

| |Cues, Questioning |Cues, Questioning |Advance Organizers |Advance Organizers |

| |Goal Setting |Goal Setting |Cues, Questioning |Cues, Questioning |

| |Read Aloud |Read Aloud |Goal Setting |Goal Setting |

| |Independent Reading Time |Independent Reading Time |Read Aloud |Read Aloud |

| | | |Independent Reading Time |Independent Reading Time |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Basic 9th Grade English

Essential Outcomes

1. Develop and apply research skills (Standard 4,5,2,6)

Learning Goals:

a) Students will develop a research question.

(9.2.3, 9.4.1, 9.4.4, 9.5.4, 9.5.8, 9.5.9)

b) Students will use technology to appropriately research a topic.

(9.4.4, 9.4.6, 9.4.9, 9.5.9)

c) Students will develop topic sentence based on research question.

(9.4.2, 9.5.9)

d) Students will be able to summarize research material to find facts and supporting ideas.

(9.4.5, 9.4.8, 9.2.4)

e) Students will apply evidence from research to support topic sentence statement.

(9.4.7, 9.5.9, 9.2.8)

2. Understand the various types of paragraph formats and apply those understandings to their own writing (Standard 3, 5, 6)

Learning Goals:

a) Students will write a compare and contrast paragraph.

(9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3, 9.6.1, 9.6.2, 9.6.3, 9.6.4)

3. Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of non-fictional text (Standard 2, 3, 5, 6)

Learning Goals:

a) Students will understand the structure of and write various technical or workplace documents.

(9.5.5, 9.5.6, 9.6.1, 9.6.2, 9.6.3, 9.6.4)

b) Students will read and follow directions to complete a task using technical documents.

(9.2.1, 9.2.6, 9.2.5)

c) Students will analyze technical or workplace documents.


d) Students will understand the purpose of various technical and workplace documents.

(9.2.6, 9.2.)

4. Expand vocabulary techniques

Learning Goals:

e) Students will identify and understand word meanings from context clues and word roots.


f) Students will enhance everyday vocabulary and implications of these words.

(9.1.1, 9.1.3, 9.1.2)

5. Recognize and comprehend the various types of fictional text

Learning Goals:

i. Students will write responses to a wide variety of literature.

ii. Students will read literature from a variety of genre to interpret universal theme or topic.

iii. Students will discuss analysis of literature.

Basic English 9 Bundle #1 – Reading Comprehension Skills

|Standard Indicator: Standard 3 Reading: Comprehension & Analysis of Literary Text; Standard 5 Writing: Applications; Standard 7: Listening and Speaking |

|9.2.8 Make reasonable statements and draw conclusions about a text, supporting them with examples. |

|9.3.6 Analyze and trace an author’s development of time and sequence. |

|9.3.7 Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices. |

|9.3.8 Interpret and evaluate the impact of ambiguities, subtleties, contradictions, and ironies in a text. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of fictional text. |Processes |Writing Process |

|(Essential Outcomes) |Understand writing formats and apply those understandings to their own | |Reading Process |

| |writing. | | |

| |Expand vocabulary and concepts | | |

|Organizing | Students will read literature from variety of genre to interpret | | |

|Ideas |universal them or topic. | | |

|(Learning Goals) |Students will discuss analysis of literature. | | |

| |Students will write responses to a wide variety of literature. | | |

| |Students will identify and understand word meanings from context clues and | | |

| |word roots. | | |

|Details |1. Identify these structural underpinnings in literary |Skills |Identification of said structural aspects. Write to |

| |Selections: | |convey the importance/significance of plot, setting, |

| |point of view | |etc. in a particular literary piece. |

| |plot/chronology | |Write or discuss literary assessments about selections.|

| |plot structure | |Use text material to support their analysis or concept.|

| |setting | | |

| |theme | | |

| |character | | |

| |4. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root word meanings. | | |

|Vocabulary |Assessment Plot | | |

| |Concept | | |

| |Analysis | | |

| |Plot structure Character | | |

| |Text support Setting | | |

| |Identify Theme | | |

Basic English 9 Bundle # 2 – Informational Text

|Standard Indicator: Standard 2 Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Info Text ; Standard 5 Writing Applications; Standard 7 Listening and Speaking |

|9.2.1 Analyze the structure and format of reference or functional workplace documents, including the graphics and headers, and explain how authors use the features to achieve |

|their purpose. |

|9.2.5 Demonstrate use of technology by following directions in technical manuals. |

|9.2.6 Critique the logic of functional documents by examining the sequence of info and procedures in anticipation of possible reader misunderstandings. |

|9.2.7 Evaluate an author’s argument or defense of a claim examining the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which |

|the author’s intent affects the structure and tone of the text. |

|9.5.5 Write documents related to career developments. |

|9.5.6 Write technical documents. |

|9.7.16 Apply appropriate interviewing techniques. |

|9.7.4 Use props, visual aides, graphs, and electronic media to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentation. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts | Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of non-fictional text.|Processes |Writing Process |

| | | | |

| | | |Reading Process |

|Organizing |Students will understand the structure of technical or | | |

|Ideas |workplace documents. | | |

| |Students will understand how to accomplish a task through | | |

| |analysis of discussions of a technical document/manual. | | |

| |Students will analyze technical or workplace documents. | | |

| |Students will understand the purpose of various technical and workplace | | |

| |documents. | | |

|Details |Headers and graphics |Skills |Previewing and setting up purpose for reading. |

| |Logical or sequential designs | |Making predictions. |

| |Report information and express ideas logically and correctly. | |Making inferences. Write a technical document thank you|

| |Offer detailed and accurate specifications. | |letter, directions/instructions, etc. |

| | | |Summarize important information chronologically. |

|Vocabulary |Format | | |

| |Function Anticipate | | |

| |Workplace document Chronologically | | |

| |Technical document Jargon | | |

| |Logic/logical Table of Contents | | |

| |Headers Index | | |

| |Graphics Sequential | | |

Basic English 9 Bundle #3 – Fiction Genres and Analysis

|Standard Indicator: Standard 3 Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text Standard 5 Writing: Applications |

|9.3.2 Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic. |

|9.3.5 Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the views expressed in each work. |

|9.3.3 Analyze interactions between characters in a literary text and explain the way those interactions affect the plot. |

|9.3.11 Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of style, including the impact of diction and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme. |

|9.3.12 Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. |

|9.5.2 Write responses to literature that demonstrate comprehension; support ideas with evidence; demonstrate awareness of style and effects; and identify and assess the impact of |

|ambiguities, nuances, and complexities in text. |

|9.7.17 Deliver oral responses to literature understand the significance of works, support ideas through accurate and detailed references to the text and other works, etc. |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Recognize and comprehend the various types of fictional text. |Processes |Writing Process |

| |Understand the various types of paragraph formats and apply those | |Reading Process |

| |understandings to their own writing. | | |

|Organizing |Students will write responses to a wide variety of literature. | | |

|Ideas |Students will read literature from a variety of genre to interpret universal | | |

| |theme or topic. | | |

| |Students will discuss analysis of literature. | | |

| |Students will a compare and contrast ideas from literature. | | |

|Details | Identify theme in fiction, non-fiction short stories. |Skills |Compare and contrast the styles of various authors’ |

| |Identify topic in short stories | |works |

| |Know the parts of a paragraph. | |Write topic sentences |

| |Identify topic sentences, main idea, and details of a paragraph. | |Write a paragaph using main ideas and supporting |

| | | |details |

|Vocabulary |Misunderstanding | | |

| |Expectations | | |

| |Theme | | |

| |Compare/contrast | | |

| |Main idea | | |

Basic English 9 Bundle #4 – Research Skills

|Standard Indicator: Standard 4 Writing Process and features Standard 2 Reading Comprehension and Analysis Standard 5 Writing Applications |

|Structural Features 9.2.2 Bibliographies, |

|9.2.3 Research Questions, |

|9.2.4 Synthesize the content from several sources dealing with a single issue; |

|9.4.4, 9.4.5, 9.4.6, 9.4.7, 9.4.8, 9.4.9 Research Process and Technology, |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |1. Develop and apply research skills |Processes |Research process |

| | | |Find an appropriate topic |

| | | |Frame relevant research questions |

| | | |Gather appropriate sources |

| | | |Find facts and supporting ideas |

| | | |Interpret and evaluate research (credibility) |

|Organizing |Students will understand: | | |

|Ideas |how to develop a relevant research question | | |

| |use technology to appropriately find answers to | | |

| |research question | | |

| |develop topic sentence based on research | | |

| |question | | |

|Details |Students will be able to fit a specific research purpose to the task |Skills |Highlight/identify important information. |

| |Students will organize information be classifying categorizing, and | |Paraphrase |

| |sequencing. | |Use correct capitalization/punctuation |

| |Students will be evaluate their information for its relevance to the research| |Use consistent verb tenses |

| |question as well as for accuracy and credibility. | |Use an appropriate variety of sentence structures. |

|Vocabulary |Research question |Paraphrase |Topic sentence | | |

| | |Format |Electronic database | | |

| |Relevant |Summarize |Credibility | | |

| | |Direct quotation | | | |

Basic English 9 Assessment Plan Bundle #1

|Essential Outcome: |

|Develop and apply research skills |

|Understand the various types of paragraph formats and apply those understandings to their own writing |

|Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of non-fictional text |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Interpret theme or topic from literature – 1-3 multiple choice |

|Analyze literature for plot, fact, detail, opinion, character, and theme – 3-6 multiple choice |

|Respond to literature in writing – 1-2 extended response (short answer) |

|Use context clues to understand the meaning of words – 3-5 matching definitions |

|Describe assessment and timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative #1: |Read a passage and state the theme or |x |x | | |

|Students will read literature from variety of genre to|topic | | | | |

|interpret universal them or topic. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative #2: |Read a passage and will answer multiple|x |x | | |

|Students will discuss analysis of literature |choice questions in a written/oral | | | | |

|Students will write responses to a wide variety of |response for plot, detail, fact, | | | | |

|literature. |opinion, character, theme | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|3-6 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative #3: |Read a passage and match definitions to|x |x | | |

|Students will identify and understand word meanings |unfamiliar terms | | | | |

|from context clues and word roots | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

Basic English 9 Assessment Plan Bundle #2

|Essential Outcome: |

|Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of non-fictional text |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Structure of technical or workplace document –complete a 1 page workplace document |

|Accomplish a task by analyzing a technical document/manual –follow a set of directions with distractors |

|Analyze a technical or workplace document – complete a 1 page workplace document |

|Explain the purpose of technical or workplace documents –specify the purpose of the documents through matching |

|Describe assessment and timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative #1: |Complete a job application form |x |x | | |

|Students will understand/analyze the structure of | | | | | |

|technical or workplace documents. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative #2: |Written/oral 1-5 multiple choice |x | | | |

|Students will understand how to accomplish a task |questions in response to technical | | | | |

|through analysis of discussions of a technical |documents (bus schedule) | | | | |

|document/manual. | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative #3: |Student will read 3 workplace documents|x | | | |

|Students will understand the purpose of various |and match the purpose of each | | | | |

|technical and workplace documents. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

Basic English 9 Assessment Plan Bundle #3

|Essential Outcome: |

|Recognize and comprehend the purpose of various types of non-fictional text. |

|Understand the various types of paragraph formats and apply those understandings to their own writing. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Respond to literature – |

|Interpret the theme or topic from literature – Read 2-3 passages and fill out a compare/contrast matrix on theme and topic. |

|Analyze literature – |

|Compare and contrast ideas from literature - |

|Describe assessment and timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative #1: |Read 2-3 passages and answer |x |x | |x |

|Students will write responses to a wide variety of |written/oral multiple choice questions | | | | |

|literature. Students will read literature from a | | | | | |

|variety of genre to interpret universal theme or | | | | | |

|topic. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative #2: |Read 2-3 passages and fill out a |x |x | | |

|Students will discuss analysis of literature. Students|compare/contrast matrix. | | | | |

|will compare and contrast ideas from literature. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

Basic English 9 Assessment Plan Bundle #4

|Essential Outcome: |

|Develop and apply research skills |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Develop relevant research question – |

|Use technology to find answers to questions – Research question, answers to questions, and written topic sentence. |

|Develop topic sentence from research - |

|Describe assessment and timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance Skills |Products |

|Formative: #1 |Develop question individually with |x |x | |x |

|Students will develop a relevant research question |teacher/para. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative: #2 |Given a set of questions, student will |x |x | |x |

|Students will use technology to appropriately find |use computer to locate answers. | | | | |

|answers to research question | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline:2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative: #3 |Student will write a topic sentence |x |x | |x |

|Students will develop topic sentence based on research|using answers to questions from | | | | |

|question. |formative #2. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 2-3 weeks | | | | | |


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